With Visa* you'll be accepted at more than 10 million ^ places, nearly three times more than American Express. And that's not a misprint. t Visa. It's Everywhere You Want To Be! I a season to give EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Robert N. Wescott MANAGING EDITOR GaryR. Peters EXECUTIVE EDITOR interview Kelhteen M. Cote ART DIRECTOR KenEmpey DESIGNERS Michael O Boyle JoshKlenert with PRODUCTION MANAGER Christine Koenig ASSOCIATE EDITORS Aimee Zakrewslrl, Sports Kerstin Gunter, News Brandy Davis. Features doctor WRITERS Mark Natale • Jeff Gambles Malt McNamara • Krissy Bush Clarissa Cummings • Emma Walker Victor Cardosa • Alfred Penn Kelly Bombard • Bryant Grahm Sean Aryai • Akeen Pagan simone PRODUCTION STAFF Maria Rosini ftaleAmone Malt Southward ILLUSTRATOR Edward M X. Cox Larry Conrow DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY David Carson PHOTO EDITOR Craig Ambrosio editorial 4 crossword 27 PHOTOGRAPHERS EricMathy MaxSchulte Amy Wood • Malt Eichelberger news 7 w volleyball 30 Rick Cindak • Rebecca Soderhdm 8 tunes 32 BUSINESS MANAGER sports Hotly mcox 37 perette 10 handicap DISTRIBUTION STAFF George Garmon 21 on the streets 39 alcohol SECRETARY 22 poem 41 Rob DiFranco raw deal ADVISOR Dr. Elaina Spaut entertainment 24 crossword 42 humor 27 tabads 46 cover illustration by gary peters cover photo by michael weimer REPORTER MAGAZINE Is published weekly during the ecademic year by students at the Rochester Institute ot Technology. One Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester. New Yorlt. 14623. Edrtorial and proAiction lacilrties are located in Room A-426 ot the Student Alumni Umon. Voice/TTY (716)475-2212. Subscnplions: $7 00 per quarter The opinions expressed in REPORTER do not necessanty rellect ttxjse ol the Instrtute RIT does not generally review or approve ol the contents ol REPORTER and does not accept responsibility lor rrwitters contained m REPORTER Letters may be sub• mitted to the REPORTER w\ person, or through RIT e-mail. send letters Io REPORTER Letters must be typed and double spaced Please limit letters to 250 words REPORTER reserves the nghl to edrt for libel and darity. No letters will be prmled unless signed and accompanied by a phone number All letters recieved are property ol REPORTER MAGAZINE REPORTER takes pnde in its membershv in the Associated Collegiale Press and Amencan Civil Liberties Union, copyright 1993 REPORTER MAGAZINE. All rights reserved. No porbon o< this magazvte may be reproduced without prior vrritten permission from REPORTER have such low regard for the college that can always send a letter to the editor of they have devoted so much of their life Reporter. to. I personally think that RIT has plenty The second part of the challenge is to going for it. But the one thing that seems take the same approach with things you to be missing is pride, a sense of com• see that are positive here at RIT. Give munity. RIT a chance to be a positive aspect of I hope, as many of you probably do, your life. This exchange of ideas is the that after my immense investment of best way to improve RITs sense of com• money and self, I will look back some munity. day with pride at my alma matter. Maybe, I should look at RIT while I'm here and -ROBERT N. WESCOTT try to find some sense of pride. Many will EDITOR-IN-CHIEF tell you that school spirit on this campus Community? is non-existent. I would argue that point to an extent. But, what about the stu• School Spirit? dents on the SAE team, those involved with the Community Service Clubhouse, id you know tfiat stiortly after The RIT Corner Crew, Computer Science U.S. News and World Report's House, Reporter Magazine, WITR, Dsurvey on "America's Best College Greeks, BACC, Piers, NTID Theatrical Values" placed RIT near the top of the Department, RIT Ambulance, ROTC, value for you buck rankings, RIT was Cheerleaders, RIT Crew, spRIT, CAB, ranked in another survey "Best College's and and many more organizations on Ever"? It was ranked against the same campus. With all of this student involve• top colleges in reference to the "fun fac• ment, why does there seem to be a lack tor". Well we didn't come in first. In fact, of pride in the school itself? Why is there we came in second to the last, more fun such a lack of community at this insti• only than West Point, the US military tute? academy (this is not a joke). We didn't There are many ways to spice up surpass a college that features curfews, campus life, and to build community. discipline, no drinking, no socializing, and New programs like that of the RIT license cold weather. Well, we do have the cold