Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Preseason football Rookie Seibert makes kicks, Browns Redsautosales.com down winless Lions 20-16 SPORTS • 10 DAILY GLOBE Friday, August 30, 2019 Sunny yourdailyglobe.com | High: 66 | Low: 46 | Details, page 2 AFTER THE STORM Festival Italiano set Saxon Harbor marina reopens today for Saturday By RICHARD JENKINS HURLEY – Hurley will once [email protected] again celebrate the area’s Italian heritage Saturday as the city SAXON, Wis. – It’s been 3 plays host to its annual Festival years, 1 month and 19 days since Italiano celebration. flooding from the July 11, 2016 Beginning at 10 a.m., down- storm, destroyed Saxon Harbor. town Hurley will play host to a Today, for the first time since that variety of activities, vendors, storm, boats will be able to use musical acts and food stalls for the harbor’s marina again. roughly 12 hours. The marina’s new docks and The schedule of events boat launches are open for public includes an 3-on-3 basketball use, however, county officials are tournament at 10 a.m., a bags asking visitors to be patient over tournament at 11 a.m. at Bank the next few weeks while some of Club on Silver Street and a vari- the final cosmetic work is com- ety of games and kids activities pleted around the marina. from noon to 4 p.m. “Go down and enjoy, but There will also be a spaghetti understand there’s still some eating contest starting at 2 p.m., work that’s being finished up,” and a watermelon eating contest Iron County Forestry and Parks at 3 p.m. Administrator Eric Peterson told The festival will also include the Daily Globe Thursday. the annual anti pasto recipe con- He also asked that people be test, where entries can be aware of the site’s truck traffic, as dropped off at the Hurley Area the harbor remains an active con- Chamber of Commerce tent struction site with work continu- between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., with ing in order to hit the targeted judging scheduled for 3 p.m. 2020 campground opening. The Aspirus Ironwood Hospital campground was another loss in and Clinic, North Lake Commu- the flooding of the 2016 storm nity Clinic and the Hurley Fire that also claimed the life of Mitch Department will also have infor- Koski when his truck was swept mation booths at Festival Ital- away in the flooded Oronto iano. Creek at the harbor. —Richard Jenkins Although the marina is open, it won’t have all it’s amenities available right away. Peterson said water and power will be available at the IPSD locates marina today, but it will be a lit- tle longer before boaters can get missing teen fuel at the harbor. The county had already IRONWOOD – The search for agreed to offer boaters reduce a runaway in Ironwood was rates to dock in the marina, in called off Wednesday night after recognition of the shortened the Ironwood Public Safety boating season. Department located the teen. This season, boaters can pay Zachary William Schiiller, 15, $50 a week to dock, or $1-per was located at approximately foot-per day to use the newly 11:40 p.m., Wednesday after he installed docks. Peterson said got in contact with the IPSD, Sgt. standard parking pass and Matt Sterbenz said. launch rates apply for the har- Prior to that, he was last seen bor’s boat launches and day walking east from Depot Park on areas. the Iron Belle non-motorized A marina attendant will be on trail in Ironwood at approximate- site today for those wishing to ly 4:15 p.m. Tuesday. use the marina, according to He did contact his dad in Iron- Peterson, and will be in the office wood from a blocked number at behind the harbor’s pavilion. approximately 7:30 p.m. Peterson said earlier this Wednesday, according to Ster- month the rebuilt marina has 81 benz. slips. This is down from the pre- —Richard Jenkins vious figure of 91, but Peterson Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe A LONE sail boat sits docked in Saxon Harbor's marina Thursday evening. The marina opens today for the first time since it was destroyed in the July 2016 storm. Hurley K-12 helps SAXON — page 5 students, parents prepare for first day GCC offers students free sno cones By TOM LAVENTURE By TOM LAVENTURE them to engage and socialize a lit- [email protected] [email protected] tle bit with students they may not HURLEY, Wis. – Parents and IRONWOOD – Little things have met yet and make some students of the Hurley K-12 can make a big difference. friends this first week.” School had an open house Thurs- Students who were midway The sno cone machine was set day to help take the anxiety out through the first week of classes up in the student lounge of the of the first day of fall semester lined up for free sno cones on Lindquist Center. A few of them classes on Tuesday. Wednesday at