UNIVERSITY WEEKLY. VOLUME 13 UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS, FAYETTEVILLE, MAY 2 2, 1919 NUMBER 17 STUDENT IMPERSONATORS ENTERTAIN INTEREST GROWS AS HOME ECONMICS SHORT UNIV. TAKES SERIES FROM HENDRIX LARGE AUDIENCE AT “ STUNT NIGHT ELECTION APPROACHES COURSES CONTITUE BREAKS EVEN WITH CAMP PIKE TEAM Candidates Are Already Being Nomi­ Agents From Northeastern and North nated—Dark Horse May Appear Central Districts of the State Have At Last Minute. Arrived in Fayetteville. CHAPEL FILLED WITH EAG­ ARKANSAS WINS TWO OF ER SPECTATORS TO THE' “ We Have the A. E. F. Editor THREE GAMES WITH HEN­ “ FUN FEST” — FACULTY Politics on the campus is on the Twenty-one county home demonstra­ DRIX. TIES WITH SOLDI­ MEMBERS PROMINENT IN boom now with the elections coming tion agents from the northeastern and ERS—LAST GAME. Pep!” Every­ next Wednesday, May 28. Dark horses north central districts of the state, Jeers at a Few VARIOUS “ STUNTS.” are being withheld only to be rushed arrived in Fayetteville Monday for a U. S. Journalists where We See It in at the last minute. The freshman Week’s Short Course being given by Arkansas took two of the games class of this year is the earliest one the College of Agriculture. Mrs. Eliza­ The largest audience that has been in a series of three played here with to complete a whole list of nominees. beth Temple and Miss Nell Minton, assembled in the University auditor­ We have it! The sophomores and juniors have not district agents, are in direct charge of The Weekly is in receipt of a copy Hendrix College last week. May 14, ium this year was present last Satur­ At least that is the opinion of old been thinking seriously about whom the work for this week. Monday’s pro­ of "The Stars and Stripes,” official 15, and 16. gram included the organization of newspaper of the A. E. F., dated April The University took the first game day evening to witness the annual students. The old time Arkansas Raz­ they wish to elect. Some of the mem­ bers of the freshman class announce a classes and demonstrations on milk by 4, sent by Lieut. C. B. Myers, who Wednesday afternoon with a score of event of Stunt Night. Every seat was orback pep has returned to the Uni­ list of candidates for the offices next Miss Madge J. Reese of Washington, graduated from the University of-Ar­ 1- 0. Robertson for Arkansas pitched occupied and half the aisles were filled versity and made quite a demonstra­ year as follows: Chas. D Jamerson, D. C. Miss Reese gave a lecture illus­ kansas in 1917. Lieut. Myers is now airtight ball and was given good sup­ with merry spectators. Both faculty tion on the athletic field last week president of class: Elsie Ewart, vice- trated with moving pictures at the Y. with the Army of Occupation. Follow­ port in the field. Smith, in the box for members and students shared in the when Arkansas played the Hendrix president: Ernest Wales, treasurer; M. C. A. hut on “ Milk and Honey,” ing is an extract from the issue: Hendrix seemed invincible until the good natured jokes and clever “take­ Bull Dogs. The spectators fought al­ Elsie Roune, secretary: Merle Ford Monday evening. When P. T. Barnum, or whoever said seventh inning, when Arkansas scored offs.” most as hard for the game as the play­ and Robert Leflar, Razorback repre­ Tuesday was taken up almost en­ it, remarked that each man's wrist her only run. The University got four The Sapphic Literary Society took ers. sentatives; Lelia Gillam and James E. tirely with garden work under the in­ watch is pregnant with birth dates of hits, Hendrix one. the lead in the program in a mock Thursday night a pep meeting was Rutherford. Student Councilmen; Jesse struction of Prof. J. R. Cooper, head of suckers, his epigram covered aptly Thursday, May 15. the Bulldogs ex­ performance of the Glee Club. Miss held in the chapel to give the pep new Wood, Weekly representative. the department of horticulture, and Dr. and fully that great body of American actly reversed the score, getting one Pet Irby acted the part of Mr. Tovey. impetus and to hear talks from mem­ A number of sophomore men stu­ J. A. Elliott, head of the department of journalists who for the past few run and four hits, and allowing the The end men were Misses Jesse Wood, bers of the baseball squad. James E. dents have requested that the follow­ plant pathology of the University. months have been filling otherwise Razorbacks only one hit. Walker was Doris Shandy, Clara Baskin and Irene Bradley presided over the meeting. ing names be put on the ballot for the A course for farm women similar to quite readable newspapers with pic­ on the mound for Hendrix. Black and