1878. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 2965 the House and the amendment. offered by the Senator from :Michigan to be sure that it might be printed. The Chair informed me that it also printed, and be and the Senator from VeFmont can confer and had not yet reached the desk; but oy fair intendment the order tha t to-morrow morning we can pass the bill in fifteen minutes as I verily I asked for and that was made by the Senate was that all the amend­ believe, or in half au hour at the outside. I therefore move that the ments, not only those of the House but that oi the Senator from bill as amended by the Honse and the amendment offered by the Sena­ Michigan, should be printed. tor from Michigan be printed, and that the Senate do now adjourn. Mr. CHRISTIANCY. That was the reason why I then rose and sent The PRESIDENT pro tempc;re. Is there objection to the order for the amendment to the desk after reading it, supposing that it would printing! come within that order. But whether it comes within the order or Mr. GARLAND. I object to that motion. not, I am in favor of the motion of the Senator from Ohio that it be Mr. EDMUNDS. I do not think that after the vote of the Senate printed, ihat the bill with the House amendments be printed and it is to be exp~cted that. I shall withdraw my time from the duties also with the amendments which I sent to the Chair. of the Judiciary Committee to devote myself to this bill. The Sen­ The PRESIDENT pro ternpo1·e. The order of the Senate is clear; ate has refused to commit it to the Judiciary Committee either with the amendments made by the House have been ordered to be printed. instructions or without instructions, or to report at a particular time, Is there objection to including the amendment of the Senator from in all forms. I therefore feel r~lieved from all responsibility by the Michigan in the order to print 7 The Chair hears none, and that is distinct vote of the Senate. Of course I shall be glad as one mem­ included in the order. ber, if I have nothing else to do, to contribute what I can to carry out Mr. THURMAN. I wish to inquire if the order now for printing the wishes of the majority sincerely and in good faith ; but inasmuch the House amendments will not be executed by printing the bill as as I am not specially called upon, and the Senate has specially ex­ amended by it. cused me, having other duties, from giving any attention to it, my The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to including the first duty is to obey the orders of the Senate in disposing of matters billT that are already before the committee. If the Senate is unwilling to Mr. CONKLING. It cannot be executed otherwise. send it t.o the committee to have it pelfected, then I must be excused The PRESIDENT pro tempc;re. The Chair hears no objection to the from taking any personal responsibility except in debate, in endeav­ order including the bill, the amendments of the Honse, and the oring to perfect it overnight. amendment of the Senator from Michigan. · Mr. THURMAN. I am sorry to bear the Senator fr~m Vermont say Mr. ALLISON. I renew my motion. that, because there is one responsibility which he is not relieved from The PRESIDENT pro temp01·e. The Senator from Iowa renews his and which no member of the Senate feels more strongly than he does, motion that the Senate do now adjourn. and that is his responsibility to do what is best for the country; and Mr. BECK called for the yeas and nays, and they were ordered. that, I should think, would be quite sufficient to make him endeavor The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. to perfect a bill which he sees must pas8. But if he will not act, if Mr. PADDOCK, (when his name was called.) For the same reason other obligations prevent his acting, I am quite willing to trust the that I voted against the motion to refer the amendments, I now vote Senator from Michigan. I think myself the best thing we can do is against adjournment, because I believe this matter ought to be closed to print the bill as it came from the Hoose amended and the amend­ up to-day. ment of the Senator from Michigan, and then take it up to-morrow The roll-call having been concluded, the result was announced­ morning and pass it. yeas 36, nays 19; as follows: Mr. EDMUNDS. The pending question is on my motion to refer, YEAS--36. I believe. • Allison, Christiancy, Hoar, Morrill, Mr. ALLISON. Pending that, I move that the Senate adjourn. .Anthony, Conkling, Howe, O~lesby, Mr. SARGENT. Has the order to print been made J Bayard, Conover, Ingalls, P umb, Booth, Dawes, Johnston, Sarfent, The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. The motion of the Senator from Burnside, Dorsey, Kirkwood, Sansbury, Iowa is that the Senate do now adjourn. Butler, Eustis, McMillan, Teller, Several Senators addressed the Chair. Cameron of Pa., Ferry, Matthews, Thurman, Cameron of Wis., Grover, Merrimon, Wallace, The PRESIDENT pro tempc;re. The question is not debatable. Chaffee, Hamlin, Mitckell, Windom. Mr. THURMAN. I made a previous motion that the bill as it came NAYS--.