11100 DOI.I.AKs CAN III AIKI'I.ANK CLUB YOUKs HAH' l,K TICKETS ON SAM'; VOL. X. No. 16 SIX PAGKS PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE. R. 1 . APRIL 7. 1848 10 Cents a Copy Monogram Dance Features •1 KFA1m On behalf of the student body MSGR. FULTON J. SHEEN Stan Moore's 10-Piece Band aim faculty, thr COWL expresses sincere svmpathy with John B. WILL LECTURE SUNDAY Hagerty, Jr., In Hie recent death •The Varsity Hop." sponsored by the Monogram Club will of his father. In pare rrnqulearat. feature the ten-piece Stan Moore aggroijatmn augmented by the AT CRANSTON ARMORY smooth song stylings of Lorraine" a week from thi Fridav iiisht April 16th. in the Harkins Hall auditorium as it draws the curtain Distinguished Radio Orator And Lecturer Will Talk On on the Spring social season at its* "The Modern Soul In Search Of God" annual semi-formal dance. Dani- Instruction Begins inc will be from nine to twelve \ Oculist The bids are priced at two STUDENT TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE dollars and can be obtained at For Flying Friars thr Athletic Offlee In Donnelly Hull At State Airport The Rt Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, Ph.D., S.T.D.. foremost or from any of the committee mem- Catholic radio orator in the United States, will talk on "The bers The wearing of corsages 1$ op The Providence College Flying Modern Soul in Search of God," at the Cranston Street Armor tional in Providence, this Sunday, April 11th, at 3:00 P.M. Club has already started on lt> pro Stan Moore, who for the past tw • This lecture is being sponsored years has played at the College's on gram of flight Instruction and train- standing dances. Is best remembered ing On Monday and Friday nights by the Thomistic Institute of for his arrangements which are pat- the club members participate In John F. McBurney Providence College. Special stu- terned after the manner of the late Meteorology and Civil Air Regulations dent tickets priced at 60 cents Glen Miller orchestra classes at the State Airport at Hills, each are available at the College. grove Club members who are In- Named Chairman of The money realized from this affair Monsignor Sheen made hia fir-', ap- structors will assist the other mem- will go towards the purchase of pearance as a lecturer at the College bers of the club in obtaining student sweaters for alt those earning var- Commencement Ball In 1938 Since then he has talked • nd private pilots' licenses sity letters Ferd Sowa Chairman >1 several times under the auspices oJ the arrangement's committee prom During the holidays negotiations John F McBurney of Pawtucket has the College Thomistic Institute were completed for the purchase of iaes a good time for all those attend been named chairman of tile Com- Because of his considerable popu- a Cessna model 140 airplane The ing. and hopes that "this year's turn mencement Ball Committee Joseph W larity among the general public. Cath- craft with a silvered metal fuselage out will compare favorably to la-' McMullen. president of the Senior olic and non-Catholic, the largest season's successful undertaking " and fabric wings is powered with an class, announced officially last night. available building in Providence has The committers are as follow.* eighty-five horsepower motor. McMullen also disclosed the names been secured for this lecture. Over Tickets—Walter Modliszewski Wi A design depicting a "Flying of the members of the Parents' Recep- 5000 people are expected to be pres- liam Littlefleld Thomas O'Halloran Lorraine Friar" on a white cloud against a tion Committee, the Class Gift Com- ent Refreshments—Walter Lozoski black background has been selected mittee. and the Junior Reception Com- Decorations—Rae Edwards. Ferd by the club members for their official A Sacred Concert, given by the mittee. Sowa. Cy Killian. insignia. Jacket devices of a type sim- College Glee Club, under the direc- Father McGlynn ilar to the Air Corps Squadron In- Assisting McBurney on the Com- tion of the Rev Leo S. Cannon. OJ». Publicity—John Arzoomanian, Leo signia will be worn by all the mem- mencement Ball Committee are- will precede and follow Father Sheen 5 Laboasiere Charles Bresnahan Relates Story Of bers The same design enlarged sev- Thomas E F Carroll. Francis T. talk eral times will be painted on the nose O'Halloran. William F. Lynch. Charles An authority on Communism and of the plane. G McKinnon. and Alfred J Tenny- Fatima Apparitions its techniques of propaganda and in- son. Jr This formal dance for the In order to meet the heavy expenses Continued on page 6) March Alembic Out graduated Seniors wilt take place on The story of Our Lady of Fatima of forming and running the Flying Club the members are currently en- the evening of June 10. 