•iyNMiita Sm i^M br £itntin]| Ifm li FRIDAY, JULY 80, 198? U n. John I. Olaon and chDdren of Mr*. Brerctt J. Slate returned to Robert Vsnnatt and Horace Cordy without interest Money paid next AVEBACn OAILT OBBODLATIOII Jackaon atreet and Mn. Walter 01> her home la Belmont, llaae., today have returned home after a vacation Armory on the v o ti^ ______ _ ^ w x A T m n i ABODTTOWN aon and daughter Marjoria of Hunt* after a abort rlelt with relaUvea She Monday to the tax coUeetor wW be Tuesday, August 10. It will ba da- hrid la In one of the city’s patks. for IBa meath of Juna, 1M7 Vefseam e< D. B. WeaO at Lake Dunmore, V t paid to meet bllla incurred by the BRmSH WAR VETERANS Following the Memorial cendca' ington atreet, returned today alter a waa accompanied by her aon Lane cided In the High school meeting B artferd month'a atay at the Olaon cottage who haa been apendlng the paat two town last August 16, and during thd to the New England Ooun- I t a OIC» BAiibMt « t IM 0«k 11 and a half months since then. the previous night. cU erf Britisb War veterans wdll en- iMt ia spaadiBr a wwk with Black Point. weeka with hia aunt, lira. Jamel GOING TO WA1ERBIIRY 5,913 Bala teolght Mbably e Duffy of Henry atreet Much of the confusion and ex- “ finer and entertainment. Lord nber sf tha Andtt ; iHMtdi tn AlirtMd, N. H. PROPOSED nSCAL YEAR Kitchener Post. Britleh War Vetcr- day amralag. Not ameh Dorothy and Bernice, daugbUra of penae of the present plan will be saa of Cbtsdalleee eliminated If the special town meet­ fifis. and AuxiUary, of Waterbuiw. ICr. and lira. Elwood H. Field of Mra Chriatlna Glenney, Mra. Ger­ BGRT ARRESTED HERE ' Win l U e Part in Memorial are the oponsorlng unite. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF V1T.LAGE CHAR.M ' TkaCuaUreCCMlMoNBOf Waab- 40H Summer atreet, are apendlng trude BauaoU, Mrs. Marlon Miner WOOlO COT EXPENSES ing August » votes to change lU taftoB atnat will apead tha month and Mrs. Rather Anderson are at the fiscal year beginning date te Julyi Service There; Parade to Rese^ations for transportation two weeka with their aunt, Mrs. Ger­ by bus for members of the two local >^OL.LVI., >NO. 257 I AdvertWag ea Fags 10.). et Auruit at tha Vanaard eottaaa. ald laham and grandmother, Mra Hotel Taft in New Haven for the (Oontinned from Page One) 1 in accordance with a permissive i IN A GAMBLING RAID Precede Annual Ceremonies. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ In m u a lalM Alice Uoore. American Legion convention. Mra act of the General Statutes. i unite may be made by calling Com­ Bausola la a paat president of the the trend of governmental costa The fiscal year starting August mander Fred Baker, 6691. The poet local American Legion Auxiliary. seems to be too coetly. 16 this year would end nett June 30 Twenty-five members of the delegatee to the Council meeting are Police Break Into Place Con­ MooftjYpres Post, Britisb War Vet- Commander Baker, J. a . Pratt. The coat of local government li and a new year would start July 1. ducted at North Main and John McDowell and Ja m ^ Thomp- Blazing: Skip Perils 150 The class meeting usually held at flnanced almost entirely from prop­ 1938. The annual town meeting In srans and Auxiliary, will attend the [OR DRIVE REVOLT W i ™ the Church of the Nararene will be October would adopt a budget for North School Streets at 1 ;30 omitted this evening. erty tax collections. But the coUec- drumhead Memorial sendee and pa­ tlon of the tax can not be started the short year. The tax to meet the rade In Waterbury Sunday after­ short-year budget will be levied on CHINA’S CRACK ARMY until after the tax rate le fixed. tCight men were arrested in a IS RENEWED IN REBELS’ ARMY 'Mrs. Paul Maurice of Baltic Is the grand list completed last Feb­ noon. The local units will be head­ visiting her mother, Mrs. Matilda From the beginning of the fiscal gambling raid conducted by Ser­ ed la the parade by the Manchester y*kt* until taxes are collected town ruary. That tax would be collected Russell of 191 Maple street during January and AprlL It would geant John McGHnn, Officers Lavid Pipe Band. Following a short pa­ expenditures are made from bor­ rade through the etreete of Water­ B E L F m CTTY SAD)ROW ING Miss Elinor Young, daughter of rowed money. From a half to three- be the same tax which otherwise Galligan, Herman Muske and Jo­ bury the Memorial sendee will be SNOW BROS. r. and Mra. Marshall F. Young of fourths of a million dollars are bor­ would be psid in April and May and seph Prentice at 215 North Main MAKERS