International Extravaganza Championship Dog Shows Exhibition Park in Canberra 5-7 July 2019 Morning CATALOGUE Hosted by 2019 INTERNATIONAL EXTRAVAGANZA Championship Dog Shows Hosted by Dogs ACT Exhibition Park in Canberra, Mitchell ACT Budawang & Coorong Pavillions Friday 5, Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 July 2019 CONFORMATION CLASSES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 18 (DOGS AND BITCHES) Judging commences 8.30 am (AM shows) not before 1.00 pm (PM shows) JUNIOR HANDLER COMPETITION Sunday prior to General Specials PANEL OF JUDGES Satoshi Bessho (Japan) Johan Becerra (Peurto Rico) Carol Mucahy (Ireland) Steve Dainard (Canada) Pirjo Aaltonen (Finland) Tabatha Buckley (ACT) Carol Immelman (South Africa) SPONSORS INTERNATIONAL EXTRAVAGANZA OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Ingrid Matschke Photography Dogs ACT reserves the right to substitute judges or reallocate breeds from one judge to another should this be necessary. This show is conducted under the By-Laws of the ANKC. Please note the following excerpts from Dogs ACT Regulations: 4. Aggressive Dogs 4.1 Each owner, exhibitor or handler at a Show or Trial must take all action necessary to ensure that any dog under his or her control or responsibility does not behave in an aggressive manner. 4.2 Any person at a show or trial observing an incident where a dog has acted in an aggressive or savage manner causing actual damage or unreasonable danger to any person or exhibit, should report the incident to the Dogs ACT representative as soon as possible. Epic Advance Dog Sports Extravaganza - Saturday, July 06, 2019 Ch 16 Pts 12 Res 15 Group 1 - Toy Group Class 3a - Puppy Bitch Ms Carol Mulcahy (Ireland) 17 Rolfe K: ELCAVEL CHARISMA 2100507212 08-10-2018: Start Time: Absent Elfking Maker Of Mischief - Ch Elcavel Royal Empress Affenpinscher 18 Rolfe K: ELCAVEL DESIGNED WITH MAGIC 2100513257 28- Class 10 - Australian Bred Dog 2nd 12-2018: Elfking Maker Of Mischief - Elcavel Magic Happens 2 ROLFE K: AUST CH MAJOMARC ARCHIE 4100254260 26-01- 19 Sterrett M: ERTAE ROYAL CHALICE 2100505331 19-08- 1st 2015: Aust Ch Simias Sort Em - Roxbud Whats New Pussycat 1st* 2018: Ch Chevalove Royal Sovreign - Ertae Boozy Lady BOB-Ch 2 Dog Pts 6 Class 4a - Junior Bitch 21 Munro K & M: CHEVALOVE SECRET AFFAIRE 2100491287 Australian Silky Terrier 1st 22-01-2018: Nz Ch & Aust Ch Chevalove Foreign Affaire - Class 11 - Open Dog Chevalove Victorias Secret 3 Camac/Scales/Johnston: SUPREME CH BALKANA FIRE AND Class 10a - Australian Bred Bitch 1st ICE 3100347895 14-08-2016: No Uch Fin Ch Se Ch Nord Ch 22 Munro K & M: CHEVALOVE RED HOT LIL DEVIL 2100495953 Cib Sup Ch Curiosity Winner Takes It (Imp Fin) - Ch Balkana 15-03-2018: Sup Ch Matmor Colour Sergant - Cavhill Girl On Memory Lane 1st Fire BOB-Ch 3 Dog Pts 6 Class 11a - Open Bitch 23 Munro K & M: AUST CH CHEVALOVE IMPERIAL DESIGN Bichon Frise 1st 2100416808 10-10-2014: Nz Ch & Aust Sup Ch Redcrest Class 3 - Puppy Dog Royal Treasure (Imp Nz) - Neut Grd Ch & Nz Ch & Aust Grd Ch Innesveil Classic Design 4 Rowley/Vecchio: MOLLABRU PIST N BROKE 4100314288 1st* 30-07-2018: Ch