Richardson. The Sapphics concluded Rev. J. David Arnold, pastor of the following offices: Thomas Kirksey, that for the county agents is also being tures and interviews which have caus­ Jamerson for Arkansas. their stunt by singing the Glee Clubs First Christian Church, defined the president of class; Leland Robertson, conducted. The course was presented ed in the A. E. F. a riot of humorous Starting out with two scores in the popular song, “I know a bank where word “pep,” and made an interesting treasurer; Hurley Hust, Student Coun­ to agents from the southern part of disgust. first inning in the third game, the Raz­ the wild thyme blows.” and enthusiastic talk. cilman; Elys Lovell, Razorback rep­ the state last week and will be repeat­ Witness, for example, the Chicago orbacks had their batting eyes and Fred Ellison impersonating Dean Roland Kizer, E. Brazil, Hubert resentative. ed for agents of the Ozark section next Tribune including the following in a cracked the ball for extra bases to all Droke featured in the Agri Club stunt, Hinds, Claude Gaffney, C. E. Rucker, Some of the junior men have stated week. story written by C. V. Julian at New corners of the lot. Brazil starred at “A Souvenir of 1877.” Two great men Charles Jamerson, and Leland Robert­ their candidates as follows: Hugh York on February , when the old bat, getting two two-baggers and one came to the University in 1877. Dean son, members of the Razorback team, Evans, president of class; R. A. Coop­ COMMENCEMENT DRILL Eighth Illinois landed: single and scoring a total of three runs. Droke was one of them. The Dean made talks in which they told how er, treasurer; Jesse Cox, Student Coun­ MILL BE HELD JUNE 16 “ Captain Patton disliked trenches Walker was in the box for the Bull­ after enumerating several reminisc­ much the rooters had helped them and cilman; Darrel Shinn, Razorback rep­ because it took time to traverse them. dogs, Jamerson for the Razorbacks. ences of those old days proceeded with prophesied that the Razorbacks would resentative; Hubert Hinds, Paul Gold, Attendance Will Be Compulsory— So he got a bicycle and used to ride up The final score was 6-1. his math class. Mr. Wakefield was be winners the next day. and Hugh Lawson, Athletic Board of Officers to Receive Commissions. and down on No Man’s Land giving Rodman Stout, an old University the only student present and after re­ How the freshmen had shown their Control. Major Halpine, professor of Military bis orders from the bicycle. German man, umpired all five of the games. citing a well prepared lesson made an pep in the series with Hendrix was science and tactics announces that machine gunners tried unsuccessfully application to the Dean for a leave of told by William F. Scarborough, presi­ Wins First Game From Camp Pike. POSTERS ATTRACT Commencement Drill will be on June to knock him off. Finally a German absence. The Dean refused to grant dent of that class. He also led the 16, and that the officers will receive shot the spokes out of the wheel and The University won the first game the request saying, “Well Mr. Wake­ class in a yell which proved to the MUCH ATTENTION cadet commissions then. ruined the bicycle.” of the two-game series here on Tues­ field mathematically speaking when a "Doubting Thomas” that the freshmen Cadets who do not stay for the com­ Comes then the New York Herald day, May 20, in a tight game. Score man’s absent he is not here. So I could yell. The attractive art posters that have mencement drill will not receive credit with a picture in its rotogravure sec­ 2- 1. Robertson was on the mound for can’t give you a leave of absence.” been appearing recently in the Univer­ for any work passed this quarter. tion of February 2, showing: the Razorbacks and let the visitors The “Prevailing Industry” was the “ Bob Slay, of New York City. Has Clara Baskin, impersonating Miss sity Hall have not only been effective - The cadet officers who will receive down with six scattered hits. Hoff­ title of the next stunt which was given the distinction of being one of the most Mary Davis, presided at the meeting. means of making announcements and cadet commissions are James Ewart, man’s wildness and errors by the by the Tri Kappas and Tri Etas. It decorated and wounded men of the She rebuked the girls severely for fail­ advertisements but have also excited D. J. Hargraves, Hugh Evans, Harry camp team gave the University the is needless to say that Campustry was 77th Division. He has the U. S. Dis­ ing to sign up before going out and admiration for their striking qualities Steinberg, Joe Barrett, Savoy Wood­ winning run.
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