Death Certificate Index - Fayette (July 1918-1922, 1935-1939)Q 4/14/2015

Death Certificate Index - Fayette (July 1918-1922, 1935-1939)Q 4/14/2015

Death Certificate Index - Fayette (July 1918-1922, 1935-1939)Q 4/14/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Aanes, Elliot Leonard 06 July 1889 Iowa 31 Dec. 1918 Fayette Potter 33-2133 D2168 Abbey, Elizabeth 12 Oct. 1823 Switzerland 12 Jan. 1919 Fayette Unknown 33-2190 D2168 Abel, George R. 11 Aug. 1862 New York 28 Nov. 1936 Fayette Unknown G33-0277 D2793 Abel, Henry C. 07 June 1837 New York 13 Apr. 1921 Fayette Unknown 33-2694 D2168 Adams, Carl 10 Oct. 1839 Germany 16 Mar. 1921 Fayette Unknown 33-2695 D2168 Adams, Irene 06 Mar. 1921 Iowa 10 Feb. 1922 Fayette Elsworth 33-0142 D2169 Adams, John Quincy 23 Nov. 1845 New York 08 Nov. 1920 Fayette Brockway 33-2651 D2168 Adams, Minnie 08 May 1842 Germany 02 May 1936 Fayette Ninmann G33-0130 D2793 Addie, Emily Goodman 31 Jan. 1844 England 13 Oct. 1920 Fayette Freeman 33-2617 D2168 Adney, Robert Carl 22 Sept. 1919 Iowa 30 Apr. 1921 Fayette Bursell 33-2696 D2168 Adrian, Violet 24 Apr. 1914 Iowa 07 June 1921 Fayette Mocklis 33-2697 D2168 Aiello, Marie 11 Sept. 1891 Italy 23 May 1938 Fayette Pirello J33-0120 D2863 Ainsworth, Mary Jessie 05 Dec. 1856 Iowa 14 Sept. 1935 Fayette Wescott F33-0189 D2762 Albright, Albert J. 04 Jan. 1865 Wisconsin 19 July 1935 Fayette Meder F33-0147 D2761 Alcott, Charles Alferd 07 Apr. 1921 Iowa 09 Apr. 1921 Fayette Adams 33-2698 D2168 Alcott, Nora Francis 15 Mar. 1883 Iowa 18 Apr. 1921 Fayette Unknown 33-2699 D2168 Allen, Betty Jane 25 Apr. 1922 Iowa 24 May 1922 Fayette Duncan 33-0213 D2169 Allen, David B. 10 Mar. 1860 Ohio 04 July 1939 Fayette Thompson 33-0198 D2896 Altig, Roy Edward 07 July 1894 Illinois 27 Oct. 1918 Fayette Freestone 33-2049 D2168 Amere, Emanuel "Mike" Leonidas 07 Feb. 1894 Greece 19 Jan. 1937 Fayette Karas H33-0026 D2829 Ames, Blanch Belle 23 Jan. 1885 Iowa 16 Sept. 1937 Fayette Day H33-0224 D2829 Ammondson, Herborg 05 Oct. 1843 Norway 02 July 1938 Fayette Gunderson J33-0159 D2863 Amundsen, Clifford Vernon 19 Jan. 1921 Iowa 08 Feb. 1921 Fayette Lofts-Goord 33-2700 D2168 Amundsen, Martine 26 Sept. 1850 Norway 14 Dec. 1937 Fayette H33-0310 D2829 Anderman, Henry Fred 15 Aug. 1876 Germany 16 Jan. 1938 Fayette Heydo J33-0016 D2863 Anderman, Louis 03 Apr. 1862 Germany 28 Nov. 1937 Fayette Unknown H33-0277 D2829 Andersen, Nellie 10 May 1865 Iowa 30 June 1920 Fayette Danielson 33-2553 D2168 Anderson, Emma Gertrude 31 Dec. 1854 Pennsylvania 02 July 1939 Fayette Havenstreti 33-0190 D2896 Anderson, Hanna 12 July 1835 Ohio 18 Mar. 1919 Fayette Helmer 33-2253 D2168 Anderson, Hans 31 July 1862 Norway 10 Oct. 1936 Fayette Unknown G33-0246 D2793 Anderson, Richard Eugene 26 Nov. 1921 Iowa 22 Feb. 1922 Fayette Wells 33-0138 D2169 Anderson, Robert R. 01 Aug. 1900 Minnesota 04 Sept. 1918 Fayette Flink 33-2025 D2168 Page 1 Death Certificate Index - Fayette (July 1918-1922, 1935-1939)Q 