Journal of Critical Reviews ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 8, 2020 THE CONTRIBUTION OF JALAL AL-DDIN CABD AL-RAHMANAL-SUYUTI (D: 1445 AD) IN THE WORKS OF SHARH AL-HADITH: ANALYSIS OF SIX WORKS IN SUNAN AL-SITTAH Wahyu Hidayat Abdullah1, Muhammad Mustaqim Mohd Zarif2 1Department of Islamic Studies, Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia 2Islamic Science University of Malaysia E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Received: 02.05.2020 Revised: 01.06.2020 Accepted: 25.06.2020 Abstract Al-Suyuti is aone of a scholar in the 15th century who is familiar in the Islamic world. His character and ability as an Islamic scholar has been proved through the various written works especially in the al-Quran and al-Hadith studies. In the scopes of al-hadith, al- Suyuti has produced various aspects such as cUlum al-Hadith, cIlm Sharhal-Hadith, cIlmJarhwaal-Tacdil, cIlmTakhrij al-Hadith and so on. In the Sharhal-Hadith, several works have been produced by him such as Al-Tashwih, Al-Dibaj, Mirqah al-Sucud,Qut al-Mughtadhi, Zahr al-Rubba, and Misbah al-Zujajah. Therefore, this paper is prepared to review the writing of hadith performed by al-Suyutiin the six main sources of the hadiths known as Sunan al-Sittah. Using the qualitative method, this paper will analyze the author's method in the Sharh al-Hadith contained in his works. The findings show that al-Suyuti has his own method in describing the hadiths to help the reader to understand the hadiths contained in the Sunan al-Sittah. Even these works are still used as references in the study of hadith today. This is also proven the creativity of al-Suyutiin the arts of hadith was still relevant until nowadays. Keywords--Al-Suyuti; al-Quran dan al-Hadith Studies; Sharh al-Hadith; Sunan al-Sittah; © 2020 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/jcr.07.08.188 INTRODUCTION The continuity of the preservation of the hadith of the Holy The efforts to record the hadiths of Holy Prophet SAW actually Prophet (SAW), has opened the spaces for a new generation of have begun in theal-Sahabah RAandal-Tabicinera. As early as the second century of Hijriyah, some of the hadith manuscripts knowledge in the field of prophet's hadith, such as Sharh al- recorded had been produced and collected. Among the great Hadith, Mustalah al-Hadith, Takhrij al-Hadith, Asbab al-Wurud, names such as Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri (d. H124), AbuBakr cIlal al-Hadith, cIlmRijalWa al-Asanid and so forth. Among the Muhammad cUmar bin Hazim (d.H 117), IbnJurayj (d.H 150), scholar who played a major role in the field of hadith is al-Imam Muhammad bin Ishaq (d. H 151) those who were important Jalal al-Din cAbdul Rahman al-Suyuti who was born in 849 scholars in the writing of the Sharhal-Hadith at that time. While Hijriyah (1445 AD). His expertise in the field of Islamic religion in the third century of Hijriyyah, efforts, and developments in the cannot be concealed and denied. Until today his books are still collecting of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW has used as a reference in the field of hadith studies. He also gone through the golden age until it is known as cAsr al- contributed greatly to the knowledge of Sharhal-Hadith and was Dhahabi li-l-Hadith “the golden era for the hadith”1.In this era, a scholar who succeeded in producing a hadith for the six hadiths scholars in the field of hadith actively gather and record the in Sunanal-Sittah which has not been done by other ulama until hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW according to their own today. methods. Among the methods are, the preparation of the al- hadiths based on the names of the narrators of the hadith known Therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis and evaluation of as musnad books such as Musnad Ahmad Hanbal and the the six works of the hadith that has been written by al-Suyuti. preparation of hadith based on the topic of discussion of Fiqh The analysis of the text in this study also attempts to highlight such as Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim.2 The appearance the methodology of al-Suyuti’s writing in these six works, namely of important scholars such as Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Bukhari, Al-Tashwih FiSharh Sahihal-Bukhari, Al-Dibajc AlaSahih Muslim, Muslim, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasa'i, Abu Dawd, Ibn Majah, and others Mirqah al-SucudIla Sunan AbiDawd, Qut al-Mughtazic Ala Sharh al- have proven that the responsibility and trust of defending the Jamic al-Tirmidhi, Zahr al-RubbacAla al-Mujtaba and