LT 430 y7 / TRTE CADET I BIG TEAM PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE CORPSlOF CADETS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VOL. XIX. LKINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, SEPT. 21, 1925 No. 1 GEN. WOOD SENDS SAGE TO CORPS DISTINGUISHED BRITISH SQUADRON DEFEATS WOFFORD THROUGH GEN. HOLS WHO RETUllS OFFICER ADDRESSES AROUND THE tfORLD THE CORPS OF CADETS IN INITIAL GAME; GREEN LINE Sir Fredrick Maurice Applies PROTES IMPREGNABLE BARRIER Visits Military Schools Teachings of Jackson To Office of Cadet Life. France and England. THE GOVERNOR G^ERAL White Runs Seventy Yards For Touchdown From Kickoff In Sec- Manila. February!, 1925- On Saturday, September 5th, ond Half—Accurate Passing In Last Gen. Nichols is home Dear Gen. Nichols: the corps was addressed by Quarter Features. after a period of ten mo Major General Sir Frederick travel which carried him t When you see the •ps of ca- Maurice of the Royal British most important countries The Flying Squadron defeated Wofford College Saturday aft- dets, please extend greetings ArmyV cities of the world. The Gler- and best wishes to th 1. It is a ernoon, i nthe first game of the season, by a score of 9 to 0. General Cocke, presiding, al and Mrs. Nichols sailed [om fine body of young 1. I wish The game was fast, full of pep, and hard-played from start to the youths of the In try could first presented General Nichols Cuba for Panama on Decelber finish. Although the score doesn't seem to indicate it, V. M. I. all have as good a til (ning given to the cadets who gave him such 4th. The next stop was mafc at in conjunction wit the high easily outplayed and outclassed her opponents in every depart- an ovation as has never before San Francisco. Christma kvas ideals and sound ility which ment of the game. characterizes the V ;inia Mili- been heard in the Jackson Me- spent on the high seas en ute V. M. L's line, although expected to be weak, proved itself to tary Institute. morial Hall. After a few words to the Hawaiian Islands [lere be a barrier that was hard to break, and the Wofford backs With kindest rega of greeting Superintendent Hilo agd Honolulu were v ted. Sincerely made very few gains either through the line or around the (Signed): LEO> RD WOOD. -emeritus introduced the dis- From this point the boa :on- ends. The visitors were able to register only one first down tinguished visitor. tinued to Japan, stoppinj at Gen. E. W. Nichols, I M. I., 'during the entire game, which fact speaks well for the Cadet de- Lexington, Va. Sir Fredrick Maurice is a grad- Yokahama, Tokio, and oto fense. uate of Sandhurst, the military and thence to China. Fain ancl Mondy were by far the outstanding stars in the academy of Great Britain, and Experiences In the Ori|<s- t.jM. I. ORCHEST] MEETS line. Mondy played havoc with numerous line plays attempt- sewed with distinction in the Here General Nichols ha ed by Wofford, while Fain brok) up almost every end run that I PRAISE IN El iOPEAN World War. He is the author probably the most inter ting came his way. Besides this, "Johnnie" received several forward of several books on military experience of his whole trip, AND AM! tICAN TOUR — | passes in gn<>d jtyle. O'Berry, topics, among which is "The The ship was met by E glish pj "" 'j Smith, Yates, and Barkley were Plays On Liner rengaria and Life of Lee, the G^nen'l » He and American gunboats hich also bright lights on the line. I^Pat has 'aiso made a study of mili- GIVE STATEMENTS offered safe convoy inb the In the backfield, White and tary schools and colleges all over ; Caldwell were the most conspic- )c/t of Shanghai. Durir f the Faulkner Encouraged By To the V. M. "Ramblin' the world and is therefore a j uous stars. They both played night heavy machine gui fire Prospects. Keydets" goes thI singular hon- real authority on all branches | their usual good brand of foot- was heard on shore with few or of receiving tie praise and of military education. With the arrival of anuiuanotherjballu 1 Dall. Whitwnitee gavgavee thtnee C^rpc^orpss a stray bullets striking tht bow commendation OB two contin- In opening his address, Gen- September every human under | treat by receiving the ki^k-off of the boat. It was learr d the ents. The orchJtra was com- eral Maurice expressed the pro- sixty years of age can't keep his | at the beginning of the second next morning that the d< eated posed of Redue, patson, Zendt, found sympathy of the British mind from turning to the sub- half and racing seventy ya^ds, Governor of Shanghai