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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67974-9 - A History of Bangladesh Willem van Schendel Index More information Index 21 February 1952, 113see also Ekushe All-India Muslim League, see Muslim League 24-Parganas, 76 alluvial soil, 13 Abdul Bari, 98 aloe wood, 41; 54 Abedin, Zainul., see Zainul Abedin a¯lpana¯, 258 Abeng, 18 Al-Shams, 167 Aceh, 42 a¯man, 15; 234 active delta, 9; 37; 241, see also delta America, 15; 148; 227; 237; 263 Adamjee Jute Mill, 140 amnesty, 172 adoption, 70 Amnesty International, 214 Afghan, 33; 50; 89 animal husbandry, 13 Africa, 41; 43; 46; 273; 274 anti-colonial struggle, 49 Afsar Bahini, 166 Arab, 27; 39; 83 Agartala, 122 Arabia, 30; 41; 78; 254 Agartala conspiracy case, 122; 275 Arabic, 33; 113; 157 Agra, 83 Arakan, 22; 25; 33; 41; 43; 53; 54; 69; 227; 245 agrarian crisis, 25 Arakanese, 18; 32; 33; 50; 52; 53 agrarian involution, 25; 234 archaeology, 11; 13; 15; 17; 19; 20; 23; 26; 61 agrarian system, 25 Argentina, 126; 278 agricultural implements, 13 armed forces, see army Agricultural University of Mymensingh, 157 Armenian, 41; 45 agriculture, 7; 13; 15; 18; 20; 24; 25; 27; 30–2; 37; army, 28; 50; 54; 64; 74; 77; 91; 94; 107; 108; 45; 54; 57; 59; 60; 63; 67; 68; 71; 72; 74; 110; 114; 117–22; 125; 129; 130; 135; 140; 144; 77; 79; 116; 133; 135; 136; 138; 139; 140; 143–5; 145; 147; 161–3; 166; 167; 169; 170; 172; 173; 147; 174; 177; 193; 211; 225; 233; 236; 241; 178; 180; 182; 184; 193–7; 199; 202; 207; 212– 242; 246; 247; 254; 268 14; 221; 247; 250; 253; 273; 274–6; 278–80 Ahmadi, 209; 280 arsenic, 241 Ahmadiyya, see Ahmadi art, 15; 60; 61; 142; 154; 188 Ahmed (cartoonist), 138 artisan, 15; 83 Ahmed, Abbasuddin, 156 artist, 15; 76; 170 Aid-to-Pakistan consortium, 147 Arunachal Pradesh, 150 Ain-O-Shalish Kendro, 257 ashraf, 83 air traffic, 136 Asia, 5; 15; 21; 23; 26; 28; 31; 40; 41; 42; 44; 45; 54; ajlaf, 83 56; 71; 141 Alam, Shah, 209 Asian Development Bank, 224 Alaol, 52; 53; 54 Assam, 25; 33; 41; 44; 69; 72; 79; 96; 132; 136; 205; Al-Badr, 167; 170 225; 227; 272; 278 Alexandria, 20 a¯sura, 17 Ali, Intaz, 102 a¯tra¯p, 83 Aligarh, 274 Aurangabad, 207 Allah, 29; 34 a¯us´, 15; 234 All-India Communist Party, 91 Australia, 72; 227 334 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67974-9 - A History of Bangladesh Willem van Schendel Index More information Index 335 Austro-Asiatic languages, 17; 18 Begom, 153 Awami League, 117; 121–6; 129; 158; 162; 164; 175; Begum Rokeya, see Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain 177–82; 199–202; 206; 209; 213; 216; 218; Behula, 34 262; 274–6; 280, see also Awami Muslim Belgium, 147 League Benares, 126 Awami Muslim League, 113; 116; 206; Bengal, 11; 12; 15; 16; 19; 21; 24; 25; 27–33; 40; 41; 272; 275 43–6; 49–52; 54; 56; 57; 60; 65–7; 77; 79; Ayodhya, 208 80; 82; 89; 93; 95; 96; 107; 126; 131 Ayub, see Khan, Ayub Bengal Basin, 30 Ayub Khan, see Khan Ayub Bengal Fan, 4 Azad, Humayun, 209 Bengal terrorism, 80 Azam, Golam, 218; 275 Bengal terrorists, 208 Bengali (ethnic group), 17; 32; 38; 86; 111; 119; Babri Mosque, 208 183; 185; 194; 202 Badshah, 36 Bengali calendar, 57; 76; 154; 258 Bagbari, 278 Bengali culture, 31; 83; 152; 158; 184; 185 Bagerhat, 237 Bengali identity, 