Curriculum Vitae Pantelis Nigdelis Faculty of Philosophy Department of History and Archaeology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 54006 Thessaloniki - Greece Office 2310 997207 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Jan. 1982 to June 1988 Ph. D. (degree: Excellent) Faculty of Philosophy Department of History and Archaeology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Sept. 1973 to July 1978 B.A. Classical Philology (degree: Excellent) Faculty of Philosophy Department of Classics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki HONORS -AWARDS – EDUCATIONAL LEAVES Dec. 2008. Award (with 5000 euros) in memory of Γ. Οικονόμου (Studies on History of Ancient Macedonia) given by the Academy of Athens for the book «Epigraphica Thessalonicensia. Contribution to Political and Social History of Ancient Thessalonike. Sept. 2008- Jul. 2009. Member of the School of Historical Studies at Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, H.Π.A.). Mai 2001. Research at the Library of the Department of Greek Inscriptions (Inscriptiones Graecae) of the Berlin Academy of Science. Educational leave paid by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Sept. 2000 to Mai 2001. Research as fellow member at Institute of Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) Athens, Greece. Educational leave paid by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 1993 to 1994. Research as fellow member at Institute of the University of Cologne Germany (Institut für Altertumskunde der Universität zu Köln). Educational leave paid by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Erasmus Programme. 1975 to 1976 Scholarship granted by the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation 1974 to 1975Scholarship granted by the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation 1973-1974Scholarship granted by the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation. PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Jan. 2012 – Professor of Ancient History at the Department of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. June 2006. Associate Professor of Ancient History at the Department of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. April 1996. Assistant Professor of Ancient History at the afore-mentioned Department. June 1990. Lecturer of Ancient History at the afore-mentioned Department. Feb. 1982 June 1990. Scientific assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of History and Archaeology. Publications (selection) Books 1. Πολίτευμα και Kοινωνία των πόλεων των Kυκλάδων κατά την ελληνιστική και αυτοκρατορική εποχή, Διδ. Διατριβή (Constitution and Society of the City-states of Cyclades during the hellenistic and imperial periods, Diss., Thessa loniki 1990 X + pp. 421. 2 Πέτρου N. Παπαγωργίου του Θεσσαλονικέως Aλληλογραφία, 1880 – 1912, (The Correspondence of the Thessalonian Philologist Petros N. Papageorgiou, 1880-1912) Eταιρεία Mακεδονικών Σπουδών. Σειρά Eπιστημονικαί Πραγματεί αι Φιλολογικαί και Θεολογικαί, αρ. 19, Thessaloniki: ΕΜΣ editions 2004 pp. 368. 3. «Ανθύπατος λέγει». Ένα νέο διάταγμα των αυτοκρατορικών χρόνων για το γυμνάσιο της Bέροιας (Τεκμήρια-Παράρτημα 1)[« Proconsul says». A new Edict concerning Beroia’ s Gymnasium in the imperial Age, Thessaloniki : Tekmeria editions 2005 pp. 150 (co-author G. A. Souris). 4. Επιγραφικά Θεσσαλονίκεια. Συμβολή στην πολιτική και κοινωνική ιστορία της Αρχαίας Θεσσαλονίκης (Epigraphica Thessalonicensia. A Contribution to the political and social History of Ancient Thessaloniki), Thessaloniki: University Studio Press 2006 pp. 646. 5. Επιγραφές Κάτω Μακεδονίας Ι, Αθήνα 1999 [publication of N Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών] (συνεργασία ) Inscriptions of Kato Macedonia. 6. Die lokale Sarkophage von Thessaloniki (Kapitel 5: Die Inschriften und ihr Inhalt (in press DAI) [collaboration with Θ. Τιβερίου- Στεφανίδου]. Articles 1. «Pωμαίοι πάτρωνες και ‘αναγκαιότατοι καιροί’. Παρατηρήσεις στην επιγραφή SEG 32, 825 της Πάρου (Roman Patrons and ‘difficult circumstances’. Notes on the inscription SEG 32, 825 from Paros)», Eλληνικά 40 (1989) 34-49. 2. «M. Insteius l. f. αυτοκράτωρ et la province de Macédoine au debut du second triumvirat: à propos d’ une inscription d’ Europos», BCH 118 (1994) 216-228. 3. «Synagoge(n) und Gemeinde der Juden in Thessaloniki: Fragen aufgrund einer neuen jüdischen Grabinschrift der Kaiserzeit», ZPE 102 (1994) 297-306. 4. «Kalendarium Caesianum: zum kaiserlichen Patrimonium in der Provinz Makedonien», ZPE 104 (1994) 118-128. 5. «Oberpriester und Gymnasiarchen im Provinziallandtag Makedoniens: eine neue Ehreninschrift aus Beroia», Klio 77 (1995) 170-183. 6. «Die Eordaier und das Koinon der Makedonen in einer neuen Ehren inschrift», Hermes 128 (2000) 152-163.[σε συνεργασία με την. Κεφαλίδου] 7.”First of the Hellenes in the Province”: A New Inscription from Mygdonia, GRBS 49 (2009) 101–112. 8. “Zur Neudifinition des Territoriums einer makedonischen Polis der Kaiserzeit: der Fall von Bragylos in Krestonis“, ZPE 169 (2009) 163-172. 