Saints Ita and Thomas of Canterbury Parish September 13, 2020 • Twenty-Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time Saint Ita Saint Thomas of Canterbury 5500 North Broadway 4827 N Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 Chicago, IL 60640 www.saintita.org • 312-291-1502 www.stcuptown.com • 773-878-5507 Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Outreach Ministries Schedule Monday (live-cast only) 8:00 am Tuesday - Friday (live-cast and in Church through Food Pantry – Tuesdays 9:30 am - 12 noon reservation) 8:00 am 2nd and 4th Friday 9:30 am - 12 noon Sunday Mass (by registration only) Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am (STC Vietnamese/Laotian Mass) Soup Kitchen to-go: Tuesdays and Fridays between 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm 12:30 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm Confessions (by registration only) STC Church - to reopen for Mass Saturday: 3pm to 5pm in the Fall 2 • SAINTS ITA AND THOMAS OF CANTERBURY PARISH • CHICAGO, IL SAINTS ITA AND THOMAS OF CANTERBURY PARISH Saint Ita Saint Thomas of Canterbury Rectory: 1220 West Catalpa 4827 N Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640 Chicago, IL 60640 www.sainta.org • 312-291-1502 www.stcuptown.com • 773-878-5507 Conventual Franciscan Friars Parish Staff Deacon Rev. Jaime Rios Fr. Robert Cook, OFM Conv., Pastor Deacon and Pastoral Associate Rev. Juan Ramirez Fr. Simon Minya, OFM Conv., Associate Pastor Deacon Rev. Paul Spalla Fr. Arturo Felix, OFM Conv., Associate Pastor Deacon Rev. Ronald B. Stricker Fr. Robert Melnick, OFM Conv., Resident Priest Pastoral Associate Sister Mary Jeanne Hayes, SND de N Bro. Donald Thielsen, OFM Conv., Soup Kitchen Cook Operaons Director Mr. Stuart Boldry Director of Music Mr. Daniel Lagacy Director of Stewardship Mrs. Dorothy W. Julian Saint Thomas of Canterbury School Parish Administrave Assistant Ms. Soledad Andrade Ms. Chrisne Boyd, Principal Coordinator of Religious Educaon Mr. Candido Reyna 5525 N Magnolia Ave. • Tel: (773) 271-8655 Temporary Director of the Soup Kitchen Mr. Jim Eder www.stmary-shomas.org Scenes from the Unificaon of St. Gregory the Great with Ss. Ita and Thomas of Canterbury Parish on September 3, 2020 TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • 3 Scenes from the Unificaon of St. Gregory the Great with Ss. Ita and Thomas of Canterbury Parish on September 3, 2020 The evening began with a Vespers Service at St. Gregory the Great, followed by Fr. Paul leading a procession of parishioners from St. Gregory with gis, signifying the parish, to be presented at the Mass of Unificaon. These gis included the book produced as part of the Parish's 50th Anniversary celebraon in 1954, Msgr. Klasen's "Church Beauful" booklet, books on St. Gregory High School graduates Gerry and Gwen Coniker, a new icon of St. Gregory the Great wrien by arst in residence Joe Malham, and a first class relic of St. Gregory the Great himself. Bishop Robert Casey, Vicar General of the Archdiocese, presided at both Vespers and the Mass of Unificaon. Bishop Casey himself symbolizes the union as his aunt and uncle are parishioners at St Gregory the Great and his first assignment as a priest was at St. Ita under Fr. Maddock. Thank you to everyone who played a part in the evening's acvies and the Renew My Church discernment groups. 4 • SAINTS ITA AND THOMAS OF CANTERBURY PARISH • CHICAGO, IL Map of New Parish Territory Under Canon law, the parish is responsible for the care of every soul in its borders-- not just Catholics! We love forward to even greater service to the people of our new parish territory. St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church • Feast Day: September 17 (October 4, 1542 – September 17, 1621) When Robert Bellarmine was ordained in 1570, the study of Church history and the fathers of the Church was in a sad state of neglect. A promising scholar from his youth in Tuscany, he devoted his energy to these two subjects, as well as to Scripture, in order to systemaze Church doctrine against the aacks of the Protestant Reformers. He was the first Jesuit to become a professor at Louvain. His most famous work is his three-volume Disputaons on the Controversies of the Chrisan Faith. Parcularly noteworthy are the secons on the temporal power of the pope and the role of the laity. Bellarmine was made a cardinal by Pope Clement VIII on the grounds that “he had not his equal for learning.” Among many acvies, Bellarmine became theologian to Pope Clement VIII, preparing two catechisms which have had great influence in the Church. Robert Bellarmine died on September 17, 1621. The process for his canonizaon was begun in 1627, but was delayed unl 1930 for polical reasons, stemming from his wrings. In 1930, Pope Pius XI canonized him, and the next year declared him a doctor of the Church. TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • 5 Sts. Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop - Martyrs Saint Cornelius was elected Pope in 251 during the persecuons of the Emperor Decius. His first challenge was to bring an end to the schism brought on by his rival, the first an-pope Novaan. He convened a synod of bishops to confirm him as the righul successor of Peter. The great controversy that arose as a result of the Decian persecuon was whether or not the Church could pardon and receive back into the Church those who had apostacized in the face of martyrdom. Against both the bishops who argued that the Church could not welcome back apostates, and those who argued that they should be welcomed back but did not demand a heavy penance of the penitent, Cornelius decreed that they must be welcomed back and insisted that they perform an adequate pen- ance. In 253 Cornelius was exiled by the emperor Gallus and died of the hardships he endured in exile. He is venerated as a martyr. Saint Cyprian of Carthage was a close friend of Pope Cornelius, and supported him both against the an-pope Novaan and in his views concerning the re-admiance of apostates into the Church. Saint Cyprian was born to wealthy pagans around the year 190, and was educated in the classics and in rhetoric. He converted at the age of 56, was ordained a priest a year later, and made bishop two years aer that. His wrings are of great importance, especially his trease on The Unity of the Catholic Church, in which he argues that unity is grounded in the authority of the bishop, and among the bishops, in the primacy of the See of Rome. During the Decian persecuons Cyprian considered it wiser to go into hiding and guide his flock covertly rather than seek the glorious crown of martyrdom, a decision that his enemies aacked him for. On September 14, 258, he was martyred during the persecuons of the emperor Valerian. Soup Kitchen Corner Thank you to everyone who has been able to donate to the Saint Thomas Soup Kitchen. Donaons are sll being accepted by our ushers, either before or aer Mass. Remember: Hygiene products such as toilet paper, paper towels, portable hand sanizer, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, condioner, loon, razors, shaving cream, deodorant, tampons, pads and laundry detergent are sll needed. As well as canned and other food such as Spam, baked beans, canned ravioli/pastas, canned stew, tuna, instant coffee, sugar, creamer, instant oatmeal packets, cases of boled water, single-serve chips and reusable masks. Rincón de la Cocina de Sopa Gracias a todos que han donado a la Cocina de Sopa para Santo Tómas. Las donaciones siguen siendo aceptadas por los ujieres, antes o después de las Misas. Recuerden: Productos higiénicos como el papel de baño, servilletas, desinfectante portál de manos, jabón, cepillos de dientes, pasta de dientes, champú, acondicionador, loción, navajas y crema para afeitarse, desodorante, tampones y toallas higiénicas y jabón para la ropa todavía se necesitan. También comida enlatada: Spam, frijoles cocidos, ravioles/pastas, guiso en lata, atún, café instantáneo, azúcar, crema, avena instantánea en paquetes, cajas de agua embotellada, papitas de una solo porción y máscaras reulizables. 6 • SAINTS ITA AND THOMAS OF CANTERBURY PARISH Please Pray For Mass IntenƟons Saturday, September 12 • The Most Holy Name of Mary; Blessed Virgin Mary 5:30 pm For the unificaon of Ss. Ita, Thomas of Canterbury and Gregory the Great Sunday, September 13 • Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 am †Gerald Mngadi David & Joanna Arigone • Fr. Dan Collins • 10:30 am Frances Flemming • Barbara Harrelson • 12:30 pm Marsha Hightower • 5:30 pm Helen Hnetynkk • Henry Hnetynkk • Monday, September 14 • The Exaltaon of the Holy Cross Pamela Jones • Joy Juguan • 8:00 am Denise Lawson • Lorea Lindeman • Tuesday, September 15 • Our Lady of Sorrows Brandon and Emily Markey • 8:00 am David Rubens (successful surgery/healing) • Cynthia Samson (Health/ Jennie Munet-Esteban • Marnez - Paño Family • Thanksgiving) Luke & Lily Niederpruem • Wednesday, September 16 • Saints Cornelius, Pope & Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs Rorie Rafajko • David Rubens • 8:00 am †Clara Guzman • Mercedes Alvarado (Health/Thanksgiving) May Singvongsa • Mrs. Topson Singvongsa • Thursday, September 17 • Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church James and Emily Skyles • Aldona Venckus • 8:00 am †Vincente Ho Nguyen • †Ester Centeno Martha Wheeler • Friday, September 18 • Saint Joseph of Cuperno Maurice Wright • 8:00 am †Miriam Boldry • †Rosario and †Ruth Centeno Let us pray We pray for those who have passed away, especially: Miriam Boldry, Clara Guzman and Fulgencio Andrade TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • 7 Congratulaons RCIA candidates! Congratulaons to our RCIA candidates who have been iniated as full adult Catholics into the Church. Please connue to pray for them as they begin their Catholic journeys.
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