1948 was told last Thursday night by the Tomorrow Morning gaged in a drive to raise funds. To Appointed as chairman of the com- Reverend Thomas McGlynn. O.P.. re- make the sale of tickets on a thou- mittee for the Parents' Reception on nowned sculptor and former Professor U.S. Naval Reserve sand dollar prize a success, the club June 9th is John P Deasv. Jr of Says Editor Doherty at Providence College In the Harkins is attempting this week to interest all East Providence John G O'Hurley. Hall auditorium This lecture was students of the college in purchasing William G Cronin. Gerald M Ferrick. Seeks Enlistments The third issue of the Alembic the sponsored by the Veridames of Prov- tickets and selling additional ones to William J Tent and George P Mad- college literary quarterly, will be dis- idence College for the benefit of their their friends. den will serve on his committee. tributed in the Rotunda tomorrow ac- friends and the students of the Col- From P.C. Students The club also seeks to attract in- cording to Robert E. Doherty '49 lege Arrangements for the purchase of newly elected editor Dated for March terested students into the club There the class gift and its presentation to Father McGlynn who last year spent Numerous billets for college men the Alembic is making a tardy ap are two types of membership Ac the Very Rev Robert J Slavin OP several weeks in Portugal interview- are still available in the Providence pearance due to the extra amount of tive. those who already have their will be handled by another six- ing the sole survivor of the three chil- Branch of the U. S. Naval Reserve. material which has been accepted licenses and those who desire to ob- man committee, headed by John dren of Fatima to whom our Blessed Information about these opportunities tain them; Associate, those who wish P. Macioci of Providence. The presen- The current issue contains 104 pages Mother revealed her Immaculate can be obtained from Ensign John R to acquire a knowledge of aeronau- tation on behalf of the Senior class in which short-stories, essays, satires Crook USNR. at the Publications Of- Heart, augmented his talks with color tics and enjoy the activities of the will be made on June 9th John Ar- and poems are featured The follow- fice in Donnelly Hall from 11:30 to slides of the famous scenes of the ap- club but do not wish to fly zoomanian. Francis J Coughlin. Rob- ing is a partial preview of the cur- 12:30 on class days or at Recruiting paritions and pictures of the survlv- ert A. Smith. John R Hess, and Harry rent Alembic's contents Headquarters of the U. S Naval Train- ' ing member. A Radston will represent their cla;s Things Are Really Racy in Rio. by ing Center. Field's Point. Providence • Our Lady appeared at Fatima to COWL STAFF Joseph G. Cassidy of Uxbridje. Raymond L. Scungio '50. is a shoi' The Naval Reserve program offers call mankind to penance. Father Mc- There will be a meeting of the Mass . heads the committee in charge story of intrigue and innebriation in Cowl Staff in the Publications' j training advancement, recreation, and Glynn said. By showing hell to the of the Junior Reception, scheduled for which the principal character leads a office at Donnelly Hall tomorrow pay. Modern equipment is used for children she warned the world of the the evening of June 7th. Others ar- furious pace for himself and an hil- afternoon at one o'clock. All mem- training reservists both ashore and eternal damnation awaiting those who bers are requested to be present. ranging the program of entertainment arious one for the reader. afloat. Seamanship, navigation, use of persist In sin She foretold World Plans for the annual banquet will for the Juniors are Robert D Klimm. George Hunter Cochran '51. has be discussed as well as the assign- electronic gear, gunnery, radio-engi- War II and further afflictions as tem- Richard L. Connolly. Francis J. contributed an essay of note which ment of stories for next week's neering. and other phases are taught poral punishment due to sin. The con- O Brien. Salvatore J. Sica. and Ae- protests against the new slavery issue. during the weekly two-hour drill version of sinners and the return of mand Mangiacapra which has been imposed on modern periods the souls to God is the motive of the poets by the present age Also in the apparitions." Father McGlynn con- Cruises aboard fleet and local re- essay department. John J Lynch 49 cluded 99 serve ships are periodically conducted a new-comer, has contributed Mod- Father McGlynn.
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