ORDINANCE NO. 90-~3~O ___ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN E.S.D.A. PLAN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND 'BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHATHAM, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Village of Chatham Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan drafted by the Village of Chatham Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. SECTION 2. The appropriate officers of the Village of Chatham are authorized and directed to carry out the Village of Chatham Comprehensivie Emergency Management Plan according to its terms. SECTION 3. The Director of the Village of Chatham E.S.D.A. is directed to provide a copy of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to the Sangamon County E.S.D.A. I::;)c/t-.;~ Passed this -------"'"... v'>. pO day of -,lJfT1a-tlvy -, 1990. ~ C»>~ CARL OBLINGER, VIL~~PRESIDENT AYES: NAYS: PASSED If} ~f5f! APPROVED :fd,~ ORDINANCE NO. 90-~3~O ___ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN E.S.D.A. PLAN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHATHAM, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Village of Chatham Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan drafted by the Village of Chatham Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. SECTION 2. The appropriate officers of the Village of Chatham are authorized and directed to carry out the Village of Chatham Comprehensivie Emergency Management Plan according to its terms. SECTION 3. The Director of the Village of Chatham E.S.D.A. is directed to provide a copy of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to the Sangamon County E.S.D.A. Passed this ____ day of July, 1990. CARL OBLINGER, VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: Village Clerk AYES: NAYS: PASSED APPROVED: ________ ORDINANCE NO. 90-.......,,=--30 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN E.S.D.A. PLAN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHATHAM, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Village of Chatham Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan drafted by the Village of Chatham Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. SECTION 2. The appropriate officers of the Village of Chatham are authorized and directed to carry out the Village of Chatham Comprehensivie Emergency Management Plan according to its Ii {; terms. ·.'···.···.·.·1.1 SECTION 3. The Director of the Village of Chatham E.S.D.A. is directed to provide a copy of this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to the Sangamon County E.S.D.A. Passed this ____ day of July, 1990. CARL OBLINGER, VILLAGE PRESIDENT ATTEST: Village Clerk AYES: NAYS: PASSED APPROVED : ____ EXHIBIT A V ILL AGE o F C HAT HAM 1 9 9 0 CO M PRE HEN S I V E E MER G ENe Y P LAN REVISIONS REQUESTED BY ILLINOIS ESDA: Page 3 - 5th paragraph - 3rd sentence: "Specific infonnation on the disaster and the impact will be promptly reported to the Illinois Emergency Service and Disaster Agency through the Springfield-Sangamon County ESDA." Page 1-1 - 3rd Subtitle (Hazardous Material Storage): Second sentence which would say, "but we do need to take into consideration the storage of seasonal fann chemicals, fuels, pool chemicals which we would have in our community." Page 5-1 - 2nd Subtitle (Assumption): Add a 4th sentence, "The Incident Commander shall be the Fire Chief or his designee ... · Page 7-2 - Under C: "Asterisk shall identify the agencies listed that are j directed to be notified by Springfield-Sangamon County ESDA." ~ Ii'I TARm OF OJN'IENIS ,,,.0- 1-1 HA7..A1m ANALYSIS 2-1 W\SS CASllAL'I'Y INr:rnr:NT r:nARr AND JOB JEFINITION . ''''' .. El'lFRrml'IT Rr:SmNCE mro<LISI 3-1 , . 11-1 YAH ENFnRr:F}mNT 5-1. FIRR 0-1 SFACH AND RESC1lE 'i-1 SJlEL'lER 8··1 PlIDLIC INFnRl''fATION OFFICER '1-1. VIUAnE RES011RCE LIST 1n-1 T1WlSJ'ORTATION RFSOllRCES 11-1 STAlE, mmRAL. OJ1JNTY, SlJPPORr AGEmIF..8 , I. 12-1. MANPOI.JF:R 11-1 HP..ATIlER HAmI PJ AN \ ' 111-1 HAS'lER P)tr:lNP. LIST ES D A- Coo rdt V\.a. +-0 V- - (Y\oV!. +6 S\ 1.v\.5' E.S D A Do=.Pu.t!j c..ooVo( lI"~roV' Pcnu.O l3~d (c.' , £5 Oft [I~~~/j (f, -/efiM. L0'J.""-IA- 9~-ttolA... ..-" I,:, ' s,1t:.ocV\...' '$ 11M.:S "" E'C<jcr rtvt f~' V\... \ " Ut\IIA.. 1<: G f M " D~ ..$~ VULAGE OF CHATHAl1 CmlPHEIlEIISIVE EHERGENCY l'lAtlAGEr1EllT PLAt! n f), (! \.l' <> t\'" -1.«-" f ./)\ "l V".v 4i..-' I..CI j l~" \)fI t9 .r t"d- .~-- .J. ,J yXJ"~ 0 I. PUilPOSE: 3 f ,'f /""~'" \i The purpose of this plan is to develop a comprehensive emergency management program which seeks to mitigate the effect of a hazard, to prepare for measures to be taken which will preserve life and minimize damage, to respond durinf, emergencies by providing necessary assistance, and to establish a recOVery system in order to return the community to its normal state of affairs. 