The Palaeolithic Occupation of Vogelherd Cave: Implications for the Subsistence Behavior of Late Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans Laura Niven Tübingen: Kerns Verlag, 2006, 312 pp. (hardback), €39.95. ISBN: 3-935751-04-4. Reviewed by MARLIZE LOMBARD Department of Human Sciences, Natal Museum, PB 9070, Pietermaritzburg 3200, SOUTHAFRICA; [email protected] he global debate about differences and similarities are briefly reviewed. Illustrations and photographs of the Tbetween Neanderthal and early modern human be- artifacts bring aspects of these assemblages to life. Palae- haviour is heating up. When debates reach deadlocks, it ontological information and a brief fossil history of each is often sensible to turn to new empirical work for re-as- mammalian taxon represented at Vogelherd are provided. sessment and/or re-interpretation of existing behavioural A summary of the palaeoclimatic conditions during the models. Niven’s volume in the Tübingen Publications in site’s Middle Palaeolithic, Aurignacian, and Magdalenian Prehistory series represents the definitive work on faunal occupations concludes the chapter. remains from Vogelherd Cave in the Swabian Jura of Ger- Chapter Three presents archaeozoological methods many. This well-produced book discusses the taphonomic used in the documentation and interpretation of the Vogel- and archaeological analysis of the site’s most important herd fauna. First, Niven tackles the taphonomy with regard Middle and Upper Palaeolithic assemblages providing to collection bias, bone modification as a result of carnivore refined insight into selected subsistence behaviours over and rodent activity, mechanical bone surface modifica- time. tion, and anthropogenic bone surface modification. She Chapter One situates Vogelherd in the Neanderthal/ then moves on to bone breakage categories, the evaluation modern human debate. The site is probably best known for of bone fragmentation, and discussions on in situ bone at- its finds of some of the earliest figurative artworks—animal trition and density-mediated destruction of bone. Niven’s figurines carved in ivory. These are currently considered thorough presentations of her documentation and interpre- key elements in definitions for modern human behaviour. tation methods following on the taphonomic discussions While it is unknown which human groups created the or- demonstrate the technical astuteness of her study. Finally, ganic industries that also include bone, antler, and ivory a system of terminology for quantifying and interpreting toolkits, it is apparent that the Swabian Jura was an impor- the Vogelherd fauna is offered in preparation for present- tant region for cultural innovation during the Middle and ing the bone assemblages. Upper Palaeolithic transitional period. The faunal assem- Niven next provides the archaeozoological results for blages suggest that the cave was used over tens of thou- the Middle Palaeolithic occupation at Vogelherd Cave ac- sands of years for butchering, processing and consuming cording to the site’s corrected stratigraphy. Comprehen- game resources. Niven takes the reader through a detailed sive tables supplement the descriptions of the material. discussion of the research history of Vogelherd, the Lone The bone collection from the deepest Mousterian context Valley, and the curation of the faunal assemblage of Vogel- is treated in detail. The question of whether this sample herd over the past century. This background sets the scene represents a human and/or carnivore bone accumulation for her research design and presentation of results. Her is approached in a robust manner with arguments visually two main goals are identified as; a) presenting a thorough supported by informative bar charts and line graphs. At the and detailed summary of the faunal assemblages from the end of the chapter readers primarily interested in the larger Palaeolithic horizons in Vogelherd, and b) modelling the Neanderthal/early modern human debate are provided subsistence behaviours of the Neanderthal and modern with a first glimpse into Niven’s explanation. Although the human occupations of the cave. issue of Neanderthal subsistence remains inconclusive, it is In the next chapter, geographical and geological back- assumed that hunting behaviour of the Swabian Neander- grounds are provided for the site. The geology of the cave thals was similar to the rest of Middle Palaeolithic Eurasia. is discussed in detail and several section drawings accom- That is, they were quite capable of fulfilling their nutrition- pany the discussion. Vogelherd is placed in a chronostrati- al needs through hunting large game. graphic framework. This positioning highlights problems Presentation of the extensive Aurignacian assemblage with earlier documentation systems