1 CROWN HEIGHTS NewsPAPER ~September 12, 2008 כאן צוה ה’ את הברכה CommunityNewspaper פרשת כי תצא | יב' אלול , תשס”ח | בס”ד WEEKLY VOL. I | NO 43 SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 | ELUL 12, 5768 Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, was born on this date, in 1698. It is also the day, 36 years later, on which the Baal Shem Tov began to publicly disseminate his teachings. It is also the birthday -- in 1745 -- of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, who often referred to himself as the Baal Shem Tov's "spiritual grandson" Pages: 10-11 CHAI ELUL R AV TZVI MEIR STEINMETZ With the Rebbe’s encour- agement, Rav Steinmetz published three volumes of poetry. under the pen name “Tzvi Yair.”. YAM SUMMER HARAV MEIR ITKIN In a private audience with an indi- PROGRAM vidual, the Rebbe advised him to go and speak to Reb Meir, “Er vais vi tzu PAGE 18 ton a Yid a toiva”, he knows how to do a Yid a favor. Beis Din of Crown Heights 390A Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Tel- 718~604~8000 Fax: 718~771~6000 Rabbi A. Osdoba: ❖ Monday to Thursday 10:30AM - 11:30AM at 390A Kingston Ave. ☎Tel. 718-604-8000 ext.37 or 718-604-0770 Sunday-Thursday 9:30 PM-11:00PM ~Friday 2:30PM-4:30 PM ☎Tel. (718) - 771-8737 Rabbi Y. Heller is available daily 10:30 to 11:30am ~ 2:00pm to 3:00pm at 788 Eastern Parkway # 210 718~604~8827 ❖ & after 8:00pm 718~756~4632 Rabbi Y. Schwei, 4:00pm to 9:00pm ❖ 718~604~8000 ext 36 Rabbi Y. Raitport is available by appointment. ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 39 ☎ Rabbi Y. Zirkind: 718~604~8000 ext 39 Erev Shabbos Motzoei Shabbos Rabbi S. Segal: ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 39 ❖ Sun ~Thu 5:30pm -9:00pm or ☎718 -360-7110 Rabbi Bluming is available Sunday - Thursday, 3 -4:00pm at 472 Malebone St. ☎ 718 - 778-1679 Rabbi Y. Osdoba ☎718~604~8000 ext 38 ❖ Sun~Thu: 10:0am -11:30am ~ Fri 10:am - 1:00 pm or 6:51 7:48 ☎ 718 -604-0770 Gut Shabbos Rabbi S. Chirik: ☎ 718~604~8000 ext 38 ❖ Sun~Thu: 5:00pm to 9:00pm 2 CROWN HEIGHTS NewsPAPER ~September 12, 2008 The Vaad Hakohol Letters To the Editor: A Nightlifer's response: As a regular Nightlife-goer, I was a bit taken aback by one of last week's Clothing, letters to the editor. I understand the author only wishes the best for the Nightlife program, but I feel that perhaps she may be trying too hard to fix When it came to the clothing, Reb Hillel was extremely something that just isn't broken. Nightlife has succeeded in so many ways careful, almost fanatical, not to change even in the and is a program of which the Crown Heights community should be very minutest way the style of his clothes. Many asked for his proud. reasoning, pointing out great tzaddikim that adopted In her letter, Mrs. Morozow suggests that the focus of Nightlife be shifted some of the newer clothing styles. toward "spreading lichtikeit (light) and varemkeit (warmth) to others." “I have a handwritten manuscript of the tzaddik Reb Obviously, as chassidim, this is always our goal. I feel that the tone of the Pinchos of Koritz,” Reb Hillel would explain, “in which letter erroneously suggests that we are not already involved in such things he writes that our Sage tell us that our ancestors were at Nightlife. On the contrary, an example of this that is already in place is able to leave Mitzrayim in the merit of three things-- not that Nightlifers are encouraged to take and distribute beautiful FridayLight changing their clothing was one of them. Changing their neshek packages at no charge. In fact, many neshek mivtzoyim groups have clothes would have, chas v’ sholom, pulled them down spawned from this. into the fiftieth level of tumah (impurity). At that level, I am irked that some look somewhat negatively at Nightlife as merely a Hashem would not have been able to find a reason to program that "pampers and entertains." In my opinion, the "pampering" redeem them. of Nightlife shows that the community actually cares about it's single girl In the time immediately prior to the days of Moshiach”, population—a demographic that was all but overlooked in recent years. For Reb Pinchos continues, “there is going to be a tremendous a change, it's nice not to be lumped into the generic "post-seminary" group. urge to follow the latest styles. Sad to say, this desire It's meaningful that someone took the time to notice us 24, 25, 26 year olds would accomplish its goal and contaminate Bnei Yisroel and create a program that makes us feel part of the community—not just to this ultimate level of impurity”. onlookers waiting for our turn to join. It's us single girls who teach in our