-19. from the House be printed. Bailey, Eaton, Hill, Rollins, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objection was made to printing by Beck, Edmunds, McCreery, Saunders, the Senator from Arkansas, [Mr. GARLAND,] which would necessitate Cockrell, Garland, Maxey, Voorhees, submitting that question to the Senate. The pending motion to Coke, Ha.rri.~, Paddock, · Wadleigh. Davis of W. Va., adjour~ has priority. Hereford, Randolph. Mr. CONKLING. I rise to a question of order. A.BSENT-21. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from New York will Armstrong, Gordon, McDonald, Spencer, Barnum, Jones of Florida, McPherson, Whyte, state his point of order. Blaine, Jones of Nevada, Morgan, Withers. Mr. CONKLING. I remind the Chair that on the request of the Bruce, Kellog,:r, Patterson, Senator from California the order was made to print all the amend­ Davis of lllinois, Kernan, Ransom, ments. The Senator inquired of the Chair whether that included the Dennis, Lamar, Sharon, amendment of the Senator from Michigan, not then offered, and the So the motion was agreed to; and (at four o'clock and thirty-five Chair replied no; nothing but the bill and the House amendments. minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned. Surely I am not mistaken; I think the record will show that I am right. Now, when subsequently the suggestion was made by the Sen­ ator from Ohio, and the Senator from Arkansas objected, my point is that the order of the Senator previously made stands and js not over­ thrown by an objection made to a subsequent proposition. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The PRESIDENT p1·o teJnp&1'e. The Chair replies to the Senator from New York that the Senator from California asked that the bill TUESDAY, April 30, 1878. and amendments be printed. The Chair responded that there were no amendments at the desk except the amendments made by the The House met at eleven o'clock a. m. Prayer by Rev. ALFRED H. AMEs, of Washington, District of Columbia. Honse. Then he turned to the Senator ~om Michigan, as be held an amendment in his hand, and asked if he desired to have that printed, The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. pending which other motions were ma-de. SOUTH Al-i'D NORTH ALABAMA RAILROAD COMPANY, :Mr. CONKLING. Now, my point is that the Chair expressly an­ Several members called for the regular order. nounced twice over in reply to the Senator from California that the Tho SPEAKER. The regular order· is the unfinished business of order to print bad been ma-de, and I ask the stenographer to read his last night. - When the House found itself without a quorum the Chait notes that it may be seen whether I am right or not. is informed the main question had been ordered and the question was The PRESIDENT p1·o tempm·e. The Chair will wait till the notes on the passage of the bill (H. R. No. 972) for the reJief of settlers on are read. The Chair thinks he called the attention of the Senator lands claimed by the South and North Alabama Railroad Company from California to the fact that there were no amendments at the reported by the gentleman from Alabama, [Mr. HEWITT,] from the desk except those by the Hoose. The record, however, will show Committee on Public Lands. The bill will be again read so that the the facts. Honse may understand what they are voting on. The Official Reporter read from the short-hand notes the remarks The bill was read. and statements made in connection with the suggestion of Mr. SAR­ Mr. SAMPSON. I rise to a parliamentary inquiry. GEXT as to the printing of amendments. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. The PRESIDENT Jn'O tern.pm·e. The Reporter's notes show that the Mr. SAMPSON. I wish to inquire whether a motion wa~madelast Senator from New York is in the main correct, that the amendments night to reconsider the vote by which the main question was orderedf made by the House have been ordered to be printed; but nothing '.fhe SPEAKER.
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