36 LILFORD CUM WIGSTHORPE THORPE ACHURCH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2018 in The Upper Room The Fox Inn Thorpe Waterville at 8.00pm Present: Councillors S Moffat (Chair), T Bird (Vice Chair), T Barcham, K Goldsmith, T Wright, L Saunders In attendance: Mrs N Phillips (Clerk) 188.261 To receive and approve apologies for absence None 188.262 Public participation session None 188.263 To receive declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business on the agenda. Cllr S Moffat declared an interest in item 188.272 188.264 To receive and approve for signature the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 2017 Resolved: That the Chair sign the Minutes as a true record of the meeting. 188.265 To note any matters arising from the minutes not included on this agenda for report only Clerk reported a grant had been received from the Transparency Fund for £386.11 (Minute Ref: 187.252), and had passed the Wickstead’s Voucher on to another PC (Minute Ref:187.256) 188.266 To receive a report from County Councillor W Brackenbury Resolved: Cllr Brackenbury gave an update on the current budget restraints at NCC. 188.267 To receive a report from District Councillor G Shacklock No report 188.268 To receive and approve the Balance of Accounts/Bank Reconciliation Cllr K Goldsmith examined and signed the Balance of Accounts/Bank Reconciliation. Resolved: Balance of Accounts/Bank Reconciliation approved 188.269 To examine and approve the Bank Statements Cllr Goldsmith examined and signed the Bank Statements – the balance being £4321.44 at December 31st 2017 Resolved: To approve the Bank Statements 37 188.270 To approve and authorise payment of the following invoices Cheque Payee Item Amount 100036 N A Phillips Nov/Dec Salary and Expenses £327.80 100037 N A Phillips Reimbursement of website cost £29.95 100038 Calico UK Renewal of domain name £24.00 Resolved: all payments authorised. 188.271 To receive a report from the clerk on the predicted spending to 31.03.2018 The Clerk reported that the predicted spending for the year showed an over spend of £678.88, savings of approximately £650 could be made from areas carrying a surplus. Resolved: To accept the Clerk’s report 188.272 To consider and resolve the council’s response to planning applications listed below plus any other planning applications advised by East Northamptonshire Council and available on its website between the circulation of this agenda and the meeting. 17/02661/TPO 30% crown reduction of two lime trees; clean crown at Two Hoots, Lilford. Cllr S Moffat having declared an interest left the room. No objections. 188.273 To note planning decisions made by ENC 17/01077/FUL Erection of single dwelling and carport, land opposite Thorpe Cottage, Thorpe Waterville Application declined. 188.274 To receive an update on the repairs to Achurch and Thorpe benches Weather, Christmas, etc. has held up work Resolved: Cllr Bird to carry out repairs once weather improves. 188.275 To receive a report from Cllr Barcham on Highways/Rights of Way and to resolve what action if any to be taken. Cllr Barcham updated the council on information received from NCC re bridge repairs and road closure. Cllr Brackenbury was asked if she had any knowledge of the verge clearing and soft verge signage on the A605 as it was clear to see from tyre tracks that a number of vehicles including HGVs where mounting the verges. Questions were asked about the possible installation of village gateways as a means of reducing the speed of some vehicles through Achurch and Thorpe. Resolved: Cllr Brackenbury and the Clerk to speak with NCC re speed reduction. 188.276 To receive an update on the Wigsthorpe bench and to resolve what action if ay to be taken. The Clerk was still waiting for confirmation that the bench has been installed and as it has been paid for out of grant money Cllrs felt it needs to be installed by end of financial year. Resolved: Clerk to keep in touch with Mrs Burnett, Cllr Bird to speak with another Contact as well. 38 188.277 To discuss and resolve what action if any to be taken over the provision of street name signs for Thorpe Waterville. Cllrs were disappointed that no residents had come along to the meeting to put their case to the PC, Cllrs are aware that not all residents would welcome street name signs especially if they were erected on their frontage. Resolved: Clerk to speak to ENC and find out more information on how to obtain and where street signs might be located before any further action is taken, meantime Cllrs would like residents to present their thoughts to the Council. 188.278 Correspondence: Trading Standards Newsletter ICO Newsletter ENC letter re homelessness/rough sleepers NCALC information on audit NCALC information on proposed pay increase for Parish Clerks Resolved: Correspondence noted. No further action needed 188.279 To confirm the date of the next Council meeting as 13th March 2018 Date confirmed 188.280 To close the meeting The meeting closed at 8.58pm. Signed: Dated: .
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