Misbah al- Hadith have been successfully taken by Muslim scholars. It also Zujajah FiSharh SunanIbnMajah. restricts the manipulation and counterfeiting of the hadiths of the Holy Prophet SAW which became an important source after JALAL AL-DIN AL-SUYUTI AND HIS WORKS the Holy Quran. cAbd al-Rahman bin Kamal AbuBakr bin Muhammad bin Sabiq Al-Ddin bin al-Fakhr cUmarbin Nazir al-Ddin al-Hamam al- Khudayri al-Suyutiwas amongst the most important Islamic scholars in Egypt. Al-Suyuti is the title taken from his hometown of Asyut in Egypt. He was originally born and raised in Asyut3. Al- 1Abu Zahw, Muhammad. M, al-Hadith Wa al-Muhaddithun, Suyuti was born in 849 Hijriyah equivalent to 1445 AD during (Riyadh: Dar al-Buhuth al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1985), p. 202. 2Hamid Ahmad Hammad,al-Haq al-Mubin fiManahij al- Muhaddithin, (Egypt: Dar al-Ma’rifah al-Azhariyyah, 2001), p. 3Al-Suyuti.Jalaluddin, al-Luma’ FiAsbabWurud al-Hadith, (Beirut: 154. Dar al-Fikr li al-Taba’ahwa al-Nashr, 1996), p. 4. Journal of critical reviews 884 THE CONTRIBUTION OF JALAL AL-DDIN CABD AL-RAHMANAL-SUYUTI (D: 1445 AD) IN THE WORKS OF SHARH AL-HADITH: ANALYSIS OF SIX WORKS IN SUNAN AL-SITTAH the reign of Mamalik Gracose4. Al-Suyuti claimed he was an Asyut • Write small brochures. Some of them are just a single page12. native and his father was a resident of the place5. He was also called Jalal Al-Din by his own father and was given a kuniyyah There are many works of al-Suyutiin the field of hadith, among AbuFadl by his father's acquaintance while still alive6. The title of the famous works are al-Iscaf al-Mubattabi al-Rijal al-Muwatta’, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti is very synonymous with him until today. Tadrib al-Rawi FiSyarah Taqrib al-Nawawi, al-cAyn al-Isabah During his lifetime he had held various positions in services such FiMa crifah al-Sahabah, Kashf al-Talbis cAn Qalb Ahli al-Tadlis, al- as teachers, directors, fatwa, school principals and several other La'ali al-Masnu cah Fi al-Ahadith al-Mawducah, Minhaj al- positions in Egypt7. According to al-Zirkili, during the lifetime of SunnahWa al-Jamical-Saghir FiAhadith al-Bashir Wa al-Nadhir, al-Suyuti, he is a very deeply focused person in the field of Ziyadah al-Jamic al-Jannah, Jamical-Masanid, Jamical-Saghir, writing. He had locked and hidden in his house at Rawdhah al- Takhrij Ahadith al-Muwatta’ li al-Imam al-Malik and so on. Miqyas when he was 40 years old to complete religious works8.Al-Suyuti returned to Rahmatullah at Jamadil Awwalof SHARH AL-HADITHAND ITS IMPORTANCE IN 911 Hijriyah equivalent to October 17, 1505 AD, due to paralytic UNDERSTANDING THE HADITH illness. At first, he was only paralyzed in his hands. There is some Sharh al-Hadithis one of the areas in the knowledge of hadith, it disagreement over his death date, some claiming he died in 910 is the knowledge that discusses and describes a hadith prophet AH and some claimed he died in 901 AH. But the 911 Hijriyyah Muhammad SAW from various aspects. It is also known as cIlmal- was the most accurate year based on the consent from al-Suyuti’s Macani al-Hadith, Tafsiral-Hadith, cIlmFiqhal-Hadith, and also has students9. received many definitions such as13 (Tash Kubra Zadah, 1985), it is only a science that studies how to understand the hadiths of WORKS OF JALAL AL-DIN AL-SUYUTIIN THE FIELD OF the Holy Prophet SAW according to the Arabic method and the HADITH shari’a methods that is compatible with the ability of Muslims to Al-Suyuti admitted that he had mastered seven important understand. But this definition has been criticized because of the subjects tafsir, hadith, fiqh, Arabic grammar, ‘ilm al-ma‘ani, al- absence of explaining the aspects of sanad hadith which is an bayan, and al-badi‘(three sciences of rhetoric) according to the important element in the tradition of hadith. (Al-Haj Khalifah, eloquent Arabs’ understanding, not the understanding of non- 1941) in Kashf al-Zunun has defined the knowledge of Sharh al- Arabs and philosophers10.Al-Suyuti is a versatile scholar in Hadith in a concise definition said the Sharhal-Hadithis actually religious writing. In a young age, he has been able to produce part (furuc) of the sciences of hadith14. Therefore, this knowledge excellent quality works. The first work recorded is Riyad al- is understood in more detail. Talibin which is relating to reciteal-Basmalahandal-Isticazah11. Imam al-Dawudi al-Malikiisone of his students states that, al- The knowledge of the Sharh al-Hadithis the earliest known in the Suyuti has written as many as 500 books.
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