VOL. VII GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, FEBRUARY 19, 1926 ANTHOLOGY SOON G. U. TO DEBATE UNITY IS KEYNOTE According to announcements re- TO BE COMPLETE ceived, the Foreign Service School WITH BATES TEAM OF HOYA BANQUET will shortly determine upon the date Famous Works by Well-known of their Prom, which will be pub- 1926 Debating Season Opens Feb- University Staff Present at Ban- Authors Included in First lished in a subsequent issue of the ruary 24th—World Court Prob- quet—Mr. Fegan and Mr. Georgetown Collection—Works Hoya. lems to be Argued — Father Healy Speak—Dinner at Ham- Are of Unusual Interest—James John J. Toohey is Team's ilton. S. Ruby, '27, and Aloysius P. Coach. The first banquet of the 1926 HOYA Kane, '28, are Editing Volume. staff took place on Wednesday evening, CHIEF OF CAVALRY On February the 24th, the Georgetown February 11, at the Hamilton Hotel. The The undergraduate editors of the debating team will meet Bates College, Blue Room on the first floor was utilized "Georgetown Anthology" announced early ELEVATED IN RANK of Lewiston, Maine. This encounter with for the affair and a large table, tastily this week that their work of compilation Bates is Georgetown's initial endeavor in decorated, occupied the center of the floor. has all but been completed and that the the field of intercollegiate debating for The entire working staff of THE HOYA Former Georgetown Student this season. The debate will be held in volume will soon be in the hands of its Recommended for Rank of sat around the table and partook of a publishers. The anthology is to be com- Gaston Hall, and the question to be delightful banquet. Music was furnished posed exclusively of selections written Major-General—Was Chief of argued is: "Resolved, That this House by a trio of Hilltop musicians under the for the College Journal and other publi- Staff, First Army Corps, in favors the entrance of the United States leadership of Mr. Francis K. Shuman. cations by Blue and Gray poets, and France—Saw Service in Cuba, into the World Court." The men who Forty-six members of the staff were promises to be the most interesting and Boxer Rebellion and Philip- will represent Georgetown are: Mr. An- present and had as their guests Mr. Hugh the most genuinely Georgetown book of thony B. Brennan, of Georgia; Mr. Wal- J. Fegan, Assistant Dean of the George- recent years. pines. ter R. Thompson, of New York; and town University School of Law, and If the present plans are carried out Mr. Joseph A. Kozak, of Pennsylvania. Mr. Thomas. H. Healy, Assistant Dean the book will possess high merit both as Brigadier General Malin Craig, a for- Georgetown will uphold the negative side of the Georgetown School of Foreign regards the matter included and the physi- mer student at Georgetown, will be rec- of the issue. Service. cal appearance of the book itself. Many ommended to President Coolidge for pro- Splendid Reputation. Editor Welcomes Staff. works, famous in the history of the na- motion to the permanent rank of Major tion as well as of the University, have General, according to announcements The Bates debating team comes to Between the various courses the guests been included, and some of the most sub- made at the War Department last Satur- Washington with a splendid record. They favored the staff by a few appropriate tle thought and sparkling wit of the last day. Gen. C^aig is at present Chief of have made a specialty of debating at remarks. Mr. Hugh McGowan, Editor- century and a half will be drawn upon in Cavalry, U. S. A. Bates and their team has succeeded in in-Chief of the publication, welcomed the this, the first anthology in the history of establishing a wonderful reputation. Out staff and introduced the faculty Modera- Georgetown. of a series of fifty debates with all the tor who congratulated the men present on leading colleges of the country they have the splendid showing THE HOYA has Universal Appeal. met with but five defeats. Among their made this season and especially on the Unlike most college anthologies, the contestants have been Oxford and Cam- fact that this year THE HOYA has grown Georgetown collection is to combine in- bridge. from a college paper to a university terest with literary merit. In fact, judg- (Continued on page II.) weekly, widely read in all the depart- ing from the matter that has been un- ments and deeply interesting to all earthed, interest will be a predominant Georgetown men. Mr. Donnelly was feature of this new work. Apparently followed by Mr. Hugh J. Fegan who every endeavor has been made to make FATHER COYLE spoke of his deep interest in Georgetown the book thoroughly representative of affairs and