Volume 14 Article 1 Number 2 The Iowa Homemaker vol.14, no.2 1934 The oI wa Homemaker vol.14, no.2 Edith Fezler Iowa State College Lucy Merrick Iowa State College Barbara Apple Iowa State College Bernice Borgman Iowa State College Follow this and additional works at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker Part of the Home Economics Commons Recommended Citation Fezler, Edith; Merrick, Lucy; Apple, Barbara; and Borgman, Bernice (1934) "The oI wa Homemaker vol.14, no.2," The Iowa Homemaker: Vol. 14 : No. 2 , Article 1. Available at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker/vol14/iss2/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oI wa Homemaker by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • HOMEMAKER • Fun, Training and Friendships ..• By Edith Fezler Take Off at: Eight: . • . By Lucy Merrick Reciting Without: Studying • • • · . By Barbara Apple Teachers May Be Nervous ... By Bernice Borgman • MAY-JUNE 1934 VOL. XIV NO.2 Coyered book ends, painted lard ca:n s which appear as attractive waste baskets, Tea Table Topics colorful notebooks, gay pieced pillows • • • and countless other ingenious things which tho 4-H girl has discovered and Children Select Foods tho way, a nice settee for in front of her has made at a small cost are in the rooms window. of other girls at college. " E VERY baby his own dietitian, " Onine Conard's 1·oo-m at Clara Barton is a far-fetched derivative of Hall is the setting for a quaint glas~ ''every man his own doctor,)) but there vinegar jug lamp which she made. She Sophomore Women Rledged may be some sense in it. According to also made its glazed chintz shade. Willa Dr. Clara M. Davis of Chicago, who r e­ HIRTEEN sophomore women and H elwig put to use an old wine j ug which T cently visited Iowa State Colege, this ono faculty member have been pledged she made into a quaint lamp. On·ine 's mad proverb does have wisdom, and in to Jack 0 'Lantern, honorary for sopho­ blotter pad is brightened by comers of her statement she has the support of a moro women. Miss Fern Goulding, assist­ ant p1·of essor of hygiene, was elected to hundred husky 5 year olds, children who 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11 111 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 have selected t heir own foods since the honorary membership. day they were weaned. RAISIN PIE Sophomore women chosen were : Bar­ The babies' tastes in most respects co­ bara Apple, Ames; Ruth Born, Story A bit of flour to.-nake the dough, City; Marjorie Countryman, Ames; Mary incided with accepted dietetic rules, but A cup of raisins fixed just so; Elizabeth Coykendall, Amfs; Ma1·y J ane ther e- were striking incongl'llities. 'rhe ~ ' h e oven hot, the fire tul'llecl low; CTowl ey, Ft. Des Moines; Ruth Dudgeo11, me:1ts and eggs which doctors stingily A pair of boys who want to know Ames; H elen Green, Wilmette, Ill.; Mary a.pportion, and the long-taboo banana are Just what is it that smells so high E lizabeth Koos, A mes; E lizabeth Little­ tho things they crave. Moreover, they Of spices-cinnam011- ::tnd why f ord, Downers Grove, Ill. ; J eanette Rich­ disdain the familiar balanced meal-a 3 They cannot sample it. 'l'hey sigh, anlson, Ames; Doris White, Council year old boy ate 10 eggs- and other Resolved to swipe that 1·aisin pie. Bluffs; lela Rnth Younkin, Mont rose; things,--at one meal. Another dined on a - Ba?'bm·a Apple. pound of baked potatoes and almost a Elinor Zoller, Council Bluffs. quart of milk. Yet at the end of a month, SECLUDED PATH records showed, the propo-rtions of dif­ Receive Honorable Mention ferent foodstuffs in their diets showed 'l'here's a path beside a brooklet t hat will smprising correlation with the ratios pre­ ever give me joy, H AZEL MOORE of Fort Dodge, j un­ scribed by experts. Where 110 worldly ca1·es annoy, ior in home economics, and E lnora As for manners, the neatness of the And my he:ll't will ever b e Shivvers of Des Moines, sophomore in 2 year olcls with their self-designed eti­ Free from so now and from troubles ; home economics, have received honorable quetto equalled the daintiness of the most filled with pleasant memory. mention in the Marshall Field and Com­ watchfully trained child of five. pany dress designing contest in which 254 'l'hc roya 1 colored violets from thei ,. schools competed. 