”Exploring the “Nature : 1 מים חיים מירושלים of the Simchas Beis HaShoeva Celebration2 in our tradition שמחה The human pursuit of happiness is one of the central themes in life. The greatest imaginable Whoever has not seen“ 3- מי שׁלא ראה שמחת בית השׁואבה לא ראה שמחה מימיו .was witnessed during Sukkos the rejoicing at the festival of the water drawing, has never seen true happiness”. The Sages see the nightly celebrations in anticipation of the drawing the water that would be poured onto the altar, as the pinnacle of שמחת בית as well asניסוך המים happiness. In this shiur, we will explore some of the underlying themes of both the B’EzrasHashem HaChonen Da’as we will shed light on some of the spiritual aspects of these rituals in a .השואבה way that informs our connection with water and the environment. As the season of Teshuva, the return to our roots, comes to a close, we must reflect upon the changes we wish to make not only in our spiritual lives, but also in terms of the way we relate to the world in which we live. On Sukkos, the most pervasive ecological issue is certainly the understanding of the importance of water as the essential component of physical life on Earth. The Essence of the Mitzvah - ניסוך המים is essentially part of the libations ניסוך המים There is a basic Hakira, deep Talmudic investigation, as to whether that accompanied the daily offering, or rather, a unique fulfillment in its own right. Harav Yaakov Ettlinger4 in his offers a lengthy discourse in which he proves it is actually a Hovas HaYom- an obligation of the day. One of the .was brought prior to the Korban, it is valid ניסוך המים primary proofs for this is the unique Halakha that if the Rabbi Akiva6 believes that this is an . ניסוך המים Additionally, the Talmud5 records a dispute as to the source for agricultural offering- just as the Omer on Pesach brings blessing to the wheat, and Bikurim on Shavuos bring gives us the opportunity to activate the blessing of rain throughout the year. After ניסוך המים ,blessings to the fruit -on Sukkos the world is judged regarding water. The timing of Sukkos is the Mechayev -”בחג נידון על המים “ ,all the source of the obligation. Rav Yehuda Ben Beteira holds that it is from the extra letters mem-yud-mem, found in the Torah regarding that the Torah refers to both wine and ,הסך נסך Nesachim, while Rav Natan learns from the double language of was truly under the ניסוך המים water. Yet the poskim7 hold that it is actually Halakha LeMoshe MiSinai. If general category of the libations that were brought each day, we would have certainly preferred the textual sources of the Mitzvah. Clearly, Halakha leads us to an understanding of this Mitzvah as a unique expression of the 8 messages inherent in the holiday of Sukkos. 1 Zechariah 14:8 2 Special thanks to Tuvia Aronson, who prepared this shiur for Canfei Nesharim. Tuvia expresses his thanks to his father and teacher Rabbi Dr David I Aronson shlit”a for providing valuable sources and suggestions. 3 Talmud Bavli Sukkah 51 4 Responsa Binyan Zion (43) 5 Zevahim 110b, Sifrei Piska 150, Taanit etc.) 6 Rabbi Akiva in other places gives a textual proof. Also the opinion of Rav Yehuda Ben Beteira in one rendition is that the extra letters are proof this mitzvah is from the Torah, whereas in the other reading, he says they are a remez- hint. 7 Rambam Mishneh Torah 8 For further Iyun see Rav Yeruchem Fishel Perlau’s commentary to Rav Sa’adia Gaon’s Sefer HaMitzvot, GRY"Z HaLevi Soloveitchik 50b, Kehilos Yaakov Yoma siman 5 The Essence of The Simcha - שמחת בית השואבה The famous Temple party raged all week long with no time to sleep. As the Talmud tells us9, there were parades, flutes and shofaros were blown, gigantic orchestras played, Psalms of praise were sung, Rabbis dancing wildly like David Hamelech, there was fire-juggling, and even thumb push-ups. There was a special effort made to include women with the building of a special platform. The Temple and all of Yerushalayim were lit up with humongous bowls of oil. It is interesting to note that the wicks were made of old priestly undergarments. Any environmentalist will tell you that reusing is even better than recycling due to less energy being wasted. Why this elaborate ceremony? There is a fundamental dispute between Rashi and Rambam regarding the source of the simcha that inspired the most festive (if not raucous) and is a form ניסוך המים celebration in the Beis HaMikdash. Rashi10 is clear that the Simcha is in celebration of the of Hiddur Mitzvah- an enhancement of the water-drawing. What a hidur Mitzvah! It