08.12.2014 1 C O N T E N T S Sixteenth Series, Vol.VI, Third Session, 2014/1936 (Saka) No.11, Monday, December 8, 2014/Agrahayana 17, 1936 (Saka) S U B J E C T P A G E S WELCOME TO PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION 2 FROM ROMANIA REFERENCE BY THE SPEAKER 3 Reported loss of lives of eight Army personnel, three policemen and two civilians in four serial terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir on 05 December, 2014 ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ∗Starred Question No.201 to 205 9-48 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos.206 to 220 49-125 Unstarred Question Nos.2301 to 2530 126-567 ∗ The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 08.12.2014 2 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 568-573 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 8th Report 574 STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS (i)Status of implementation of the recommendations contained in the 34th Report of the Standing Committee on Social Justice on Demands for Grants (2013-14), petaining to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs Shri Jual Oram 575 (ii) Incident of sexual assault of a woman by a cab driver in Delhi on 5/6.12.2014 Shri Rajnath Singh 591-592 CORRECTING REPLY TO UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 147 DATED 24TH NOVEMBER, 2014, REGARDING AMENDMENTS TO LABOUR LAWS ALONGWITH REASONS FOR DELAY Shri Bandaru Dattatreya 576-590 SUBMISSIONS BY MEMBERS (i)Re : Alleged attack on churches in Delhi and other parts of the country 594-597 (ii)Re : Inhuman treatment towards the martyrs of Chhatishgarh Naxal Attack 723-724 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 618-631 (i) Need to provide land lying unutilized with Forests and Railway Departments to landless labourers for farming. Shri Kaushal Kishore 618 (ii) Need to provide adequate passenger facilities at Darbhanga railway station in Bihar and also beef up security system at the station. Shri Kirti Azad 619 08.12.2014 3 (iii) Need to provide the minimum pension of Rs. 1,000/- to all the eligible EPF pensioners Shri Ramdas C. Tadas 619 (iv) Need to ensure social security of employees working in news channels rendered jobless or facing the threat of retrenchment in the country Shri Prahlad Singh Patel 620 (v) Need to ensure proper operation of sewage treatment plants in the country Shri Sharad Tripathi 621 (vi) Need to shut down slaughter houses in Unnao district, Uttar Pradesh causing pollution of Lon river of the region and posing a serious health hazard to the people of the region Dr. Swami Sakshiji Maharaj 622 (vii) Need to undertake doubling of Jhansi-Manikpur and Banda-Kanpur railway lines in Uttar Pradesh and also increase the frequency of trains running on these routes Shri Bhairon Prasad Mishra 623 (viii) Need to establish a centre for Cotton Excellence in Gujarat Dr. Kirit P. Solanki 624 (ix) Need to take appropriate action regarding dumping of uniform and shoes of jawans of CRPF in a garbage pile martyred in naxal attack in Sukma District of Chhattisgarh Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu 625 08.12.2014 4 (x) Need to construct an alternative approach road to Namakkal Railway Station in Tamil Nadu and augment train services in Namakkal Parliamentary Constituency Shri P.R. Sundaram 626 (xi) Need to construct a flyover or subway at level crossings at Krishnanagar and Bethuadahari in Nadia in Krishnanagar Parliamentary Constituency, West Bengal Shri Tapas Paul 627 (xii) Need to construct a flyover between Khandagiri Square-Kolathia Chhak in Bhubaneswar, Odisha Shri Prasanna Kumar Patasani 628 (xiii) Need to develop mega tourist circuits in Telangana Shri B. Vinod Kumar 629 (xiv) Need to increase the honorarium of teachers and helpers engaged in Child Welfare Scheme Shri P. Karunakaran 630 (xv) Need to take stringent action against quacks and doctors indulging in unethical medical practices in the country. Shri Rajesh Ranjan 631 REPEALING AND AMENDING (SECOND) BILL, 2014 632-651 Shri M. Veerappa Moily 632-635 Shri Kalyan Banerjee 636-641 Shri Dushyant