The It Pays Family To Advertise Newspaper In The Times AND THE-NEPTUNE TIMES Vol. XC, NO. 28 ..' OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 9 1*165 SEVEN CENTS Sewer System Present 1-Act Plays At Dun-IIaven Firemen Control Library Using Charging Machine WCTL Conference Begins Operation |3,000 Blaze In In Grove July 13-15 Property Owners In Ham­ Concession Bldg. Representatives From 6 ilton Section Now Connect­ States Meeting Here For ing to Township Project North End’s Former 53rd Annual Sessions, Merry-Go-Round Struc­ ■ NEPTUNE — Neptune’s ture Damaged Friday OCEAN GROVE — T he .53rd ’ new sewer system, serving the annual Interstate Conference of west end. of the township, is OCEAN GROVE — A care­ tlie W oman s Christian Temper-: • now in operation. lessly tossed cigarette or flam­ ante Union will be held in tlie Connections to tho trunk lines in ing mtitch caused a $3,000 Temple, litre, starting Tuesday. the Hamilton section, .including blaze in a concession build­ Mrs. Elgin R. Mayer of Tren­ Hamilton Gardens, Jumping Brook ing at the North End board­ ton, president of the New Jer­ | " Estate and Neptune ,Manor, are be- walk last Friday night. sey \v O FI!, is general chairman ” ing made daily. This first section The 9:15 p.m. fire was contained ol tlie July. 13 - .15 conference, ; covers more than 500 homes. Two in the former merry-go-round which takes in the states of New ••.•..hundred.of these home owners have building, now housing Putt-Putt Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, ..' completed their preliminary, plumb-' Golf and the- Ocean Grove Roller Connecticut, Maryland and Rhode inf:' and: are ready -to connect. The MEMBERS of The Airline Theatre Wing of New York Rink, two of this resort commu­ Island. ..• ‘ , ■ ■ municipality < nut yesterday with relax in tho sun at Ocean Grove with their host, DivJames nity’s newest and most popular - Tl,? me of ...tiie: conference is comm'crujnl enterprises’ to insure Graham (fourth from left), who sponsored presentation recreation attractions.' The fine) “The Xciv Gi'Visafle - f Cal.ls F o rth ' their entry into the new. sewer line of, one act plays at Dun-Haven Hotel, of which he is the which was under control within , .Militant Foic<r»-' of. Scripture.'"' Dr.*. owner, during the summer.season. Dr. Graham has been next weejt. , - . •10 minutes, started at the base of a MRS. LUCIA NOKTHUP, Neptune Township librarian, j Marear.et' Undei-hi!!. preside:!' of ■ including entertainment programs for his guests for a •Township• Clerk Joseph 12. Ben- north W all pilaster iiintl climbed checks out the first book on the ncwly-aef|tiired automatic j'M'miwiuth Co. -AVCTU,;/ ar.d :>!r.' number of 'years' featuring films, well-known concert- ar- into the roofing, reported Fire book charging machine for Mrs. Frank Heardsley, 501 ' nett .said yesterday- that he expects lis!s;a:iii plays. Left to right are Muriel Woodard of Air | George C. Miller,• vlee-pre.ydent of the sccond section to be lcarlv for Chief Lawrence Mioras. Oxford Way. Neptune, at the Neptune. Library. 1*t)0 i the Ocean Gove ' Camp .’-Meeting-.; Canada; Richard Kjelland.of Air Canada; the Director; . Ii o m e owner ' connections next • Putt-Putt Golf reopcneii the. fol- Corlies Ave. The new 'charging machine was.' ob.iainvtl A,in., v.-;i! v.-ehor.ia dilegates Tufes-, Toni Balkar, American'Airlines; Dr. Graham; Rhanda lowir.ft- niornin;? fori^'hiiSiihcss as thin-ipi a financial grant of tjie township's ftaliaivAthfr- month. .This ; territory, known as . Spotton, Air Canada; Raymond Wilkow.slty. a guest. i <'W at.teinoon at. 2.00 p; ■’ill.. 'A-;- the Sjunihieriield section,. includes usual” 'while the Roller Rink re- iean fraternal association. .panel of slate pi-omntion sed'etar- v :Sli.6reerest, By-The-Sea-Hiils and inai.iis closed, until its special fluor- ie-> has eharge.-ot the program. jf.1.' other adjacent housing ' develop­ insr is completely dry. At that time. , Deputy '■ Inspeo’ut- Coined S i m e Owner .Al Francis v,-ill- determine' m e n ts..,;'.' ,VV.'' Liberty — Power To Do As. We Oiiglit •Tensen of .;the: '%•«< jjovk Citv P6- whether its comliiton warrants' re­ The Vthird and fourth sections, -lice, retired, is gu^st speaker 'iue>- opening this season. Green" Grove and. Old Corlies, re- Install R. Krempasky & Staff day evening.- Inspector Jensen,,., . spcetivc'ly, will fallow approximate­ ". Principal problems in'. fighting Pres. Carpenter Tells '“4th” Crow; author of “2(> Sears On the ly a ^lontli apart.' The entire .$7. the tiie were the slate roof and the Side," will [r.eient a. venting.