THE VOICE A sweet sound Cake plays at Pipeline this weekend FFederalederal ggovernmentovernment issuesissues Features 3 ffullull ttuitionuition rreimbursementeimbursement Warriors ready for “scrappy” Tritons fforor SpringSpring 22010.010. A “High-level performances” boost confi dence HHowow yyouou ccanan aapplypply: pagepage 9 K LEEOO Sports 8 Serving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922 THURSDAY to SUNDAY, APRIL 1 to 4, 2010 www.kaleo.org Volume 104 Issue 87 UUHH sstudenttudent cchosenhosen forfor NationalNational LeadershipLeadership CouncilCouncil MARK BRISLIN COMPILED BY MICHELLE WHITE Editor in Chief Staff Reporter Scott Perske knows part of be- ing a good leader is putting those SUNDAY, MARCH 7 he is leading above himself. A naked man entered a room “The leader doesn’t take all at Frear Hall at 8 a.m. and of the credit, or really any of the attempted to climb on a bed credit, but will defi nitely take all of occupied by a woman. The the blame when something doesn’t woman notified authorities, go according to plan,” Perske said. who were able to figure out “Leaders recognize an important who the naked man was after goal and go after it and are able to finding pants, underwear and convince others to do the same.” shoes in another dorm room. Perske, a 22-year-old sopho- The woman later decided to more at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa who is double-majoring drop the complaint. in world/comparative history and international relations, was MONDAY, MARCH 8 recently selected as one of 10 Janitorial staff found two jock- members to be on the National straps in a restroom stall at Leadership Council (NLC) for the Moore Hall. With no report of 2010-2011 school year. lost protective underwear, and “It’s a great honor,” said Perske, who was born and raised in ‘Āina after careful consideration, Haina and graduated from ‘Iolani the items were discarded. School in 2006. “It’s also a recog- BRIAN TSENG / KA LEO O HAWAI‘I nition of how much hard work I’ve UH sophomore Scott Perske, who is double-majoring in world/comparative history and international relations, was selected put into the NSCS, and a testament TUESDAY, MARCH 9 as one of 10 members to be on the National Leadership Council (NLC) for the 2010-2011 school year. Perske was chosen for a to the goals I have not only for my A group of men were observed council position over about 100 other applicants. stealing furniture from honor society but also for holding Gateway Hall at 1 a.m. They others accountable for their own education and trying to improve chosen for a council position over Some of the council members’ from a trip to Texas for his fi rst took a sofa and other fur- education in the United States.” about 100 other applicants. duties are to provide the NSCS with meeting with the other members niture and loaded it into a The NLC is part of the Nation- “We look for people like feedback about their campuses’ of the NLC, which he said was “a white cargo van. al Society of Collegiate Scholars Scott,” Deegan said. “Scott is a chapters and what can be improved, wonderful opportunity.” (NSCS), an invitation-only honor very organized and enthusiastic to speak at their chapter’s induc- One of the things Perske A green Dodge truck that had program with chapters in every person. He has a lot of leadership tions and to attend conventions said he hopes to accomplish as been booted in the Architecture state totaling to 235, as well as experience; he’s a natural leader. and the annual gathering of NSCS a member of the NLC is to try to parking lot was reported miss- chapters in the District of Colum- He has a lot of great ideas, and members, according to Deegan. improve the public education sys- ing by a Freeman parking bia and Puerto Rico. The mission those qualities are pretty much Perske has been president of tem in Hawai‘i by working with guard. HPD was called and a of the NSCS is “honoring and in- what we are looking for.” UH Mānoa’s NSCS chapter for the PACE (Planning to Achieve theft report was filed. spiring academic excellence and Steve Loflin, NSCS executive the past two years. College Excellence) program and engaged citizenship,” according director, said in a news release “Being president is a very re- encouraging students “to hold to its Web site. NSCS members that the 10 council members were warding experience,” Perske said. themselves to higher standards SATURDAY, MARCH 13 must be in the top 20 percent of chosen “based on their dedica- “I’ve learned a great deal about rather just getting by in classes.” Two scales worth $500 were their class, and the society cur- tion, service, and