' \ A. a PAGE TWENTY TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1969 HanrbPBtpr Ettming "\ 1 Areraere Daily Nel^ Press Run Members of the Ladies Guild A prayer and praise service W nt The Week Boded of the Assumption will meet to- will be held tomorrow at 7:30 Shopping Cart The Weather About Town Jone 28, 1969 Fair tonight with lows In up­ ndglk at 8 at the John F. T ier­ p.m. at Calvary Church. per 50a, low 60s. Tomorrow A Hawadian Luau will be ney Funeral Home, 219 W. Cen­ Latest Hazard mostly sunny, warmer. High In aponsored by the V P W Post and ter St., to pay respects to the , The Greater Hartford Branch urnitm Hrralb 1/ 1 5 ,4 5 9 80s, Shower probability sero Auxiliary and the Stein Club on late Mrs. Mildred Kelley, a of Tranatlantlc prides and On Parking Lot throughout. Saturday night, Aug. 23, at the member. They will also meet Parents Association will meet .J- f . I '' ' . ' Manchester^-4 City of Village Charm VFW Post Honte. A Hawaiian tomorrow at 8;4ffl a.m. at the tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. at the By SOL B. COHEN ' buffet will be served, and there Supermarket managers are VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 267 / Church of the Assumption to act Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1969 (CkMsIflrd Advertising on IVige S3) will be music for dancing from as an honor guard' at the fu­ losing their hair over the latest PRICE TEN CENTS Sunset Ridge Dr., Ea.st Hart­ 7 . 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The ticket sale neral. ford. hazard on their parking lots will close Saturday and tickets —the shipping cart. may be pimchased from any Too many persons, they say, Jehovah'.") Witnesses wiil^ have Senior High Methodist Youth member of the sponsoring load their bundles into their group discu.ssions of a Bible aid Fellowship of South United groups. Tickets will not be cars and Just leave the shopping Nixon Says: tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at 281 Methodtst Church will meet to­ available at the door. cart to fend for Itself. The only Woodbridge St., 726 N. Main St., night at 7 at the home of the trouble Is that the fenders of 18 Chambers St., 144 Griffin Rd. Rev, and Mrs. Carl W. Saun­ Innocent shoppers become i in South Windsor, and French ders, 17 Bond St. Russia, China scratched or denied, when the Let States Share Rd., Bolton. ' 5 PROJECTOR LAMPS oairt doesn’t stay put. All Types Always In Stock The American Legion will hold And who are the greatesit of­ Junior High Methodist Youth /NC. a business meeting tonight at fenders? Just ask any of the WELDON DRUG CO. Fellowr^hip of South United 8 p.m, at the post home. Income Tax Cash youths who gather up the carts l^ethodlst Church will meet to­ 767 Main St, Manchester and they’ll tell you that women SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) 2— The allocations of the total morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the 648-5321 Members of the Connecticut are ithe greatest offenders. — President Nixon asked Con­ annual fund among the 50 states Fight at Border church campus. North-East Chapter 604, Amer­ Most of the men shoppers, gress today to tftart sharing in­ would be on the basis of each ican Association of Retired Per­ they say, bring the cart back to come tax revenues with the state’s share of national popula­ \J Itoil Chinn c-hurgod that .sever- sons, who have ticket reserva­ the store area, when unloaded. states at a set amount each tion. As an incentive to expand TOKYO (AP) —Fight­ Ttie naltorwilily of these was not tions for the state picnic at Lake But, the women, or the great­ year with no strings attached. its own tax resources, a state ing bnike out lietween So­ nl_hundred Soviet trooiw under st;il)‘d Quaasapaug, will board the bus er majoriity of them. Just leave The states could use the mon­ whose revenue effort is above viet and Chinese tnxips to­ cover of two helicopter.-) Invmh-d The official Soviet news agen- tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. at Fields SInkiang and there were innny )-y T)U).s re}x>rt)'d that the the cart where it is, and drive ey as they see fit after passing the national average would g^t day on the frontier of Sin- Parking lot. Silver Lane, East on a fixed portion to city gov­ (Jhine.