Tejada Flat Broke N Busted - Ch Mollabru Ch 23 Pts 10 Res 21 Mark My Words BOB 16 Dog Pts 17 R/Up 23 Bitch Class 5 - Intermediate Dog 5 BRADNEY/TANCRED: CH KELZARKI DASHING DUDE Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) 1st 2100479730 16-06-2017: Ch Kelzarki Dash For Cash - Ch Kelzarki Beautiful Choice Class 3 - Puppy Dog Class 10 - Australian Bred Dog 27 Rhodes A: REYNOSA DIAMOND ROYALE 3100381908 28- 1st* 09-2018: Ch Diamonchi Diamond Dust - Ch Bramver’S 6 Dynon A: CH. MONJOIE JAY COOL BEAR 3100333430 21- Coryphee (Imp Jpn) 1st 11-2015: Ch Leeward's Bearsized Ego - Ch Monjoie Cool Summer Ch 27 Pts 6 Class 11 - Open Dog Class 4a - Junior Bitch 7 Newman M: CH MONJOIE DASH OF SUMMER 3100314365 28 Rhodes A: CH REYNOSA DIAMOND BALLERINA 2nd 22-10-2014: Ch.Leeward's Bearsize Ego (Imp Fin) - 1st 3100381906 28-09-2018: Ch Diamonchi Diamond Dust - Ch Ch.Monjoie Cool Summer Bramver’S Coryphee (Imp Jpn) 8 Skywalker K: CH. KELZARKI THE AUSSIE SPIRIT 2100426770 Ch 28 Pts 6 1st 03-01-2015: Ch. Kelzarki A Magic Choice - Kelzarki Heavenly Words BOB 28 Bitch Pts 7 R/Up 27 Dog BOB-Ch 8 Dog Pts 10 R/Up-Res 5 Dog Chinese Crested Dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Class 1 - Baby Puppy Dog Class 5 - Intermediate Dog 29 McGrath J: KARAKUSH DESIGNER STUBBLE 2100516499 1st* 26-02-2019: Ch Foklkvar Ultimo Atertae - Karakush Luv The 9 Hutchcraft L: CEELLEN OBERON 2100487558 23-10-2017: Skin Youre In Sup Ch Beljari Chasing The Sun - Ceellen Desdemona 3rd Class 3 - Puppy Dog 10 Leslie A & L: CHEVALOVE LIGHTNING MCQUEEN 30 Sterrett M: ERTAE STEP ASIDE IV ARRIVED 2100514107 04- 2100489747 27-12-2017: Melloway Lightning Bolt - Ch 1st 01-2019: Sup Ch Folkvar Ultimo At Ertae - Sup Ch Ertae 2nd Leather N Lace Chevalove Ohsuzanna 11 Munro K & M: CH CHEVALOVE LIGHTNING JACK Ch 30 Pts 6 2100489748 27-12-2017: Melloway Lighnig Bolt - Aust Ch 1st Class 3a - Puppy Bitch Chevalove Ohsuzanna 33 Harding P & G: ERTAE BLUSHING TO THE CROFT Class 10 - Australian Bred Dog 2nd 2100514114 25-12-2018: Ch Folkvar Ultimo At Ertae - Ch 13 Hutchcraft/Hennessy: CH CEELLEN TOY BOY 2100363170 Etrae Undress To Impress 1st 24-05-2012: Ch Clopsville Rico Chico (Imp Uk) - Ceellen Holy 35 Sterrett M: ERTAE SATIN AND BLACK LACE 2100514110 04- Moly 1st* 01-2019: Sup Ch Folkvar Ultimo At Ertae - Sup Ch Ertae 14 MUNRO K & M: CH CHEVALOVE NOBEL BY DESIGN Leather N Lace 2100416809 10-10-2014: Nz Ch Sup Ch Redcrest Royal 2nd Class 5a - Intermediate Bitch Treasure (Imp Nzl) - Nz Ch Gr Ch Neut Ch Innesveil Classic Design 36 McGrath J: PRIMA DONNA Z JASNE HVEZDY (IMP CZE) 1st cmku/cin/6300/17 12-03-2017: C.I.B.Eshley Maulebi Class 11 - Open Dog Star(Cze) - Sharol Shi Shri Lanka (Rus) 15 Letson C: CH CHEVALOVE ROYAL SOVERIGN 2100470905 Class 10a - Australian Bred Bitch 2nd 23-02-2017: Nzch,Supch.Redcrest Royal Treasure (Impnzl) - Ch Ertae Nebrasken Pennie 37 Sterrett M: CH. ERTAE LEATHER N LACE 2100417427 20-10- 2014: Ch. Sherabill Just A Gigolo - Ch. Bareitall Masquerade 16 Perkiss T & K: SUP CH TIKIMI SMOOTH CRIMINAL 1st 1st 2100482543 28-08-2017: Sup Ch Cavalierlove Pollys Pride - Edenridge Flirting With Fire Powered by ShowManager.com.au