July 16, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1077 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS He continues by saying ‘‘. it would soon increase paychecks for families living on the take rank among the proudest ensigns of the edge. SPEECH OF nations, and be hailed by the civilized world as We also need to fight against the disparities HON. BARBARA LEE the White Man’s Flag.’’ that persist in our health care system. The Af- Mr. Speaker—I could not have put it more fordable Care Act was a good start but more OF CALIFORNIA plainly. is needed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This flag means hate—it always has and al- For years, the Congressional tri-caucus has Monday, July 13, 2015 ways will. championed this effort by introducing The Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, first, let me thank The intent for the confederate battle flag Health Equity and Accountability Act (HEAA). Congresswoman ROBIN KELLY and Congress- was to create a symbol that will remind the Congresswoman ROBIN KELLY will have the man DONALD PAYNE for hosting this important whole world of white supremacy, discrimina- honor of introducing this important legislation Special Order. I appreciate your leadership in tion, and opposition to America. this Congress and I am proud to co-lead this organizing this important discussion. It was also the banner under which millions effort as co-chair of the CAPAC Health Task I would also like to thank Chairman fought against the preservation of our great Force. This legislation builds on the Affordable BUTTERFIELD and Assistant Leader CLYBURN union. Care Act and puts us on track to eliminate for their continued leadership and dedication Under this flag, the Ku Klux Klan; a terrorist health disparities in our country. to fighting racism and racial bias. organization solely devoted to promoting hate Lastly, we need criminal justice reform. For Tonight’s special order is particularly impor- and white supremacy, would unlawfully lynch too long we have ignored the systemic racial tant because of recent high profile events that blacks and burn churches to the ground. bias that’s endemic in our criminal justice insti- have forced our nation to reflect on race. Under this banner, lawmakers instituted tutions and which has created an entire ‘‘miss- Our nation continues to grieve those lost in laws that established and preserved segrega- ing generation’’ of black men. the terrible tragedy at Mother Emmanuel tion for generations. That is why Congress should pass the bi- A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C. and my And Dylann Roof looked to the flag as his partisan Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act thoughts and prayer remain with their families. guiding symbol that legitimized his actions: the (H.R. 1232), which I am a proud cosponsor of, In the wake of this senseless tragedy, murder of 9 peaceful parishioners looking to to stop the militarization of our nation’s police Americans all over the country are asking: develop a deeper connection with God and forces. why do we still celebrate the Confederate bat- their community. We need to pass the Police Accountability tle flag? The confederate battle flag is a true Mr. Speaker—enough is enough. This sym- Act (H.R. 1102) and the Grand Jury Reform symbol of hate and discrimination. bol of hate has no place in our society—it’s Act (H.R. 429) so we can ensure that deadly Late Wednesday night, as the South Caro- past time to take it down. force cases are heard by a judge and there is lina legislature debated bringing down the However, it is not enough to simply take it more accountability among police officers. Confederate battle flag that had flown over its down. We must get serious about Mr. Speaker—we have the legislation before statehouse, Congressman KEN CALVERT, a deconstructing the system that the Confed- us to start ending systemic poverty and injus- Republican from California, introduced an erate battle flag represents—a system de- tice in America—let’s call a vote and pass amendment—in the dark of night—to allow for signed to close off economic opportunity for these bills. the sale and display of this symbol of hate in African Americans. It’s past time that we get It’s time that we get serious about our national parks and federal cemeteries. serious about ensuring liberty and justice for deconstructing the institutions that have op- That’s simply outrageous—this symbol of all. pressed millions and denied them and their hate has no place at these federal landmarks. To start, we must pass Congressman families’ opportunity to live the American It’s past time that we put away these symbols BENNIE THOMPSON’s resolution to bring down dream. of hate and division. the Confederate battle flag from our nation’s But first, we must take down the Confed- It’s past time that we confront America’s Capital. This is a common sense step and I erate battle flag—a symbol of those biased in- long and dark history of racism and work to urge the House Administration Committee to stitutions. address the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and quickly move on his legislation. A symbol of hate— institutional racism that continue to disadvan- We can and must do more to put away hate Of racism and tage too many African American families. and ensure justice for all. Of treason. Now I grew up in El Paso, TX and I remem- We must start by creating good-paying jobs Mr. Speaker—it’s past time to take it down. ber vividly Jim Crow. I remember the seg- that are open to all Americans. f regated schools and separate drinking foun- In my role as co-chair of the CBC Task tains. I wasn’t able to go to the Plaza Theatre Force on Poverty and the Economy and Chair RECOGNIZING THE TYLER JUNIOR with my white and Latino friends—because I of the Democratic Whip’s Task Force on Pov- COLLEGE APACHES’ 2015 NJCAA was black. erty, Income Inequality, and Opportunity, I am DIVISION III WORLD SERIES Thankfully, those days of legal segregation proud to be working with more than 100 of my CHAMPIONSHIP have ended but in many ways, we know that colleagues, to advance policies that give all segregation and the wounds of racism still Americans—a fair shot. HON. LOUIE GOHMERT persist. This work includes working to pass the OF TEXAS And the Confederate battle flag is a symbol Pathways out of Poverty Act (H.R. 2721), IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of that hate and racism. It is a symbol that which I am proud to have introduced this Con- only serves to divide us and that never should gress. This legislation is a comprehensive ap- Thursday, July 16, 2015 have existed. proach to address poverty in America that Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it is an ex- From its conception, the confederate battle starts by creating good-paying jobs that em- traordinary privilege of extending recognition flag has represented white supremacy, and power families to build pathways out of pov- to a team winning, not merely a state or con- oppression. erty. ference championship, but a national title, not In the words of William Thompson, the de- We also need to raise the minimum wage— for the first time, but for the second year in a signer of the confederate battle flag, ‘‘As a and fight for a living wage because no one row. Once again, the Tyler Junior College people we are fighting to maintain the Heav- working full time should live in poverty. Apaches Baseball Team has achieved na- en-ordained supremacy of the white man over To that end, I am proud to be a cosponsor tional prominence by winning the 2015 NJCAA the inferior or colored race. A white flag would of Congressman AL GREEN’S The Original Liv- Division III World Series baseball tournament. stand fourth our southern cross, preserving in ing Wage Act (H.R. 122) and Congressman This back to back national title is the third beautiful contrast the red white and blue’’ SCOTT’S Raise the Wage Act (H.R. 2150) to national baseball championship title for Tyler ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:16 Jul 17, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16JY8.001 E16JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2015 Junior College, and marks the fifty-second na- RECOGNIZING GOTEMBA, JAPAN On August 1, 2015 the Brevard Small Busi- tional championship for TJC since athletics ON ITS 55TH ANNIVERSARY AS ness Assistance Council will achieve a great was first organized at the school back in the CHAMBERSBURG, PENNSYLVA- milestone in its life and celebrate its 30th An- 1940s. NIA’S SISTER CITY niversary. The TJC Apaches traveled to Kinston, North I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- Carolina along with a host of devoted Apache HON. BILL SHUSTER lating BSBAC for their successful efforts over fans, where the doggedly tenacious team de- OF PENNSYLVANIA the past 30 years to support local business feated Joliet (Illinois) Junior College with a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES development, and salute their continued com- final score of 10–9. They never lost sight of Thursday, July 16, 2015 mitment to enhancing commercial and govern- their unified goal of capturing another national Mr.
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