VOLUME XLVI, NUMBER 15 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2009 Dim Economy Brings Changes to Fair By Ron McNicoll crunch’s impact on potential from Alameda County govern- “We may have to run 15 Gate Fields season. The Alameda County Fair buyers. ment. The make-or-break revenue days (of racing) with not as The only bright spot for will be going through some The only silver lining in rent- producer is horse racing. many horses as we would like Pleasanton has been the addition changes this year that have been als to outside organizations has Horse racing has been in trouble to have. We actively recruit of more racing dates. Pickering brought about by the poorer been the continued success of the in California. It has been squeezed horses from Arizona, Oregon, said that normally Pleasanton economy. quarterly Good Guys car shows. by other forms of wagering, such Washington, and even Idaho,” hosts 10 or 11 racing dates. How- Among the changes are a The spring show last month drew as Indian casino gambling. More said Pickering. ever, the Solano County Fair, Wednesday opening on July 1, between 60,000 and 80,000 recently, legal on-line and tele- The track needs 800 to 1000 which is operated by county gov- closures on the two Mondays in people over two days, said phone betting have made inroads. horses for a successful race ernment, sees new revenue op- its run, and an increase of racing county fair CEO Rick Pickering. The number of horses in Cali- meet. There are about 500 to portunity by giving up horse rac- Mark Rydell dates above last year. The fair During the fair, a boosted fornia available for racing here has 600 head of thoroughbreds ing, and tearing down its track to laid off 10 percent of its employ- number of volunteers will be tak- been reduced by changes in wa- stabled at the Pleasanton track. have a developer build a com- ees at the end of last year because ing over the work of the laid-off gering. Eastern states have race Others will be transported in, mercial mall. Solano County will 'Golden Pond' rentals of the fairgrounds facili- staff. Pickering said that the re- tracks that have slot machines. In- even on a daily basis. keep the remainder of the site for ties have been sagging. A major sponse to the call for more vol- vestors in those lucrative busi- Stall capacity at the Pleas- the annual fair. The addition of Director to RV show was canceled, because unteers has been excellent. nesses come to California to buy anton track is 724. About 20 racing dates improves the Pleas- Be Honored many of the dealers are out of The fair is a non-profit orga- horses, so there are fewer left for percent of the horses there now anton fair’s financial outlook. business as a result of the credit nization. It receives no money racing here. are participating in the Golden Director Mark Rydell will be in (See FAIR, page 4) the spotlight at the California In- dependent Film Festival on Fri., April 17. Rydell will be presented with the 2009 Golden Slate Award for Interest Increases in excellence in directing. The cer- emony, along with the screening of the film, “On Golden Pond,” Businesses Classes will take place at the Vine Cinema in Livermore. The event begins The demand for businesses Business owners and those at 8 p.m. classes has skyrocketed at Las planning to launch a business Prior to the festivities at the Positas College over the past can access information and guid- Vine Cinema, there will be a VIP year, according to the college. ance with one click at Las Positas reception on April 17, 5 p.m. at In response, the college has in- College’s new website the Entre- the Crooked Vine Winery in Liv- creased the numbers and types preneurial Resource Center at ermore. of classes offered in order to www.entrepreneurialhelp.com/ Rydell was nominated for an meet that demand. index.html. Resource topics in- Oscar for his direction of “On “It is part of our mission to clude: Start Up, Training, Tri- Golden Pond.” The movie won anticipate and meet the needs Valley Region, Special Audi- three Academy Awards: Best Ac- of a dynamic, ever changing ences, Marketing/Advertising/ tor, Henry Fonda; Best Actress, workforce and economic land- Sales, Finance/Taxes/Law, E- Katharine Hepburn; and Best scape,” says Lisa Weaver, Las Business and Technology, Im- Adapted Screenplay. Rydell said Positas College Business De- porting/Exporting, Managing it was a privilege to work with partment Coordinator, Business and Business Operations, and Fonda and Hepburn. and Marketing Professor, and Incorporating/Partnerships/Fran- Over the years, his pictures Economic Development Con- chising. Resource links guide have been nominated for thirty- tact. “Right now, we are seeing visitors to sites that answer a va- nine Academy Awards. Asked Pictured are math teacher Marie