Te Runanga o Ngati Porou NATILINK February 2001 ISSUE 16 Sizzling Sports Day a Summer Sensation Cousins converged at Ruatoria recently armed with sunhats, sunscreen and sunnies to com- pete for their marae in the annual Ngati Porou festival of sports. Te Aowera Marae reign supreme as the new 2001 Ngati Porou Inter-Marae Sports Day cham- pions. Te Ariuru Marae from Tokomaru Bay and Puketawai from Tolaga Bay took out the overall second and third place prizes. Te Aowera Marae chairperson Boy Keelan says the three thousand dollars won at the sports day will be used to build new ablution blocks for Te Aowera Marae. He says, the prize money will contribute to the building of the new showers and toilets, how- ever further fundraising will have to be done to raise the $100,000 needed to see the project completed. Winning team for the Ngati Porou Inter-Marae Sports Day Competition, Te Aowera Marae “The marae was resurrected only a few years with competitor ages ranging from under five to included all participants from the oldest to the ago. The new wharekai is built and we’re a over 70-years-old. youngest. little closer now to securing a new wharepaku. Ngati Porou Sports Events co-ordinator Selwyn “While we try not to put the emphasis on com- That’s good news for the marae.” Parata describes the day as a positive venture peting we know that a lot of us are competitive Te Aowera people came from as far north as for all Ngati Porou. by nature and that’s okay - if the competition Auckland and as far south as Invercargill to rep- “It’s a great day to get together and celebrate element is being channeled in a positive way. resent their marae. who we are … Ngati Porou.” And that just doesn’t mean winning. It means More than 1000 competitors and supporters The days events included, tennis, swimming, being inclusive, having fun, playing hard but also flocked to Ngata Memorial College to enjoy the volleyball, touch, line dancing, team relay sprints, playing fair.” hot sunny weather and yearly feast of sporting trivial pursuits, a team parade and fun walk. She encourages marae teams to start and whanau comradeship. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou chief executive of- recruiting and to have their teams registered Fourteen marae from Potikirua to Te Toka a ficer Amohaere Houkamau says the fun walk for the sports day festival by mid-December. Taiau (Gisborne) took up the call to challenge summed up the spirit of the day as the event Continued on page 6 Report from the chairman Apirana Mahuika E te iwi, tena tatau e pakia nei e te ringa kaha mate tarawhare. Na reira Nepia haere; ka whanga mai ra mohou. Haere e te koka, o aitua, mai i tetahi topito o te rohe, a, tae atu mau tonu iho koe i to tatau koka i a Aunty e te karangatanga maha ki te huinga o te hoki ki era o tatau i hinga i waho o te rohe o Materoa e tuku whakaheke atu ana ki nga Kahurangi, ki o mana, ki o tapu me o wehi. Ngati Porou. I tera wiki i haere au me taku rori ki te po. Ka mahui mokemoke nga hurihanga kei whanau ki Waikato i te hingatanga o to matua E te koka Aunty Materoa (Taare) e te morehu roto o Waiapu i to haerenga, a, ka ngaro tuakana o Nepia Mahuika. o te ao pohatu, haere. Haere atu ki o hoa hoki koe i waenganui i a matau katoa. Na Kei te pouri ia kare a ia i hoki mai ki te wa noho tahi, mahi tahi i nga ra kei muri. Kei reira e te morehu, e te koka tipuna, Haere! kaenga takoto ai me nga matua-tipuna. E kona ratau hei whakamanuhiri i a koe ina Haere! Haere! E hika ma, waiho iho enei kore e mutu te mihi o te ngakau mo nga hunga whakaeke atu koe ki nga marae kaenga o kupu poroporaki he roimata mo era atu o o te wa kaenga i tae iho ki te tangi ki a Nepia, nga iwi kei tua o te arai. Mahau tonu e arahi tatau kua mene atu ki te po. a, kei te mihi hoki ki nga hoia i tae iho ki te atu o karangatanga e haere tahi atu i to taha. poroporoaki ki tenei o ratau kua tokia nei e te Kua tae koe kia Uncle Na, me o tama e Continued on page 2 INSIDE Chief executive officer’s report .............. 2 The Porourangi Maori Cultural School . 8-9 Changing of the Guards ........................... 3 Waka Ama Victories ............................... 10 Waitoa Brothers Launch CD ..................... 4 Te Waiu Girls Blitz Exams ...................... 11 Iwi Up With Technology ........................... 5 Forest Deal ............................................ 