4/14/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Andress, James W. 19 July 1840 Connecticut 27 Jan. 1920 Fayette Ambler 33-2440 D2168 Andrew, Christina 23 Dec. 1838 Germany 16 June 1921 Fayette Unknown 33-2701 D2168 Annear, Richard J. 12 Feb. 1878 Wisconsin 29 Aug. 1938 Fayette Swallow J33-0172 D2863 Anton, Henry 22 July 1863 Germany 02 Nov. 1935 Fayette Hartz F33-0234 D2762 Aplin, Fannie 01 Apr. 1867 Iowa 05 June 1937 Fayette Carse H33-0156 D2829 Appling, August c.1884 15 Oct. 1918 Fayette Unknown 33-2050 D2168 Arch, Pearl 01 Sept. 1901 Iowa 07 Sept. 1922 Fayette Mann 33-0278 D2169 Archer, George Graham 27 June 1861 Pennsylvania 03 Apr. 1936 Fayette Graham G33-0094 D2792 Arias, Ralph 24 Oct. 1882 Mexico 20 Jan. 1937 Fayette Otero H33-0003 D2829 Arnold, Luther Ben 12 Mar. 1893 Iowa 31 Aug. 1919 Fayette Hall 33-2361 D2168 Arnold, Troy Reece 15 May 1917 Wyoming 05 May 1939 Fayette Flack 33-0150 D2896 Arthur, Leona 28 June 1888 Iowa 07 July 1936 Fayette Rooks G33-0167 D2793 Ash, Frances Louella 10 Dec. 1870 Wisconsin 23 Jan. 1938 Fayette Baker J33-0012 D2863 Ash, Harry 02 Feb. 1918 Iowa 02 Sept. 1936 Fayette Nessler G33-0223 D2793 Ashbaugh, Ross 07 July 1877 Iowa 15 July 1921 Fayette Walker 33-0031 D2168 Askelson, Askel 21 Dec. 1850 Norway 01 Oct. 1921 Fayette Olson 33-0058 D2168 Askilson, Andrew 16 July 1883 Iowa 29 Dec. 1918 Fayette Larson 33-2134 D2168 Atwood, David Allen 24 Nov. 1934 South Dakota 31 Aug. 1935 Fayette Lickiss F33-0177 D2762 Atwood, Johanna 15 May 1858 Iowa 02 Apr. 1921 Fayette Dulecin 33-0028 D2168 August, Sofia 16 May 1851 Bohemia 17 Jan. 1935 Fayette Unknown F33-0025 D2761 Austin, Charles c.1867 05 Dec. 1922 Fayette Unknown 33-0340 D2169 Austin, Dean D. 20 July 1916 Iowa 27 May 1936 Fayette Bogart G33-0140 D2793 Awens, Charles Edward 16 Mar. 1871 Iowa 04 Sept. 1936 Fayette Ronan G33-0222 D2793 Ayers, John W. 04 May 1871 New York 01 Mar. 1921 Fayette Hilsinger 33-2702 D2168 Ayers, William L. 30 Mar. 1844 Iowa 18 Sept. 1921 Fayette Wren 33-0033 D2168 Babcock, Junitus 20 Mar. 1837 Vermont 20 Nov. 1920 Fayette Cooper 33-2652 D2168 Bachtell (Baby Boy) 22 Mar. 1922 Iowa 22 Mar. 1922 Fayette Johnson 33-0159 D2169 Backus, Guy Whitmore 04 Apr. 1872 Illinois 16 Nov. 1937 Fayette Whitmore H33-0271 D2829 Bacon, Earl C. 10 May 1889 Iowa 07 Apr. 1920 Fayette Turner 33-2521 D2168 Bacon, Henry L. 10 May 1869 Iowa 06 Dec. 1920 Fayette Babcock 33-2678 D2168 Bacon, Sarah W. 26 Dec. 1838 Pennsylvania 13 June 1922 Fayette Unknown 33-0275 D2169 Badger, Ida Bell 22 July 1865 Pennsylvania 20 Oct. 1918 Fayette Lawerence 33-2051 D2168 Page 2 Death Certificate Index - Fayette (July 1918-1922, 1935-1939)Q 4/14/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Badger, Martha L. 22 Mar. 1875 Iowa 18 June 1937 Fayette Miller H33-0154 D2829 Baertschy, William 08 Jan. 1865 Illinois 08 Jan. 1938 Fayette Schilling J33-0015 D2863 Bahe, Melvyn Arnold 20 July 1939 Iowa 21 July 1939 Fayette Bauer 33-0186 D2896 Bahl, Andrew 17 May 