May Calendar EXHIBITS In the Karen and Ed Adler Gallery 5 Thursday 10 Tuesday 17 Tuesday 24 Tuesday JOAN MILLER: Lyrical Abstractions. FREE ONLINE RESOURCES THAT HYPERTENSION SCREENING: Free MEET REBECCA SCHIFF. The Bed “PAWN SACRIFICE” (2015-116 min.). May 3 through 30. ANYONE CAN USE! Media librarian blood pressure screening conducted by Moved offers a singular view of grow- American chess prodigy Bobby Fischer Tony Traguardo offers a look at some St. Francis Hospital. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ing up (or not) and finding love (or (Tobey Maguire) finds himself caught In the Vogel Photography Gallery of the best free online research, ref- not). Sponsored by the Friends of the between two Cold War superpowers. erence, freeware, entertainment and WINTER BROOK: “What Is Medium- Library. 7:30 p.m. The cast also includes Peter Sarsgaard, PCLI: 37th Annual Exhibition. May 4 money-saving resources. He will reveal ship?” 7:30 p.m. Michael Stuhlbarg, Lily Rabe, Robin through 31. “Musical Images,” a multi- techniques that can help you to weed Weigert and Liev Schreiber as Boris media presentation, will be featured on out inaccurate and non-authoritative Spassky. Steven Knight scripted for di- Wednesday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m. results from your online searches. New rector Edward Zwick. 7:30 p.m. computer users are welcome, but at- tendees with some computer and in- 18 Wednesday ternet experience will get the most out 11 Wednesday REGISTRATIONS of this fun, information-packed pre- GREAT BOOKS: Italo Calvino’s The sentation. 3 p.m. FICTION BOOK DISCUSSION: The Non-Existent Knight. 1 p.m. In progress Constellation of Vital Phenomena by 25 Wednesday DIRECTOR’S CUT. Film expert John Anthony Marra. In early-2000s Chech- LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Job Search Strategies...................May 14 Bosco will screen and discuss Room nya, two doctors try to protect a girl MEETING. The public is invited at OUT EAST ON THE NORTH FORK Resume Workshop......................May 14 (2015-118 min.). Kidnapping victim whose father has been abducted by 7:30 p.m. BUS TOUR. For those who registered, Long-Term Care Insurance.......May 23 Joy Newsome (Academy Award win- Russian forces. Discussion led by Keith the bus will depart the library at 9 a.m. ner Brie Larson) struggles to make a Klang. Books available at the Informa- life for her son (Jason Tremblay) in the tion Desk. 7:30 p.m. PORT WRITES. Discuss your work Beginning single room provided by their captor. and how to get it published. 8 p.m. Emma Donoghue scripted, from her AARP Defensive Driving.............May 3 novel, for director Lenny Abrahamson; Thursday both were Oscar-nominated. 7 p.m. 19 NON-FICTION BOOK DISCUS- EVENTS 12 Thursday SION: The Prize: Who’s In Charge of America’s Schools? by Dale Russakoff. 26 Thursday RESEARCH INVESTIGATORS’ SCI- A behind-the-scenes look at the race to ENCE EXPO. Join us for a visit from reform Newark’s failing school system. MEET DANIEL PAISNER. The author participants in this year’s Research In- Led by Keith Klang. Books available at discusses his latest novel, A Single Hap- vestigators’ Science Expo (RISE), an the Information Desk. 1:30 p.m. pened Thing. Sponsored by the Friends 1 Sunday annual competition held by the Young of the Library. 7:30 p.m. Investigators Society at the Feinstein 3RD THURSDAYS at 3: “Great Themes FEI-FEI DONG. The pianist will per- Institute. The work of these medical in European Paintings, Part 2”. Learn form selections from Scriabin, Lieber- researchers represents the best of the how popular artistic subjects evolved man, Schumann and others. 3 p.m. research activities of Northwell Health over time. Marc Kopman, Adjunct (formerly the North Shore/Long Island Professor of Art History at LIU Post, Jewish Health System), and will be will examine works that range from the 27 Friday presented in non-technical language. early Renaissance to the beginning of Friday th 6 Students and teachers are particularly the 20 century. 3 p.m. AAC SANDWICHED IN: “Art Under Roo- encouraged to attend. For more infor- sevelt.” In the 1930s, the U.S. govern- Monday SANDWICHED IN: “Artists and mation, visit feinsteininstitute.org. Co- “BRIDGE OF SPIES” (2015-141 min.). 2 Springtime.” Professor Thomas Ger- ment subsidized artists through the sponsored by the Fay J. Lindner Foun- During the Cold War, American law- WPA, but subject-matter and style FOOD FILM FESTIVAL continues mano explores the ways in which great dation. 