Description of a new tropical Heteroderidae, Hylolzerna ivorense n. gen., n. sp., and a new outlook on the family Heteroderidae (Nematoda : Ty1enchda)b Michel Luc, Donald P. TAYLORand Patrice CADET Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Laboratoire des Vers, 43 rue Cuvier, Paris, France; Laboratoire de Nématologie, ORSTOM, B.P. 1386 Dakar, Séne‘gal and Laboratoire de Nématologie, ORSTOM, B.P. V51, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. SUMMARY Hylonema, a new genus in the Heteroderidae from Ivory Coast, is described and illustrated with H. ivorense n. sp. described and designated the type species. The authors suggest that the division of the Heteroderidae into the Heteroderinae, Meloidoderinae and Ataloderinae is highly artificial and servesno useful purpose ; it is proposed to abandon the use of these subfamilies. Zelandodera is considered a junior synonym of Cryphodera resulting in the following nomenclatorial changes : C. podocarpi (Wouts, 1973) n. comb. ; C. nothophagi (Wouts, 1973) n. comb. and C. cozi (Wouts, 1973) n. comb. Sherodera is considered a junior synonym of Atalodera and S. lonicerae becomes A. lonicerae (Wouts, 1973) n. comb. Thus, the family Heteroderidae isconsidered to consist of the following genera : Heterodera Schmidt, 1871 ; Globodera (Skarbilovich, 1959) Mulvey & Stone, 1976 ; Punctodera Mulvey & Stone, 1976 ; Sarisodera Wouts & Sher, 1971 ; Meloidodera Chitwood, Hannon & Esser, 1956 ; Cryplzodera Colbran, 1956 ; Atalodera Wouts & Sher, 1971 and Hylonema n. gen. RÉSUMÉ I Description d’un nouvel Heteroderidae tropical, Hylonema ivorense n. gen., n. sp., et considérations sur la famille des Heteroderidae (Nematoda : Tylenchida). Les auteurs décrivent un nouveau genre d’Heteroderidae, Hylonelna n. gen., ayant pour type et unique espèce Hylonema ivorense n. gen., n. sp. observé sur de jeune avodirés(Turraeanthus africana)en Côte d’Ivoire. Se fondant sur les caractéristiques de ce nouveau genre, les auteurs proposent d’abandonner l’usage des sous-familles généra- lement admises chez les Heteroderidae (Heteroderinae, Mcloidoderinae et Ataloderinae). Le genre Zelandodera est considéré comme synonyme de Cryphodera, entrahant les changèments de nomenclature suivants : C. podocarpi (Wouts, 1973) n. comb., C. notophagi (Wouts, 1973) n. comb., C. cozi (Wouts, 1973) n. comb. De même, Sherodera est considéré comme synonyme d’iltalodera et S. lonicerae devient A. lonicerae (Wouts, 1973) n. comb. La famille des Heteroderidae comprend donc les genres suivants : Heterodera Schmidt, 1871 ; Globodera (Skarbilovich, 1959) Mulvey & Stone, 1976 ; Punctodera Mulvey & Stone, 1976 ; Sarisbdera Wouts & Sher, 1971 ; Meloidodera Chitwood, Hannon & Esser, 1956 ; Cryphodera Colbran, 1956 ; Atalodera Wouts & Sher, 1971 et Hylonema n. gen. Juveniles and males of a previously unknown Luc, 1978). Detailedmorphological and anato- member of theHeteroderidae were recovered mica1 studies of thenematode were made by one of the authors (P.C.) from soi1 collected resulting in the descriptionof Hylonema ivorense aroundthe roots of “avodiré”, Turraeanfhus n.gen., n. sp. given below. africana Pellegr.,growing in a tropicalrain- Ourinability to include this newgenus in forestreserve at Banco,Ivory Coast. Exam- any of theexisting subfamilies of the Hete- ination and dissection of the roots of this -tree roderidae indicated the importance of examining revealed the presence of saccate females of an thevalidity of thesesubfamilies and some of undescribedgenus. The description of the the more recently described genera in order to uniquehost-parasite relationship observed is develop a meaningfulorganization of this given in a subsequent article (Taylor, Cadet & family. Reu. Némafol. 1 (1) : 73 ù 86 (1978) 73 M. Luc, D. P. Taylor dl- P. Cadet Materials and methods = 36 pm (33-39.5) ; anterior portion of stylet = 18.5 pm (16-21) ; m = 51 (47-55) ; stylet knobs Living males andjuveniles were isolated (h x w) = 3.0 x 6.5 pm (2.5-3.5 x 5.5-8) ; from soi1 bystandard extraction techniques. O (n = 15) = 12.4 (8-16) ; median bulb ( 1 x w) Specimens were killed and fixed with FP 4 : 1 (n = 11) = 11 x 16.5 pm (10-12 x 15-19) ; (Netscher & Seinhorst,1969) and mounted in distance from anterior end to center of median glycerin on Cobb slides according to the rapid bulb = 88.5 pm (85-93) ; hyalineterminal method of Seinhorst (1959). port.ion of tail (“h”) = 70.5 pm (55-88) ; h as % Females were obtained by carefuldissection tail length = 84 (77-92). of infected avodiré roots which had been fixed Holotype (female) : L = 0.42 mm ; width = in F.A.A. for 48 hours or longer. Intact females 0.20 mm ; L/w = 2.1 ; stylet = 42 pm ; dist. were mountedin glycerinon Cobb slides as vulva to anus = 19 pm. above. Vulval cones were prepared by dissecting the posterior portion of fixed females, removing the bodycontents in lactic acid (Taylor & Netscher, 1974) and mounting in glycerin jelly DESCRIPTION on Cobb slides. Specimenswere prepared forstereoscan Fernales : Body size andshape variable, electron