12220 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 23, 2000 Our youth want so desperately to take hold nation’s largest annual gathering of Hall of Commander in charge of search and rescue of their destiny and work to ensure a brighter Famers. efforts following the crash of Alaska Airlines and more prosperous future. There is so much Since the Hall of Fame Golf & Tennis flight 261 off Point Mugu in January. She and they can do—all they need is the opportunity. Classic’s inception a decade ago, the tour- her crew have served the country with honor f nament has drawn such legendary names as and distinction. Joe Namath, Bill Russell, and Oscar Robert- Based in San Pedro the last 14 years, the HONORING THE FRIEDENS CHURCH son. Their presence has assisted in raising CONIFER has patrolled the waters of southern OF CHRIST IN IRVINGTON, ILLI- over $1.5 million for leukemia research. California. The seafaring men and women of NOIS Thanks to these philanthropic contributions, the Conifer have touched the lives of many we can now generate public awareness, pro- during her tenure in San Pedro. We are grate- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS vide support programs for patients and their ful for her service. OF ILLINOIS families, and educate health professionals Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES about the latest advances in leukemia diag- these are the core values of the United States Coast Guard. The CONIFER exemplified Friday, June 23, 2000 nosis and treatment. I am confident that Bobby and his fellow Hall of Famers have these values during her service to the nation Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, today I recog- brought us one step closer to a cure. and southern California over the last 57 years. nize the Friedens Church of Christ in Irvington, It gives me great pleasure to announce that For nearly six decades, the CONIFER has Illinois. They recently celebrated their 110th the 10th anniversary of the Bobby Mitchell served the nation with great diligence and dis- anniversary. Chrysler Plymouth Hall of Fame Golf & Tennis tinction. I commend the men and women who The anniversary was marked with a celebra- Classic will take place on the weekend of July have served aboard the CONIFER over the tion and the display of the Bible which was do- 8th and 9th at the Lansdowne Resort in years. I also commend Lieutenant Com- nated to the congregation in 1919 by Kaiser Lansdowne, Virginia. Players and fans alike mander Jeff Loftus and his crew for their serv- Wilhelm II, former emperor of Germany. The will join in remembering Tom Landry, leg- ice to southern California. Your contributions Bible, which was autographed by the Kaiser, endary coach of the Dallas Cowboys and win- to the community are deeply appreciated. We is the oldest in the area, and was given to ner of two super bowls, himself a leukemia look forward to the Coast Guard’s continued their pastor, Rev. Rauch, who had previously victim. Seeing a celebrated citizen in Tom presence in the region when the Coast Guard served as pastor of the Evangelical Church in Landry pass away, highlights the need for Cutter George COBB assumes the CONI- Berlin that was attended by Wilhelm II. more Bobby Mitchell’s who are willing to help FER’s duties this fall. I would like to take this opportunity to en- find a cure for leukemia. f courage them and thank them for their many Mr. Speaker, in closing I would like to thank years of ministry. I wish the church continued Bobby Mitchell for his ten years of service to HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- growth and another 110 years of service. the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. In hosting SARY OF THE KOREAN WAR f the Hall of Fame Golf & Tennis Classc for the last ten years, Bobby has led a revolution of HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ HONORING BOBBY MITCHELL’S football and basketball Hall of Famers against OF TEXAS TEN YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE the dreadful disease of leukemia. With his LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCI- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leadership and selfless dedication to the ETY Friday, June 23, 2000 cause, valuable funds have been raised for leukemia research. I know my colleagues join Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, this Sun- HON. THOMAS M. DAVIS me in honoring Bobby Mitchell for this ten day, June 25 will be the 50th anniversary of OF VIRGINIA years of service to the Leukemia & Lymphoma the commencement of the Korean War. I join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Society. my colleagues, veterans, their families and all f Americans in forever memorializing those who Friday, June 23, 2000 fought and died in the quest for freedom in Mr. DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, it gives HONORING THE UNITED STATES South Asia. me great honor to rise today to pay tribute to COAST GUARD