J' A f e n g e OaOr Nat P ren Rtm IBatifbratpr Earning E^ralii The Weather 14, 1888 ment,” wHh a major goal of F a ir and oosdor toBlgM. Low Kuhnly Heads ioral sciences from the Uni­ in 80i. T om om w aamiy and doubling the membemMp to in- versity of Hartford, an MA in 15,590 ptooeoiit with Ugha 70 to 78. Guidance Group duds pmfessionali engaged in guidance and oounoeiing from CONTACT LENSES HEARINC AIDS fllMwar poobafaUlty near soro guidanoe and pemonnel work Rhode Mond OoUege, and has Afowdiiatfor <A City o f VUJmge Chmrm thmigh Ttioodoy. ~^~Rid Cross in eduoeflon, business, snd in- Wayne W. Kuhnly of 16 Chart­ taksn sddmonal peat gradiwte ^ duitiy. studies at the University of Closed All Day VOL. LXXXVIU, NO. 218 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) er Rd., RockvlUe, Mancheater MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1969 (OhMrtfled Advartotag on Fhga M ) PRICE TEN CENTS Picks New Kitoly hM been MOC «d- Connecticut Community CoHega adndsHons itosstohs direotor since 1887, and He la a member of the N a­ diraotor, has been eiaoted presl- is praskiiiiit of the admlnlatra- tional Vocatianal Guidanoe As- Mdnday Chairman dant of tba Hartford cHapter of tive council of the Connecticut aociatlcn, American College Mooofqr st Aiidov«r the Connecticut Pereonnel and Regional Community College Pemonnel Aaaociatlan, Student Help From Church 1MM atoeted dMirmw o< tba Outdance Association. System. Frtm 1961-67, he was Personnel Association for - CMOMbia Chaptw, Amertean He succeeds ElHngton High registrar and instructor in so­ Teacher Education, and tha June July - August A truck driver who has • M l CtaM, at tiM reoeot aanual School guidance director Don­ cial sciences at Vernon Court ConnecUcut and New England Pompidou Winner, been tao^dtalised since ald Chace as bead of the 200- Junior college in Newport, R.I., Asaoclationa of OoUoge Admis­ March 10 when his truck High Court Says House **n^ttra»-town^ dtaptar alM member chapter, whose general where he was also a Jaycee sion Counselora. rammed and heavily dam­ ladhiJaa Habran and Andoaer. purpoee Is to advance the sd - officer. He has also worked in A graduate of the y.S. Naval Optical Style Bar, Inc. aged a Stafford Sptingi Mbonay auceeada Leonard antlfic dtscipHne of guidance, personnel posMlane with United Pre-Flight School at Pensooola, church is getting help from Ooadion who tarred aa ehair- counseling, and personnel work Aircraft Corp. and the Con­ Fla., Kuhnly was active wfth the church’s congregation. aaaa fbr two yaara. in the Oreater Haitford area. necticut Talent Aasistance Co- the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, 763 M A IN STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. Promises New Ideas The First Congregational Olbar oCDcara, n^y-alaetad, The new presideRt announced openSbve, a U.S. Otfloe of Ed­ in which he held the rank of canirch recently held a “Rob­ are Mra. David Taomana of the theme of his admlnistnUlon ucation' funded agency. lieutenant commander from PHONE 643-1191 P^IS (AP) — After frtendi and allies Ifaan De gratulations to the president­ ert Grant Sunday" and sent Andover, rloa chairman, and will be ‘‘Interaction and Involve- Kuhnly has a BA In behav­ 1966-67. serving 25 years in the Gaulle’s often higb-handed, un­ elect of the republic. My wish the special (xdlectlon to Could Not Bar Powell Ifta. PanI Bramhall, Andover, Home on Leave shadow of Gen. Charles de compromising manner, for FVance is the full success of Grant to help pay hoepital aariatant aaeretary-treaaarer. Gaulle, .a former school <toe of Pompidou's first acts your mandats. May the damo- ejqienaea. Grant U in a PibF- WASHINGTON (A P)~ Mlaa Docothaa Raymond, as president is expected to he craUc spirit animats your fu­ Idenoe, R.I., hospital, par­ Army Capt. Richard J. Mo- teacher called Georges The Supreme Oooit found Andover, waa ra^tiectad aaere- Pompidou will succeed the the Eippolntment of Jacques ture aetion and permit all tially paralysed. Nahy, acn of Mm. Walter Q. DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES CBxaban-Delmas as premier. today the U. S. House was taiyfraaaoiw r, a poet aha haa general as president of FVenohsnen to know a new era The truck crashed Into the M d for n yaara. Othan ra- MbNally of 0 Mama Rd., Haa Ohaban-Delmas has been one of of dialdgue. chuioh adien Its brakes failed without power to exclude France. $5 BUUon atootad ware ascaontiva board artived home from Ida tour of De GauUe’s most faithful sup­ Oongratulaiy msasagso as it OEime down a hill. Grant Rep. Adam Clayton P o w ^ magabara, Juiaa Patdior and duty in Vietnam where he aerv- Though promising fidel­ porters since World