7:30 p.m. HAC yer James Donovan (Tom Hanks) is were not dictated. The result was the with Mostly Martha (La Bella Martha) artists depicted and were inspired by recruited to defend arrested Soviet spy political radicalization of many artists. (2002-105 min.). German chef Martha the beauty of spring. Tiffany, Chase, Rudolf Abel (Academy Award winner With the postwar rise of abstract art (Martina Gedeck) lives a loveless life Klimt, Pissarro, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Mark Rylance), and then to help the and anti-communism, much of this art until the arrival of her orphaned niece Gauguin and Matisse are among those CIA arrange for an exchange of Abel was lost or forgotten. Join Dennis Ra- and a sympathetic cook. In German who will be discussed. 12:10 p.m. for a captured American U2 spy plane verty, Associate Professor at New Jer- with English subtitles. Professor Val Friday pilot. The Oscar-nominated screenplay SCRABBLE. Join us for a game, every 13 sey City University, for this illustrated Franco will introduce the film and lead is by Matt Charman and Joel & Ethan lecture. 12:10 p.m. a discussion afterwards. 7 p.m. Friday in May. 2 to 5 p.m. SANDWICHED IN FILM: Why Be Coen. A Steven Spielberg film. 7 p.m. Good? (1929-81 min.). Pert Kelly (Col- SOUNDSWAP: HOOTENANNY. The THE LONG ISLAND MUSIC HALL leen Moore) is a department store Library transforms into a 1960s cof- OF FAME: “THEY’RE FROM HERE!” clerk by day and a flapper by night. She fee house for local musicians, singers The LIMHoF is a not-for-profit orga- sparks with wealthy playboy Winthrop and songwriters to come together for nization dedicated to preserving and Peabody, Jr. (Neil Hamilton), who an evening of music that offers our Tuesday celebrating the Island’s rich musical turns out to be her new boss! William Friday audience unique musical team-ups 3 heritage. This multimedia event will 20 feature rare footage from LIMHoF gala A. Seiter’s silent boasts a jazzy score and performances. Soloists may share AARP DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Reg- ceremonies and a look at prominent and sound effects courtesy of Vita- SANDWICHED IN: “Landmarks and the bill with duo, trio and group per- istration begins today at 9 a.m. The inductees, including Billy Joel, Johnny phone, cinema’s first financially suc- Historic Sites of L.I.” Ralph Brady, au- formances, summoning up a spirit of class will take place on Saturday, June Maestro, and Little Anthony and the cessful sound system. 12:10 p.m. thor of Landmarks and Historic Sites of musical camaraderie and spontaneity 11 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For Port Imperials. Presenter Tony Traguardo Long Island, reveals what makes this that will cover a wide range of genres. Washington residents only. Check or served on the first Board of Directors GREAT STREETS OF NYC: “Broad- little-big island so special with a tour Performers interested in participating money order payable to AARP due at of LIMHoF, and spent many years as way: The Street That Created the Mu- of some of Nassau and Suffolk’s most should contact Tony Traguardo at 516- registration. $20 for members (mem- the group’s archivist. Current members sical.” Join Prof. Ronald Brown for historic locations. 12:10 p.m. 883-4400, ext. 142. 7:30 p.m. bership # on check), $25 for non- of the Board will participate in a Q&A a virtual stroll along the longest and members. 9 a.m. segment following the presentation. oldest street in the city, and explore its “STAR WARS: EPISODE VII: THE 7:30 p.m. transformation from a center of politi- FORCE AWAKENS” (2015-136 min.). CHESS. Join us for a game! Tuesdays cal power to the world’s entertainment Can a ragtag group of heroes save the in May from 2:30 to 4 p.m. capital. Sponsored by the Friends of galaxy from the villains of the First the Library. 3 p.m. Order? J.J. Abrams’ movie stars Adam 31 Tuesday ADULT COLORING. Tuesdays, May Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega— 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. The adult coloring “EFFIE GRAY” (2014-109 min.). When and some old friends. 7 p.m. “THE GIFT” (2015-109 min.). The craze comes to Port! It’s just like col- Sunday Victorian-era art critic John Ruskin complacent lives of young married oring for kids, but more complex – it’s 8 (Greg Wise) declines to consummate couple Simon and Robyn (Jason Bate- definitely harder to stay in the lines. his marriage to young Effie Gray (Da- man, Rebecca Hall) are thrown into a These informal sessions are great for A LOVE DOUBLE FEATURE. We kota Fanning), she seeks affection from harrowing tailspin when Gordo (writ- stress relief and getting to know your begin this love-fest with William Diet- his protegé, painter John Everett Mil- er/director Joel Edgerton), an acquain- neighbors. 7 p.m. erle’s Her Majesty, Love (1931-75 min.). lais (Tom Sturridge). Screenwriter tance from Simon’s past, arrives bear- Playboy Fred (Ben Lyon) falls for caba- Emma Thompson plays Lady Eastlake.
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