31; 32; 37; 38; 57; 86; 111; 152; Bagge Tribunal, 102 153; 158; 183; 184; 201; 202; 205; 211; 254 Bakhtiyar, see Muhammad Bakhtiyar Bengali language, 16; 17; 32; 40; 54; 84; 106; 110; BAKSAL, 181; 200 111; 116; 121; 152; 154; 157; 165; 187–9; 259; Baluchistan, 89; 274 273 bamboo, 11; 89; 90; 91; 108; 133; 141; 188; 247 Bengali modernism, 154 Bande Ma¯taram, 81 Bengali New Year, 154; 188; 209; 257 ban˙gabandhu, see Bongobondhu Bengali script, 111; 112; 231 Bangla, see Bengali language Bengalian Rainforest, 11; 25; 245 Bangla Academy, 154; 188; 257 betel leaf, 41 Bangla rock, 259 betel nut, 15; 41; 55; 60 Bangladesh Bank, 225 bhadralok, see bhodrolok Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Bhagalpur, 84 Council, 209; 257 Bhagirathi, 100; 241 Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum, Bhasha Andolon, see Language Movement 215; 257 Bhashan Chor, 205 Bangladesh Liberation War, 76; 126; 130; 151; Bhashani, Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan, 113; 173; 189; 196; 202; 215; 217; 218; 265; 274; 117; 179; 205; 206; 272 275; 277; 278 bha¯t, 14 Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), 199–201; Bhati, 50; 100 207; 278; 280 Bhattacharjee, Shishir, 262 Bangladesh Police Academy, 43 Bhedarganj, 279 18 Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, bhit_a¯, see BRAC bhodrolok, 65; 78; 81; 85; 93; 152; 251; 253; 276 Bangladesh Shilpokola Academy, 155; 257 bhodromohila, 91 Bangladeshiness, 202; 204; 205; 207; 211; 278 Bhola, 76 bangle, 41 Bholahat, 174 banteng, 11 Bhutan, 55 Barind, 9; 61 Bhutto, Benazir, 274 Barisal, 46; 54; 59; 100; 156; 166; 180; 279 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 124; 125; 129; 274–6; 278 Baro Bhuiya, 50 Bichitra, 187 basic democracies, 119; 146; 158; 273 Bihar, 13; 28; 56; 74; 77; 84; 94; 131; 132; 173 Basu, Khudiram, 80 Biharis, 173, see also stranded Pakistanis Battutah, Ibn, see Ibn Battutah bil, 9; 18 Baul, 37; 202; 259 Bin Laden, Osama, 209; 210 Bawm, 32 biodiversity, 11; 235; 243–6 Bay of Bengal, 4; 5; 25; 41; 74; 155; 184; 244; 246, birangona, 173 see also Indian Ocean Bissho Ijtema, 254; 255 Bayati, Abdul Gani, 156 Blue Mutiny, 78 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67974-9 - A History of Bangladesh Willem van Schendel Index More information 336 Index BNP, see Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Catchment area, 4 boat, 39; 40; 74; 174; 244 cattle, 13; 57; 133; 233; 244 boat denial scheme, 75 ca¯ul, 14 Bodor Pir, 35 Central Asia, 30; 39; 42; 83 Bogra, 16; 55; 265; 278 Chaklapunji, 13 Bombay, 107; 272, see also Mumbai Chakma, 32; 33; 38; 125–277 Bonbibi, 34; 35; 268 Chakma language, 32; 33 Bongobondhu, 122 Chakma, Kolpona, 213; 214 Book Fair, 188 chandabaji, 253 border, 32; 68; 92; 95; 96; 98–100; 103; 163; 167; Chando, 39 168; 184; 206; 227; 229 Chandraghona, 141 border fence, 184 Chandraketugarh, 16–18; 39; 40 border incident, 100; 102 Chapai Nawabganj, 276 borderland, 97; 103; 140 charismatic leader, 177; 181; 274 boro, 15; 234 Charyapada, 40 Boro Porong, 150 Cherrapunji, 5 Boshundhara City, 240 Chhayanot, 154; 209 Bostami, Bayazid, 244; 245 chiefdom, 25; 50 Boundary Commissions, 95; 99 Children’s Academy, 257 BRAC, 222; 257 chilli, 15; 133; 263 brackish water, 5; 236 China, 11; 20; 