Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-8-1985 The BG News November 8, 1985 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 8, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4450. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. i Madly tunny. High 90 Vol. 68 Issue 44 THE BG NEWSFriday, November 8,1985 Fate of 6 Police pair up unclear in reports on city safety by Jim Nleman One of the first things they did BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - An and Teresa Tarantino in their new positions was to anonymous caller said Islamic staff reporters create a mutual assistance Jihad extremists planned to kill agreement outlining what areas their half-dozen American hos- There are two people in this they would jointly cover. aes yesterday, and a second town who, by working together, The city police are authorized er claimed they were dead. create an insurance policy for to patrol both the dry and the But no bodies were found in the both the city and the University. University because it is con- designated spot. But they're not in the insurance tained within the city. Univer- The captives were to be "exe- business; you could say they sity officers patrol the cuted" by firing squad because make their living off crime. University and have also been indirect negotiations with the Some would call them "part- swom in by the mayor as auxil- United States had reached "a ners in crime" ... crime pre- iary city officers. dead end," the first man said in vention, that is. This gives both departments a call to a Western news agency. The partnership between Wil- jurisdiction both on and off cam- In Washington, however, a liam Bess and Galen Ash began pus. White House official said "con- in 1978 when the two were WHILE THE two departments tacts" in the Lebanon hostage named beads of their respective limit their patrols to their re- case had not broken down and departments. Bess is the direc- spective areas, they have President Reagan said of the tor of Public Safety at the Uni- agreed that the city streets death threat, "Evidently there versity and Ash serves as the which run through and adjacent is no substantiation of that at chief of police for the city. to campus are under the author- aU." "We need each other. We all ity ofthe city. The University, Since the calls could not be have the same problems; it however, may stop vehicles for authenticated, it was impossible (working together) is a way to traffic infractions on these roads to determine whether they were solve them, Ash said. and follow through on the cita- a macabre hoax or simply part Ash said cooperation wasn't tion, if they first radio the city's of a war of nerves being waged always the rule. Ash waa a shift supervisor for authoriza- by the shadowy Shiite Moslem member of the University police tion. faction to pressure Washington force in 1960, and he said that at "Ninety percent of the time into making a deal. that time the University police the supervisor is going to say Six Americans are missing in force was looked upon as "sec- take it now,' " Ash said, rather Lebanon. Islamic Jihad claimed ond class." While he was on the than wait for a city officer to Oct. 4 it killed one of them, force. Ash said, be was basically arrive at the scene. diplomat William Buckley, 57. a "door checker." As a result of the agreement But no body has turned up. and the city's confidence in the "WE WORKED ballgame tra- University's department. Ash THE OTHER American cap- ffic and unlocked doors for pro- said he believes his officers tives are Peter Kilbum. 60, an fessors who didn't carry keys," "probably spend less time on American University of Beirut Ash said. He added that if any- this end of town." librarian; the Rev. Lawrence thing serious occurred on the "Again that is'because of the Jenco, 50, a Roman Catholic University grounds, city police confidence our people have in priest; Terry Anderson, 38, chief were called in to handle it their people ... you can't sur- Middle East correspondent for Things chanced when Bess vive it you can't work together," The Associated Press; David took over as the head of the he said. Jacobsen, director of the Ameri- University's police. Ash said. Ash said confidence in the can University Hospital, and Bess agreed that he redirected University police force is the Thomas Sutherland, the univer- the University's safety program major reason that University sity's dean of agriculture. into a police force with crime police officers have been swom islamic JihadT or Islamic Holy prevention as Us primary inter- in as auxiliary city police offi- War, believed made up of funda- eat cers. mentalist followers of Iran's Ben'predecessor chose not to "All it takes is a serious acci- Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini, work with the city. "He didn't dent and you'll have several had said it would release the want our help - we didn't want officers tied up," Ash said. Americans when Kuwait frees BG News/Kevin Hopkins his help," Ash said. Cooperation doesn't just exist 17 Shiite comrades serving Workout! The working relationship be- between him and Ash, but also prison terms for the bombings of Not everyone seems to be keeping in time with Jennifer Klineck, sophomore sports managment major tween the two has been differ- among members of their respec- the U.S. and French embassies (front right), as she leads an aerobics class at the Student Recreation Center. The open class meets ent Ash said he and Bess have tive forces, Bess said. in Kuwait in December 1963. Monday through Thursday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. and Friday and Sunday from 5:15-6:15 p.m. "agreed to agree from the be- "It is a totally unique cooper- Kuwait refuses. ginning." • See Police, page 4. OCJ student government disputes group's study COLUMBUS (AP) - A na- sponded with students at Ohio Richard, who teaches political ACCURACY IN Academia en- abiding by a certain amount of Greenlee, who represents tional conservative organization University in Athens, the organi- science. "I don't think there is courages students to provide professional ethics," Csorba Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and that says it wants to determine zation said yesterday. The stu- any place for it on the college information about possible un- said. Kentucky in the United States whether university professors dent government, however, campus." balanced, unethical or inaccu- Started in August, the group is Students Association, said that are fair and ethical in their opposes any efforts of the group In Washington, Les Csorba, rate classroom teachings. A part of Accuracy in Media, group also opposes Accuracy in teaching has been in contact to monitor professors' teach- executive director of Accuracy board, including professors, which monitors the perfor- Academia, contending that it with students at one Ohio school, ings. in Academia, said the group analyzes the information - stu- mance ofthe nation's news me- will "inhibit academic free- but not without opposition from The president of the OU fac- received inquiries from some dents' classroom notes or dia. dom" of discussion in the class- the student government and f ac- ulty, Patricia Richard, also ob- students at OU and responded to material distributed by the tea- Craig Greenlee, president of room. jects to monitoring by the group. them. He said the group has cher - and contacts the profes- the OU Student Senate, said Neither Greenlee nor Richard Tbe Washington-based Accu- "The whole effort is another heard no complaints about pro- sor "to give him a chance to give Accuracy in Academia implies was aware of any professors at racy in Academia has corre- form of intimidation," said fessors at other Ohio schools. his side of the story" if the group that "students aren't capable of OU targeted for monitoring or decides to publish its findings in making a decision for them- whether the group is active on its newsletter, Csorba said. selves concerning what is fair or campus. The newsletter goes to univer- biased" in the classroom and Stephanie Peters, an Ohio sities where professors have that its monitoring "could be State University student who is Inside: Convocation preview, page 5. been challenged, students and slanted toward the right." on the United States Students media organizations requesting ACCURACY IN Academia Association board, last week it and contributors to the non- made its contacts on campus informed OSU trustees of her profit group, Csorba said. through the student College Re- rup's opposition to Accuracy "We just want to hold these publican Club, Greenlee said. A Academia. She said there 9 people (teachers) accountable spokesman for the club could not have been no reports of com- through our newsletter ... and be reached for comment yester- plaints about OSU professors to 'Country doctor selected to show whether or not they are day. the monitoring group. Reagan appoints health and human services secretary WASHINGTON (AP) - Otis Administration. asked in his 1961 speech.
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