OF WITHIN THIRTY MILES ' Garden atreet with her cousin, rowed annually, and the Interest July, except that it would be some­ atrwt, at the comer of North school June Mastln of Willimantic and charges are added to the cost of what smaller becauae of the abort «md North Main In the Buckland SPECIAL MACHINERY lb Exploded m a Bidid Spanish Government Has Re­ Beverly Russell of Spruce street, are government year. block, so-called, at 1:30 this mom- EYES EXAMINED — GLASSES FITTED Tax Period F oot InttalInMnta ing. SMALL WBEKLy PAFMENTS spending a week with their aunt. Quinn’s Cottage Specialists In ing Gose to Police Sta* port of Fighting at Mai Mrs. August Rocher of Torrlngton. From the middle of April to the For the fiscal year starting next Those arrested will appear In middle of May the first half of the Repairing and Reconditioi,^ OF FIGHTING ZONES RICHARD STONE July 1, and during each succeeding Town court tonight at 7 o'clock. On the W aterfront OPTICIAN ADVERTISEMENT property tax is due. During July the year, the tax would be payable In The raiding officers collected as ing Lawn Mowers and Wash: Gangsters Beat Up aga and Motnl; Franco . n'Bt- *• Bergeron, Optemetrlat second half of the tax is due. In the four equal Inatellments, during July, evidence a gaming table and an as­ At ing Machines. DAYLIGHT THEFT m Hafn St. State Theater B l^. TeL 4720 Try our Special Ltincheons— middle of May, When the first half October, January and April. sortment of poker chips, some ^Man They Label As ^ p y .” Wins Victory in the East Nanking Reports Central served dally—25c, 30c, 35c. Arthur has been paid to the tax collector, Whereas the present arrange­ money and several decka of cards White Sands Beach MEMBERS FIGHT ON 24TH FLOOR Drug Store, Rublnow building. the fiscal, year Is nine months old ments of fiscal years prohlbita hav­ to be used as evidence in the case Agents For and a much larger portion of the ing the tax payable in more than Troops Moving Rapidly year's expenditures have been dis­ Available for the STEARNS’ POWER AND Belfast, Northern Ireland, July Hendaye, Franco-Spanish Fron New York Bandits Defy Tradi­ two installments and prevents ADVERTISEMENT AS MICHIGAHS bursed—from borrowed money. spacing the two periods any farther Month of August HAND MOWERS 1.—(AP)—Dynamiters and slug tier, July 81.—(AP)—Spanish Gov­ tion and Stage $2,000 Payroll Northward; fierce l i n ­ For Quality Shoe At the end of July, when the sec­ apart two and a half months, the era spread fresh terror in Belfast ernment sources asserted today Hold-Up In Big Skyscraper. ond half of the tax haa been collect­ Let us mi your preecrlptlone at proposed plan would permit Famous Since 1864 day In a renewal of the gangster- that revolt was spreading through Repair Service See ed, all but 15 days of the entire fo jr I great savings. Arthur Drug Store, Phone 7057 SENATE QUITS New York, _JuIy 31.—(AP)— ing Renewed m the Heart f fiscal period has expired. payments equally spaced through Rublnow building. Telephone: 4506 - 4531 sm that marked King George's the insurgent rearguard. They de­ Clean Your Plugs Often the year. sit to Northern Ireland three days Defying the legend tent bandits Next Monday will be the last day The fiscal year change is not a clared that discontent had mush­ avoid skyscrapers, two men ex­ SAM YULYES during which the last half of the roomed into open fighting within ecuted fl daylight robbery on of Tientsm; GnerriDa War­ 701 MAIN STREET part of the charter revision amend­ The whole city was shaken by ex­ Upper Body Adjourns After TOe dirt that plugrs collect is a combina­ current property tax can be paid ments to be voted on in the State Generaliaslroo Francisco Franco’s the twenty-fourth floor of the plosion of a land mine 50 yarda forces at Motril and Malaga, on the Nelson Tower and escaped with tion of Oxide Coating:, soot and carbon. It from a police barracka In the West southern coast. The outbreaks were Refusing to Aid Morphy’s a *2,400 payroll. fare Rreaks Ont m Peiping lEnd. Thomaa Doherty waa beaten said to be almilar to that which the The men waylaid badore H. causes engrine mis-fire, especially at high [unconscioua after gunmen lined him Men’s - Women’s - Children’s government previously reported Pollack, supervisor fdr a realty speed and hard pulls. That is what causes land five companlona against a waU within ancient Granada, another Labor Program; May Be corporation, In an alcove of tee Tientsin, July 31.— (AP) — HAIR CUTS - 25c.
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