commitment to not only leading other people, but “My personal goals are to stolen from a room in the rently has over 650,000 members. NSCS. Scott has demonstrated also about how to interact with the hopefully inspire more people to Biomed building. They are “Every time someone joins leadership, academic excellence community and also about some go to college by trying to talk to smaller gray Scout models. they are a lifetime member,” said and community involvement at of my little quirks. It’s defi nitely middle-school and high-school Janine Deegan, NSCS communi- the University of Hawaii at Manoa a wonderful opportunity for me to students,” Perske said. “We’re not cations coordinator. and I’m looking forward to watch- put into action what I preach.” See Campus Beat, page 2 Deegan said that Perske was ing how he will shape the NLC.” Recently, Perske returned See Student leader, page 2 K CO-EDITOR JUNGHEE LEE A L Thursday, April 1, 2010 CO-EDITOR LYNN NAKAGAWA EO 2 [email protected] CO-EDITOR MARY RENEE REUTER NEWS THE VOICE Student leader KALEEOO Editor in Chief Mark Brislin from front page Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Managing Editor Ty Tanji from front page University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa going to know if I am successful for to keep my life a little bit sponta- Associate Copy Editor Nichole Catlett 1755 Pope Road, 31-D News Co-Editor Junghee Lee another few years, but that is one of neous,” Perske said. “I don’t want SUNDAY, MARCH 14 Honolulu, HI 96822 News Co-Editor Lynn Nakagawa Update regarding the Hawai‘i our main focuses as a chapter.” to have a set plan.” News Co-Editor Mary Renee Reuter Perske said he’s not yet sure Perske said he eventually Speedo Student, who the Features Editor Michael Brewer what he wants to do when he wants to go to graduate school Newsroom (808) 956-7043 Associate Features Editor Reece Farinas university was investigat- graduates in about two years. and is considering international Advertising (808) 956-3210 Opinions Editor Lindsy Ogawa ing for material on his blog: “I don’t really have a set plan – law with a focus in human rights. Facsimile (808) 956-9962 Associate Opinions Editor Davin Aoyagi UH Judicial Affairs office has E-mail [email protected] Sports Co-Editor Ashley Nonaka I have options,” he said. “I know I His favorite quote about lead- Sports Co-Editor Russell Tolentino placed the student on proba- am defi nitely not going straight to ership is from former President Web site www.kaleo.org Comics Editor Will Caron tion for one year for “endan- grad school. Since I’ve graduated John Quincy Adams: Design Co-Editor Tony Gaskell (high school) I’ve gone every se- “If your actions inspire oth- Design Co-Editor Sarah Wright gering the health of students ADVERTISING mester, including summers, so I’m ers to dream more, learn more, Photo Editor Brian Tseng and engaging in lewd or inde- Associate Photo Editor Alexander Daniels defi nitely going to want a break.” do more and become more, you Business offi ce parallel to the bottom entrance of cent conduct,” according to a the Bookstore. Web Editor Michael Oshita KITV report. The student said Perske said some his options in- are a leader.” Associate Web Editor Robert Morris in an interview on another clude working for U.S. Aid, an orga- Video Editor Kent Nishimura nization similar to the Peace Corps The UH chapter of NSCS has blog that he removed some Ka Leo O Hawai‘i is the campus newspaper of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. It is published by the Board of Publications but that “has a little more diplomatic 645 members, with 329 under- three times a week except on holidays and during exam periods. Circulation is 10,000. Ka Leo is also published once a week text from his blog “that was during summer sessions with a circulation of 10,000. Ka Leo is funded by student fees and advertising. Its editorial content and not really political aims.” Other graduates still in school. This published with my classroom reflects only the views of its writers, reporters, columnists and editors, who are solely responsible for its content. No mate- options include interning at the In- past year 137 new members rial that appears in Ka Leo may be reprinted or republished in any medium without permission. The first newsstand copy is speedo video (containing) stitute on Religion and Public Policy joined. If you are interested free; for additional copies, please visit the Ka Leo Building. Subscription rates are $50 for one semester and $85 for one year. some parts that were miscon- in Washington D.C.
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