- .:;'NEPTUN-E Jo^Qphv E; Eennbit, Saunders;.2nd Vice President, John metal • ceiling, according to Chief million sewer system will be in full- \r;\vo:vr:ugr!n»‘.'Lov>-.;;n'>toiiii Bradley look .at liie.aanidl.v'dccaying niorais' Cleric ot, tiie Towns hi po I N op tun o', I-Ieckel;’ Corresponding y Secretary, Mie’ias, :' ' • : OCEAN GROVE - Callin- operation before cold weather. .and -Mrs. Bennett 'were; : guests :;o£ Francis E. Kelly; Tail, Twister, liberty “not tlic frcalom it) do as p eac’V; >.k\vor ;.7o-op!i Warciol!,' of our society ns seen first'hand, by Seventy Homestead Restaurant This sewer program was re­ tlie Neptune Lions Club at the/in­ Louis Egidio; Lfoii Tamer Richard . we like but the power to do as we '.'eptun'o: Sherij't;, Joseph' ’ Shaft o, a veteran police officer; and sug­ waitresses were evacuated from viewed Tuesday night- at the mu­ stallation /dinner last; Saturday , at Merlino; and Directors Charles o u g h t,D iv Gharles I;. .Garpeiiter,. IVIonmout’i;.’ County and the -Hon. gest Scriptural solutions to pro­ their dormitory in the adjacent rear nicipal committee meeting. Action the Stage Coach Restaurant. Mr. Aquilino, .Ge.orge Evensdn, Emil president; of the . Ocean- Grove ■Haydn Proctor, Justice of the New blems. : .. ••,..- "■» - e'■ section of the North End Hotel. Ho­ was also, taken on the new munici­ Bennett ; also ,was f the, principal Forjtunato, .Robert Goodrich, Clijt-: Jersey Supreme Court/-‘y.’f-V Vv .Wednesday morning.a program tel guests and Strand Theatre Camjv flee tin g ’ Associatiori, igave pal garage, to be located on the speaker; bringing, out .the duties ford Kinkci; Joseph Purdy, Dr. Ira. Represeniihg ' the: Ocean Grove of visual- aids for teaching total' movie viewers, were.’ not' disturbed. the' Independence -Day oration - in — ..north side of : Willow avenue, 1200 and respprisiblTities of citizenship,- Vineberg,-,and Morley-Zagury. .. j Camp Meeting Association were: abstinence to children will be pre­ Firemen laid i ’£-in. hose lines the Great Auditorium on Monday.' feet west of Springdale, avenue, Rev. Albert S. Layton, pastor of St, sented by state directors of narco: The following officers were in­ This installation capped a yea£ of from a Spray. Ave. hydrant, on the Speaking primarily on the liberty Bids for construction will be re­ Paul’s Methodist Church;.’ Rev. tic education. In the afternoon u stalled: President, Robert Krempa­ fund raising and work for the bene­ south side of the North End com­ of the individual person, Major Gen. ceived at the public meeting Au­ Louis W. Mitchell, arid Robert.'H. panel discussion on public relations, sky; Secretary-Treasurer, Robert fit of the blind and sight conserva­ plex. Pumpers were unable to use Carpenter, former . Chief of Air gu st 3. Plans and specifications Hicks, a ir trustees. will be moderated by Mrs. Janet Kirwan; 1st Vice President,, George tion. the new Wesley- Lake fire well, Force Chaplains, declared, “My. may' be ' obtained from architect Gill Minschwaner of Trenton, vice- ■ placed inoperative by destructive liberty stops where'your.liberty be­ Providing music for the parade Robert McCallum,. ,482 Monmouth president and director of public re­ youths. The new well had been con­ gins,” adding that liberty grows and and during-the ceremony was the Road, West Long Branch. lations of the New Jersey WCTU/ Dr. Ralph Sockman Oliver - Browning structed. by the Thomas Procter is “continuously developed.” As an Fort Monmouth Band, under the The committee passed a resolu­ Co., but its lead-in pipe was un­ example of this development he re­ baton of Master Sgl. Arnold A. Mrs. Melvin' Lederer of Maryland tion issuing two raffle licenses: Troth Announced capped and filled with bottles and minded the audience that the civil Hayes, which rendered such patrio­ will present a demonstration en­ an off pretnises licenso to the Shore Sunday Morning trash. This was. later' cleaned out rights movement has been, coming tic tunes as “God Bless America” titled, ‘‘Proclaim Liberty with the Lodge B’nai B’rith #1685 to be held NEPTUNE—Mr.. and. Mrs. Wil­ and covered with a grating and for decades and has ‘-helped us to and* George M. Cohan’s "Your A Fruesta Hour,1’ and serve fruit at the Fisherman Restaurant, Hwy. liam H . Oliver, 401 Old Corlies bi-onze cap. Recently, this cap was understand the human individual." Grand Old Flag.-’ juice.' 35, on October 30, and an on prem­ Famed Radio and TV Ave., have announced the engage­ removed and the pipe was clogged Calling, on the more than 100Q in Among the partieipating units in .. Wednesday evening Col.'Emmitt' ises license to . tiie Shark' River Preacher In Auditorium; W. Cox, Jr., under sheriff of Mon-: ment of their daughter, Mary with stones. ; attendance to "take a look at your the ‘ mile-long parade were the . Hills . Auxiliary .to Fitkin Memorial Choir Festival At Night mouth Co. will give an informative Louise/ to Mr. Thomas Rodney * —------ own lives,*' General Carpenter.cited Ocean’ Grove Businessmen’s Asso­ .
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