Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 14, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 37-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS BOE Hears Roosevelt Renovation Plans, Discusses Bond Referendum By MEGHAN GILL “Almost nothing has been done to vation and addition will allow the dis- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader renovate the building,” said facilities trict] to better deliver this education WESTFIELD — The board of edu- committee chairman Richard we worked so hard to develop… sur- cation facilities committee recom- Solomon. vival is not the standard.” mended the board approve the entire He said there is a safety issue re- “This makes sense as a way to do it Roosevelt Intermediate School reno- garding the stairwells. The second- – the economies of construction. It is vation proposal, including the addi- story bridge and outdoor breezeway, a modest scale back. You couldn’t do tions for the cafeteria and library, at which connect the original building the cafeteria and not the library with- Tuesday evening’s meeting. to the newer wing, also pose both a out being penny-wise and pound fool- The total cost for the renovation and safety and security threat, according ish,” said board member Beth Cassie. construction project is $3,198,520, to Mr. Solomon. Ms. Riegel said Edison Intermedi- reflecting a $69-per-year increase per Business Administrator Bob Berman ate School needs new windows, light- household for 20 years, based upon a said the breezeway enclosure renova- ing and a parking lot repaving at the house assessment of $180,000. tion would increase security and de- back of the school. In addition to the renovation of the crease the utility bill and wear and tear. She asked the facilities committee six stair towers, corridor floor tiles and “What were they thinking? Do we why these items should not be included new ceiling and lights, the proposal want to leave a similar legacy?” Super- in the bond. “My concern is about what adds 1,020 square feet to the library intendent William Foley asked the board this bond is supposed to be,” she said. and 1,100 square feet to the cafeteria. regarding the bridge and breezeway. “To do something to one middle school If approved by the board, it would Board President Anne Riegel asked and not the other [is troublesome].” present the renovation project to the the board about the importance of the Ms. Cassie said, “They are hugely public for vote as a bond referendum library addition. Facilities committee different facilities. All of us could put in the early part of 2007. member Julia Walker said, “[This reno- together a list of things we see needed David Samsky for The Westfield Leader to upgrade al all schools. I’m not sure REMEMBERING...A few hundred townspeople gathered with candlelight at the September 11, 2001 Westfield Memorial where the next largest need is.” on Monday night to remember the 3,024 people killed in the tragedy and to honor those who served in the aftermath. The Board Vice President Ginny Leiz bell tolled as the names were read of the 12 Westfield residents who died that day. read a statement to the board objecting to the proposal. “Consistent education is a goal. Changes are important, but is Council Introduces TV-36 Dir., now the right time to do this?” She said that one bond should be presented to the public for the Lin- coln School/Early Childhood Center, Hears Tree-Removal Complaint and that the board should “put to- By MICHAEL J. POLLACK mand for a site review. archives, which are currently stored gether an assessment of all Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Snizek said he noticed the prac- in the board of education building on facilities…maybe in a year or two WESTFIELD – On Tuesday, the tice occur in his neighborhood and on Elm Street. The historical society re- (we could) put to bond referendum Westfield town council introduced a the south side. He questioned whether cently proposed a $1.8-million reno- (including all facilities).” new TV-36 director and began a dia- it was time “to consider a process vation to restore the house, which has “All of us in this room would concur logue on tree removal. where citizens file for tree-removal fallen into disrepair. that this (bond referendum) is the last Mayor Andrew Skibitsky an- permits.” Addressing Councilman Jim Mr. Foerst said the mayor’s taskforce thing we want to do,” Mr. Foley said. nounced that the town “finally” has a Foerst, he said “you need to look at on over development met for the first “What I can say is that people were new TV-36 director of operations after your arsenal and the tree-preservation time last Thursday. He said the volun- David Samsky for The Westfield Leader DON’T PITY THE FOOD…In between filming scenes for his upcoming reality saying do something. People expressed hiring Westfield’s Jamie Lynn Drohan, commission is a quiver if you will.” teer committee, chaired by board of TV show, Mr. T emotes one of his more characteristic growls, as John’s Meat concern about taxes, but they were also a full-time producer on Union’s TV- Nancy Priest, the president of the adjustment chairman William Market co owner Vinnie Losavio looks on in the freezer. See story on page 26. giving us a charge to (fix) Roosevelt.” 