Air Force the Official Service Journal

Air Force the Official Service Journal

I /'! c: e, lUR fORCES IN 0 EX From December 1942 to June 1944, inclusive AIR FORCE EDITORIAL OFFICE, ONE PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK 16, N. Y. INDEX From December, 1942 to June, 1944, inclusive C-53-Feb. 43, 7 (in airborne operations) AIUCHAFT ~IAHKI~GS-Xo\'. 43, 6 NOTE C-87-July 43, 24 (emer-gency landing); Mar. AIRCUAJo'T WARNING Sl<;RVICE (Volunteer) Dates are indicated as follows: 44, 57 (use in "Hump" route) -Ap. 43, 1, 15, 17; June 43, 2, 8; Oct. Mar. 44, 52 indicates March 1944 issue, CG-4A-Oct. 43, 54 43, 37; x ov, 43, 37 page 52 DC-2, DC3-Sept. 43, 37; Feb. 43, AIR I>EFENSE WING-Ap. 43, 16 cut. cutaway gliders-Oct. 43, 17 (Aleutians) AIR DISCIPLDiE-Xov. 43, 5 il. illustration F-5s-June 44, 27 AIR EVAl;UATION-Sept. 43, 24; Dec. 43, 8, ph. photograph LB-30-July 43, 11 21, 53 0-49-Ap. 43, 2 (used for mosquito spray); (See also: aviation rn e d ic in e ) Dec. 43, 53 (used in air evacuation) "AIR FOUCE," HISTOUY OF-Dec. 42, /: P-38-Feb. '43., 4. (co m b a t 'r-eport from N. "AIH FORCES AIHS" (FOR~H;l{LY "AIR -A- Africa); Ap. 43, 4" 5, 38 (reports of AAF U COUPS SONG BOOK")-Dee. 43, 3; Jan. Board-Mar. 44, 20 combat use); May 43, 2; Aug. 43, 45; 44, 58; Ap. 44, 64 emblem-Jan. 44, 1 Oct. 43, 19, 21, 56; I'OV:- 43, 31; Jan. AIR FORCES (Cont lnentaj j-Ljeeb. 43, 40 Safety Award-July 43, 2 44, 7; Jan. 44, 21 (in Me d an ) ; 1st-Sept. 43, 1 Song Book-Kov. 43, 4 , Feb. 44, 14; Ap. 44, 30; May 44, 52; 1st Bomber Cornmun d-c-Aji. 43, 6. 28 (antisub survey of India-May 44, 34 June 44, 14 activities) AFFSAT-June 43, 8; flow chart, June 43, 29; P-39-Sept. 43, 7; Oct. 43, 19 2nd-Feb. 43, 10-12 (gunnery training); Sept. Oct. 43, 37 ( ,P-40--Jan. 43, 40 (use in S,V Pacific); Ap. 43, 1, 47 ABBEVIT~l~E-Dec. 43, 19 43. 10, 11; May 43, 2; June 43, 6, 23 3rd-July 43, 10; Sept. 43, 1 ABILE:Nl<~-June 44, 40 (salvage); July 43, 33; Sept. 43, 22; 4th-Sept. 43, 1; Feb. 44, 2 AI>AK-Oct. 43, 10 Sept. 43, 35; Oct. 43, 5 (as fighter- AIH 'FORCES (Overseas)--Feb. 43, 40 AEBIAL ~IIN].;S-May 44, 15 horn bel' in India); Oct. 43, 56; Jan. 44, 5th-Sept. 43, 2; Feb. 43, 13; Jan. 44, 41; AEBIAL "PINCERS"-Ap. 44, 6 7; Ap. 44, 19; May 44, 18 June 44, 7 AEROEMBOl~ISM-Ap. 43, 12-14; Oct. 43, 24 P-47--Dec. 43, 15 (firepower); Jan. 44, 44; 5th Air Force Air Service Comtnand-May AERO-MEI>ICAI~ l~AnOHATORY-Dec. 43, 53 Ap. 44, 7; June 44, 14; June 44, 59 44. 