E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 2008 No. 69 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was staff will help her remember her own attaching a budget priority, and be called to order by the Speaker pro tem- words when this proposal was launched honest with the American public, not pore (Mr. LARSEN of Washington). by one of her opponents in 2000 when cheap political tricks that may sound f she was running for the United States good for a moment but will end up Senate, where Senator CLINTON pointed hurting us in the long run. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO out that it would be a ‘‘bad deal for TEMPORE New York and a potential bonanza for f The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the oil companies,’’ which is why she fore the House the following commu- opposed it back then. Her words were GAS PRICES nication from the Speaker: true in 2000 and they are true today. In fact, it’s even more important. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The WASHINGTON, DC, Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from April 29, 2008. First of all, there is absolutely no OXX I hereby appoint the Honorable RICK evidence that States that have sus- North Carolina (Ms. F ) for 5 min- LARSEN to act as Speaker pro tempore on pended the gas tax have ended up put- utes. this day. ting any more money in the pockets of Ms. FOXX. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. NANCY PELOSI, consumers. The research suggests that Gas prices have skyrocketed by more Speaker of the House of Representatives. it’s more likely that they have simply than 50 percent in the 15 months since f increased the amount of money that the new majority took control of Con- gress. Back in North Carolina, con- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE goes to the oil companies who are not reducing their prices to compensate for stituents of the Fifth District and over The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the reduction. At a time when the rest of the State are now paying ant to the order of the House of Janu- ExxonMobil’s profits set a new record $1.33 more per gallon for gas than when ary 4, 2007, the Chair will now recog- of $40.6 billion, we don’t have to give the Democrats took over. nize Members from lists submitted by them even more money at the expense Two years ago, Speaker PELOSI prom- the majority and minority leaders for of our infrastructure, because this pro- ised the American people a ‘‘common- morning-hour debate. posal comes at a time when for the sense’’ plan to lower gasoline prices. f first time in history the highway trust We’re still trying to figure out what fund is going into deficit. And this pro- that plan is. House Democrats have not FEDERAL GAS TAX HOLIDAY A posal would add more than $10 billion only failed to offer any meaningful so- BAD IDEA to that deficit, money that will not go lutions, they’ve pushed policies that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to State and local governments to deal will have precisely the opposite effect. Chair recognizes the gentleman from with badly needed transportation infra- This $1.33 Pelosi premium is putting Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- structure. It comes at a time when we tremendous pressure on the budgets of utes. recognize that our infrastructure is the hardworking people of North Caro- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Thank you, Mr. falling apart. The Society of Civil En- lina. As gas prices soar to $3.50 and be- Speaker. gineers has graded it D-minus, and yond, I pose this question: How much During this election season, we’ve they’re grading on a curve. will the Pelosi premium end up costing seen some pretty painful moments. It It would be far more logical and ef- average Americans? If this is part of has been embarrassing, for instance, to fective to help poor citizens and people the ‘‘commonsense plan’’ to lower gas watch the flip-flopping of Senator in rural districts that have to drive a prices, I’m afraid it isn’t working. MCCAIN on tax cuts that he is now for great deal directly as a part of the eco- Middle class families and their in- before he was against them. But there nomic stimulus, or a rebate that actu- creasingly tight budgets need relief, is no idea that is as bad as his most re- ally gets into their hands, not to the not more broken promises. While cent suggestion that we just have a gas oil companies. It would make more