1863 Iowa 13 Oct. 1921 Fayette Engler 33-0049 D2168 Bailey, George E. 08 July 1878 Illinois 20 Feb. 1919 Fayette Ricketts 33-2230 D2168 Bailey, Henry M. 11 Apr. 1840 Vermont 03 Apr. 1921 Fayette Smith 33-0027 D2168 Bailey, Jasen W. 08 Apr. 1877 Nebraska 11 Sept. 1939 Fayette Jones 33-0224 D2896 Bailey, Nancy B. 02 June 1849 Illinois 20 Aug. 1920 Fayette Robinson 33-2591 D2168 Baker, Ano 14 Nov. 1835 England 19 Oct. 1920 Fayette Jeffris 33-2618 D2168 Baker, Caroline 10 July 1841 England 31 Mar. 1919 Fayette Unknown 33-2254 D2168 Baker, Edmund 06 Jan. 1848 Wisconsin 11 Mar. 1936 Fayette Kirby G33-0071 D2792 Baker, Frank 08 Mar. 1854 New York 04 Nov. 1939 Fayette 33-0282 D2896 Baker, George A. 26 Jan. 1843 New York 08 June 1920 Fayette 33-2555 D2168 Baker, Horace H. 18 Nov. 1860 Missouri 12 May 1920 Fayette Owens 33-2538 D2168 Baldridge, Thomas F. 20 Nov. 1859 Wisconsin 05 May 1938 Fayette Unknown J33-0097 D2863 Baldwell, Stella Ann 03 Apr. 1876 Iowa 24 Jan. 1937 Fayette Wilson H33-0007 D2829 Baldwin, Charles 02 Apr. 1856 Illinois 04 Sept. 1918 Fayette Walker 33-2026 D2168 Baldwin, Charles W. 07 July 1859 Kansas 14 July 1935 Fayette Washburn F33-0146 D2761 Baldwin, Clifton Earl 15 Mar. 1935 Iowa 03 Feb. 1937 Fayette Chase H33-0056 D2829 Baldwin, Harriet 02 Oct. 1833 New York 18 June 1920 Fayette Horton 33-2554 D2168 Bale, Frances W. 14 Nov. 1873 Wisconsin 25 July 1937 Fayette House H33-0166 D2829 Ball, Franklin Pierce 22 Feb. 1853 Illinois 21 Apr. 1921 Fayette Miller 33-2703 D2168 Ball, Mary Elizabeth 12 Oct. 1845 New York 01 June 1919 Fayette Roamer 33-2315 D2168 Bane, John Richard 17 June 1852 Ohio 13 May 1921 Fayette Richards 33-2704 D2168 Banning, Peter S. 09 Jan. 1853 Iowa 27 Aug. 1921 Fayette Blue 33-0147 D2169 Baragas, Elisco 13 Jan. 1900 Mexico 30 Oct. 1919 Fayette Unknown 33-2382 D2168 Barclay, Nellie E. 11 Oct. 1862 Illinois 07 June 1938 Fayette Watson J33-0138 D2863 Bark, Inez Geneve 25 May 1920 Iowa 24 June 1920 Fayette McLeich 33-2556 D2168 Barker, George Austin 23 May 1867 New York 05 May 1936 Fayette Vanangun G33-0133 D2793 Barker, Walter D. 14 Mar. 1839 Ohio 17 June 1921 Fayette Unknown 33-2705 D2168 Barloon, Joseph c.1855 Czechoslovakia 27 Mar. 1936 Fayette Adams G33-0299 D2793 Barnes, Eliza Jane 08 Apr. 1842 Canada 20 Dec. 1921 Fayette Dana 33-0094 D2168 Page 3 Death Certificate Index - Fayette (July 1918-1922, 1935-1939)Q 4/14/2015 Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date County Mother's Maiden Name Number Box Barnes, Louis E. c.1870 Minnesota 19 Feb. 1939 Fayette Hawley 33-0026 D2896 Barnes, Mabel Sophia 30 May 1882 Iowa 11 Nov. 1919 Fayette Hollister 33-2396 D2168 Barnes, Mary Ann 16 Jan. 1841 New York 30 Nov. 1921 Fayette Unknown 33-0090 D2168 Barnes, Robert 17 Oct. 1918 Indiana 13 Nov. 1918 Fayette Payne 33-2088 D2168 Barnes, S. Townsend 26 July 1840 New York 04 July 1918 Fayette Graham 33-1979 D2168 Barnholt, Henry 29 Jan.

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