Gogebic Commu- told the Daily Globe that the year Amanda Jewell, Montreal, said nity College. It was a welcome is starting off well and they like she and her daughters going into back activity, said Dayle Jackson, GCC. kindergarten, third and sixth director of student outreach and Anthony Wiemeri, a sopho- grade, were able to see their class engagement at GCC. more forestry student, said he schedules, meet their teachers “We’ve got a sno cone likes that he can start at GCC and find their lockers. machine, so hey!” Jackson said. before completing a four-year “I think it’s a great idea,” Jew- This is a lot different than degree at the University of Wis- ell said. “This is the first time I high school, she said. Outreach consin at Steven’s Point. He was came and I think it’s been very and engagement staff address raised in North Ironwood and helpful for the kids and for the things like homesickness and likes studying a familiar area. parents.” helping getting settled into Iron- “This is an ideal start for a Kathy Czarnecki, Hurley first wood, she said. forestry degree,” Wiemeri said. grade teacher, said the open “It’s been an exciting time this “We do labs three times a week house helps everyone be better first week getting everybody situ- where the students practice skills organized. Her students were ated and figuring out class sched- in the field.” Tom LaVenture/Daily Globe able to find their desks and get DAYLE JACKSON, director of student outreach and engage- ules and locations and where Joseph Rocco, of Ramsay, is their school supplies together. they need to be,” Jackson said. ment at Gogebic Community College, hands a sno cone to Brit- “We do these things to have a lit- tney Lozano, an elementary education student, on Wednesday tle bit more fun and hopefully get in the student lounge of the Lindquist Center. GCC — page 5 HURLEY — page 5 TODAY INDEX Sunny — Details, page 2 Business . .13 75 cents Thursday Today’s records Classifieds . .12-13 High 69 High 90 (1961) Comics . .11 Vol. 100, No. 239 Low 54 Low 35 (2009) Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .6 High 62 24 hours to 7 a.m. Opinion . .4 Low 45 Thursday 0.06 in. Sports . .9-10 l 2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TODAY SATURDAYSATURDAAY SUNDAY MONDAYMONNDAY TUESDAY ChanceChannce Scattered Sunny Partly CloudyClouudy Partly Cloudy T-stormsorms T-storms 66° 46° 70° 49°499° 69° 54° 71° 56° 69° 47° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 6-106-10 mphmph WNWWNW 2-62-6 mmphph SSWSSW 6-96-9 mmphph SSWSSW 6 mphmph SSWSSW 8-148-14 mphmph SWSW Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 64/55 Todayy we will see sunny skies, high Bergland of 66°,6°, humidityy of 42%. West 65/44 northwnorthwestwest wind 6 to 10 mph. The Wakefield Ironwood recordd high for today is 90° set in Saxon 65/44 66/46 Marenisco 1908. Expect partly cloudy skies 68/48 tonightonight,ht, overnight low of 46°. Bessemer 65/41 Associated Press Upson Hurley 65/44 Watersmeet THIS THURSDAY image provided by NASA shows a view of Hurricane Dorian from 66/45 66/46 66/40 SUNS AND MOON the International Space Station as it churned over the Atlantic Ocean north of Puer- Mercer to Rico. Leaving mercifully little damage in its wake in Puerto Rico and the Virgin 66/44 Islands, Hurricane Dorian swirled toward the U.S., with forecasters warning it will Manitowish draw energy from the warm, open waters as it closes in. 66/43 SunriseSunri . ...............................................................................se .........................................................................6:17 a.m. Minocqua SunsetSunse . ...............................................................................et...........................................................................7:43 p.m. 67/46 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................6:15 a.m. MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset........................................................................8:20 p.m.p ‘A big deal’: Florida braces ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER Yesterday Today Sat. Today Sat. for Hurricane Dorian Ashlandd 71/50 s 72/54 mc ChicagoChicaago 74/61 pc 70/62 sh High ......................... temperature.....69 MIAMI (AP) – Florida motorists topped off their covered nearly the entire Low ......................... temperature ......54 Duluth 69/51s 71/53 pc DallasDallas 94/76 pc 93/75 pc Precipitation ......................... ....... 0.07" Eau ClaireClaaire 73/54 pc 74/58 t KansasKansaas City 78/68 t 76/67 t residents picked the tanks and filled gasoline state. 0.06’’ EscanabaEscanabba 69/50s 68/52 pc Los AngelesA 85/67 s 86/66 fg shelves clean of bottled cans.
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