Diitribution * HEDBANK Today ill fte-4*. IMgfat <*»»>, W- lowad by rain/with • low of 41. 22V375 Tomorrow fair, Ugh In the low 5fc. See weather, page 2. DIAL SH 1-0010 VOL. 85, NO. 183 i dally, liondRy uuougli Friday. Second Clan Poitagt Pill at JUd Bank and at Addttlonal Hailing OUIcei. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Continue Bowen Hearing Friday Asks Iraq Join Nasser LONG BRANCH - Suspended Mr. Bowen paint an image that recordings of some council meet- lection of newspaper clippings of DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - El Saadi said the five nations' Syrians gave a rousing welcome believed to favor a loose political City Manager Richard J. Bowen official discord in City Hall ings on Friday. his own. He wanted to show Syria's new revolutionary regime federation. stands today about half way should be blamed on council and Album and Clippings council had been involved in armies should be empowered tc to the Iraqi delegation, whose goy- was urged today to join four other along in his effort to put the not the manager, Mr. Bowen's In Saturday's opening, more than a score of disputes cross the borders of any of the dimwit seized power > month Nasser's popularity was evident Mr, pro-Nasser Arab states in a joint shoe of municipal acrimony and counsel, Charles ' Frankel, dis- Bowen produced an album main- which had produced bad publicity five states "in the event of being ago. The Iraqi coup, like Syria's as celebrating Syrians carried unhappy publicity on the foot of closed he may play back tape in the two months after it took military command as a step to- tained at City Hall and a col- threatened by outside aggres- was led by supporters of Presl huge portraits of him and chanted Cily Council. office and before he came to ward uniting the Arab world from After nearly six hours of Long Branch Sept. 1, 196.. the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian sion." They also could intervene dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of the "Nasser! Nasser!" Gulf. Tanks end army patrols roamed testimony and argument Satur- That ugly word gambling also if member governments were United Arab Republic. day, council recessed a public The unity proposal was made the capital. Security forces of the was pinpointed in the spotlight. menaced by "an internal plot The Syrian coup is not expected hearing on his ouster from by Iraqi Deputy Premier Ali Sa- new regime hunted Communist Mr. Bowen produced records backed by imperialism to topple $13,000-a-year job until Friday at leh El Saadi, who came to Damas- to restore fully the Egypt-Syria leaders and other opponents of tha of statements by Councilman cus to help Syria celebrate Fri- the progressive government." 7 p.m. If an end doesn't come union severed by an anti-Nasser Arab unionist Ba'ath party. Anti- that night, another session will be Edgar N. Dinkefspiel charging day's bloodless coup. He proposed El Saadi also urged the four coup in September 1961. Like the aircraft guns were set up in held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. the situation in Long Branch was that Syria, Iraq, the United Arab countries to join Iraq in a council Iraqi regime, Prime Minister Sa- squares and outside government A near capacity audience of a disgrace, of Mr. Dinkelspiel's Republic, Algeria and Yemen for political planning as another more than 600 was on hand, most- (See BOWEN, Page 3) orm the unified command. step toward unity. lah Bitar'i Syrian government Is buildings. ly to cheer for the manager, when Saturday's hearing opened at noon in the Junior High School Auditorium, Morris Ave. Less than 200 sruck it out to the end, however. The subsequent Assembly Mulls Money Bills hearings will be at the same place or another hall equally1 and vegetable and food processors by the lower house and sent to house to act on any major legis- the lawmakers started a month'i large, council assured. TRENTON (AP) —The legisla- ture returns to work today with would be exempt from the bill. the Senate. lation. recess without acting on the re- Looking ahead, as he helped the spotlight focused on the As- Sees Passage The Senate, meanwhile, was State Motor Vehicle Director quest. sembly where action was sched- Assembly Speaker Elmer M. contemplating a slow day. Sen. Ned J. Parseklan had asked the Drastic Cut uled on two important money Matthews, D-Essex, predicted William E. Ozzard, R-Somerset, legislature to provide the $230,000 Four days later Farseklan an- Counsel Will bill;. both measures would be passed said he did not expect the upper for the division by Feb. 11. But nounced a drastic curtailment of One measure would provide a motor vehicle services. The or- $230,000 supplemental appropria- der touched off a wave of con- Hear