War n days flowed In from the United told the chuioh’s pastor he in March 1967. Eterbart Whdder, Columbia, and ed aa company commander ity to the policies of and president of the National States, Britain, West OermEuiy chose to stay with the buck Chief Justice Earl Womn Donald KaeDonald, Andover. with the 815th Bi^dneer Bn. De Gaulle, Pompidou has Aasembly since 1962. end other countries. De Gaulle to avoid endangering lives. SEdd: "Our exomlnaiaon of the n waa annoimced that the Proposed near PM ku. The victory had been widely who sat out the presidential relevant Mstorloal materials ohaptar exceedad Ka 800-pint pledged to be more liberal, O a ^ . M cNally and Ida wtfe, forecast and was never in doubt race In Ireland, cabled: "For ICEute us to the conclusioD that VHta tor the flrat time for the particularly in foreign af­ the Rirmar Patilciigi Johnson of im m R n m from tho minute the first re­ all national Emd personal rea­ petitioners (PowaU and a group loar vlatta aeheduled. There fairs, and promised to en­ Da Sota, Mo., will ba in Man- turns cams in Sunday. Fired as sons, I send you my most cor­ In A ir Aid of Harlem votera) are comet ware 828 pinta collected with 29 ‘^ m r large his government to De GauHer’s premier a year Eigo, dial congratulations." and Uiat the OonsUtuUon leaves chanter undl he raportn to Ids Trustbuster WASHINGTON (AP) —Tak­ other pcoapectlve donora being TOMORROW — JUNE 15 bring in new faces and Pompidou announced: "The the House without authority to new aanignment with the 565th Pompidou, 57, roHed qp a bigger ing note of the naUon’s clogged temporarily rejected. ideas. vote today seems to me to con­ exclude smy person, duly elect­ EIngineer Qroig) in Oeimany, rUMiirwee margin in Sunday’s election airports, Preeddent Nixon pro- There were 88 tint time don-' stitute a oEmsoUdafion and even ed by his oonsUtuenta who about the flrat of July. Hhi pemonol otyhe also is ex­ than the general himself gained Sees Threat poeed today a 10-year $5 billion ora, 12 one-galkm pina, nine a ooneecration of this great re­ meets Edl the requirements for For Ida service in Vietnam, pected to be leee grating to in the 1966 presidential election. federal aid program to be fi­ twwgallcn pina, aix three-gallon form that we owe to Gen. De membership expressly pre­ Oapt. McNally was awarded the DISCOUNT SAVINGS IN BOTH GREAT STORES! Official returns for all of met­ nanced largely by an increased ptaa and one aeven-gallan pin Gaulle." scribed in the Constitution.” Bronae Star, the Army Oom- ropolitan France and part of the Of Rigid Law tax on airline Ucketa and on donara. Later he tedd enthiMtaBtic sig>- The vote waa 7 to 1 with Jus­ S waa reported that a 15.2 per mendattnn Medal and the Pur­ overseas cireas guve Pompidou general aviation fust porters at his campaign head- WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ tice Potter Stewart dissenting. eaot incraaae area raaltaad over ple Heart. He prevkuaiy Had First Lady 67.78 per cent of the total, ■while ’’n »e puipoee of air tranapoi^ quartern: “It goes without say­ dent Nixon’s top trustbuster laat yaar*a fund d riv e' ooUec- received the Good Conduct and his main opponent, interim tatloo is to save time,’ ’ the WEuren's 62-page opinion cit­ FAMOUS MAKER’S aOSEOUT! ing that from the moment I am suggested today that his aasault tlen. The three towna ralaed $2,- Nation Defense medals. President AlEiln Poher, got 42.2 President said in a mesoEige to ed tnartances in which the Hoiwe 6 4 elected president of the republ­ on big oonglomerate mergera had refused to seat other elect­ 0M.80, Ole hlgheat amount ever W ill Change per cent. But about 31 per cent Oongrees. ic, I will exercise my functions oan heiul off a demand for Mas­ ooBaotad b«ra. of the 29.5 mlUlon registered "Tliis purpoee is not served ed reproeentattvae in the past, in the interest and in the name tic new antimonopoly legtria- The three tnwna aeot IM Men's'Better Cotton Kiiit voters stayed away from, the when passengeia must wait In- however, the chief Justice eaid: of a ll Fien<dii men Euid women, tiOn. ditty haga to oarvloamaa in About Town Elysee M o ^ polls—almost double the num­ tecminatbly in tormhiEilB; when "That on unconstitutional action whether they voted for me or Assistant Atty. Gen. Richard has been taken before surely VMnacn, a Cfertatmaa pcogmm ber who abetatired three years modem Jet aircraft creep at my opponent or abstained." W. McLaren said h « is "neither does not render that wmne ac­ wUoh win be oanied out again Omar Shrine C2ub wSt have a BARIS (A P ) — France’e new ago. five miles an hour in a long line thla yaar.
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