Johnson, drive sponsor; student Estevan Ibarra, rugby player; an unprecedented demand for riety of questions. which film was his favorite, Rydell and Red Cross Phlebotomist Diana Castillo. resources and support—and the Resources also are available replied, “I have never made a pic- business department has re- for students and anyone consid- ture I’m not proud of.” sponded.” ering entrepreneurship. One link, He came to producing after ca- The department offers pro- for example, offers a self-quiz reers in music and acting. Rydell Granada Sets Record for Blood Donations grams for business profession- helping individuals assess als, entrepreneurs, and students began his career as a musician, The American Red Cross students has been incredibly into a machine that separates the whether entrepreneurship is a through a new website, new good fit for their talents, skills, during which he said he wanted Northern California Blood Ser- positive.” Johnson added that red blood cells from the rest of the (See DIRECTOR, page 13) classes, and work-based learn- and personality types. Another vices Region and Granada High their next blood drive will be on blood - which is returned to the ing. School joined together on Tues- June 2 and they will be opening donor. (See BUSINESS, page 4) day, March 31 to collect 172 the event to the public (appoint- Red Cross Northern California pints of blood, marking the big- ments preferred). Region CEO Jay Winkenbach said, South Livermore Session to gest one-day high school blood Throughout the day, 198 stu- “It is because of people like Marie drive for the Red Cross in the dents came to the Livermore Johnson and the students at Discuss Definition of a Winery Bay Area in more than 10 years. school’s small gym to donate. Granada High that we have the Definition of a winery will clude the definition of a winery, Math teacher Marie Johnson While the majority donated one blood supply needed to help save be the first topic addressed in ancillary uses of a winery, on-site organizes the Granada High pint of blood, eighteen of these lives. Granada has consistently discussing potential changes to wine production, tasting rooms School blood drives. She said, students donated two pints of red been a leading source of high the South Livermore Valley and retail. “This drive, in my opinion, was blood cells through a special pro- school donations.” Area Plan. Because of the large turn-out perfect. Everything went as cess called ALYX. ALYX allows High school and college stu- The town hall meeting will for the first session, the Alameda planned, donations were donors to safely donate certain dents provide nearly 29 percent of be held Wed., April 22 from 6 to County Planning Department smooth, and we surpassed all of components of their blood in the blood the Red Cross collects 8 p.m. decided to host meetings on in- our goals. The feedback from the larger amounts. Blood is drawn (See DONATIONS, page 14) Discussion points will in- (See WINERY, page 4) Tommy Tune World War II: Stunning U.S. Growth Described Tommy Tune A year before World War II be- Franklin Roosevelt’s promise, in Highlights gan, the U.S. was still in the grip a Fireside Chat before the War of the Great Depression. Eleven began, that the United States Spring Gala years after the 1929 economic would become the “great arsenal An Evening with Tommy collapse, American unemploy- of democracy,” implying that it Tune is the Livermore Valley ment remained high. Nearly half would supply weapons and Performing Art Center's Spring of white families lived in pov- equipment instead of troops to Gala. It will be held Sat., April 18 erty, and 90 percent of black its allies in Europe. at 8 p.m. families. The cities of Kennedy’s title Tommy Tune and the Manhat- Five years later, when World were Rouen, France; Washington, War II finally ended, the U.S. had tan Rhythm Kings will fill the D.C.; and Stalingrad, USSR. risen with historic speed to a new Those cities, in his view, evoke Bankhead Theater with the level of prosperity that led to pro- smooth musical favorites. major wartime events and pow- found changes in the country and erful currents that combined to Tommy has received the highest around the world. Winston leave America strong and wealthy honor for Artistic Achievement, Churchill said in his typically at war’s end, ready to undertake The National Medal of Arts. In eloquent language: “The United an historically unprecedented addition to singing, dancing, and States stand at this moment at the expansion of its powers, while acting, Tommy has garnered nine summit of the world.” other belligerent nations were (See GALA, page 14) How this dramatic change decimated and would take de- came about was the topic of a talk cades to recover.
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