and provides a cor- is broken down over the next three chapters, exploring spe- rected section to be used for future research. This re-align- cific but related aspects of subsistence behaviour. The da- ment is a noteworthy contribution, not only for Niven’s tasets allowing for the best reconstruction of Aurignacian own work on the faunal assemblages, but also for possible subsistence activities are covered in Chapter Five, which future work on other material from the site. Comprehen- investigates human utilization of reindeer and horse. Niven sive tables and graphs summarise the radiocarbon data provides the reader with in depth descriptions of the rein- obtained from the site. The associated lithic and organic deer and horse faunal material from Vogelherd Cave. Dis- artifact assemblages, figurative artwork, and human fossils cussions on carcass utilisation, breakage of long bones, and PaleoAnthropology 2007: 63−65. © 2007 PaleoAnthropology Society. All rights reserved. ISSN 1545-0031 64 • PaleoAnthropology 2007 hammerstone percussion damage, as well as chop marks, more temperate species. Horse and reindeer are still the follow. These discussions are accompanied by ample illus- primary prey taxa, though exploitation was not extensive. trations that guide the reader through the interpretations. The most interesting evidence for human use involves the Evidence that indicates extensive and systematic marrow cut marks on a wolf cranium fragment. In the final Magda- processing of reindeer and horse remains during the Auri- lenian horizon, the faunal assemblage is small and consists gnacian at Vogelherd Cave is noteworthy. Seasonal hunt- mainly of cold climate taxa, such as mammoth, horse, and ing behaviour by one or more groups could be indicated. reindeer. In conjunction with stone and organic artifact in- Butchery and marrow processing of reindeer and horse are ventories, the Magdalenian faunal assemblages from Vo- consistent through time indicating remarkably patterned gelherd suggest minimal occupation of the cave during this practices over a long period. period. From the exploitation of reindeer and horse resources The closing chapter summarises results from the ar- Niven moves to the woolly rhinoceros. Although the role chaeozoological study and their implications for the Pal- of this taxon in human subsistence is not clear in the Vo- aeolithic occupation of Vogelherd. While the Middle Pal- gelherd assemblage, it is well-represented. Niven provides aeolithic and Magdalenian assemblages provide limited a thoughtful discussion around the question of rhinoceros information on the site’s past, the sizable Aurignacian as- hunting and its possible implications. In this chapter she semblages represent the primary source of information on also presents the data for a variety of ungulate taxa that subsistence strategies and site function. One function of were hunted by Aurignacian groups at Vogelherd, but, the Vogelherd Cave site seems to center on the procure- in much smaller numbers than reindeer and horse. These ment and processing of game: as a strategic viewpoint for animals, such as boar, red deer, giant deer, aurochs or bi- locating game; a location where production and mainte- son, and chamois, seem to have played a secondary role nance of hunting gear took place; and a protected location in human subsistence throughout this period. Small mam- for processing animals for food. Niven argues that the in- mals and birds were perhaps also exploited, indicating the tensive and patterned ways in which Aurignacian groups trend towards an expansion of diet breadth exemplified in processed reindeer and horse were instigated in part by the subsequent Gravettian across Eurasia. A wide variety the increased food requirements of seasonal gatherings of of carnivores is represented in the Aurignacian assemblage people (aggregation). The ivory figurines, ornaments, and including wolf, fox, cave bear, brown bear, wolverine, bad- sophisticated organic tool technologies at sites in the Swa- ger, cave hyena, cave lion, and wild cat. Carnivores thus bian Jura are seen as integral parts of communication sys- have a definite presence in the Aurignacian of Vogelherd, tems. The presence of these objects mark the Swabian Jura but according to Niven, not a dominant one. Interestingly, as a key area of early modern human cultural innovation in there is no evidence of human utilization of any carnivore Europe. Critical to these interpretations is the attribution of taxon except fox. such cultural innovations to early groups of anatomically Chapter Seven concludes the presentation of Aurigna- modern humans in Eurasia. Based on the latest radiocarbon cian fauna with a discussion on the role of mammoths in dates, indicating a
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