Fordson TRADE MARK TRACTOR Parts List .. -MOTOR NUMBER HERE Instructions for Ordering Parts.. 1-Always give number of Tractor; it is stamped on the motor on the right-hand side. ~-Always give number and name of each part ordered. · 8-Speoify whether shipments are to be forwarded by mail, ex- press or freight. · · 4-0rders for parts should be written separately from correspond­ ence pertaining to other matters. 6-Parts should be ordered from Dealer. 66 Tractor Plate No. 1 Part No. Name of Part. Year. Price.. REAR AXLE. £ •• d 81 Rear axle shaft . 1917-26 1 15 81B Rear axle shaft and Jear .. 1926-27 a 10 • 82 Rear ·axle housing- right or left 1917-Z'l 5 6 • 83 Rear azle housing cap screw .. 1917-27 • 84 Rear azle housing gasket 1917-27 • e• •4 85 Rear axle housing roller bearing 1917-27 • 1 0 86 Rear axle roller bearing sleeve .. 1917-27 a • 87 Rear axle shaft bearing conr 1917-27 • 0 •4 88 Rear axle shaft felt 1917-22 • 0 I 88B Rear axle shaft felt 1922-27 • 0 i 89 Rear axle shaft felt retainer 1917-22 • 0 89B Rear azle shaft felt retainer 1922-27 • 0 • 810 Rear axle housing plug . 1917-27 • 0 •5 812 Di1ferential gear . 1917-26 •1 1! 813 Di1ferential gear look ring-per pair 1917-26 0 a• 814 Di1ferential pinion spider . 1917-27 •1 6 815 Difterential pinion .. 1917-27 11! • 816 Difterential housing .. 1917-27 1 1! • 817 Differential housing bolt . 1917-27 • 818 Difterential housing bolt nut . 1917-27 • •ou • S19 Differential housing ball-bearing .. 1917-27 •4 4 820B Worm gear--bronze-51 teeth .. .. 1920-27 ~15 • •s21c Worm-deep splined-steel-3 lead 1922-27 ~1! • 822C Worm shaft thrust roller bearing 1917-27 51! • 825 Worm nut .. 1917-27 ,. 4 • 826 Worm shaft thrust roller bearing race .. 1917-27 •- 0 • • Beginning with Tractor 263810. • DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 67 ,, I Tractor Plate No. 2 Part No. Name of Part. Year. Price. FRONT AXLE. £ 8. d. BS1 Front axle-with bushing 1917-27 2 10 0 BS2 Front axle trunnion . 1917-27 0 2 0 SS3 Front axle trunnion bushing 1917-27 0 0 5 854 Radius rod- with bushing 1917-27 0 17 8 S65 . Radius rod bushing 1917-27 0 0 5 858 Radius rod pin . 1917-27 0 1 0 857 Radius rod bolt . 1917-27 0 1 0 BS8 Radius rod bolt nut-order 2598 1917-27 859 SPINDLE BODY. 1917-27 1 8 0 880 Spindle body bushing (per pair) .. 1917-27 0 0 7 S81 Spindle pin . 1917-27 0 4 6 882 Spindle pin washer . 1917-27 0 0 5 883 Front wheel dust ring . 1917-27 0 0 5 864 Spindle pin grease cup-order 2579 1917-27 885 Spindle felt. 1917-19 0 0 11 888 Spindle felt retainer 1917-19 0 0 5 887 Spindle washer 1917-27 0 0 3 888 Spindle nut . 1917-27 0 0 5 889 SPINDLE ARM- FRONT- RIGHT- ASSEMBLY 1917-27 0 7 6 S70 SPINDLE ARM- FRONT-LEFT- ASSEMBLY 1917-27 0 15 0 871 Svfndle arm bushing 1917-27 0 0 4 872 Spindle arm washer-order S67 1917-P/'1 873 Svindle arm ·nut-order S68 1917-27 874 Spindle connecting rod . 1917-27 0 9 0 875 Spindle con. rod yoke pin 1917-27 0 1 0 876 Spindle arm ball . , 1917-27 0 2 0 877 Spindle ·arm ball nut-order 858 • . 1917-27 878 STEERING GEAR CON. ROD ASSEMBLY 191':'-27 1 1 0 879 Steering gear con. rod . 1917-27 0 12 8 S80 Steering gear con. rod cap 1917-27 0 1 8 881 Steering rear con. rod cap. bolt 1917-27 0 0 5 . 88S Steering gear con. rod cap bolt nut 1917-27 0 0 5 WHEELS. SlOO I'RONT WHEEL ASSEMBLY 1917-27 4 18 0 SlOt Prout wheel hub cap 1917-27 0 1 8 •stos Prout wheel spindle bearing outside cup 1917-27 0 3 8 •sto3 Front wheel spindle bearing outaide cone and roller . 1917-27 0 8 0 •s1o4 Front wheel IPindle bearinc- l.naide cup 1917-27 0 8 4 •sto5 Front wheel spindle Maring i.naide cone and roller -:. 1917-27 0 13 8 stoe Front wheel spJndle wuher ... 1919-27 0 0 8 810'7 Front wheel ball beariq-4)utaide 1817 0 17 8 S108 l'ront wheel ball bearin~inaide . .. 1917 1 3 8 tS120 REAR WHEEL ASSEMBLY-RIGHT-leu baahU.. .. 1917-27 13 3 9 tS121 REAR WHEEL ASSEliiBLY-LEl1'T-lesa bushing 1917-27 13 3 9 St22. Rear whee) hub cap screw 1917-27 0 1 6 DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 68 Tractor Plate No. 3 Part Ko. Name of Part. Year. ;Price. WHEELS (conl) £ 8. d. 8128 Rear. wheel bushing . 