Page Zero of Torah Tidbits 779 WORD of the MONTH Lead Tidbit cont. from Front Page cont. from p.2 As mentioned elsewhere in this issue, the number of peopleA weekly TT feature to help clarify called to the Torah on a given day is an indicator of its sanctity. practical and conceptual aspects of This says that Shabbat has a higher sanctity that Yom Kippurthe Jewish Calendar, thereby does. Perhaps more telling is the punishment for violating theenhancing our appreciation of G•d's gift to us of HaChodesh prohibitions of the days: Willful violation of Yom Kippur • either HaZeh Lachem... eating or doing Melacha • is punishable by Kareit. Shabbat violation without witnesses is also Kareit, but with witnesses and the first opportunity proper warning, the punishment is S'KILA (stoning), a deathafter 3 full days (72 penalty by Beit Din, which is considered a more hours)severe after the punishment and also an indicator of a higher Kedusha. average molad time, in all months • including On the other hand, Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shabbaton,Tishrei, Sivan, and Av, which might be thought of a "Super•Shabbat", possiblymonths in which it is a indicating a higher Kedusha for YK. long•standing custom In fact, there are sources that argue that the sancity of Shabbat to say KL after YK, and Yom Kippur are identical. (And there areShavuot, actual and Tish'a b'Av respectively. The ramifications of this holding.) molad of Tishrei was There is also a discussion among sources as to where YomWednesday morning Kippur's sanctity comes from. Because Yom Kippur is included(Erev Rosh HaShana). among the other Yamim Tovim (in Parshat Emor) and because 72 hours later is the central bracha of the Amida of Yom Kippur includes M'KA•Shabbat Shuva morn• DEISH YISRAEL... (a further indicator that YK's sanctity comes ing. Therefore, first op from the Jewish Calendar, rather than from Creation of thefor KL is Motza"Sh World, as does the sanctity of Shabbat). Shuva. The argument for Motza'ei Yom What about the equation of the prohibitions of melacha, whichKippur is to begin the are the same for Shabbat and Yom Kippur? Does not that putpost YK period with their sanctities on the same level? Perhaps. But it could anotherbe mitzva. Look, argued that YK would have had the same permission of OCHEL we say to G•d, see NEFESH (referring to those permitted activities on Yom Tov that what we do after a help bring food to the table) but the prohibition of eating andwhole day of YK, even drinking returned those melachot to the forbidden list. before we break our fast: Maariv, Kiddush If we say that the high levels of Kedusha come from the twoL'vana, Havdala, start major sources of "sanctity of time", then the combination of the (or continue) on the two days results in an extremely high Kedusha. And if Sukka...the abstentions of Yom Kippur help further spiritualize us, then the Note: Even though for Kedusha of this holy day rises even further. Motza'ei 9Av it is pref• And there is another factor that makes the combination of theerable to break one's days, not just more of the same. fast before KL (if Shabbat is a constant in our lives. It comes once a week and it possible), that is not suffuses the six weekdays with some of its Kedusha. Everysuggested for Motza'ei YK. single day is either Shabbat or Erev Shabbat with its focus on Shabbat preparation, or Motza'ei Shabbat glowing inOTOH, its KL in Aseret aftermath, of any other day which we number to the Shabbat,Y'mei T'shuva gives us rather than give them their own names. Shabbat is our anchor an extra mitzva at this in Kedusha. sensitive time of the year. Yom Kippur is once a year. A day of unique character and features. A day that allows us to rise to even greater levels of Kedusha, albeit for the moment and usually not for all time. oezay zay Combine these two special days and the potential is limitless for 6 times in the Torah, us. What better day than Shabbat Yom Kippur to referringreally to Shabbat, appreciate our Kedusha quest. Yom Kippur, & Sh'mita 0 mei z e"dl ik a t e 780 y x Sep. 21•22, '07 • ixyz 'i Yom Kippur is the 10th day (of 383), 2nd Shabbat (of 55) of 5768 z¤`§e d¨gEp§n¦l§E d¨WEc§w§l d¤G©d z¨A©X©d mFi z¤` d¨a£d©`§A ,Epi«¥Grl'¡` 'd ,Ep¨l o¤Y¦Y©e Epi«¥zFpF£r l¨M z¤` FAÎl¨g§n¦l§e ,d¨x¨R©k§lE d¨gi¦l§q¦l§e d¨li¦g§n¦l ,d¤G©dmi¦ xER¦M©d mFi Awesome Alignment of Kedusha In the Z'mira KI ESHM'RA SHABBAT, we sing that "it is written in G•d's law (the Torah), a rule to His "deputies" (the Kohanim), that on it (Shabbat), they shall set out (on the shelves of the Shulchan