INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Prof. PUŞCAŞ Vasile Address(es) 11 Napoca Street, Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA Telephone(s) Phone: + 4026 4598456 Mobile: +4 0723300117 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Romanian Date of birth July 8th 1952 Gender Male Occupational field International relations and negotiations Contemporary History of the International Relations Central and Eastern Europe in the XXth Century International Relations Business Relations and Conflicts Management in Central and Eastern Europe in the XXth Century International Relations Work experience 1995 – present Professor of International Relations, Faculty of History and Philosophy, “Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca 2000 – present PHD coordinator in international relations, Faculty of History and Philosophy, “Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca 2000 – present Visiting Professor, IUISE-Gorizia-Trieste 1999 – present Head of Institute for International Studies, Cluj-Napoca Page /27 - Curriculum vitae of 1 Vasile PUSCAS 2002 – present Member of the National Committee for Certification of Scientific Titles and Diplomas (Ministry of Research and Education) 2002 – 2009 Member of the research team at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Romanian Academy, Bucharest 2000 – 2007 Director, Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations, Romanian Academy, Bucharest 1999 – 2000 Head of Journalism and Training in Communication Centre, Cluj- Napoca 1999 – 2000 Director of the Master Program in the International Affairs Management, ISI 1995 Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Public Administration, “Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca 1993 – 1995 Assistant professor, department of Contemporary History, BBU, Cluj- Napoca 1990 – 1993 Lecturer, department of Contemporary History, BBU, Cluj-Napoca 1990 – 1991 Vice-dean, Faculty of History and Philosophy, BBU, Cluj-Napoca 1990 – 1991 Head of Democratic and Post-communist Studies Center, BBU, Cluj- Napoca 1979 – 1990 University Assistant, Faculty of History and Philosophy BBU, Cluj- Napoca Education and training Dates 1991 Title of qualification PhD awarded Page /27 - Curriculum vitae of 2 Vasile PUSCAS Name and type of “Babeş – Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca organization providing education and training Dates 1976 Title of qualification History and Social Sciences License Degree awarded Name and type of Faculty of History and Philosophy, “Babes Bolyai University”, Cluj- organization providing Napoca education and training Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Romanian Other language(s) Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken interaction production Language C2 English C2 English C2 English C2 English C1 English Language C2 French C2 French C2 French C2 French C1 French B1 Italian B1 Italian B1 Italian B1 Italian A1 Italian (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Additional information PUBLIC ACTIVITY December 2008 – October 2009: Minister for European Affairs, Government of Romania 2010 – present: founding member of the Cluj-Napoca 2020 – European Capital Association 2009 – present: member of the Sustainable European Development, Association, Cluj-Napoca 2007 – present: member of the European Movement, Romania 2005 – 2008: member of the board, Carpathian Foundation December 2000 – December 2008: Member of Parliament, Secretary of the Parliamentary Committee of European Affaires Member of External Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies Chairman of the Romania – Denmark Friendship Group Member of the Romania - Netherlands Friendship Group Member of the Romania - Azerbaijan Friendship Group Page /27 - Curriculum vitae of 3 Vasile PUSCAS 2001 – 2004: Minister Delegate, Chief Negotiator with the EU 1992 – 1994: Ministerial Counselor, DCM, Romanian Embassy, Washington D.C. 1992 – 1994: Charge d’Affaires / Ambassador a.i. (1993-1994) 1991 – 1992: Head of Romanian Cultural Center, New York EDITORIAL ACTIVITY Editorial Board, IUIES Journal (Gorizia), Editorial Board, ISIG Journal (Gorizia) “Central European Issues” (Bucharest ) “Central European Political Science Review” (Budapest) “Dosarele Istoriei” (Bucharest) “Eastern Journal of European Studies”, Centre for European Studies, Al. Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi “Foreign Policy” Romania „Revista de Studii Politice şi Relaţii Internaţionale” (Bucharest) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Board of Governors IUISE-Gorizia-Trieste, Italy, Scientific Committee ISIG Gorizia – Trieste, Italy, Commission for International Relations History, New York Political Sciences Academy, Romanian Historians Society, Commission for Military History, Steering Committee, European Institute, Bucharest, Advisory Board, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin International Law and International Relations Association, Bucharest European Institute of Florence European Law Society, Bucharest DISTINCTIONS AND AWARDS 2002: “Who’s who” Award for achievement in the Field of International Relations 2002: Medal of Honor “Steaua Romaniei” (The Star of Romania) received from the President of Romania 28.01.2003: Lions Club of Cluj Napoca - ,, Certificate of Appreciation'' - in appreciation of the invaluable services rendered for European Integration 18.12.2003: OSKAR special prize for European integration – Capital 2005: Diplomat of the year 2004, (Nine O` Clock) 13.05.2005: Mass-Media Awards Gala, Special prize for the Page /27 - Curriculum vitae of 4 Vasile PUSCAS contribution to the Romanian European Integration 2007: TVR International Gala, Special prize for the contribution to the Romanian European Integration 2008: The “Comenius” prize, Babes - Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca 2009: “Ambasador” Award, Press - 2009 2009: Romanian Academy Award “Mihail Kogalniceanu” for the volume România spre Uniunea Europeană. Negocierile de aderare (2000- 2004), Iasi, Institutul European, 2007 2010: “Crucea Transilvaniei” Medal (The Cross of Transylvania), received from the Cluj, Alba, Crisana and Maramures Orthodox Church 2010: Cluj Citizens Award 2010: Romanian Academy’s Excellence Diploma for research in Contemporary History 2010: Babes-Bolyai University Excellence Prize for History PUBLICATIONS Books - author - International /Transnational Relations, Gorizia-Trieste, IUIES, 2009 - Euro-Topics, Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, 2009 - Teme europene, Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, 2008 - România: de la preaderare la postaderare, Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, 2008 - România spre Uniunea Europeană. Negocierile de aderare (2000-2004), Iasi, Institutul European, 2007 – volume awarded the Romanian Academy “Mihail Kogălniceanu” - Relatii Internationale/Transnationale, ed a II-a, Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, 2007 - România şi iar România. Note pentru o istorie a prezentului, Cluj- Napoca, Eikon, 2007 - European Negotiations. A Study Case: The Romania’s Accession to EU, Gorizia, IUIES, 2006 - “Sticks and Carrots”. Regranting the Most-Favored-Nation Status for Romania (US Congress, 1990-1996) / “Bastoane şi Morcovi”, Reacordarea clauzei naţiunii celei mai favorizate (Congresul SUA, 1990-1996), Cluj- Napoca: Eikon, 2006. - Relaţii internaţionale/transnaţionale, Cluj-Napoca: Sincron, 2005 - Negociind cu Uniunea Europeană, 6 volumes, Bucharest, 2003, 2005: - vol. I - „Documente iniţiale de poziţie la capitolele de negociere” (2003) - vol. II – „Initial Position Documents” (2003) - vol. III – „Preparing the External Environment of Negotiations” (2003) Page /27 - Curriculum vitae of 5 Vasile PUSCAS - vol. IV – „Pregătirea mediului intern de negociere” (2003) - vol. V – „Pregătirea mediului de negociere, 2003 – 2004” (2005) - vol. VI – „Comunicarea publică şi negocierea pentru aderare, 2003 – 2004” (2005) - Universitate-Societate-Modernizare, Presa Univ. Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 1995; Ediţia a II-a, 2003 - Speranţă şi disperare - Negocieri româno-aliate, 1943-1944, Bucharest, Ed.Litera, 1995; Ediţia a II-a, 2003 - Relaţii internaţionale contemporane, Cluj-Napoca, Sincron, 1999; Ediţia a II-a, 2003 - Căderea României în Balcani, Cluj-Napoca, Dacia, 2000 - Pulsul istoriei în Europa Centrală, Cluj-Napoca, Sincron, 1998 - Transilvania şi aranjamentele europene. 1940-1944, Cluj-Napoca, Ed.FCR, 1995 - Alma Mater Napocensis – Idealul universităţii moderne, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. FCR 1994 - Dr. Petru Groza – pentru o „lume nouă”, Editura Dacia, 1985 (the whole edition was censored and burnt) Books - editor and co-author - US-Romanian Relations in the Twentieth Century, Ernest H, Latham, Jr. (Editor), Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, p.357-369 - Gli Europei e la Constituzione ci sono, a quando l’Europe?/The European and the Constitution are in Place – When will Europe be?, Ed. By A. Gasparini, Gorizia, IUIES-ISIG, 2004 - Regiune şi regionalizare în Uniunea Europeană, (coordonator Vasile Puşcaş şi Adrian Ivan) Institutul de Studii Internaţionale, Cluj-Napoca, 2004 - Cross Border Cooperation in the Balkans-Danube Area, Edit. A. Gasparini, Gorizia, 2003 - Westfalia si complica – Organizzazioni mondiali ed individuo come produttori di globalizzazione e riconciliazione, Edizioni Franco Angelli, Milano, 2003 - Romania-Italia-Europa. Storia politica, economia e relazioni internazionali, cura di Francesco Rondazzo, Edizioni Periferia, Rome, 2003 - Convergenţe economice în Uniunea Europeană, Edit. Economică, Bucharest 2002 - Romania NATO 2002, (ed. Adrian Năstase), Bucharest, ed. Monitorul Oficial 2002 - International Studies at the Beginning
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