schools, run our Hebrew Schools, volunteer to help out at our local events, “How would Bnei Yisroel be redeemed then?” Reb run around to lchaims and weddings, sometimes fill in as babysitters AND Pinchos asks. “He answers that there will be individuals date. A couple nights a week of optional breathing time in the welcoming who will have mesiras nefesh not to change the style atmosphere of Nightlife is exactly what we need. The truth to this statement of their clothing. All Yidden will be redeemed in their can be found in the ever-increasing number of girls who walk through zechus (merit).” Nightlife's doors. Being single is tough. Nightlife helps us clear our heads Concluded Reb Hillel, “If any one of you would possess and nourish our minds, bodies and souls to do that which needs to be done this letter of Reb Pinchos Koritzer, definitely, without and to continue to grow. any doubt, each of you would have mesiras nefesh not As Nightlife resumes this Cheshvan, beginning its second year, there is no to change anything about the style of your clothing. doubt that there is room for growth. As Mrs. Morozow so rightly pointed out, You would realize that Moshiach’s coming depends on with a group of such talented girls, great things can happen! My request is you. The only thing is that it is I who possess this letter that the ideas of increasing in spreading outward not come at the expense of and not anyone else. Obviously, it is I who is going to be the vital role Nightlife plays for the hundreds of single girls who are already much more meticulous in this matter.” benefitting tremendously from the program. With permission from Rav Sholom DovBer Avtzon from One last point—I was startled to read the claim that Nightlife, in its current his book Reb Hillel Paritcher. form, might not best prepare single girls for marriage. This is hard to believe since at least once a week Nightlife features a class or lecture specfically related to that topic: preparing ourselves for marriage. And I can assure you, as wonderful as Nightlife is, we would all rather be married! To the Editor: C. Zeidman Nightlife-goer Reb Shmuel Levitin I read your article about Reb Shmuel Levitin and realized our privilege that we live in the shechuna in which these great chassidim lived and accomplished great projects for the Rebbe CommunityNewspaper and Chassidim. Watch Out! I wanted to clarify some small details: 392 Kingston Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225 [email protected] Everyone has received in 1) Reb Shmuel’s wife’s name was Shaina (not Tema). His mother’s name was Tema. Published & edited weekly by the Vaad Hakohol the mail various new Cal- of Crown Heights. endars for the New Year. 2) When the Previous Rebbe advised Reb Moshe Rubashkin, Rosh Hakohol Dr. Tzvi (Harvey) Lang, Chairman Make sure that the one Shmuel not to return to Europe in 1939, the Rabbi Plotkin, Secretary Previous Rebbe said it within this context, “If Layout: SimplyUnique ([email protected]) you hang up and use for a war does break out, I will also be coming to All material in this paper has been copyrighted. It the U.S., therefore there is no reason for you to is the exclusive property of this newspaper, unless Lichtzinden time is one with otherwise attributed., and cannot be reproduced travel to Europe.” without the consent of the publisher. the times for Brooklyn. Composition responsibility: This newspaper will not Anywhere else might be Best wishes for a steady hatzlacha and a Kesiva be liable for errors appearing in advertising, beyond vachasima tova the cost of the space occupied by the error. Advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. a few minutes off! All advertisement designed and prepared by the A family member CHCommunity Newspaper are the property of the newspaper and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher September 12, 2008 ~ crOWN heights NewsPAPER 3 The Rebbe's Sicha Parshas Ki Teitzei 5751 Sichas of the 13th of Elul, week’s Torah reading which begins “If “the first of his strength.T o him, belong A Jew is constantly involved in the effort you go out to war.” By beginning with the rights of the firstborn.” Through the to transform exile into redemption. For Published and copyright © by Sichos in the word “if,” which implies merely a descent into the frame of limitation, G-d also hates the exile, since He knows English possibility, but not an inevitable event, ultimately, a Jew will rise above all that in the exile the Jews are lacking “A Jew has no connection to war, he the Torah points out that war is alien limits and confines.
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