in the Mikdash) the LECHEM HAPANIM before Him; therefore, to fast on it (Shabbat), according to His wise men (Chazal, our Sages) is forbidden • except for Yom Kippur." There is a spiritual reason for not fasting on Shabbat • Yom Kippur is the exception; the Torah insists that it be observed on the 10th of Tishrei, no matter what. (All the other fast days are Rabbinic and the Torah, therefore, does not insist on a specific day • hence, the other fasts are either postponed or brought early, when they fall on Shabbat.) Score one point for Yom Kippur. Shabbat gets its Kabalat Shabbat, albeit abridged (more in Nusach Ashkenaz, less in Nusach S'fard). Shabbat gets mentioned in all T'filot and gets the additional B'AHAVA in VATITEN LANU and other words and phrases, here and there. But that's not "at the expense" of Yom Kippur; it is just additions for Shabbat. But Shabbat truncates the Slichot•like portion of Maariv, knocks out Avinu Malkeinu at all davenings except Ne'ila. There are other effects that Shabbat has on the t'filot of Yom Kippur. Let's call it a tie, a draw, TEIKU Correct for TT 780 • Rabbeinu Tam (J'm) • 6:49pm But all of the above is not the point. Shabbat is Shabbat and Yom Kippur is 5:02 Yerushalayim 6:13pm Yom Kippur, and each accommodates 5:19 Raanana 6:15pm the other when they coincide • which 5:18 Beit Shemesh 6:14pm happens 32% of the years • no small 5:19 Netanya 6:15pm fraction of the time. In fact, YK is more 5:19 Rehovot 6:15pm often on Shabbat than any other single 5:02 Petach Tikva 6:15pm day. So what then is the point? 5:18 Modi'in 6:14pm p.0 5:17 Be'er Sheva 6:15pm 5:17 Gush Etzion 6:13pm The OU Israel family 5:18 Ginot Shomron 6:14pm 5:02 Maale Adumim 6:13pm wishes you and yours a 5:18 K4 & Hevron 6:13pm 5:06 Tzfat 6:13pm 5:17 Giv'at Ze'ev 6:13pm daeh dnizg xnb 1 Ranges are FRI•FRI 9•16 Tishrei• (Sept. 21•28) Earliest Talit & T'filin 4:36•4:41am Sunrise 5:27•5:31am Sof Z'man K' Sh'ma 8:29•8:30am (Magen Avraham: 7:44•7:45am) Sof Z'man T'fila 9:30:9:30am (Magen Avraham: 9:00•9:00am) Chatzot 11:32½•11:30am (halachic noon) Mincha Gedola 12:03•12:00pm (earliest Mincha) Plag Mincha 4:21½•4:14pm Sunset 5:42•5:35pm (based on sea level: 5:37•5:28pm) |ASDFGHJMost people/shuls/communities wait until Motza'ei Yom Kippur to say Kiddush L'vana. However, it is Minhag Yerushalayim to take p.0 Orthodox Union OU ISRAEL OU Kashrut • NCSY • Jewish Action Seymour J. Abrams • Orthodox Union • Jerusalem World Center NJCD / Yachad / Our Way • Kharkov OU Israel Center programs • Makom BaLev • Lev Yehudi Synagogue Support Services • IPA Pearl & Harold M. Jacobs ZULA Center • Machon Maayan OURadio.org • Young Leadership NESTO • Beit Kharkov • OU Israel Communities Project Areivim • OU West Coast OU Kashrut in Israel... Stephen Savitsky, President, Orthodox Union Yitzchak Fund, President, OU Israel Harvey Blitz, Chairman of the Board, Orthodox Union Rabbi Emanuel Quint, Senior Vice President Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Exec. Vice President, OU Prof. Meni Koslowsky, Vice President Eliezer Edelman, Exec. Dir. Operations and Management Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Vaad member Headquarters: 11 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Stuart Hershkowitz, Vaad member 212•563•4000 • website: www.ou.org Moshe Kempinski, Vaad member Sandy Kestenbaum, Vaad member Zvi Sand, Vaad member Produced, printed*, collated, and folded in•house Harvey Wolinetz, Vaad member Phil Chernofsky • (02) 560•9124 Rabbi Avi Berman, Director•General, OU Israel [email protected] • www.ou.org/torah/tt Menachem Persoff, Director of Programs, Israel Center Advertising: Ita Rochel Phil Chernofsky, Educational Director and TT editor [email protected] • (02) 560•9125 22 Keren HaYesod • POB 37015 • Jerusalem 91370 TT Distribution • [email protected] • 0505•772•111 phone: (02) 560•9100 • fax: (02) 561•7432 OU Israel and Torah Tidbits do not necessarily endorse the email: [email protected] • website: www.ouisrael.org political or halachic positions of its editor, columnists, or advertisers, Torah Tidbits and many of the projects of OU Israel are nor do we guarantee the quality of advertised services or products assisted by grants from The Jewish Agency for Israel 2 wear his special garments • the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur alternates between his full set of eight Yom Kippur garments and a special set of four pure white garments which he wore when he entered the Holy of Holies and does other YK•specific Avoda.
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