1917-27 1 8 8124 Rear wheel cleat- right . 1917-27 0 8 • 8126 Rear wheel cleat-left .. 1917-27 0 8 • 8128 Rear wheel cleat rivet .. 1917-27 0 0 a• • Beginning with Tractor No. 32764. Tractor Plate No. 4 KEROSENE TANK. S150 KEROSENE TANK A.SSEMBLY-Order S.186 1917-24 S151 Keroaene tank ca~rder 2901B 1917-27 •s152 Kerosene tank strap assembly . 1917-27 o 5 a tS153 Kerosene tank strap-rear assembly .. 1917-22 o 5 a 8154 Kerosene tank strap lining . 1917-27 0 0 11 . 8155 Kerosene tank strap rivet--order 1058 1917-27 S156 Kerosene tank strap look washer-order 8078C 1917-27 S157 Kerosene tank strap nut 1917-27 o o a S158 Sediment bulb assembly~rder 2902B .• 1917-24 S159 Sediment bulb fiange--order 2051X 1917-24 S160 . Sediment bulb fiange gasket-order 2094X 1917-24 8161 Sediment bulb pet cock-order 3079 . 1917-24 8162B Kerosene feed tube . · . 1917-24 0 2 • Kerosene feed tube pack nut-ord(!r S.163 1917-24 S168 Sediment bulb pack nut-order 2925 1917-24 S164 Sediment bulb pack nut-packing-order 2913 1917-24 • Two required on tractors with breather on dash. t Used only on tractors without breather on dash. DEMAND GENUINE FORD PARTS 69 ·Part No. Name of Part. Ye&i'. Price. GASOLINE TANK. £ s. d. S178 GASOLINE TANK-CAST IRON . 1917-25 0 18 6 Gasoline tank cap-order 2901B 1917-24 *S178 Gasoline tank plug . 1917-25 o· 2 a S179 Gasoline tank plug gasket-order S160 1917-25 "-~ /~i9iT~ S·l96 ~ 5·19 4. S·l95 "' S·l98 Tractor Plate No. 5 Gasoline tank pet cock:_order 8161 .. ~ . 1917-25 S181 Gasoline feed tube 1917-21 0 1 5 · S181B Fuel fee.d tube-short 1922-25 . 0 0 10 Gasoline feed tube pack nut-orde:t 2925 1922-25 8182 Gasoline. tank cap screw 1917-27 0 0 6 S183 Gasoline tank screw lock washer . 1917-27 0 0 1 81.84 Auxiliary gas tank plug .. 1917-23 0 0 5 S185 . Fuel valve (two way) .. 1922-24 0 4 8 t8186 Fuel tank assembly ... 1924-27 4 4 0 S187 ·Fuel tank filler plug and gasket assembly-order . 2901B 1917-27 8188 Fuel tank · filler plug gasket .. 1924-27 0 0 2 8189 Gasoline tank elbow · 1924-27 0 1 0 8190 Gasoline tiUlk feed tube .. 1924-27 0 1 0 S191B Fuel feed tube (used with S186 and 81000) 1924-27 0 1 5 S191C Fuel feed tube (used with S186 and SllOO) 1924-25 0 1 5 S191D Fuel feed tube (used with 81100) 1925-27 0 1 5 8192 ·sediment bulb assembly .• · •. 1924-27 0 12 . 0 'S193 Sediment bulb screen· retainer .. 1924-27 0 1 5 8194 Sedim~nt bulb screen assembly 1924-27 0 1 5 s1g5 Sediment bulb valve handle 1924-27 0 0 5 S1 6 Sediment bulb valve ·packing .. 1924-27 0 0 1 S197 Sediment bulb valve set nut-order 5134 1924-27 8198 Sediment bulb valve · pack nut .. 1924-27 0 l 0 t Beginning with Tractor No . .393410. When replacing old style fuel tank also {=' . supply 1 8190. MOTOR. *8199 ENGINE . ASSEMBLY '(See Wustra\ion) .. 191'i-27 75 0 0 *8200 Cylinder ... 1917~27 18 6 0 *S200F Cylinder assembly 1917-27 40 0 0 8201 · . Cylinder head 1917-26 3 7 6 SS01B Cylinder head . • .. 1928-27 3 7 6 82010 Cylinder. head-high oompresaion .. 1917-27 3 7 tf 8202 Cylinder head cap screw 1917~27 0 0 6 tS208 Cylinder head gasket ., 1917-26 0 5 0 S203B Cylinder head gailket .. .. 1926-27 0 5 0 8204 Cylinder head water connection gas~et .. 1917-27 0 1 3 B205 Cylinder plug ·.. 1917-27 0 0 3 • Not subject to regular discount. f. When unable to obtain part number 8203 use S203B. DEMAND GENillNE FORD PARTS 70 Tractor Plate No. 6 Part No. Name of Part. Year. Price. MOTOR (cont.) . £ 8 . d . 8206 Cylinder oil pipe . 1917-25 0 2 0 8206B Cylinder oil pipe . 1926-27 0 1 6 l8207 Cylinder front cover . 1917-26 4 12 0 8207B . Cylinder front cover 1926-27 4 12 0 . 8208 Cylinder front cover bolt . 1.917-P:/ 0 0 6 8209 Cylinder front cover bolt not-order 8167 1917-27 8210 Cylinder front cover drain cock . 1917-27 0 8 · 7 8211 Cylinder front cover felt 1917-P:/ 0 0 6 Cylinder front cover cap screw-'-Order 8182 . 1917-25 Cylinder front cover screw lock washer-orderS183 1917.. 25 8218 Cylinder front cover gasket . 1917-P:/ 0 0 6 t When unable to obtain part number 8207, use S207B.
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