House Democrats propose more of the tax holiday, to suspend the 18.4 cent sense to invest in renewable futures same—tax increases—House Repub- per gallon Federal gas tax from Memo- and green jobs, like not allowing the licans have offered real commonsense rial Day through Labor Day. production tax credit to expire at the solutions to reduce America’s depend- This is a really unfortunate sugges- end of the year, costing thousands of ence on foreign sources of energy, tion. It’s unfortunate to me that Sen- jobs in the wind energy business. lower gas prices here at home, and in- ator CLINTON appears to be embracing It makes sense to rebuild and renew vest in all forms of energy to create it. I would hope that Senator CLINTON’s America with a vision for the future, American jobs and grow our economy. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2765 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 23:34 Apr 29, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29AP7.000 H29APPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H2766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 29, 2008 U.S. CASUALTIES IN IRAQ with pictures and the names of service Staff Sgt. Christopher J. Vanderhorn, 37 1st Lt. Jaime L. Campbell, 25 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The men and women who have died in Iraq. Outside my office, there are three Sgt. Charles E. Matheny IV, 23 Chair recognizes the gentleman from Staff Sgt. Abraham Twitchell, 28 Washington (Mr. MCDERMOTT) for 5 boards with the photographs of 94 sol- Spc. Eric D. King, 28 minutes. diers from the State of Washington 1st Lt. Forrest Ewens, 25 Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, we who have fallen in Iraq. Brave fallen Pfc. Devon J. Gibbons, 28 owe a debt of gratitude to Dana heroes, including: Sgt. Justin D. Norton, 21 Milbank at the Washington Post and to Specialist Christopher W. Dickison, Pfc. Jason Hanson, 21 Staff Sgt. Tracy L. Melvin, 31 Hal Bernton at one of my hometown Major William G. Hall, Lance Corporal Daniel Chavez, Spc. David J. Ramsey, 27 newspapers, The Seattle Times. These Master Sgt. Robb G. Needham, 51 two journalists, writing almost exactly 1st Lieutenant Michael R. Adams, Sgt. Velton Locklear III, 29 4 years apart, have pierced the veil of Specialist Joshua M. Boyd, Staff Sgt. Ronald L. Paulsen, 53 secrecy this administration shamefully Staff Sergeant Tracy L. Melvin, Sgt. Lucas T. White, 28 uses to hide the painful images of U.S. Sergeant 1st Class Steven M. Spc. Jordan W. Hess, 26 casualties in Iraq and the touching and Langmack, all from Seattle. Maj. Megan M. McClung, 34 patriotic farewells by loved ones. I will enter into the RECORD the Web Cpl. Jeremiah J. Johnson, 23 address where you can see the faces Spc. James D. Riekena, 22 On Sunday, April 18, 2004, Bernton Cpl. Darrel J. Morris, 21 wrote a story called: The Somber Task and the names of the fallen from every Maj. Alan R. Johnson, 44 of Honoring the Fallen. This poignant State: Sgt. Mickel D. Garrigus, 24 story included the first newspaper pic- http://projects.washingtonpost.com/ Lance Cpl. Adam Q. Emul, 19 tures of caskets being loaded into a fallen/search/ Sgt. Corey J. Aultz, 31 military airplane. The story, which I Instead of helping to provide closure Sgt. Travis. D. Pfister, 27 Spc. Ryan M. Bell, 21 will enter into the RECORD, set off a to these wounded families, the Presi- dent’s surrogates are deepening the Spc. Joshua M. Boyd firestorm, because the administration Staff Sgt. Casey D. Combs, 28 did not want anyone to see the grim re- wounds for these families. They only Staff Sgt. Coby G. Schwab, 25 ality of war—rows of flag-draped cof- want to share their grief and the pride Spc. Kelly B. Grothe, 21 fins inside a military plane to begin in their loved ones. Who wouldn’t be Pfc. Jerome J. Potter, 24 the last homecoming. And the civilian proud of Billy Hall? They want to share Sgt. Dariek E. Dehn, 32 contractor who took the pictures was that with us. Cpl. Llythaniele Fender, 21 Today, in full view, let us honor the Pfc. Casey S. Carriker, 20 fired for sharing them with the media. Chief Warrant Officer Scott A.M. Oswell, 33 They were published at a time when ultimate sacrifice made by Lieutenant Lance Cpl. Shawn V. Starkovich, 20 the administration was doing every- Colonel Billy Hall and the fallen sol- Pvt. Michael A. Bologa, 21 thing to make people believe in its diers from Washington and across this Cpl.
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