$3.00 JEWISH Frontier MAY 0 JUNE 0 1998 ldlaelar9o FORWARD FROM THE JUBILEE 0 1 .JAS s ot I s ON 40- ON Qkwk THREE LIVES Mordechai Frank Chaim 0 0 Strigler Sinatra Arlosoroff S I N C E 19 3 4 o A -LABOR ZIONIST JOURNAL JEWISH CONTENTSVol. LXV, No. 3 (632) MAY/JUNE 1998 Frontier Israel 3 SINCE 1934 ISRAEL'S 50TH Susan Hattis Rolef e A LABOR ZIONIST JOURNAL 6 FORWARD FROM THE JUBILEE Misha Louvish Founders Hayim Greenberg THE SIGNING OF ISRAEL'S Marie Syrkin DECLARATION OF 9 INDEPENDENCE Elli Wohlgelernter Editorial Board BEFORE AND AFTER 13 Henry Feingold, Chairman MAY 14, 1948 Yosef Criden Saul B . Cohen Hyman Fame Jonathan J. Goldberg Memoir 15 Emanuel S . Goldsmith A LONG-DELAYED ANSWER Haim Chertok Jerry Goodman Rabbi Mark W. Kiel 17 Chava Lapin Jeffry V. Mallow ARE THE HAREDIM JEWS? Saadia Gelb Daniel Mann Mordecai Newman 18 Samuel Norich BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Gustave Pearlman Michael S . Perry Mark Raider Eduardo Rauch In Memoriam 20 MEzra Spicehandler MORDECHAI STRIGLER Forward Staff Phyllis Sutker David Twersky Notebook 23 IN TUNE WITH SINATRA Nahum Guttman Nahum Guttman 25 Editor Poem ISRAEL AT FIFTY John Oliver Mason Biography 26 NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS CHAIM ARLOSOROFF David Rosenthal If you plan to move, please notify us six weeks in advance . Contributors 30 JEWISH FRONTIER (ISSN-0021-6453) is published bi-monthly by Labor Zionist JEWISH FRONTIER Letters, Inc . Editorial and advertising offices at 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 . Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Circulation, Jewish Frontier, 275 Seventh Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, 275 Seventh Avenue NY 10001 . Subscription rates for U.S. and possessions, $15 .00 per year for 6 issues, $25 .00 for 17th Floor two years for 12 issues . Add $2 .50 for Canada. 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Distributed by Bernhard De Boer, Inc ., 113 East Centre St ., Nutley, NJ 07110 . 2 .JEWISH FRONTIER ISRAEL Israel's 50th By Susan Hattis Rolef ccording to the American historian Ed- greater, and seems to be threatening to turn Award Lienentaal of the University of Wiscon- into a full scale kulturkampf. sin the general atmosphere of depression and Nothing emphasized the latter reality more disharmony prevalent in Israel as it starts cel- than what happened at the official celebration ebrating its 50th anniversary, is nothing un- of the 50th anniversary: "Bells of the Jubilee" . usual in the experience of nations, due to the Why it was specifically this event that brought different perspectives from which different about the opening shots in this kulturkampf, generations view such events. probably had more to do with the shortsight- This observation might well have a certain edness of the organizers than with the occa- amount of truth in it, but it does not fully ex- sion being celebrated . But the genie now seems plain the mood in Israel today . Part of the to be out of the bottle, and it will be extremely mood has nothing to do with the celebrations difficult to get it back in again . What happened per se, but rather with a harsh economic real- was that the Bathsheva dance group was in- ity, in which the number of unemployed is vited to participate with a dance piece per- rapidly approaching 200,000, while the Gov- formed to the song "ehad mi yode a" - one of ernment is busy liberating foreign exchange the songs sung at the end of the Passover deals, to the benefit of the wealthy. Another Seder. Every verse in this song ends with the contributing factor is the rising level of vio- words "ehad elohenu" - (one is our God) . In lence, which manifests itself most markedly in the course of this dance, in which the move- an increase in various forms of violence against ments are sharp and provocative, as those in women: rape, beatings and murder, totally un- all the dance pieces choreographed by Bath- controlled gang wars, in which many innocent sheva's director and house choreographer Ohad people have been hurt, but worst of all, grow- Naharin, the dancers take off most, though not ing violence in schools - though the problem all of their clothes . in Israel has not yet reached the dimensions Someone reported this fact to Haim Miller that it has reached in the United States . of Agudat Yisrael, one of the deputy mayors in The stalemate in the peace process is Jerusalem, following the final dress rehearsal another cause for dismay among the more several days before the performance, and he left-wing and liberal parts of the population, insisted