CUTTER CONIFER Millions today live in freedom and thrive in Bobby Mitchell’s ten years of service to the economic prosperity as a direct result of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Before con- HON. STEVEN T. KUYKENDALL U.S. and our U.N. allies intervening in Korea tributing to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Soci- OF CALIFORNIA and taking a stand on the 38th parallel. For ety, Bobby starred for the Cleveland Browns IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that sacrifice, I applaud the thousands of vet- and Washington Redskins of the National erans who risked and sacrificed their lives so Football League (NFL) from 1958–1968. His Friday, June 23, 2000 others could be free. Your service will stand prolific football career earned him election to Mr. KUYKENDALL. Mr. Speaker, today I as a permanent reminder of our nation’s com- the Hall of Fame in 1983. Today, Bobby recognize the United States Coast Guard Cut- mitment to securing freedom and liberty for all. Mitchell serves as the Assistant General Man- ter CONIFER, currently homeported on Ter- Last week we saw a historic meeting which ager for the Washington Redskins. In addition minal Island in San Pedro, California. Today many regard as the first step towards reuniting to his managerial duties, Bobby has made de- the CONIFER will be decommissioned after 57 North and South Korea. While eventual reunifi- feating leukemia a goal of his since his pro- years of distinguished service. cation would still take many years of patient football days. A member of the Coast Guard’s Buoy Ten- diplomacy, such an event looks more and Bobby’s motivation to beat leukemia, is der fleet, the CONIFER was commissioned on more like a reality. I am hopeful that we can linked to the death of a friend, Ernie Davis, a May 4, 1943. Throughout the years, many close this chapter and bring home our troops leukemia victim. Ironically, former Heisman have relied upon the Coast Guard Cutter who continue to face danger along the de-mili- trophy winner, Davis, was traded from the CONIFER to perform lighthouse service visits tarized zone (DMZ). Washington Redskins to the Cleveland and renovations, service weather data gath- All across the country, Americans have Browns in 1961 for Bobby Mitchell. To prevent ering buoys, perform law enforcement oper- been and will be commemorating the Korean leukemia from seizing other gifted citizens ations, assist with national defense, protect War. I commend all those who take time out lives, Bobby joined forces with David Timko, the environment, and perform search and res- from their everyday lives to pay homage to Executive Director of the Leukemia & cue missions. those who served and sacrificed in Korea. I Lymphoma Society, in 1990. Their mission The CONIFER has had an illustrious history, express my hope that across San Antonio, in was to raise money for leukemia research to patrolling the nation’s waterways and ensuring South Texas, all over the U.S. and around the help find a cure for this dreadful disease. As the safety of those navigating the high seas. world, Americans will make every effort to re- a solution, Bobby proposed hosting a golf and Shortly after being commissioned, the Conifer member the price we paid in that conflict. tennis tournament featuring members of the was called upon to patrol the North Atlantic Earlier this session, the House unanimously football and basketball Hall of Fame. Through during World War II. Nearly six decades later, passed H.J. Res. 86, recognizing the 50th An- Bobby’s dedication, the event has become the it was the CONIFER serving as the On Scene niversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:49 Nov 01, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E23JN0.000 E23JN0 June 23, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 12221 The bill was subsequently enacted into law. It HONORING ALVERNE MAYHEW dear friend, Mrs. Virginia Best Adams, who expresses congressional recognition of the FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO passed away on January 29, 2000 at the age significance of the 50th Anniversary of the Ko- THE COMMUNITY of 96. Mrs. Adams will be remembered for her rean War. The resolution expresses gratitude love and dedication for Yosemite as well as for members of the Armed Forces who served HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO her shared compassion for music. As a child, in the Korean War, especially those who died OF CONNECTICUT Virginia Adams spent her childhood doting in action or remain unaccounted for. Finally, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES over the natural beauty of Yosemite, and later the resolution calls upon the President to Friday, June 23, 2000 as an adult it would be there that she would issue a proclamation recognizing the Korean meet and marry the love of her life, Ansel War and those who fought in it, and to call on Ms.
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