'lillis plan attempts to define in a straightforward manner who does what, when, where, and how, in order to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of any natural disaster, technological accident, or other major incidents. 1 II. DEFIIlITIUUS/ABBI!EVIATIONS 1. OAP-COl·1 911 Radio Operations Center 2. Fol·IS Emergency Medical Service ' .. 3. EOO Emergency Operations Center 4. I~[ilJA Emergency Service and Disaster 5. PIO Public Information Officer III. SI'I'UA~'IOH MID ASSlIHP11ION 'l'he Village of Chatham has been and will continue to be exposed to many hazards, all of which have the potential to threaten the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the community. 1'hese hazards are classified as natural, technological, and nuclear risks and have the potential to cause injuries, deaths, property damage, and major disruptions to the community. " .• r' '; ",4 ~.) 6'~ I C'I'''<"'~ . t()l'{'/'I' '.1 " k'\,}r1.~I':e. ( $ ,,'. II: r)kul"_ (I.;) ((J1II,(!{,~, .. , r'J I ~ c·, • Ill'. I' ... /' I.) t?I.'1 VI 1"",.,3 {J .< f (~j " " ' . D , (\ 'll'. t' • ,.l 0 "'B" I .".. ,. c. ./ I, r.. VA ~ It; ,'fdl-J.r·....,. Natural hazards would include tornodoes, earthquakes, violent storms, extreme temperatures, land subsidence, floou, etc. 'rechnological hazards would include hazardous material accidents, conflagrations, transportations accidents, structural collapse and explosions. Tllere is also the threat of a war related incident such as a nuclear, biological or conventional attack upon the United States. A detailed explanation of the types of hazards that could occur and have a impact upon the Village of Chatham is located in the hazard/vulnerability section of this plan. '. B) Assumptions 1. The Village of Chatham will continue to be exposed to the hazards noted above as well as others which may develope in the future. 2. 'rhe public officillls within the Village of Chatham recop;nize their respondsibilities with regards to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the community. 3. ~ach public official wiLl assume their responsibility in the implementation of any section or part of this emergency management plan. ~. If properly implemented, this plan will reduce or prevent disaster loses. IV. CUNCEI"r OF OrlmA'nONS A) General IHtip;ation, preparedness, response and recovery is the responsibility of each agency and organization identified within the agency responsibility matrix. This plan is written under the assumption that the basic plan and annexes provide the legal authority and bosis for preparing hazard specific contingency plans for natural and technological disasters and the threat of nuclear attack. Each hazard contingency plan will be developed after the thorough vulnerability analysis has been conducted for the Village of Chatham. 2 The hazard contingency plAns will provide emergency procedures aimed at responding to and recovering from eacll disaster situation. lt is a basic concept that emergency operations will moke use of all available resources to combat the effect of a disaster.Since the normal functions and organizations of local goverment will be the primary resource around which all disaster operations develope, appropriate emergency functions are assigned to the various agencies and departments of the Village of Chatham in line with the normal day to day responsibilities. Non-essential functions performed by these agencies and departments will be suspended once a contingency plan is implemented. The 110yor of tho Village of Chatham is responsible for the overall command of any disaster situation within the village. The Emergency Service Coodinator responsibility is to coordinate and direct all emergency operations and to keep the Chatham Village Board appraised of the j current status. I Authority for the implementation of any section or part .••..•..·,...•..,.'.Ii contained within this plan will be determined by: 1. Hayor 2. Village Council 3. EGDA Coordinator l~. Appropriate Department Head (Fire Chief, Police, etc.) UPOIl implementation of this plan, all assigned individuals will be advised to assemble at the Chatham Village IIall. Pre-assigned emergency'i operating procedures will be followed by each dept. in order to institute an orderly and phase in emergency response base upon pre-emergency and post-emergency sequences. '.rhe Emere;ency Service Coordinator will function as the liaison between the county, city and the state I Emergency Services and Disaster Agency in request for disaster assistl:1Dce. l'he Coordinator will follow the proper notification procedures in seeking county and state assistance. Specific information on the disaster and the impact will be promptly reported to the 1f Illinois Emergency Service and Disaster Agency~~ tit€.
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