‘ Technician .._,A North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 mama-Wont...M..“ Volume LXV. Number 61 Friday. February 17. 1984 Raleigh.NorthCarolina Phone 737-2411 /2412 Dorm residents may pay for local phone service FrankGordon students responsible for the tele- contract individually as early as the Staff Writer phones." Haywood said. first 1984 summer session. Haywood said all of the money Macon Grissom, service repre- saved by the University in not State students living on campus sentative for Southern Bell. said having to pay for phone service in will probably not experience an students will be billed for the most the dormitories will be returned to increase in rent next fall. but they part like any other customer. “(Cur— the dormitories in one form or will most likely be required to rent) Southern Bell customers pay a another. “We hope to improve the contract for local phone service like $42.10 installation charge (with jack system in the residence halls." any other Southern Bell customer. already installed) and a monthly fee Grissom said. by running a line to according to Charles Haywood. dean of $12.48." he said. adding that a each room of each suite on campus. ofStudent Affairs. student may be able to save about Both Haywood and Grissom said the $10 on his or her installation fee if target date for completion of that “I'll probably recommend that rent State has a mass sign-up for phone project would probably be August remain the same ($500 per semes- service. The installation cost and 1985. Haywood mentioned the possi- terl." Haywood said. although a monthly rate “won’t be going down." bility that such an improvement provision in the residence hall con- Grissom said. “Actually. we have might also allow the installation of tract for the next school year states applied to the utilities commission for cable television and computer lines. that rent is subject to change. Rent a rate hike. and though we probably The rest of the University's surplus will probably not change. Haywood won't get 100 percent of what we will go to upgrading and maintaining said. because the University will no requested. I've never known us not the physical facilities in the dormito- longer be incurring the cost of local to get some percentage." Grissom ries and to inflationary costs.- phone service. “We’re going to make said students may be required to Haywood said. Bragaw residents beCome big brothers to Wake County youths MichaelKilian BBOG members then coordinated the entire State basketball team. photo by Marty Allen Staff Writer the event. Sean Robey. a BBOG Chancellor Bruce Poulton presented Staff member. contacted Ron Williams. the basketball to a youngster with a Internationally acclaimed poet, editor and playwright Sonia Sanchez spoke at Stewart Theatre Thursday night. The Wednesday night when the Wolf- director of the Wake County Boy's lucky ticket number at a special lecture. "Excellence of Black Education,” was held as part of State's celebration of Black History month. The final pack cruised to a five-point win over Club. concerning‘details for the boys‘ ceremony at halftime. eventWill be a performanceof, Love toAll, Lorraine, a playbased on the life of Lorraine Hansberry. Northeastern. 78 youngsters from outing. The residents who escorted the six- the Wake County Boy's Club were in The BBOG picked “Be a Bragaw to 14-year-old youngsters generally Black History celebration continues Reynolds Coliseum helping to cheer Big Brother for a Day" as the theme agreed that the project was a success the Pack to victory. thanks to for the project. Bragaw board mem- and that everyone had a good time. Bragaw Dormitory and the Inter- Many of the resident escorts said bers placed posters in each suite to that the outing was a rewarding Playwright speaks at Stewart Residency Council. help spur donations for the project. A experience. One of the escorts. CF. Bragaw and the IRC jointly paid majority of the residents responded. Stallings said. "I had as good a time SofiaBegan some of her poetry. then went on to The final event of Black History for the boys' tickets to the game. "Over 82 roe t of the 101 suites in talking and playing with the kids as Co-NewsEditor talk to some of the students con- Month-will be spatter-mange of Love Voluntary donations from Bragaw Bragaw «Sagan to the project." they had at the game. You don't see cerning‘their goals and hopes for the to . Lorraine. a one-woman play residents covered half of the Phil Angelosaid. too many kids around campus. and it in accordance with Black History future. based on the life of the late expenses. The IRC's share of the bill Bragaw residents were also asked was good to see some for a change." Month. nationally and internationally Even though only 49 persons playwright Lorraine Hansberry. came from their support fund. The