42 AGAI>IH-Sept. 43, 21 (belly tanks) 6th-Feb. 44, 34 AIU AD.JUTANT GKN]~UAl~-Feb. 43, 40 P-51-Nov. 43, 31 (history); Ap. 44, 7; Ap, 7th-Mal'. 44, 9; June 44, 59 AIR ALMANAC-March 43, 9 -14, 31; June 44. 14, 46 U. S. St.i-a t eg l o Air Forces in Europe-Ap. AIRBASE P-61-Mar. 44, 3 44, 6 captured-Oct. 43, 7 PT-13-Ap. 43, 24 (landing gear) 8th-Sept. 43, 2; Sept. 43, 4: Xo\'. 43, 9; Jan. construction-Oct. 43, 14 PT-17-June 44, 2 44, 44; Mar. 44,35; Ap. 44, 6, 58; June defense-Dec. 43, 38 PT-25--Dec. 42, 24 44, 11, 45 overseas-Sept. 4:1, 7 (S,V Pacific); Feb. 44, AIHCRAFT, NAVY A~I> 1\IAUINE 8th Air Force Air Service Co rnrn an d-c--Dec. 49; Feb. 44, 50 (China); Feb. 44, 49 Coronado-May 44, 24 43, 27; May 44, inside back «over (England); Feb. 44, 51 (Hawaii); Feb. Corsair-May 44, 23 8th Air Force Air Support Commn.nd-c-Ap. 44, 1 (India); Feb. 44, 50 (India); Feb. • Dauntless-May 44, 23 44. 7 44, 50 {New Guinea); Feb. 44, 49 Dumbos-May 44, 52 9th-Sept. 43, 2; Nov. 43, 3, 9; Dee. 43, 22; (North Afriea-Sicily) Flying F'u.l co n s-c-cMa.y 44, 23 9th Air- Foree Air Service-Dec. 43, '2 AIU BLOCKADE-June 44, 60 4 FUs-May 44, 52; June 44, 18 10th-Ap. 43, 2 (lst Anniversary); Sept. 43, AIRBOUNE Hellcat-May 44, 23 2; Oct. 43, 5 Ln fa.n t.r y-s--A'p. 44, 7 Helldiver-May 44, 23 11th-Sept. 43, 2, 22; Dec. 43, 27 operations-Feb. 43, 8 (rnaneuver sj i. Sept. 43, Kingfisher--May 44, 24 12th-Sept. 43, 2; Dee. 43, 27; May 44, 17; 35; June 44, 4 (Burma) Liberator-May 44, 2.1 June 44, 53 personnel-June 4~, 29 Mariner-May 44, 24 13th-Sept. 43, 2; Nov. 43, 4; May 44, 49 troops-Feb. 43, 8-9 Mitchell-May 44, 24 (background) AIR COHPS E:NLISTEI> Hl<;SEHVE-May 44, 1 PBY-Ap. 43, 9 (antisub patrol); MRy 44, 23 14th--S8pt. 43, 2; Ap. 44, 5; May 44, 5, 29 AIHCRAFT SBDs-May 44, 52 Chinese - American Composite \Ving- Names and numbers of U. S.-Feb. A3, 3 TBFs-May 44, 52 Mal'. 44, 16; Ap. 44, 19 types used in submarine warf.are-May 43, 4, 5 Ventura-May 44, 24; June 44, 18 15th-Mar. 44, l n s lrl e back cover; Ap. 44, 7; A-20-Dec. 42, 39 (in Russia); Jan. 43, 35 ,Yildcat-May 44, 2:1 May 44, 44 (Soputa); May 43, 1; June 43, 29; Sept. UNI'!'ED NATIONS AIUCUAFT Allied Expedf t tonn rv Ail' F'or-cr--c-cf u n o 44, 46 43, 34; Dec. 43, 18 (as night fighters); Hea.uflg h t e r-e-cfa n . 43, 14; May 43, 1; Sept. 43, Antilles Air Task Force-Ap. 43, 7-9; May 43, Jan. 44, 17; June 44, 16 34; Jan. 44,17 22 A-25-Mareh 43, 34 Blenheims-Jan. 44, 17 Caribbean Command-May 43, 22 A-36-0ct. 43, 56; Ap. 44, 30; Ap. 44, 32 Boston-Feb. 43, 36; May 44, 24 Caribbean Sea Frontier-Ap. 43, 8 AT-6-Nov. 43, 31; Jan. 44, 52 (radio equip- Hudson-May 43, 2 GHQ All' Force-Feb. 43, 13 ment) Hurricane-Feb. 43, 37-38; July 43, Mediterranean Allied Air Forces-June 44, 33 AT-9-July 43. 