especially in the growth of Georgetown as a university, and no ef- RECEIVES HONOR the college publication. fort has been spared in making it espe- (Continued on page n.) cially attractive to students and alumni Head of Chemistry Department of the professional schools. Awarded Membership in Mary- Famous Alumni Represented. land Academy of Sciences—De- DENTAL PROF TALKS Many of our most distinguished alumni livered Lecture on "Modern will be represented in the pages of the TO CHICAGO SOCIETY anthology, among them William Gaston, Motive Power" before Learned our first student and author of the State Body Founded in 1787. song of North Carolina; James Ryder Georgetown Professor Lectures Before Chicago Dental Society Randall, formost poet of the Confederacy, Rev. George L. Coyle of the George- and writer of "Maryland, My Maryland"; town faculty was recently honored by an —Subject Treats on Pulpless Maurice Francis Egan, well known dip- award of a formal diploma -of member- Teeth—Is Authority on Root lomat and literateur;' Conde B. Pallen, ship in the Maryland Academy of Sci- Canal Treatment. editor of the Catholic Encyclopedia; ences. This society, which' has for its James S., Easby-Smith, famous for his purpose the advancement of scientific Dr. Arthur B. Crane, of the George- splendid translation of Sappho and Al- GEN. MALIN CKAIG knowledge, has had a most impressive town Dental College, recently addressed caeus, and Thomas Walsh, at present one history, dating back to 1787, the year of the Chicago Dental Society, his subject of the nation's leading Catholic poets and Had Interesting Career. its founding. being "The Treatment and Diagnosis of assistant editor of the Commonweal. The occasion for the conferring of this Pulpless Teeth." His paper created a To Dr. Walsh, the compilers are espe- Malin Craig was a student at George- honor on Father Coyle was that of a lec- very favorable impression among the cially indebted, since he gave them some town in the nineties, but left to enter ture delivered, by him before the mem- members of the society, including such splendid advice and offered his assistance West Point, whence he was graduated bers of the Academy, in Baltimore, on men as Dr. Edward Coolidge, Dr. Gil- in determining the final make-up of the April 26, 1898. By June 12th of that February 10th. The lecture, which was mer, and Dr. Hatton. His paper is ap- book. Dr. Pallen and Father Creeden, year he was in Cuba where he took part entitled "Modern Motive Power," dealt pearing in the current issue of the Amer- S.J., former Rector of the University, in the Santiago campaign in the Spanish- with the mineral resources of the country ican Dental Association Magazine. have also written to the editors, giving American war. Two years later, he saw which furnish fuel for transportation and Dr. Crane is recognized as an author- them both advice and encouragement. service in China, in the Boxer uprising, power, and was illustrated by special ity on root canal treatments and tech- Many of the works to be included have as a member of the American Relief Ex- films loaned for the occasion by the nique, and also as one of the leading oral won world-wide fame, especially "Mary- pedition, following which he was sent to United States Bureau of Mines. Fol- surgeons of this country. Dr. Crane land, My Maryland," by Randall; "Caro- the Philippines where he was aide-de- lowing the lecture, the awarding of the gives weekly clinics in oral surgery at lina," by Gaston; the songs and sonnets of camp to General Barrv and later to Gen- diploma of membership was made, on be- the Dental College. The dental student )rs. Egan and Pallen, the refreshing bal- eral Bell. half of the Academy, by Dean Francis Ijody greatly appreciate and benefit from Continued on page 5 Continued on page It C. Nicholas. Dr. Crane's clinics. THE HO Y A iL AW 9mk \ / cr 'itrfffc ' ^h^L A ilrrrri ^nMk **er jkilffT'l ; IffPf^Trl In IrVH ' «§ Bfflft B A Published Weekly at in »r \yr, H GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ' - HHBifcnl" Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 31, 1920, at the post office at Washington, D. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. "Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Feb. 17, 1920." Subscription $3.00 per year Editor-in-Chief She "Sobered Mil" HUGH C. MCGOWAN, '26 Managing Editor "During the first hour after dinner the studyroom was locked, JOSEPH W. SANDS, '27 Associate Editors and no one was allowed to have a book of any kind—a very good JOHN D. SHEA, '26 JOHN J. CONKLIN, '26 rule, but in our case a useless precaution; for I don't think any WM.
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