28; 39; 41; 123; 147; 169; 179; Brahman, 22 206; 273 Brahmanbaria, 163; 209 Chinese, 21; 26; 41; 65 Brahmaputra, 3; 9; 12; 15; 39; 72; 205; 225; 243, Chittagong, 7; 9; 13; 22; 26; 27; 31–3; 41; 43; see also Jamuna; Tsangpo 46; 50; 52–4; 67; 74; 76; 77; 80; 157; 163; Brahmi, 17; 40 173; 195; 197; 222; 225; 232; 244; 245; 259; Brahmi script, 17; 112 278–80 Brazil, 72; 73 Chittagong Armoury Raid of, 1930; 80 brick, 15; 113 Chittagong Hill Tracts, 9; 26; 31; 33; 43; 50; 99; British, 25; 26; 28; 56–8; 78–80; 83; 85; 94; 139; 100; 126; 141; 148–50; 167; 185; 211–14; 245; 194see also English; United Kingdom 247; 248; 277; 279; 281 Buddhism, 26; 28; 31; 32; 38; 39; 54; 62; 82; 133; Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation of, 1900; 211 185; 209; 257 Chittagong Hill Tracts War (1975–97), 211 buffalo, 11; 13; 54; 249 Chittagonian language, 33 Bulbul Academy for Fine Arts, 154 Chondi, 27 Burdwan House, 188 chor, 102 bureaucracy, 49; 52; 54; 58; 65; 80; 81; 98; 107; Chor Madhobpur, 102 108; 110; 112; 117–19; 123; 125; 126; 135; 142; Chor Mozlishpur, 69 144; 170; 175–8; 194; 197; 213; 253 Chowdhury, Abdul Gaffar, 112 Buriganga, 108 Christian, 54; 133; 185; 209 burka, 254–6; 263 Christianity, 32; 38; 46 Burma, 9; 13; 25; 33; 41; 44; 74; 117; 150; 225; Chryse, 40; 41 246; 273 church, 185 ‘Butcher of Bengal’, 162; 273 cinema, 209; 260 Buxar, 56 citizenship, 58; 97; 98; 100; 102; 103; 107; 109; 110; 116; 118; 138; 143; 150; 161; 162; 173; 186; Cabinet Mission of, 1946; 94 197; 211; 218; 230; 231; 275 Calcutta, see Kolkata civil disobedience, 78; 126; 162 Canada, 147 civil service, see bureaucracy 11 26 69 72 can_ d_ ¯ı, see Chondi climate, ; ; ; Caribbean, 225 climate change, 243 cash cropping, see crop coal, 244 cash transactions, 45 coast, 6; 7; 20; 27; 40; 45; 52; 68; 75; 243; 246; cassia, 40; 41; 266 247; 263 caste-ism, 65 coconut, 15; 265 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67974-9 - A History of Bangladesh Willem van Schendel Index More information Index 337 coin, 15; 16; 39; 44; 62 deer, 11; 249 Cold War, 145; 161; 169; 220 deforestation, 247; 248 collaborators, 80; 172; 173; 277; 278 Dehra Dun, 274 Collaborators Tribunal, 172 deity, 17; 26; 27; 31; 35; 36; 62 College of Arts and Crafts, 154 Delhi, 49; 52; 54; 56; 85; 229; 280 colonial period, 26; 58; 60; 62; 64; 67; 73; 76; 77; delta, 3; 6; 11; 27; 30–2; 40; 52; 54; 62; 65; 69; 74; 93; 116; 135; 211; 233; 247 100; 124; 140; 157; 165; 170; 172; 174; 223; colonial state, 25; 49; 59; 60; 65; 77; 117; 247 225; 235; 236; 239; 241; 243–5; 247; 254; 263; colonial system, 49; 58; 64; 119; 131 267; 268 Comilla, 13; 76; 85; 94; 145–8; 157; 162; 265 democracy, 119; 176; 181; 182; 183; 198; 207; 215; Comilla model, 146; 147 251, see also parliamentary democracy communal riots, 85; 91; 94; 102; 131; 132 depopulation, 58 communalism, 83; 85; 86; 89; 93; 94; 100; 114; deportation, 229 117; 131; 132; 208 development, 59; 80; 120; 131; 135; 136; 141; 144; communications, 59; 136, see also 145–7; 149; 150; 158; 177; 178; 194; 197; 219; telecommunications 220–3; 250; 257 communism, 78; 79; 86; 89; 91; 115; 179; development budget, 9 220; 276 developmental state, 135 community religion, 26; 31; 82 Dewan, Rani

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