12 Inter-Marae Sports Day ......................... 6-7 Te Runanga o Ngati Porou NATI LINK February 2001 Report from the chief executive officer Amohaere Houkamau Kia Ora koutou nga uri whakatipu a Hikurangi well to Nanny Materoa Taare and Papa matauranga Ngati Porou that was enjoyed Maunga a Waiapu Awa a Nepia Mahuika we gave by the 1500 Nati that turned up on Ngati Porou nui tonu. Otira he thanks for their rich and full January 3. tangi aroha ki nga whanau lives, 101 and 87 respec- Matauranga Ngati Porou is one of the flag- kei raro i te kapua o te pouri i tively. However, when we ships in the revitalized educational devel- tenei wa kaore ha ki nga bid farewell to Agnes opments that are happening at home as morehu pakeke ki a Materoa McGhee we rued the fact part of Whaia-te-iti Kahurangi. Taare ki a Nepia Mahuika ki that one so young and with Some of the topical initiatives that are in- toku hoa aroha ki a Agnes so much to give has been cluded in our education strategy are the McGhee, koutou katoa kua taken so soon. development of a Ngati Porou curriculum whitu atu ki tua o te arai. This edition of Nati Link is a and a feasibility study into the establish- Haere, Haere, Haere, haere celebration of their lives and ment of a Ngati Porou education entity. ki te mana, ki te ihi, ki te wehi a reminder to us that time is As we know from the deeds of our Tipuna e poapoa mai na i te ao o te of the essence and there is Tane, the ‘power of the mind’ is what en- wahangutanga o te tangata. still much more work to do. abled him to reach Tikitikiorangi. We all Haruru ana hoki te hinganga Reflecting back on the first have incredible potential and capacity that o nga kaihautu o taku waka. Auahi ana, taku two months of this year, it appears that needs to be tapped and harnessed. raru e we have been thrust right back into the We have every capability of building our E nga Matua, e nga Tipuna, nga tuakana, midst of things without even a chance to own capacity - if we can unleash ‘The nga taina, nga tungane, me a tatou tamariki catch our breaths. Power of our Minds’ and focus it on a col- mokopuna, ko tahi tonu te hiringa i kake ai a Those gathered for the Dawn Ceremony lective vision. Tane ki Tikitikiorangi ko te hiringa i te mahara. on Hikurangi Maunga January 1-were Our tamariki are showing us that they have Greetings to you all as we go to print on our treated to a stunning sunrise and bore wit- begun to unleash the ‘power of their minds’ first Nati Link for 2001. It is with sadness ness to the dedication of one of our young- (pg 11) the challenge to us is whether we and regret that we acknowledge and pay est tribal members within the ‘cathedral- can aspire to the same level. My guess is respect to those who have passed on and like’ setting of Te Takapau o Maui. that in 2001 there will be many opportuni- who contributed so much to Ngati Porou in The Inter-Marae sports festival was a dis- ties for all of us, to raise our standard of their own special ways. When we bid fare- play of marae unity, physical prowess and performance and level of consciousness. Report from the chairman (continued from page 1) Apirana Mahuika This month will see the con- to do the work to advance injuncting the transfer to Council. clusion of all requirements the claims, while the re- These self same actions by previous and concerning the vesting of spective claimants retain successive governments have deprived all of Mt Hikurangi back to their mana to their claim. I our people of our rights, lands and tikanga Ngati Porou. Once this has hope that at this hui we and such actions have brought about iwi been completed work on would be able to come up claims against grievances and wrongs the official access way to with a comprehensive plan caused by Central and Local Governments the Mountain over Pakihiroa for consultation with Ngati on Maori. will take place. A meeting Porou about the claims, as it Our lawyers are currently working on this will be held this month bring- is imperative that all are in- matter and further information will be pro- ing together all the Ngati formed of the nature of the vided as we progress our opposition. Porou Treaty Claimants claims and in this way, we We have lost the services of Rei Kohere against the injustices im- will all have ownership of to the Historic Places Trust in Wellington.
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