Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 5 April2013 Mr. John Greenewald Reference: F-20 13-0 1224 Dear Mr. Greenewald: This is a final response to your electronic Freedom of Information Act request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 26 March 2013, for information pertaining to Operation Gladio. We searched our database of previously released records and located the enclosed 20 documents, consisting of 91 pages, which we believe to be responsive to your request. Please be advised that these documents were released in connection with earlier requests for records on other subjects. Because you are entitled to the first 100 pages free, there is no charge for these documents. With respect to any other records, In accordance with section 3.6(a) of Executive Order 13526, the CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to your request. The fact of the existence or nonexistence of requested records is currently and properly classified and is intelligence sources and methods information that is protected from disclosure by section 6 of the CIA Act of 1949, as amended, and section 102A(i)(l) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended. Therefore, your request is denied pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(l) and (b)(3). As the CIA Information and Privacy Coordinator, I am the CIA official responsible for this determination. You have the right to appeal this response to the Agency Release Panel, in my care, within 45 days from the date of this letter. Please include the basis of your appeal. Sincerely, ./(~~ Michele Meeks Information and Privacy Coordinator Enclosures Explanation of Exemptions Freedom of Information Act: (b)(1) exempts from disclosure information currently and properly classified, pursuant to an Executive Order; (b )(2) exempts from disclosure information, which pertains solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of the Agency; (b)(3) exempts from disclosure information that another federal statute protects, provided that the other federal statute either requires that the matters be withheld, or establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld. The (b)(3) statutes upon which the CIA relies include, but are not limited to, the CIA Act of 1949; (b)(4) exempts from disclosure trade secrets and commercial or financial information that is obtained from a person and that is privileged or confidential; (b )(5) exempts from disclosure inter-and intra-agency memoranda or letters that would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency; (b)(6) exempts from disclosure information from personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy; (b)(7) exempts from disclosure information compiled for law enforcement purposes to the extent that the production of the information (A) could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings; (B) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication; (C) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; (D) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source or, in the case of information compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in the course of a criminal investigation or by an agency conducting a lawful national security intelligence investigation, information furnished by a confidential source ; (E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law; or (F) could reasonably be expected to endanger any individual's life or physical safety; (b )(8) exempts from disclosure information contained in reports or related to examination, operating, or condition reports prepared by, or on behalf of, or for use of an agency responsible for regulating or supervising financial institutions; and (b )(9) exempts from disclosure geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, concerning wells. April2012 C00100341 UNCLASSIFIED Inquire: DOC20D Item No: 467393 HEADER: RTTUZYUW RUCWAAA4881 3331558 MTHS-UUUU--RUEBHAA. ZNR UUUUU ZYN R 291558Z NOV 91 FM FBIS RESTON VA TO RUETIAV/MPC FT GEO G MEADE MD RUEKJCS/DEFINTAGNCY WASH DC RUEHIA/USIA WASHINGTON DC//P/R// RUEBFGA/VOA WASH DC RUCBSAA/FICEURLANT NORFOLK VA RUDMMIC/NAVMARINTCEN WASHINGTON DC RUDOOPA/AFOSI DET 6220 TORREJON AB SP//CC// RUFHOM/AMEMBASSY ROME RUKRAAA/7275ABG SAN VITO DEI NORMANNI AS IT//PA// RUDOGHA/USNMR SHAPE BE//PIO// RUFTAKA/USAINTELCTRE HEIDELBERG GE//AEAGB-PD-CUR// RUESFV/FBIS VIENNA AU RUDKMKE/FBIS LONDON UK RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC//EUR/WE// RUDOMAA/AFOSI DIST 62 UXBRIDGE UK//IVOA// RUEBHAA/STORAGE CENTER FBIS RESTON VA ACCT FBWA-EWDK BT CONTROLS: UNCLAS /PMU SERIAL: 92ES0228A !*********** THIS IS A COMBINED MESSAGE ************/ BODY: PASS: ONLY ED COUNTRY: ITALY SUBJ: TAKE 1 OF 2--PDS ATTACKS COSSIGA ON CSM POLICY SOURCE: ROME LA REPUBBLICA IN IT ALlAN 22 NOV 91 P 2 TEXT: ¢ARTICLE BY STEFANO HARRON!: "OCCHETTO GOES ON THE ATTACK: NOT ONE MINUTE MORE"--FIRST PARAGRAPH IS LA REPUBBLICA INTRODUCTION! ¢TEXT! THERE IS GOING TO BE A BATTLE IN PARLIAMENT. THE SECRETARY OF THE PDS ¢DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE LEFT! IS TAKING THE ROAD THAT LEADS TO A REQUEST FOR THE "IMPEACHMENT" OF THE HEAD OF STATE, WHO IS ACCUSED OF HAVING PERFORMED A SERIES OF ACTS THAT HAY BE CONSTRUED AS AN "ATTEMPT ON THE CONSTITUTION." ROME--OCCHETTO IS CROSSING THE RIVER AND TAKING THE FIELD AGAINST COSSIGA, TAKING THE PATH THAT LEADS TO A REQUEST FOR THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE HEAD OF STATE. THE ACCUSATION IS THAT HE HAS PERFORMED A SERIES OF ACTS WHICH IN SUBSTANCE MODIFY THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND /l.pprovect for Rolcas~~ Date ~MAR 1991' UNCLASSIFIED Page- ~7 C00100341 UNCLASSIFIED CHANGE THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE AUTHORITIES IN THE STATE, WHICH IS AS THOUGH TO SAY "ATTEMPT ON THE CONSTITUTION." THIS IS A DRAMATIC STEP, THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF A DIFFICULT BATTLE IN PARLIAMENT AND IN THE COUNTRY. BUT AS THINGS ARE, THE SECRETARY OF THE PDS REPEATS, "ONE CANNOT CONTINUE FOR ONE MORE MINUTE." OFFICIALLY, THE DECISION TO PROPOSE PUTTING THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC UNDER ACCUSATION IS STILL TO BE TAKEN. AND TO FORMALIZE IT, IT WILL PROBABLY BE NECESSARY TO WAIT UNTIL THE END OF NEXT WEEK. BUT POLITICALLY THE SIGNAL SENT YESTERDAY EVENING BY THE LEADER OF THE OAK TREE ¢PDS SYMBOL! IS UNEQUIVOCAL, HAVING BEEN REACHED AFTER A SERIES OF UPROARIOUS MEETINGS AT BOTTEGHE OSCURE ¢PDS HEADQUARTERS! AND AT THE END OF A DAY MARKED BY AN EXCHANGE OF COMMUNIQUES THAT BROUGHT THE CLASH BETWEEN THE PDS AND THE QUIRINAL£ ¢PRESIDENTIAL PALACE! TO WHITE HEAT. IN AN ATMOSPHERE THAT ALREADY SEEMS LIKE WAR, THE GO-AHEAD CAME A LITTLE AFTER 1800. THE PRESS OFFICE HAD JUST FINISHED DISTRIBUTING