Tapes tion for overtime pay to employes troversy. Some legislators ques- of the State Motor Vehicle Divi- tioned why the division ran short Of Meetings sion. It is aimed at restoring nor- of funds and why overtime Is scheduled on a regular basis. LONG BRANCH — Will City mal operations in the division, in- cluding night vehicle testing an The leglslatare's joint appropria- Council live to regrefnot erasing tions committee which has been those'old tape recordings? Time reopening of all five accident pre- holding public hearings on tha will tell. MANAGER UNDER WRAPS — Attorney Charles Frankel, vention clinics. standing, is seen in midst of argument with Long Branch The second bill would provide 1963-64 state budget has sum- „ Charles Frankel, attorney for moned Parsekian for an explana- suspended City Manager Richard New Jersey with its first general City Council Saturday in opening session of public hear- tion next Thursday. J. Bowen, is going to listen to minimum wage law by boosting ing for his client, ousted City Manager Richard J. Bow- His testimony may determine them this week. He may produa the hourly wage of some 70,000 whether the supplemental appro- some for rebroadcast when Mr. en, seated. Meeting was in Junior High School Auditor- workers to $1.25. Farm workers, Bowen's ouster hearing resumes ium, Morris Ave. restaurant and hotel employes, priation will win support In tha Friday. domestic help, charter bus drivers Senate. The manager has been accused by a majority of council of causing the city bad publicity. He is trying to show the council Bidault Incident Strains Arson caused the big headlines and re- sulting por public image. Councilwoman Lucy Wilson, aft- er finding one tape was almos De Gaulle-Adenauer Ties Suspected completely blank, presuaded MUNICH, Germany (AP)-The throw President Charles de Gau was referred to Chancellor Kon- council two months ago to stop discovery of former French Pre- was located by German pol rad Adenauer, who was expected tape recording meetings. She al mier Georges Bidault in Bavaria Sunday in a lakeside hideout ne; to order him expelled to some In Fire so suggested in vain that the put a new strain on French-West the Swiss border. He asked i third country, probably Austria or stockpile of about 18 months of German relations today. mediately for asylum in Wes Switzerland. Extradition to Franci HAZLET - Raritan Township tapes be erased so they could not Bidault, political chief of the ter- Germany. appeared unlikely, since he ii Fire Chief Victor F. Bayerj a«id be a source of future conflict. rorist movement sworn to over- Bidault's request for asylui wanted on a political charge- MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW — Alison Jbnei, Shrewsbury Dr., Rumion, center, and Paul yesterday there i* t suspicion of The irony of the situation is treason. Extradition on political Fitzgerald, right, 777 River Rd., Fair Havon, were two of 10 high school itudenti who arson in connection with the fire that Mrs. Wilson is a staunch charges is barred by international ipenr Friday touring Marlboro State Hojpital during a ipeeia) program aimed af re- early Friday which destroyed Bowen supporter. Had her idea law. St. John's Methodist Church. of erasing, carried, some of the See Mixed Feelings cruiting youngitars-into career's in psychiatry, social work and nursing. Hera, Jean He laid state police are check- manager's big argument would Bidault was living in the house Smith of Avon, assistant head mine at « hpspital acute unit, explains the operation of ing and that the National Board have disappeared with it. of a Dutch magazine writer in the of Fire Underwriters also has village of StefntMM*, im Lak« a resuscitator. and eUcrric jhpclc dsviit. The two Runuon-Fair Haven Regional High City Clerk Sahlla J. Camassa been called In to investigate. Woerthsee southeast of Munich. who has had custody of the School studtnti are Jbotli interesfed in careers in psychiatry. I Other photoi, pg, II) The chief laid the evidence On House Standards A dozen police officer*- entered tapes, has been trying to get rid found so far doei not indicate the house before dawn; Bidault ' of them ever since the incident HOLMDEL - It appears thi be Increased to 1,800 square feel that arson wai committed, but asked, for police protection say- with Mrs. Wilson. But twice reso- t will be at least a month bi The amendment would also re only raise* enough of a question ing he feared attempts on his lutions transferring the tapes fore final action is taken on quire the first floor of a two- to warrant "a close Inspection." ife.' Today Marks 75th Anniversary from the clerk's office to that of proposed zoning amendme family house to have a flooi The.
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