'rhere were 6,000 en­ mossy beds of green trier. and the two Iowa State women 4-H Girls Fix Rooms Poke their heads up to be seen. ranked among the top 50. And ndmirecl by a ll who go Mrs. Marguerite Hopkins, instructor of OULDN'T you just like to know O'er the rustic bridge above them and t extile~ and clothing, directed the 42 W how some of the 4-H girls on glance down nt them below. Iowa State women who submit ted de­ tho campus make their rooms attrac­ signs for j acket dresses, sailor styles, in­ tive? Most of them have made many 'J'ho weeping willows bow to me :IS to a fcnnal afternoon dresses and convertible of their furnishings from discarded fur­ princess fine; dresses. Judging was based on original­ niture orange crates o-r empty spools. ~' hi s new world is now all mine ity. L et's take a peak into some of t heir 'l'o comma nd and love nnd hold rooms a11d see how attractive inexpenshe "J'il reality releases me from dreams that 'l'he fil-st home economics bui I cling Oil things can really be. a re so bold. the campus was first opened in 1911. In Blanche Rosa's room at the Delta - Bm·bam Apple. The present building was dedicated in Zeta house is an interesting set- book 1926. r~ck, book ends and two lamp bases made lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. from an old sewing machine which be­ tho samo glazed print which she used for Issues of the new educational deal will longed. to her grandmother. B lanche re­ her lamp shades. be presented at the eighth I owa Confer­ finished t ho a t'tic les herself. And of A what-not made of two boards and ence on Child Development and P arent course she wanted to make lamp shades many empty spools, is in Ruth Bowman's Education, June 19-21 in Iowa City. 'rhe for the bases, so she made them of glazed room at Alice Freeman Hall. ( Ruth, by conference, sponsored by the I owa State dimity. 'l'he little dressing table, which the way, was president of Iowa 4-H Club Council for Child Study and Pa1·ent Ed­ i r. really two orange crates, painted and g il'!s Ia t year.) Of course, the what­ ucatic.n, is open to all persons interested <'overed with a bright print provides ex­ not would not be complete without Ruth's in studying chilchen. tra storage space in her small room. family of china animals. Georgia }~ ox -lE- ·X- Pictures which she leamed to appreci­ has her :mimal family, too, b ut they are In 18G6 tl1e cleg 1· ec of Master of Do­ ate wh en she studied them in 4-H work t ho gingham dog and the calico cat.'' Be­ mestic Science, p1·obably the first recogni­ have a prominent place in Margaret sides in her room a 1·e a hooked rug, gay tion in the United States of home eco­ Ralph's room. A wooden box covered chair covers which lend a note of f es­ nomics lJeing appropriate for gmcluate with a print and with the top padded tivity and a very durable looking wooden work, was confer red 011 two gmduate stu­ makes an attractive storage box and, by box covered with green burlap. dents of I owa State. I'THE IOWA HOMEMAKER "A Magazine for Homemakers From a Homemaker's School" Published monthly during the school year by the home ~conomics students of Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Price $1.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Ames, low• VOL. XIV MAY-JUNE, 1934, AMES, IOWA NO.2 Seniors Tell Edith Fezler College Years Bring Fun, -Training and Friendships A NOTHER class of seniors-the class Mary B. Welch, \Vest, dormitory for At the same time s he will work toward -'-\_ of 1934-is hurrying about doing freshman wo.men. Harriet, who comes her master's degree at Columbia Univer­ last minute things before gradua­ from Avon, N. Y., aLso values the con­ sity. tion from Iowa State College. Senior tacts with counselors and instructors. She Flossie Will·i(lnu;, the 1933 Campus Sis­ students, because they are about to leave feels that the laboratories which Iowa ter Chief, whose home is at Villisca, feels behind the campus enviromnent, classes, that co llege has given her a far better contacts and social life, become more and sense of values and has taught her not more conscious of what college has meant only knowledge but the means of acquir­ to them. Interviews with senior women ing more knowledge. ''It has o.pened up on ''What did you get out of college ~ '' some very exciting sides of life that 1 have shown what a variety of benefits stu­ would have missed otherwise,'' she says.
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