T h e O n e H u n d r e d t h A n n u a l R e p o r t --------------------------------------------------- of the--------------------------------------------------- Amerirmt Huarii o f (EommtHatnttpra far 11 < Jfnm gtt JHtastntta TOGETHER WITH THE MINUTES OF THE CENTENARY MEETING HELD AT BOSTON OCTOBER 11- 14, 1910 ^ ^ ^ ^ PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD CONGREGATIONAL HOUSE BOSTON m e g ^ m 3 ¿> V 100 - ;0 4 ¡Sift M art ^ill Jlrra» S am u el U sh e r 17* HIGH STREET» BOSTON, MASS. CONTENTS P a g e Organization of the American B o a r b ................................................. 5 Charter and B y -La w s ................................................................................ 7 Introduction ................................................................................................. 21 M inutes of the A nnual M eeting ......................................................... 27 Corporate Members Present................................................................... 27 Missionaries P r e s e n t ................................................................................ 29 Male Honorary Members Reported as Present.................................. 29 Organization................................................................................................. 31 Committees A p p o in te d ............................................................................ 3l~33 Amendment to By-Laws . 33, 34 Announcement of G i f t s ............................................................................ 33 Letters of Excuse .... 34 New Members............................................................................................. 34 Place and Preacher for Next M eeting.................................................. 35 Election of O ffice rs.................................................................................... 35 Resolutions................................................................................................. 35 Greetings from Other Missionary B o a r d s .......................................... 36 Reports of Committees at the Annual Meeting ............................. 40 Report on the Home D e p a rtm e n t....................................................... 40 Report on the Treasurer’s Report 41 Home Department The Apportionment P l a n ...................................................... 46 The Laymn’es Missionary Movement .... 47 The Committee of One H u n d re d ........................................................... 47 Non-Contributing Churches.................................................................... 48 Per Capita G ivin g ................. 48 Special Centennial Gifts . 49 The Activity of Pastors .............................. 50 New Recruits ............................................................................................. 50 Administrative M atters .......................... 52 Associate Secretaries ................................................................................ 54 Amendment to the Board’s Charter . ...................................... 54 ^ The History of the B o a r d .......................... 55 Some Observations on Human Nature .............................................. 55 ' Giving in Four Figures .......................... 60 c Missionary Appointments.................................. .... 61 v The Middle District (Mr. Beard’s Report).......................................... 63 ’ The Interior District (Dr. Hitchcock’s Report) . 66 ' The Pacific Coast District (Dr. Tenney’s Report) tw .......................... 72 ^The M issions West Central African M ission ............................................................... 79 ■^v South African Mission (Rhodesian Branch) . .................................. 83 South African Mission (Zulu Branch) .... 88 European Turkey M ission ........................................................................ 94 Western Turkey M is s io n ............................. 101 Central Turkey Mission............................................................................. 112 3 4 Maps Page Eastern Turkey Mission............................................................................ 117 Marathi M ission ......................................................................................... 124 Madura M ission ........................................................................................ 136 Ceylon Mission ......................................................................................... 147 Foochow M ission......................................................................................... 155 South China M issio n ................................................................................ 161 North China M issio n ................................................................................ 165 Shansi M ission............................................................................................. 175 Japan Mission ............................................................................................. 181 The Island M is s io n s ................................................................................ 187 Mexican M ission ......................................................................................... 196 Mission to S p a in ......................................................................................... 201 Austrian M ission......................................................................................... 204 Tabular View of the Missions of the A. B. C. F. M. for the Year 1909-10 208 T he T reasury The Treasurer’s Report for the Year ending August 31, 1910 . 209 Pecuniary Accounts ................................................................................ 215 Summary of Donations............................................................................ 236 Statistics Receipts of the Board ............................................................................ 242 Places of Meeting and Preachers........................................................... 243 Missionaries of the B o a r d ........................................................................ 245 Corporate Members of the B o a rd ........................................................... 251 Corporate Members whose Service has C e a se d .................................. 256 Officers of the B o a r d ................................................................................. 258 Honorary Members..................................................................................... 260 MAPS The World in 1 8 1 0 ..................................................................................... 21 The Board’s Mission, 18 10 - 18 6 0 ............................................................ 26 The Board’s Missions in 19 10 .................................................................... 36 West Central African M ission ................................................................ 37 South African Mission ............................................................................ 42 European Turkey M ission ........................................................................ 95 Asiatic Turkey M ission ............................................................................ 102 Marathi M ission ......................................................................................... 124 Madura and Ceylon Missions ................................................................ 136 Foochow and South China Missions ................................................... 155 North China and Shansi M is s io n s ....................................................... 166 Japan M ission ............................................................................................. 181 Micronesian M is s io n ................................................................................. 187 Mission to the Philippines........................................................................ 193 Mission to M e x ic o .................................................................................... 196 Mission to Spain and A u s t r ia ................................................................ 204 Organization of the American Board 5 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Congregational House, 14 Beacon Street, Room 708, Boston, Mass. Gable Address, Fernstalfc-Boston.” President. — S a m u e l B. C a p e n , l l .d . Vice-President. — E d w a r d D . E a t o n , d .d . Prudential Committee. — The President and Vice-President, ex officiis. Hon. A r t h u r H . W e l l m a n , A l b e r t P. F it c h , d .d ., H e n r y H . P ro c­ t o r , L u c iu s H . T h a y e r , d .d . Terms expire 19 11. F r a n c is O. W in s l o w , A r t h u r L . G i l l e t t , d .d ., C h a r l e s A . H op­ k i n s , A r t h u r P e r r y . Terms expire 1912. H e r b e r t A. W il d e r , Rev. E d w a r d M. N o y e s , E d w a r d C. M o o r e , d .d ., Rev. G e o r g e A. H a l l . Terms expire 1913. Corresponding Secretaries. — J a m e s L . B a r t o n , d .d ., C o r n e l iu s H . P a t t o n , d .d . Treasurer. — F r a n k H . W ig g in . Recording Secretary. — H e n r y A. S t im s o x , d .d . Assistant Recording Secretary. — E d w a r d N . P a c k a r d , d .d . Editorial Secretaries. — E. E. S t r o n g , d .d ., Emeritus; R ev. W il l ia m E. S t r o n g . Associate Secretaries. — Rev. E no ch F. B e l l , Rev. D. B r e w e r E d d y . Auditors. — E d w in H . B a k e r , W il l ia m B . P l
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