w re- Houston, Brewligton, Nelson people with the United States in ject of football. Since that in- through the entire Wofford tiring from the city. Gen. Miller, Mathewsjn, Scott and the disaster that had so recent- cludes us, we naturally let our team, for a touchdown. He was Nichols in the company >f the Ryder. This c anization con- ly befallen the great airship thoughts dwell on the prospects also responsible: for the field Rev. C. F. McRae, an Ei scopal tracted to fur music on Shenandoah. of the Flying Squadron. goal during the fourth quarter. minister doing missionar work board the Beretgaria, Cunard He then reviewed the history Frankly, our prospects are Besides these two acts, "Windy" in China and a member of the liner, and in thtfr European and of V. M. I. and spoke of the po- good; that is, as good as could was in every play and was a class of '93, visited the American tour f covered about sition it had attained, remark- be expected after losing nine great help to the defense as well scene of the ghting ten thousand nfles in less than ing that, "For every officer in letter men from last year's as the offense. His passing too and saw about Hmdred ja. a month. the Bfitish army who has heard squad. Eight of these were in was very accurate. He and and fifty of the wound who After Finals at V. M. I. the of West Point, there are three the line, only one being a back- "Ned" Yates showed themselves had been carried to the 1 jspital. orchestra disb; nded until June who know of V. M. I.' As an field man. to be a real passing combination In speaking of the incii ent he 21st. At Rich nond during the explanation of this he told of It's very easy to see from this by gaining sixty-five yards in also told how the French colon- last week in J| ne the orchestra how the campaigns of Lee and that the team this year will five minutes with two of their ists have put up revetnjen ts to appeared at t e city's largest Jackson are studied in the have altogether a green line. well-handled passes. protect their reservations theatre, the ational, where schools of tactics throughout Most of our line is made up of "Snail" Caldwell made two against the frequent street their repertoii received highly the world and while the latter men from last year's Rat squad beautiful runs of about thirty fights which occur in thfcit city. favorable from large was a West Point man he first and consists of a lot of heavy yards each. He also displayed Other cities visited wen Hong- audiences as [.veil as from the!came into prominence at the material that needs thorough some good head work from the kong and Canton before leaving Richmond pr^s. outbreak of the Civil War when seasoning. quarter-back position. Willis, for the Philippine Islailds. In During the next week the or- he was a professor at V. M. I. Our hopes are elevated, how- Harmeling, Gfroerer and Deit- Manila a large number <&f Insti- chestra furniihed music for a He referred to Colonel Hender- ever, when we glance at the rich did commendable work in tute men on duty with the U. S. series of dances throughout the backfield. That portion of the ContlnuL>d on Page Six) the backfield with their furious troops in the Philippines met state of Virginia, playing in Squadron is strong, fast, and plunges and fast end runs. Gen. Nichols and provided en- Richmond, Portsmouth, Hamp- OPENING HOPS experienced. It is made up of The team as a whole showed tertainment for him during his ton, Danvil e, the Culpeper The 1926 Hop Committee men who have from two to up better than had been expect- stay. The next three stops Horse Show and at Fredericks- announces that the Opening three years of 'varsity exper- ed by some, and undoubtedly were Java, Singapore, and In- burg. Hops will be held in the gym- ience. was a little more seasoning, will dia. While in India trips were On July eighth the cadets nasium on the nights of the No one can make any safe prove itself to be a strong, ag- made to Calcutta, Bombay, sailed from New York aboard 25th and 2Gth with possibly predictions about the outcome j gressive football machine, Delhi, and Agra. From this the R. M. S. Berengaria. Dur- a dansant on Saturday after- of the season at such an early The Wofford team put up a point we follow the tour to ing the six 1 lays' voyage across, noon. George Maddins' stage as this. After the team fight that it can well be proud Celon, through the Red Sea and the cadets played twice daily "Delawarians" of Wilming- has played the first three of.
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