that the piece be removed from the while right-wingers are worried about the program, even though it was unlikely that any small concessions the Government appears haredim would be present at the celebrations, willing to make to the Palestinians in response and there was no chance that anyone in the to American pressure concessions which haredi community would see it on television, they oppose altogether. In addition, despite for the simple reason that the harediin do not deliberate efforts by part of the leadership of watch television. A last minute effort to get the the National Religious Party and some of the dancers to agree to wear long underwear be- haredi politicians, to demonstrate a more tol- neath their costumes, was finally rejected by erant attitude towards the non-religious parts the Bathsheva dancers at the very last mo- of the population (some of the NRP leaders ment, and the show took place without them . actually went to the trouble of spending a Many other performers, who were not com- highly publicized weekend at the Shomer pletely aware of what was going on, were furi- Hatza'ir kibbutz of Shomrat towards the end ous when they found out what had happened, of April), the rift between the religious and sec- while large sections of the secular population ular parts of the population has never been - though more Left-wingers than Right-wing- MAY/JUNE 1998 3 ers - declared that the whole event signified a those who would like it to shed its Jewish- brutal interference by the religious parties in Zionist mantle and turn into "a state of all its artistic freedom and freedom of expression . inhabitants", it is nevertheless a major success This was undoubtedly true, but the fact re- story by any objective standard . Despite some mains that the organizers should have under- temporary economic difficulties, it is a prosper- stood that this particular dance - most suit- ous country with a viable economy and excel- able for high quality international festivals lent future prospects . Despite the extreme het- and enlightened, sophisticated audiences - is erogeneity of its population, it has a democra- not suitable for a popular show, watched by tic system that functions efficiently, within the "the masses" . Bathsheva itself should also framework of the law, even though the system have understood, that a priori it was beneath could be improved and strengthened, by means its dignity and artistic qualities to participate of added checks and balances . in such an event . The extreme reactions on Ben-Gurion, in whose day all the civilian both sides indicate that while the majority and military elites of the state were Ashkenazi might be inclined to compromise, some of the and in whose government there was only one artists on the one hand and some of the haredi token Sephardi, dreamt of the day in which political figures on the other, are not, and are Israel would have a Yemenite Chief of Staff . pulling other sectors of the population behind Well, it will soon have a Persian one, operating them. under a Minister of Defense who is of Kurdish origin. The commander of the air-force is also of o many secular Left-wingers this event Persian origin, and several additional senior strengthened the feeling that 50 years af- commanders are of Moroccan origin . Also, five terT the establishment of the state, "their state" of the current 16 government ministers are is slipping out of their hands and into those of of Sephardi origin . (On the other hand both "the forces of darkness" . It is a genuine feeling, the women and the Arab citizens of Israel are but one that is extremely dangerous, because seriously under-represented in the centers of it can only lead to greater alienation, rather power.) In a regional environment which is still than accommodation with the fact that their more hostile than friendly, and despite major vision was only partially realized, that reality differences of opinion over issues of war and is much stronger than any vision, and that peace, Israel is strong and steadfast . In terms they, like everyone else, must fight for their of its scientific, technological and even cultural place under the sun or start sinking . The main achievements - it is one of the world leaders . difference between the vision and the reality is that the notion of Israel being a melting pot in he fact is that Israel today does not resem- which the dominant stream will be the secular, ble the old Labor vision or that of the "post- enlightened universal culture is still predomi- Zionists"T .
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