34 Lancaster-Jan. 4.3, 14 Northwest African Air Service Command- AT-10-July 43, 34 LB-30-Dec. 42, 35-36 Jan. 44, 38 AT'-23-Dee. 43, 1 Mosquito-Jan. 44, 17 (used as night fighter) 'wester-n Deser-t Air Force--July 43, 6 B-10-Dec. 42, 10, 38 (used in ; Aug. Seafire-Ap. 44, 30 AIR FOHCES AID SOCIETY-March 43, 2; 43, 7 (used by Chinese) Seagull-May 44, 24 Nov. 43. 4 B-17-Dec. 42, 26 (air filter); Jan. 43, 4-6 Spitfire-Dec. 43, 19 (as escort); Jan. 4:1, 14; AIR-GUOIJ'SI> COOPEUATION-Dec. 43, 23, 24, (Guadalcanal); Jan. 43, 40 (Gua da.l- Feb. 43, 37 (comparison with Hurri- (maneuvers w l t.h 2nd Air Support com- canal la.n df n g ) ; Ap. 43, 3; May 43, 9 cane); Ap. 44, 30 mand); Sept. 4:1, :14 (S'V Pacific); Ap. (in Tunisia) ; June 43, 33 (escape Sto r movlk-c-Tu n. 43, 14 44. 28 hatches); July 43, 10 (Pacific ferry ENEMY AIRCHAF'I'-Nov. 43, 39 AIUI~INl<~S WAR THAI:NING INSTITUTE- route); Aug. 43, 21 (SUbstitution of en- Aichi 99-Jan 43, 14 Julv 43, 24 gines); Se-nt. 43, 35; Nov. 43, 2; Nov, DO 217 E-Jan. 43, 12; Oct. 43, :18 (cartoon) AIH ROUTE 43, 7; Dec. 43, 9 (Regensburg mission); F,Y 190-Jan. 43, 12; May 43, 35 (cockpit); Hawaii-Midway-July 43, 11 Dec. 43, 15 (early use in Pacific); Dec. July 43, 15; Aug. 43, 44; Dec. 43, 10; South Atlantic-July 43, 28 43, 33 (crash positions); Dec. 43, 51 Ap. 44, 10 (as fighter bomber); Ap. 44, AIR-SEA REt'iClJE-June 43. 1; Jan. 44, 5; (with chin turret); Feb. 44, 8 (Ger- 57 (r-oport onj An. 44. 23: Jllnp 44, 18 mall analysis); Feb. 44, 38 (forced HE 177-Jan. 43, 12 AIR Sl<~UVICI'~ SUPPOHT SQUADRON-Mar. landing); F'e b. 44, 45 (900 hours with- JU 52-July 43, 6 44, 56 out r-ngf no change); May 44, 15 (Jap JU 86-Jan. 43, 12 AIU SPEI~D AT VAUIOUS Al~TITUDES-Feb. estimate); May 44, 26 (weather patrol) JU 87 (Stuka)-Jan. 43, 12 43. 15 B-18--Ap. 43, 7-9 (used in anti sub patrol); JU 88-May 43, 16 (combat report on); Ap, AIH SUUGEON (see also: Avla.t ion Medlcine)- Nov. 43, 20 (B-18A); Fe\). 44, 55 44, 8 Dec. 42, 12. 37: .Is n. 43. 16. 22: Feb. 43, B-19-Dec. 43, 18 (turret installations) JU 188-Ap. -14, 8 14: Or t. 43. 48: rcov. 43. 54: nero 43, 21 B-24-~Dec. 42, G, 7 ("Bag or Bolts"): March ME 109-Dec. 42, 10, 38 (flown by Japs); AIR TRAJo'FIC AND SAFI.;TY, DIHECTOHATE 43, 21 (evacuation of wounded from); Jan.

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