must be a world record! You shall draw water - 11”וּשׁאבתם מים בששון ממעיני הישׁוּעה “ -Rashi’s textual source is from the beautiful image with joy from the wellsprings of salvation.. Rambam12, however, maintains that the happiness is related purely to and you shall be happy in the presence of -"ושׁמחתם לפני ה' א-לוֹהיכם " the holiday itself, and is a fulfillment of Hashem. Rav Soloveitchik z.tz.l 13 teaches that Rambam breaks down the mitzvah to be happy at the party into two dinim or categories: there is a general mitzvah to be happy like on the other festivals, yet there is another dimension in that we have a specific mitzvah to be happy in the Mikdash.14 (It also seems, says the Rav, that the Rambam further as we see two different sources in שמחת בית השואבה and theניסוך המים distinguishes between the happiness of both Torah Devarim 16:14-15 and Vayikra 23:40, and Talmud Sukkah 48a and 51 a). Dr. Ronen Ahituv notes15 that there are two primary reasons for the happiness in the Beis HaMikdash on Sukkos: a) the expansion of the area intended for ritual purpose in particular, and the holy essence of the place in general; and b) the gathering of the entire community. The Navi describes Shlomo HaMelekh dedicating the Beis HaMikdash on Sukkos with both these elements. There were innumerable sacrifices offered in the entire courtyard. These korbanos, stresses the Navi, were brought by all of Am Yisrael together. On Sukkos there were both these factors. People gathered en masse, and there were renovations to the Mikdash to include women in an appropriate way. Rav Shlomo Goren z.tz.l.,16 the famous former chief rabbi (a vegetarian, by the way), explains after a lengthy discourse on the subject, that there really is a third category: 1) the happiness of shalosh regalim, 2) the happiness of the Mikdash, and 3) the happiness related to the agricultural aspect of the festival. Remember, in Temple times, we lived in an agrarian society. Farmers harvested various crops for six months. Here we are, gathering in the last of our produce, preparing for the winter, and what do we do? We gather and celebrate! The Gemara17 solves a contradiction in the book of Koheles that we read on Sukkos. The same author both praises and criticizes happiness. The Gemara solves the paradox by maintaining that the happiness that is praised is Simcha of Mitzvah. According to The Rav, Rav J.B Soloveitchik z.tz.l. 18 "Halakhically, simcha arises from man’s 9 BT Sukkah 10 50b 11 Yeshaya 12 12 Mishne Torah- End of ch 8 of Laws of Lulav- Note that he doesn’t bring the halakha in Hilkhos Temidin Umusafin! Also, Rav Goren points out that he cannot hold that Simchas Beit HaSHoevah is a derivative of Nisukh, because he holds that nisukh is halakha lemoshe misinai 13 Brought down in Harerei Kedem by Rav Shurkin siman 147 14 Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos is consistent with this approach. 15 in Bar Ilan University’s weekly Parasha sheet (#624) 16 Toras HaMoadim pp. 117-126 17 Shabbos 30b 18 Transcribed from a lecture in Noraot Harav vol 13 p 108 closeness to God...simcha is expressed by becoming closer to god than the day before, even an hour before. Becoming closer to God is in itself, the source of joy that stimulates man and gives him a sense of happiness. Similarly, both Maharal19 and Sefas Emes 20 teach that Simcha means a sense of completion with Hashem and with the deepest part of ones self. Finding one’s true self, accessing one’s deep personality, is an element of Deveykus שמחת בית with Hashem; In turn, bonding with God is the absolute peak of simcha! This is the essence of the .השואבה Primordial Waters To understand the specific connection between water, Sukkos, and simcha, we must go back to the beginning. When looking back to the dawn of humanity, we find a plethora of references regarding water. For our purposes we will mention just a few that have direct bearing on our topic. We know that from the very beginning of creation Hashem’s presence hovers over the waters. Rashi z.tz.l. understands this “spirit of Hashem” to be talking about the Holy Throne hovering above the water. Interestingly, Rav Moshe Kordevero z.tz.l. maintains that the Holy Throne refers to the system of natural laws. It is clear that one of the most powerful manners of connecting to Ribbono Shel HaOlam is through nature, so much so that Rambam codified this in the Laws of the Foundations of the Torah (2:2)21. The gemara22 brings a discussion of Ammoraim about what to call the special simcha on Sukkos.
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