microscope study (S.E.M.) as described generallyelongated and swollen one wayor bySher and Bell(1975). Conventional optical another ; anterior portion (t( neck P) relatively photomicrographs were madewith Leitza longand distinct from rest of body.Body “Orthomat” photomicroscope. swelling usually progressive withthe largest part of thebody located either anteriorly or posteriorly (apparently depending on its ability ta develop withinhost tissues). Posterior extremity generally rounded in profile, flattened Hylonema ivorense n.gen., n.sp. betweenvulva and anus. Vulva subterminal ; vulval lips not observedin profile. MEASUREMENTS Cuticle ’ thickened, 5 pm anteriorlyand 10-13 pm at centraland posterior portions ; apparently composed of two layers : an interna1 Females : (n = 39) : L = 0.61 mm (0.34-1.01) ; hyaline layer and an external irregularly cracked width = 0.23 mm (0.16-0.34) ; L/w = 2.5 layerproduckg a very rugosesurface (sorne- (1.9-4.6) ; stylet(n = 5) = 41 pm (38-46). what resemblingyounga Heterodera cyst). Males : L (n = 50) = 1.02 mm (0.65-1.42) ; Cuticularsurface with relatively deep, non- a(n = 26) = 39(32-47) ; b (n = 25) = 6.9 oriented striae ; no punctations as in Heterodera (5.4-7.9) ; b‘ (n = 25) = 4.4(3.3-6.2) ; stylet and Sarisodera. (n = 25) = 40.5 pm (38-44) ; anterior portion “Head” conical but of unusualappearance of stylet = 22 pm (19.5-24.5) ; m = 54 (51-56) ; withthe c.uticular structure contrasting with styletknobs (h x w) = 3 x 7 pm (2.5-4.0 that of the restof the body; for thefirst 15-23 pm x 6-10.5) ; O = 8 (5-11) ; spicules (n = 25) = from the anterior end the cuticleis thin (0.6- 32 pm (27-36.5) ; gubernaculum (n = 25) = 1.0 pm) and marked by 15-20 regular transverse 11 pm (9-13) ; medianbulb (1 x w) (n = 13) striae.In lateral view (opticalmicroscope), 13.5 X 9 pm (11.5-18 x 8.5-10.5) ; distance from the first5 or 6 annules appear more distinct and anterior end to center of median bulb (n = 13)= separated, but no distinct labial annules could 94.5 pm (80-110). be discerned. If they correspond to the position Juveniles(2nd stage) : L(n = 50) = 0.64 of t.he cephalic framework, there are 2-3 labial (0.60-0.73) ; a (n = 25) = 30 (25-36) ; b (n = 23) annules. En face view (S.E.M.) shows a roughly = 5.2 (4.1-5.8) ; b’ (m = 25) = 2.5(2.2-2.9) ; quadrangular(rarely triangular) first annule tail length (n = 25) = 83.5 pm (70-96) ; c = (orlabial disc) (Fig. 3, C-D), whichis very 7.9 (7.1-8.9) ; c’ = 6.1 (4.4-6.8) ; stylet (n = 25) distinctand narrower than the next annule. 74 Rev. Nématol. 1 (1) : 73 d 86 (1978) Fig. 1 : Hylonema ivorense n. gen., n. sp. : Female : A-G : outline of body ; 1 : cesophageal portion ; 3, I< : fore part ; L : posterior part (a: muscles ; b : underbridge). Abnormal female : H : outline of the body ; M : postvulval portion. Hylonema ivorense n. gen., n. sp. Femelles : A- G : profils du corps ; I : région œsophagienne ;J, Ii :partie antérieure; L :partie postdrieure (a : muscles; b : pont inprieur). Femelle aberrante : H:profi.! du corps ;iM: partie post-vulvaire. Rev. Nématol. 1 (1) : 73 & 86 (1978) 75 M. Luc, D.P. Taylor & P. Cadet Buccal apertureroughly hexagonal ; no elongated and irregularly cyclindrical( length = amphidialapertures observed. The next (2nd) 240 pm ; max.diameter = 60pm). The tail annule,rounded and larger, has irregularly is hemispherical (length = 19 pm ; c' = 0.5) ; scattered rounded protuberances. A hexaradiate no phasmids were observed(Fig. 1, H, M). basalplate is seen in en face view (optical &lales : Bodystraight or weaklycurved, microscope). Stylet long and slender ; anterior elongate,cylindrical, slightly more slender at portionslightly longer than posterior ; stylet theanterior end. A distinct narrowing of the knobsgenerally rounded with flattened or body occurs at the level of the junction of the slightly pointed anterior surfaces. Dorsal oeso- two parts of the stylet giving this part of the phagealgland duct opening approximately body a slightlyconical appearance. Body 5 pm posterior to stylet base. generallytwisted throughout its length ; an- Procorpusmassive, constricted at junction terior and posterior extremes forming an angle with metacorpus which is enlarged and nearly of 900 with longitudinal axis. spherical(37 x 34pm) with well developed Cuticle distinctlyannulat,ed, average width valveplates (7 x 5 pm).Isthmus short ; of annules 2.5 pm at middle of body. Lateral basal glandular portion containing a very large field with four lines occupying one-fourth body anteriornucleus and two smaller posterior diameter at middle of body.Lines of lateral nuclei. field not fused in posterior portion of body. Excretorypore small, difficult, tolocate. In two females it was located 136 and 184 pm ' Labial region rounded',in relief, separated from t.he anterior end, at the level of the basal fromrest of bodyby a distinctincisure ; bulb of the oesophagus.Nerve ring thin, 5.5 pm (4-6.5)high and10 pm (8-11.5) wide ; surroundingist.hmus.
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