A MIMEOGRAPHED SHEET WITH OCCHETTO'S UNYIELDING REPLY TO THE NOTE WITH WHICH COSSIGA HAD SHARPLY REBUTTED THE ACCUSATION, WHICH WAS NOT_ EVEN VERY VEILED, THAT HE HAD WANTED TO PUT A GAG ON THE CSM ¢SUPERIOR COUNCIL OF THE MAGISTRACY! AS TO QUESTIONS THAT INVOLVE MASONRY AND TRAFFIC IN TANKS WITH LIBYA. -IN IT, IT IS WRITTEN THAT "THE PROBLEM NOW IS TO KNOW WHETHER THERE IS STILL A CONSTITUTION IN THIS COUNTRY," AND WHETHER IT "IS RESPECTED BY EVERYONE, BEGINNING WITH THE HIGHEST POSITION IN THE STATE." AND THAT BY NOW ONLY THE PARLIAMENT CAN RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM WITHOUT WAITING "ONE MORE MINUTE." A HASTILY PENNED NOTE THE MEANING SEEMS CLEAR ALREADY. BUT WHEN THE SECRETARY COMES DOWN FROM THE SECOND FLOOR AND GETS READY TO LEAVE FOR FLORENCE, HE HAS A HASTILY PENNED NOTE IN HIS HAND: "FEW WORDS, 11 HE ANNOUNCES, "BUT EXPLOSIVE ONES." AND WHEN THE REPORTERS SURROUND HIM TO ASK FOR ENLIGHTENMENT, THE ANSWER IS IMMEDIATE: "THE MEANING OF THE COMMUNIQUE IS EXACTLY WHAT ONE THINKS. A SERIES OF ACTIONS ARE BEING TAKEN," HE SAID IN FRONT OF THE REPORTERS' NOTEPADS, "WHICH CONSTITUTE A MODIFICATION OF THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND OF THE RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE VA~IOUS STATE AUTHORITIES. IT IS MY CONVICTION THAT THIS SITUATION MUST LEND ITSELF TO A CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE PRESIDENT'S ACTS. WE ARE A RESPONSIBLE PARTY THAT DOES NOT TAKE NERVOUS ACTIONS HAVING AN ELECTIONEERING FLAVOR," ADDED OCCHETTO, "AND MOST OF ALL WE ARE A DEMOCRATIC PARTY. I AM GOING TO GIVE ORDERS TO OUR COLLEGIAL BODIES, AND FIRST OF ALL TO THE PARLIAMENTARY GROUPS, TO EVALUATE, BEGINNING WITH TIME FRAMES AND MODALITIES, THE PROCEDURES AND INITIATIVES THAT MUST FLOW AS A CONSEQUENCE FROM THIS DECLARATION." THE DIE HAS BEEN CAST, AND AT BOTTEGHE OSCURE THEY CONFIRM THAT THIS TIME THEY REALLY MEAN IT, THAT THEY ARE GOING AHEAD, AND THAT THEY ARE GOING ON TO THE END: "THE RIGHT PATH HAS BEEN TAKEN, " SAYS STEFANO RODOTA, PRESIDENT OF THE PDS, "WE COULD NO LONGER STAND BY AND WATCH." AND THIS IS THE PERCEPTION OF THE ADVERSARIES OF THE PDS, WHO, FROM GIULIANO AMATO TO RENATO ALTISSIHO, FROM GIANNI PRANDINI TO SALVO ANDO AND TO ALBERTO CIAMPAGLIA, IMMEDIATELY OPENED UP A PROTECTIVE FIRE AGAINST THE "IRRESPONSIBLE INITIATIVE OF UNCLASSIFIED Page 48 c oo1oo341 UNCLASSIFIED OCCHETTO." THUS THE BOUNDARIES OF THE GROUP THAT WILL OPPOSE THE HOVE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE PDS WITHOUT RESERVE ARE ALREADY FIXED, A GROUP THAT WILL INEVITABLY SEE THE PSI ¢ITALIAN SOCIALIST PARTY! ONCE AGAIN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BARRICADES, AND WHICH--LEAVING ASIDE UNLIKELY SURPRISES--OUGHT TO SUCCEED IN THE END, THROUGH FORCE OF NUMBERS, IN BLOCKING THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. UP UNTIL A FEW DAYS AGO, THIS ALSO WAS AMONG THE ELEMENTS THAT HELD THE PDS BACK ON THE BANKS OF THE RUBICON: THE FEAR OF ISOLATION AND OF A SPLIT WITH CRAXI, THE CONVICTION THAT COSSIGA IS VERY POPULAR, THE FEELING THAT THE PRINCIPAL VICTIM OF HIS "JABS" WAS THE DC ¢CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY!, ITS MEN, AND ITS "REGIME." THESE WERE POLITICAL CONCERNS THAT THE REFORMERS ABOVE ALL--BUT ALSO OCCHETTO PEOPLE LIKE CLAUDIO PETRUCCIOLI--FORCEFULLY MAINTAINED.
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