-n- cn.sualties Clilneae were thro»:n back into away, they say. In fact, they a bonus above its basic per cap­ kiang ProVince, home of Hartford. are quick .to tell you that the ernments. ita portion of revenue sharing. Tile Soviet government a little their own territory and two of Peking’s nuclear arsenal women shoppers, when they Nixon envisioned that most of 3— The amount the states Inter ch n rg«l that CThlnese ttielr offlcors were lictalned. It park their cars, even nudge the money would go to educa- mukt share with local govern­ and m i s s i I e-t e sting troops penetrated Runnlnn terri­ a,itd the ckish occurred near Public Records other oarts out of their way, , tion. ment units would be established grounds. tory and then* uvre canunltlej Scmipalnllnsk In Kaiakhatan aero.).-) from SInktang. Marriage Licenses to go rolling into the nearest And he saw the whole project by a set formula. A local gov­ Radio Poking In a Chlnene- Kenneth Michael Hankinson, car. as a means of "shifting the bal­ ernment’s share would be based Another Sealtest Ice Cream Sale at Pinehurst! 303 Oakland St., and Linda More scratch-ond-dent acci­ ance of political power from on its proportion of total local langd,)ge hrojulcnst said more SiLsan Frank, 332 Oakland St., dents happen in parking lots Washington back to the country government revenue raised In than 10 lank.-) and armored cars Starting Wednescfoy . 20c OFF on every Aug. 16, St. Bridget Church. than anywhere else. Many and the people” and “ narrowing the state. W )i)' In the Ini-uaton force. But U. S. Ready half gallon of Sealtest Ice Cream you buy at Craig Stanley Jensen, 812 E. times, shoppers who come out the distance between the people later the official New China Pinehurst. No limit . fill your freezer! Center St., and Mary Elizabeth and discover the damage blame and the government agencies 111 a I n h e a I N ewa Agency Odell, Manchester, Aug. 30, St. It on a hit-and-run driver, when, SWINGING BUYS • ACTION DEALS dealing with their problems.” To Consider change<l thl.<) to "dozens of tanka M ary’s Episcopal Church. moat of the timer it was caused “ Because of budget stringen­ Budget Hike aiHl armoriHl vehtclea.” SKIPPY GANG SIZE PEANUT BUHER by a hit-and-run shopping cart. cies,” Nixon said, the program V The news agency . said the This new Gang Size 40-oz. Jar of Skippy Peanut Butter There’s no way of proving It, would start out modestly with Irks Nixon Missile Ban Ru>««liin.H "unwarnintedly ■ fired proved in such demand from our last advertisement that of course. By the time the shop­ $500 million. But it would get up al the esuneee frontier gunnfai SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) iC k iT WASHINPTON (AIM — Pr»>rt- we are continuing the sale thru this week. M 6 A per gets to her car, unloads the Comfort to $5 billion annually by mid- on normal |«itn>l duty, killing or Gang Size Special a t ...........................................Jar 1975. — President Nixon, declaring he dent Nixon has pronounced the cart and leaves it right there, Giant frozen food storage woumling nmiiy of them on the in Style Nixon said he was keeping a intends to hold the line on gov­ United States prepared to con- Hi>ot ■' It a>lilett that the Chlnrae the previous group of carts, al­ ernment spending, has criti­ alder a ban on the testing of ad- WEDNESDAY ONLY AT PINEHURST ready has been carted away. campaign pledge with these pro­ »)-re .” ) om|>dle)l to fight back Five posals and also was expressing cized Congress for adding $1.1 vnncc>d multiple warhead mls- 111 «elf-defcn»e ” So! Ladles! Beware you don’t ...fast fast ice! 1 allea in arms control talks with FINE, RIPE, BURNHAM’S the feelings of the m ajority of billion to his budget for fiscal Rnulto Peking Hald Die Rus- ICEBERG become a shopping cart scof- Decorator Colors! the Soviet Union. TOMATOES Americans who, he declared, 1970. alana bad aeni tn more troop? LEHUCE flaw. Nixon mode Uie statement In 14.7 CU. ft. “ no longer support the contin­ He issued a statement Tues­ and further cliijUie* Were ex- And, please! No letters and a July 9 letter to Sen. Edward ued expansion o f federal serv­ day taking the House to task for ix'cled phone calls! No Frost Refrigerator W. Brooke, R-Moss., declaring 1 5 c ices.” tacking the additional outlay to The two allien exchanged pro- 2 9 c .1 his su[qx>rt of an early start on The President said the reve­ the budget he recommended for ti'at notea Tile Soviet F'orelgn strategic arms limitation nego­ • Jet Freeze Ice Compart­ nue sharing proposal also would the Department of Health, Edu­ DEW FRESH JiURNHAM’S CORN tiations. Ministry charged tluit "a ll re- BANK CREDIT “ provide encouragement and cation and Welfare.
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