Championship Show - Page 1 of 28 Absent:________ Epic Advance Dog Sports Extravaganza - Saturday, July 06, 2019 Ch 37 Pts 9 Res 35 Italian Greyhound Class 3 - Puppy Dog BOB 37 Bitch Pts 10 R/Up 35 Bitch 51 Reeve/Hardwicke: PICCINO FLAG OF HONOUR 2100503867 1st* 08-08-2018: Piccino Megastar - Am.Ch.Am.Gr Ch. English Toy Terrier (Black & Tan) Maplewood's Be Dazzled (Imp Usa) Class 10 - Australian Bred Dog Class 4 - Junior Dog Saunders P: CH YURRUGAR INDIANA JONES 3100370662 38 Friend M: AUST CH OAKWAY REIGN OV FAME 4100303240 11-12-2017: Am Ch Aust Ch Saint Lazar's Atom Ant At Ebet 52 1st 16-02-2018: Ch Uwharrie Artesia Outback Flyer ( Imp Usa ) - (Imp Usa) - Yurrugar Rapt In Ribbons 1st Ch Oakway Gold Reign Ch 38 Pts 6 Class 11 - Open Dog Class 5a - Intermediate Bitch 53 Reeve S & M: CH PICCINO VICAR OF DIBLEY 2100458613 39 Saunders P: CH YURRUGAR PARTY POPPER 3100353556 1st 08-08-2016: Sup Ch Piccino Casanova - Am.Gr Ch. Gioia 01-01-2017: Ch Yurrugar Who Shot Jr - Yurrugar Runway Mia's Moulin Rouge At Honore' (Imp Usa) 1st Model Ch 53 Pts 8 Res 51 Ch 39 Pts 6 Class 5a - Intermediate Bitch BOB 38 Dog Pts 7 R/Up 39 Bitch 54 McAlpine B: CH KOATIPONI BONITA CATARI 3100366304 1st 04-11-2017: Ch Berizza Bigger Than Texas - Ch Tunamara Delta Griffon Bruxellois Class 11 - Open Dog Ch 54 Pts 6 40 Bell/Mills/Norman: SUPREME CH TZANI ZAZU ZODIAK BOB 54 Bitch Pts 9 R/Up 53 Dog 1st 2100440541 22-11-2015: Ch Tzani Tigger Brat Bunny - Gr Ch Tzani Rhoda Dendron Maltese BOB-Ch 40 Dog Pts 6 Class 11 - Open Dog 56 Beckley L: AUST CH VAHLIA MASQUERADE 3100332061 05- Havanese 1st 10-2015: Vahlia Rhapsody Encore - Ch Vahlia Panache Class 3 - Puppy Dog 41 Ransom G: KARYME FUNKY SPACEMAN 2100506632 08- BOB-Ch 56 Dog Pts 6 1st* 08-2018: Supreme Ch Karyme Heartbeat Atmy Feet - Ch Karyme Moon Face Papillon Class 11 - Open Dog Class 3 - Puppy Dog Neave/Scheiris/Lucas: AM.GR.CHG., CAN.GR.CH., 42 Sarif M: PINKLEE GET INTO A FIX 3100381502 16-09-2018: POL.JR.CH., LIT.JR.CH. THAT'S SUN RAY AT PILOSUS 58 2nd Ch.Pinklee Benjamin Franklin - Ch.Pinklee Brookylns Glory (IMP.USA) TS24072404 05-11-2014: Am.Gr.Ch. That's One 1st Nirvana Couldn't Kill - Am.Ch. That's Mendota's Sassy Soul Sister Class 5 - Intermediate Dog 43 Ransom G: INTL CH. SUPREME CH. KARYME HEARTBEAT 59 Cherry/Sarif: PINKLEE IM A GAMBLING MAN 3100368171 1st ATMY FEET 2100403258 04-03-2014: Grand Ch Cubet The 1st 08-12-2017: Sup.Ch. Treschic Casino Royale - Ch. Pinklee Sheik Ov Araby - Edelpark Havna Chat Bell Of The Ball Ch 43 Pts 8 Res 42 Class 10 - Australian Bred Dog Sarif M: AUST CH PINKLEE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Class 1a - Baby Puppy Bitch 60 1st 3100343164 08-06-2016: Ch.Kwana Jon Connor - Basilika 44 Ransom G: KARYME JEWEL IN THE CROWN 2100517808 Olympia Gold 1st* 24-02-2019: C.A.B Supreme Ch Karyme Heartbeat Atmy Feet - Ch Oleala Glitterati Ch 60 Pts 8 Res 59 Class 3a - Puppy Bitch Class 3a - Puppy Bitch 45 Ransom G: KARYME I LOVE TROUBLE 2100511363 17-12- 61 Cherry G: PINKLEE WONDERFUL TIME 3100381505 16-09- 1st 2018: Ch Karyme Magellan Cantaurus - Ch Karyme Your 1st* 2018: Ch.
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