9. «Αναζητώντας την αρχαία Ραίκηλο. Αριστοτέλους, Αθηναίων Πολιτεία 15.2 και μία νέα επιγραφή από την Περαία της Θεσσαλονίκης» (Searching Ancient Rhaecelos. Aristotle, Ath. Pol. 15.2 and a new Inscriptions from Peraia (Thessalonike) , Τεκμήρια 10 (2009) 103-117. 10. Comments on „Erwerb und Veräußerung von Grabstätte im griechisch-römischen Kleinasien am Beispiel der Grabinschriften aus Smyrna“ by Kaja Harter-Uibopuu, Symposion 2009, 271-275. 11. “Voluntary associations in Roman Thessalonikē: in search of identity and support in a cosmopolitan society”, σε Ch. Bakirtzis- J. Friesen - L. Nasrallah (eds) From Roman to Early Christian Thessalonikē: Studies in Religion and Archaeology, Cambridge, 2010, 13-47. 12. “Indications of diffusion of the Roman calendar in the Greco-Roman East. The history of the personal name Kalandion”, Papers in Honor of Elaine Matthews 2010, 620-630. 13. «Direct taxation in Roman Macedonia: A new votive inscription of a Decaprotos in an unkown City of Western Pieria », Chiron 42 (2012), 272-286. 14. «Torone after 348 B.C.: new epigraphic evidence», StMedArch. (υπό δημοσίευση CONFERENCE PARTICIPATIONS 1) May 2007, International Conference on Religion and Archaeology “From Roman to Early Christian Thessalonikē”, organized by the Divinity School of Harvard University. Announcement on: “Voluntary associations in Roman Thessalonikē: in search of identity and support in a cosmopolitan society”. 2) March 2004, 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Epigraphy, organized by the Society of Historical and Epigraphical Studies (Thessaloniki). Announcement on “A new town (vicus) of the Filippus’ Roman colony”. 3) February 2003, Scientific Conference organized by the Society for Macedonian Studies in co-operation with the Department of Architects of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on “Thessaloniki and the wider area. Past– present – future”. Announcement on: “Public building activity in Thessaloniki during the imperial times: the epigraphic evidence”. 4) November 2001, 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Epigraphy, organized by the Society of Historical and Epigraphical Studies (Thessaloniki). Announcement on: “Τhe Title «First of Greeks in the Province» on a honorary inscription from Mygdonia (Macedonia) of the 3rd century AD”. 5) October 1999, 1st Panhellenic Conference on Epigraphy, organized by the Society of Historical and Epigraphical Studies (Thessaloniki). Announcement on: «Mία επίδοσις ‘εις έλαιον’ από την Aμφίπολη στα τέλη του 2ου αι. π.X. (Παρατηρήσεις στο ψήφισμα SEG 30, 546) [A late 2nd BC public subscription ‘for gymnasium’ s oil’ from Amphipolis (Notes on the decree SEG 30, 546)] » 7) September 1997, International Conference organized by the Institute for History of Mannheim and the Institute for Balkan Studies regarding “Makedonien einst und jetzt”. Announcement on: “Πόλεις und Πολιτείαι in Obermakedonien während der Antike”. 8) October 1996, 6th International Conference on Ancient Macedonia, organized by the Institute for Balkan Studies. Announcements: a) “Τwo Copies of a military (rally) ordinance by Filippus V” and b) “Water mills in Veria during the early imperial times”. 9) December 1993, International Conference on the Inscriptions of Macedonia, organized by the Aristotle University of Thesaloniki. Announcement on: “Synagogue(s) and Jewish community of Thessaloniki: questions caused by a new Jewish funerary Inscription unter the Principate”. 10) September 1993, International Conference “Nomina Romana: Politics and social aspect”, organized by the Institute of Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), in co-operation with the Finnish Institute for Archaeology. Announcement on: “Geminii und Claudii: die Geschichte zweier führender Familien von Thessaloniki in der späteren Kaiserzeit“. 11) April 1992, Panhellenic Conference for Ancient Macedonia, organized by the Academy of Athens. Announcement on “The Imperator M. Insteius l. f. and the province of Macedonia at the beginning of the 2nd Triumvirate: an unpublished inscription from Europos” MAJOR WORK IN PROGRESS OR UNDER PUBLICATION. 1. IG X 2 1 Supplement. In co-operation with the Berlin Academy of Science I am currently preparing the publication of the supplement to the inscriptions of Thessaloniki. To this purpose, I researched at the libraries of the Institute of Greek and Roman Antiquity (KERA) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) and the Greek Inscriptions (Inscriptiones Graecae) of the Berlin Academy of Science. The total of the inscriptions published following the appearance of the city’s and the country’s corpus IG X 2 1 in 1972 (edited by Charles Erdson) along with the unpublished ones exceed 500. I have already processed the greatest part of the unpublished inscriptions, part of which I have published separately in a monograph on Thessaloniki. .
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