34 and a CN8 “Newsmakers” host. Westfield Historical Society, invited Heinbokel, is meeting “every two “The facilities committee decision The mayor said he is “confident” that the council and citizens to a “special” weeks until (the) work is done.” is consistent with the findings of the “with Jamie’s talent, she is going to add meeting on Thursday, September 21, Mr. Foerst “solicited” members of Planning Board Approves citizen’s advisory committee on en- significant content – both the quality at 7:30 p.m. in the community room to the community who have expertise in rollment and parents. This is what and the quantity of the content.” discuss the Reeve House renovation. construction, such as builders, engi- we’ve come up with; if we’ve done it Ms. Drohan said she’s “very ex- Once renovated, the one-and-two- neers, realtors or architects to contact Nail Salon on South Avenue wrong, vote no,” he said. cited to begin.” She said one of her thirds-acre property on 314 Moun- the committee by e-mailing By NORDETTE N. ADAMS the design provided sufficient room Dolores Sherry of Rahway Avenue goals is to intertwine TV-36 and the tain Avenue will house the society’s [email protected]. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader for emergency vehicles to turn. addressed the board. “Costs to the tax- Internet, whereby a show will ulti- WESTFIELD — Last Thursday, the Board member Robert Newell pro- payer keep going up. Voting in January mately appear on both mediums. planning board approved Joseph posed that the fire department review is a horrible time; seniors are not going On an upcoming show, she speaks WSA Seeks Extended Half Buontempo’s plan to lease the entire the plan to determine if emergency to get out due to inclement weather.” with Reverend Edward Carll, who was first floor of retail space at 728-734 vehicles would have adequate access. “(This is) not fair, not a true repre- in attendance, about an initiative to South Avenue to Galaxy Nails and Spa He later expressed concerns about the sentation (of all members of the pub- help build a home in Biloxi, Miss. Hour for Houlihan Lights Corporation. The business will em- plan’s use of double-wide driveways. lic),” she said. Ms. Riegel explained The reverend told the council that By SARA MAGNOLA Recreation Director Bruce Kaufmann ploy eight operators and its parking lot “I’ve driven up around there and to Ms. Sherry that the dates for refer- the Greater Plainfield Habitat for Hu- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader informed commissioners that they are will have 26 spaces, three for each think oversized driveways would be endum are chosen by the state. manity and the Greater Westfield, WESTFIELD — The Westfield currently in litigation with the con- operator plus two additional spaces. extremely uncharacteristic for the In other business, the board final- Mountainside Ministerium would part- Recreation Commission Monday night tractor, A. Juliano and Son of Ster- The applicant sought variances from area,” he said. ized a draft of the 2006-2007 board ner in the effort, and he invited all discussed a request from the Westfield ling, and are unable to move forward land-ordinance requirements that the Board Chairman Vince Wilt said goals and heard a proposal to add a townspeople, on the weekend of Soccer Association (WSA) to leave with any related “punch-point” parking lot have 36 to 40 spaces. area residents have raised drainage Chinese language course at Edison Festifall, September 30 and October 1 the lights on at Houlihan and Sid Fay projects until the matter is resolved. Coldwell Banker realtor Linda Hill concerns. Mr. Dec said the plan’s Intermediate School from Assistant from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., to come to the fields for an additional half hour. Mr. Kaufmann reported that Memo- spoke on behalf of Galaxy Nails and rechargeable retention pits would Superintendent Margaret Dolan. lawn of First United Methodist Church Currently, the lights are left on until rial Pool made $886,632 in income Spa, saying she has used its services solve that problem.
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