to volunteer to be escorts for the The ticket office was very coopera- known poet. editor and playwright attended the lecture. Sanchez had Wiitten and performed by Elizabeth total cost of the outing was approxi- youngsters at the game. The re tive in helping with the event. “They Sonia Sanchez spoke at Stewart much to say and offer in the hopes of Van Dyke. Lorraine focuses on the mately 8700. sponse was tremendous. “More let us in early Friday morning to pick Theatre Thursday night to a group of aspiringyoungstudents. ‘ emotional state of Hansberry during The idea to sponsor the youngsters Bragaw residents showed up to up the tickets." Angelo said. interested faculty and students. A graduate of Hunter College in significant periods of her life that originated in a Bragaw Board of escort the kids than there were kids Angelo also expressed his thanks Her topic for the lecture was 1955. the Alabama-born Sanchez included memories of being raised in Governor’s meeting. The Bragaw to escort. Over 85 Bragaw residents on behalf of the BBOG to Chancellor “Excellence of Black Education." aided in the development of black a family that refused racial prejudice. Board of Governors is Bragaw's went to the game with the kids." Bruce Poulton. the Athletic De- Sanchez told the audience that they studies at San Francisco State Col- house council. Sotello Long. resi- Angelo said. partment. the ticket office and all (the students) should strive for lege in 1967. where she helped The performance will be held Feb. dence director of west campus. One youngster was also in for a others who helped make this project excellence in whatever they may be engineer the first black studies 28 at 8 p.m. in Stewart Theatre. suggested that the dormitory surprise at halftime. Members of the a success. doing. After her lecture she read courses in this country. Admission is free. sponsor the youngsters as a service BBOG had purchased a basketball project. according to Phil Angelo who with part of the donation money and helped organize theouting. had the basketball autographed by Technicians disappear from distribution points Barry Bowden “I wonder where they all went off to." Nolan said since about 10.000 Publications Board meets; ManagingEditor newspapers were not found. Hinton Press printed 10,000 more issues of Technician free-of—charge and They arrived around a.m. Wednesday. By the time students began delivered them to campus around 1:15 p.m. re-elects Current making their way to their 7:50 classes. the culprits were gone. Patrolman Barry Cross. the investigating Public Safety officer. said M.-W.-m~_-.—....... editOrs Someone confiscated approximately 12.000 issues of Wednesday's there are no leads in the case. but an investigation is continuing. Anyone Barry Bewdea service engineer, and Earl Clark. soul Technician. throwing many of them onto the railroad tracks over the who has any information about the disappearance of Wednesday's ManagingEditor coordinator for WKNC. attended the tunnels and others into bushes near Harris Hall. newspapers should contact Public Saftey at 7373206. meeting. The election was postponed Around 9 am. students began calling the Technician offices wondering A similar incident happened three years ago. when someone who was not Two incumbent editors were re- for board members to find out more where the newspapers were. Hinton Press. the company that prints" pleased with Technician's endorsement of students running in student ...._..-.~_.. elected while two other elections information about the candidates. Technician. was called to make sure that the newspapers had been body elections pilfered-the newspapers. were postponed. and a letter calling delivered. Hinton Press confirmed that the delivery was on time. "They took all the (newslpapers and threw them in one dumpster." Dave for the impeachment of three board Barrett Wilson, editor of "the Shortly thereafter. Evelyn Reiman of Student Development called Sneed. a Technician advertising salesman. said of the earlier incident. members was presented to the Watau an. a variety magazine that Technician to report that she had seen some copies in the bushes near “They must have been some booking dudes to get them all (10,000 copiesl." Publications Board during its meet- was enied funding through the Harris Hall. At that point. staff members Tim Medlin. Michelle Major. “I remember when they were taken before." Reiman said. “That’s why I ing Wednesday afternoon. board earlier this year. brought a Alan Nolan, Alan Clegg and Rodney Rhodes. an interested bystander. went looked in the bushes for the (news)papers." Marc Whitehurst. editor of the letter before the board calling for the out in search of the missing newspapers while Bowden reported the When the newspapers were taken before.
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