Chautala 643 Shri Rajesh Ranjan 644 08.12.2014 5 Dr. A. Sampath 645-646 Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda 647-648 Clauses 2 to 4 and 1 649-650 Motion to Pass 651 DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY 652 GRANTS – (GENERAL), 2014-15 PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT SYSTEMS 652 (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2014 DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 654-722 Natural calamities in various parts of the country Shri Keshav Prasad Maurya 654-656 Shri Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury 657-659 Shri Kirti Azad 660-666 Shrimati P.K. Sreemathi Teacher 667-669 Dr. Ratna De (Nag) 670-672 Shrimati Kothapalli Geetha 673-674 Shrimati Santosh Ahlawat 675-676 Shri Gaurav Gogoi 677-678 Shri Rajesh Ranjan 679-681 Shri Dharmendra Yadav 682-683 Shri Dharam Vira Gandhi 684-685 Shri Nana Patole 686-687 Dr. Arun Kumar 688 Shri E.T. Mohammad Basheer 689-691 Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey 692-694 Shri Kaushalendra Kumar 695-696 Shrimati Kavitha Kalvakuntla 697-699 08.12.2014 6 Adv. Joice George 700-701 Shri Daddan Mishra 702-703 Shri Ashok Shankarrao Chavan 704-705 Shrimati Krishna Raj 706-707 Shri Kiren Rijiju 708-719 ANNEXURE – I Member-wise Index to Starred Questions 725 Member-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 726-731 ANNEXURE – II Ministry-wise Index to Starred Questions 732 Ministry-wise Index to Unstarred Questions 733 08.12.2014 7 OFFICERS OF LOK SABHA THE SPEAKER Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan THE DEPUTY SPEAKER Dr. M. Thambidurai PANEL OF CHAIRPERSONS Shri Arjun Charan Sethi Shri Hukmdeo Narayan Yadav Prof. K.V. Thomas Shri Anandrao Adsul Shri Prahlad Joshi Dr. Ratna De (Nag) Shri Ramen Deka Shri Konakalla Narayana Rao Shri Hukum Singh SECRETARY GENERAL Shri Anoop Mishra 08.12.2014 8 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA ---------- Monday, December 8, 2014/Agrahayana 17, 1936 (Saka) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock [HON. SPEAKER in the Chair] 08.12.2014 9 WELCOME TO PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION FROM ROMANIA HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have to make an announcement. On my own behalf and on behalf of the hon. Members of the House, I have great pleasure in welcoming His Excellency Mr. Valeriu Stefan Zgonea, President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Romania and the members of the Romanian Parliamentary Delegation who are on a visit to India as our honoured guests. They arrived in India on Saturday, 6th December, 2014, and have visited Fatehpur Sikri and Agra. They are now seated in the Special Box. We wish them a happy and fruitful stay in our country. India has had very good relations with Romania. Through them we convey our greetings and best wishes to the Parliament, the Government and the friendly people of Romania. 08.12.2014 10 11.03 hrs. REFERENCE BY THE SPEAKER Reported loss of lives of eight Army personnel, three policemen and two civilians in four serial terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir on 05 December, 2014 àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ +ÉvªÉFÉ : àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ ºÉnºªÉMÉhÉ, 5 ÉÊnºÉƤɮ, 2014 BÉEÉä VÉààÉÚ-BÉE¶àÉÉÒ® àÉå SÉÉ® gÉßÆJÉãÉɤÉr +ÉÉiÉÆBÉEÉÒ càÉãÉÉå àÉå +ÉÉ~ ºÉäxÉÉ BÉEàÉÉÔ, iÉÉÒxÉ {ÉÖÉÊãɺÉBÉEàÉÉÔ iÉlÉÉ nÉä xÉÉMÉÉÊ®BÉEÉå BÉEä àÉÉ®ä VÉÉxÉä BÉEÉÒ ºÉÚSÉxÉÉ ÉÊàÉãÉÉÒ cè* ºÉ£ÉÉ <xÉ BÉEɪɮiÉÉ{ÉÚhÉÇ càÉãÉÉå, ÉÊVÉxÉBÉEä BÉEÉ®hÉ ¶ÉÉäBÉE ºÉÆiÉ{iÉ {ÉÉÊ®´ÉÉ®Éå iÉlÉÉ SÉÉä]OɺiÉ BªÉÉÎBÉDiɪÉÉå BÉEÉä BªÉlÉÉ iÉlÉÉ {É®ä¶ÉÉÉÊxɪÉÉÄ ZÉäãÉxÉÉÒ {ɽÉÒ cé, BÉEä |ÉÉÊiÉ +É{ÉxÉÉÒ MÉc®ÉÒ ºÉÆ´ÉänxÉÉ BªÉBÉDiÉ BÉE®iÉÉÒ cè* ºÉ£ÉÉ +É¤É ÉÊn´ÉÆMÉiÉ +ÉÉiàÉÉ+ÉÉäÆ BÉEä ºÉààÉÉxÉ àÉå lÉÉä½ÉÒ nä® àÉÉèxÉ JɽÉÒ ®cäMÉÉÒ* 11.04 hrs. The Members then stood in silence for short while. 08.12.2014 11 SHRI MALLIKARJUN KHARGE (GULBARGA): Madam Speaker, I am sorry. I do not want to interrupt the business of the House but I would just like to bring one thing to your kind notice. 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