SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION A Daily Summary of ~~~~ @il@~~~ S.E.C. Activities (Prepared by the SEC Office of Public Information) (Issue No. 72-154) FOR R E L EA S E _A~ug,,-u,--s_t.----,-14_,~1~9~72~_ COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENT TRADING SUSPENSION IN COGAR CORPORATION LIFTED. The SEC on August 11 ordered the term1natlon of the sus- penslon of tradlng In the securlt,es of Cogar Corporatlon, effect1ve at the open of buslness on Tuesday August 15, 1972. The Commlssl0n f,rst ordered the suspensl0n of tradlng on Aprll 17, 1972. Th,S suspenslon, WhlCh was requested by Cogar, was ordered 1n order to permlt d,ssem,nat,on by Cogar of lnformatlon concernlng recent adverse corporate developments. On Aprl1 17, 1972, Cogar announced that ItS cash supply had been exhausted and further that the company was attemptlng to pursue varlous alternat,ves that m1ght allow the company to contlnue lts buslness. Cogar has Issued a release today WhlCh summarlzes the current status of the company's buslness and f,nanclal condltlon. Therefore, the Commlsslon has author,zed the 11ftlng of ItS suspensl0n. (ReI. 34-9728) COURT ENFORCEME~~ ACTIONS COMPLAINT NAMES NORTHWEST PACIFIC ENTERPRISES, INC., SIX OTHERS. The SEC Seattle Reg10nal Office announced the fl1lng on August 3 of a complalnt 1n the Federal Court In Seattle, Washlngton seeklng to enjoln Northwest Pac,f,c Enterpr1ses, Inc., a Utah corporatlon, J. Cameron Cutler of Seattle, Francls C. Lund of Salt Lake Clty, Utah, Robert M. Bryson of Salt Lake Clty, and RIchard ~~tuszewskl of Seattle, from further v,olat,ng the antl- fraud and reglstrat10n provislons of the Federal securitles laws In connectlon WIth the offer and sale of the common stock of Northwest Paclf,c Enterprises, Inc. The complalnt also seeks to enjoln Brelnholt, Da,nes & Okuda, a Salt Lake CIty CPA flrm, and Tubber T. Okuda, of Salt Lake City, from further Violating the antl-fraud provlsions of the federal securltles laws, also In connectlon wlth the offer and sale of the Northwest Paclf,c Enterprises, Inc. stock. (LR-5492) SEC ACCEPTS THE PREDICTOR, INC., ET AL. OFFER OF SEI1L£~NT. The SEC has accepted the offer of settle- I ment of The Predlctor, Inc., Robert A. Lerman and John F. Ferraro, a Hartford, Connectlcut reglstered lnvest- I ment advlsor, and ltS two prInclpal offlcers, respectlvely, to settle the adminlstratlve proceedlngs brought agalnst them for vlolatlons of Sectlons 206(1), 206(2) and 206(4) of the Investment Advlsors Act of 1940 and I Rule 206(4)-1(a)(5) thereunder. W1thout adnu t t i ng or dany i ng the charges that they had pub li shed false statements and had made no effort to verlfy Information recelved from issuers prlor to publlcatlon, the ! respondents offered, and the Commlssl0n accepted, a nlnety (90) day suspenslon of advertlsing and Solicitatlon of new clients, full restitutlon to all subscrIbers who suffered losses as a result of the false statements, publicat10n of the charges and sanctlons In ltS market letters and a permanent Injunctlon proscrlblng future vl01atlons. (LR-5493) ERICKSON AND SCHUETZ SENTENCED IN OIL AND GAS SECURITIES FRAUD. The SEC Chlcago Reglonal Office announced that on August 4 the Federal Distr1ct Court In Cleveland, OhlO placed Kenneth A. Er1ckson on probat10n for 3 years 1n connectlon with vl0lations of Federal securltles fraud laws In the sale of fractlonal undlvlded worklng 1nterests In 011 and gas leases located In Crook County, Wyoming. The Indlctment as to Gordon W,111am Schuetz was wlthdrawn upon hlS plea of gUllty to an Informatlon charglng hlm wlth securltles fraud In connectlon wlth the sale of the same 011 and gas Interests. Schuetz was flned $500. The Indlctment as to defendant Arch Creek Development Co. was d i snu ssed , (LR-5494) INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT RELEASE THE ML CORPORATE INCOME FUND, FIRST MONTHLY PAYMENT SERIES (A UNIT INVESTME~~ TRUST) AND SL~SEQUENT SERIES. The SEC has 1ssued a notlce glvlng Interested persons untl1 August 29 to request a hearlng on an appllcation of ML Corporate Income Fund, F,rst Monthly Payment Series and Subsequent Series of Boston, ~~ssachusetts, for a~ order exempting It from certa,n provlsions of the Act. The Fund was formed for the purpuse of issulng uru t Interests In a d i ve rsi f aed port f o li o of corporate bonds. Ne rr r Ll Lynch, Pa e rc e , Fenner & Srm t h wlil act as sponsor; the bank of New York and the Natl0nal Shawmut Bank of Boston wlil act as Trustees, and Standard & Poor's Corporatl0n wlil act as the evaluator for the Fund. (ReI. IC-73l9) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC., 901 Thompson Place, Sunnyvale, Callf. 94086, flIed a reglstratlon statement on August 8 seek1ng reglstratlon of 432,580 shares of common stock, Issued or Issuable pursuant to the company's stock opt1on and related plans. The company manufactures and markets monollth,c Integrated Clrcults. (F1le 2-45298) OVER SEC NEWS DIGEST, AUGUST 14, 1972 Page 2 ADRs FOR BORDER & SOUTHERN STOCKHOLDERS TRUST FILED. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 23 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 10015, filed a registrat10n statement on August 8 seeking reg1strat10n of 100,000 Amer1can Depos1tary Rece1pts for ord1nary shares of The Border & Southern Stockholders Trust Limited, a Br1tish corporat10n. (F1le 2-45299) ELDORADO ELECTRODATA CORPORATION, 601 Chalomar Road, Concord, Ca11f. 94520, f11ed a registrat10n statement on August 9 seek1ng reg1strat10n of 222,000 shares of cap1tal stock, of wh1ch 150,000 are to be offered for pub11c sale by the company and 72,000 (be1ng outstand1ng shares) by the holders thereof. The offer1ng 1S to be made (*at $20 per share max1mum) through underwrlters headed by Morgan, Olmstead, Kennedy & Gardner Inc., 606 S. 011ve St., Los Angeles, Ca11f. 90014, Also 1ncluded 1n th1s statement are 78,100 shares of common stock, of wh1ch 65,100 are 1ssuable pursuant to outstand1ng stock opt10ns and 13,000 are outstandlng shares wh,ch may be offered for sale by the holder thereof. The company manufactures and sells electronlc d1splay calculators, d1g1tal 1nstruments and small off1ce computer systems. Of the net proceeds of 1tS stock sale, $1,088,331 w11l be used to ret1re bank loans and the balance for work1ng cap1tal and other corporate purposes. (F1le 2-45302) PEABODY GALION CORPORATION, 450 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022, f1led a reg1strat10n statement on August 9 seek1ng reg1strat10n of 113,196 outstand1ng shares of common stock, 1ssued or lssuable pursuant to outstand1ng warrants. Such shares may be offered for sale from t1me to time by the holder thereof (Amer1can ~atlonal Insurance Company). (Flle 2-45303) COLLINS & AI~~ CORPORATION, 210 ~~d1son Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016, f1led a reg1strat10n statement on August 9 seek1ng reg1strat1on of $20 m1ll10n of s1nk1ng fund debentures, due 1997, to be offered for pub11c sale through underwrlters headed by Lehman Brothers Inc., One W1ll1am St., New York C1ty. The company 1S engaged 1n the manufacture and sale of text1le products, 1nclud1ng carpet1ng and upholstery materlals for auto- mob1le manufacturers and a1r11nes. Net proceeds w1ll be used for work1ng cap1tal and other corporate purposes. (F1le 2-45304) STANDARD BRANDS INCORPORATED, 625 ~~d1son Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022, f1led a reg1stration statement on August 9 seek1ng reg1strat10n of 83,487 outstandlng shares of common stock, WhlCh may be offered for sale from tlme to tlme by the holders thereof. (F1le 2-45305) BELDEN & BLAKE ~D COMPANY LI~rrTED PARTNERSHIP NO. 52, 702 Tuscarawas St., West, Canton, OhlO 44702, f1led a reglstratlon statement on August 9 seek1ng reg1stration of $600,000 of partnership un1ts, to be offered for publ1c sale at $3,000 per unlt. No underwr1t1ng 1S 1nvolved. The Partnershlp was formed to engage 1n 011 and gas dr1ll1ng and explorat10n act1v1t1es. Henry S. Belden III and Glenn A. Blake are the general partners. (F1le 2-45306) WILL ROSS, INC., 2727 West Good Hope Road, H1lwaukee, W1S. 53209, f1led a reg1strat10n statement on August 10 seek1ng reg1strat10n of $25 m1l110n of convertible subord1nated debentures, due 1992, and 55,000 outstand1ng shares of common stock. The debentures are to be offered for pub11c sale by the company and the stock by the holders thereof (*at $46.50 per share max1mum) through underwr1ters headed by Blunt Eills & Slmmons Inc., 111 West Monroe St., and Wh1te, Weld & Co. Inc., 30 West Honroe St., both of Chlcago 60603. The company 1S engaged pr1mar1ly 1n the manufacture and sale of health care and sC1ent1flc products. Of the net proceeds of 1tS stock sale, $3,930,000 wlll be used to ret1re long-term senlor debt and the balance for work1ng cap1tal and other corporate purposes. (F1le 2-45307) -. LANCER HOMES, INC., 1301 Ho11day St., W1chlta Falls, Tex. 76307, f1led a reg1strat10n statement on August 10 seek1ng reg1strat10n of 350,000 shares of common stock, of wh1ch 150,000 are to be offered for publlc sale by the company and 200,000 (belng outstandlng shares by the holders thereof. The offer1ng 1S to be made (*at $22 per share maxlmum) through underwr1ters headed by A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc., One North Jefferson Ave., St. LOU1S, Mo. 63103. The company 1S engaged 1n the deslgn and manufacture of mobl1e homes through lndependent reta1l dealers. Of the net proceeds of 1tS stock sale, $350,000 w1ll be used to con- struct and equ1p a manufacturing fac111ty and the balance for work1ng capltal and other corporate purposes. (Flle 2-45309) MISCELLANEOUS RECENT FO~~ 8-K FILINGS. The companles llsted below have f1led Form 8-K reports for the month 1nd1cated respond1ng to the ltem on the 8-K form numbered ln parentheses.
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