plate could help a little. But, programs weather. What is up with the rest of it? directed at showing pride are useless if The schools that achieved the status in pride does not exsist. One way to change the bottom ten (but, higher status than the hum drum image that RIT seems to us) in descending order were Yale, Tufts, have formed is to inspire students and Oral Roberts, Brigham Young University, these organizations to take part in the The US Naval Academy, and Johns improvment of this community. One thing Hopkins. that is vital to the improving community is The rankings were achieved by using communication. We have an incredibly reports from 50 student corespondents diverse community here at RIT and there from each university. The 300 largest are people who have thoughts and feel• coed universities were ranked. Just think, ing to share. we could have come in last, right? Brain I would like to propose a two part dead party school we are not. That is challenge to the readers of this issue. If probably for the best. Why were these 50 you feel that "RIT Sucks", ask yourself students at RIT so critical in their report "Why?". What is it about this institute that on RITs "fun factor"? I'll have to be total• gets you down. If you can pin-point ly honest, I hear everyday the words "RIT things that bother you, things you wish sucks". This in reference to a school that could change, or things that are just plain students have paid a good amount of wrong. Don't just say, well that's the money to attend! "brick city". Do something. If you have a Why do it? Why would someone pay problem with your department, bring it up to attend a school that they obviously to your department head. If you have a think so little of. Obviously the fifty stu• problem with the cafeteria, bring it up to dents at RIT who responded to a poll food services. If you have a problem with conducted by Inside Edge (National mag• any policy of RIT then say so. Don't azine, produced by Boston-area col• brush it off as another negative aspect of leges) were not happy! Why do they RIT. Hell, if all you hit are dead ends you 4 REPORTER Vol.74 No.6 develop, hopefully, this sense of under the hand of the Captain himself. ambiance, this sense of community spirit Our leader should set a course that that you really can't do unless you have a would strengthen REPORTER magazine, facility like this." But at least we benefit "a not hinder it. little." So what can the quiet transient stu• None-the-less, we sail onward to find dent do about this peril filled course? two currents that may send the student Your captain's phone number is exten• crew off the side of the ship-a university sion 2394. His office is located on the club and a university newspaper. Five seventh floor of the George Eastman years ago Residence Halls Association building. Next time you are in class won• began a project to establish an alcohol- dering where the last few million dollars free nightclub on the residence side of went call him and ask what course we campus. This September it looked as if are on. Then grab a life jacket! A Course all the obstacles had been overcome and THE Cl_AW would finally open. That was —KATHLEEN M. COLE Bound for Destruction until physical plant made a mistake that EXECUTIVE EDITOR would cost approximately $25,000. This At tfie 1992 Democratic National mistake has set RHA back at least 6 Convention New York State Governor months, and who knows how much Mario M. Cuomo compared our nation to longer it will plague them. Did President a vast ship misguided by a Republican Simone come to their aid? Has he rallied captain, destined for a collision with a for funding or addressed the mistakes bank of piercing rocks. The only hope for that were made? Has he used his presi• the fateful vessel was Captain Clinton & dential influence to expedite the process• his Democratic Crew. Today, RIT is on es that have come before RHA? No. The that same course. Captain chooses to advocate a university A year ago, RIT placed its ship in the club for faculty and staff that would be so hands of a new captain-Albert J. elite few students could afford its mem• Simone. After a CIA scandal rocked the bership. If erected in the Bausch & Lomb boat, many put their faith in this new building, this university club will cost over found talent from Hawaii. They sought $1,000,000. RHA only needed $25,000 stability, strength and most importantly to complete their facility and they had to community. And Simone has represented find that in Vice President William that to some of the faculty and staff.
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