1 ’ -ipp/r- Fiddling At City Hall It’s been a good many hundred years since ' Now it has been disclosed that the board of It would seem the city is in a bad position the Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned, supervisors and the C7C department of build­ legally if persons in the upper stories of any of but today we have an excellent example of ings both have a share in the responsibility for these buildings should suffer loss of life, or modern political fiddling at City Hall. It’s only property. sheer luck some serious burning hasn’t occurred the variances allowed. The board has even admitted that the variances it granted were il­ But far more important than the legal aspect hi Honolulu. of this situation is the human aspect. No one As a result of exposures by a salesman of legal,' since there was no provision in the new building code for variances. who has seen the terrible photographs of big fire hose, the city has discovered that at least fires on the Mainland, with charred corpses laid 14 structures built in recent years do not have The building department’s present head, out in rows like the carcasses of pigs will fail the protection from fire that the building code Ralph Inouye, excused the approval given by to realize the seriousness of any omission relat­ requires. The list includes publicized structures the department on the ground that they .didn’t ing to firefighting or fire prevention.. like the Finance Factors building and a 14 story get the published code until after it went into hotel in the Hawaiian Village. There are other effect • and that .it took considerable study to That such variances should have been allow- hotel-apartment buildings on the list. comprehend it. (from page 1) L9-K-9 H npi[OTOH V (K) TI®S 5strep ssfjx -^y y Arejqn jo '.qua READ: OPEN FIELD The Newspaper Hawaii Needs FOR NISEI PAGE 8 VOL. 10, NO. 43 PRICE 10 CENTS THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 LET'S SHOOT THE MOON Burns Gives ‘Refined’ Views on Elected Gov. Local Push More Prison Grad Tells Court of "Quentin Suitable Than Treatment" for Delinquent Debtors National-DeL A scar-faced graduate of San old debt unpaid By STAFF WRITER Quentin and Oahu Prison ex­ The trouble all started, Leopoldo Jack Burns' views on an elective plained to the court of Magistrate testified, over $259.50 he once paid goverpor for Hawaii have not Ernest Ing Tuesday what the Paik to make a bond and which changed since he campaigned for "Quentin ■ treatment" is. , he never got backi He had made his present office, but they have But he said he didn’t threaten several unsuccessful attempts to become "refined.” Bondsman Edmund Paik with that collect and when he heard last Hawaii’s Delegate to the U.S. treatment — he only suggested to Wednesday Paik was leaving for Congress admitted as much.in an Paik’s assistant, John C. Cluney, the Mainland, he decided to go in interview sandwiched in Monday that it might “do Paik some good.” and make another effort to get among engagements that kept Magistrate Ing was apparent- ’ his money. him on the move most of the ly not impressed with the benefi­ Paik testified on the stand that waking hours of his three-day cial possibilities of the treatment, he didn’t owe the money and that visit here last'weekend. for he fined the man, Anthony when he told Leopoldo that, the A little greyer than when he Leopoldo, $25 on a threatening ' latter threatened him. He quoted was elected, but none ■ the less charge and put him under a $100 Leopoldo as saying the following:' vigorous of speech and movement, peace bond. ‘■TH give you the Quentin treat*- Burns explained the “refinement" Leopoldo smiled affably at the mept. I’ll cut you up so your this way: sentence and turned to Paik as family won’t know you.” ' '“If and when I become con­ soon as court recessed to try to Leopoldo, an articulate man( vinced we are chasing a will o’ the get the bondsman to post the acted as his own lawyer and cross- wisp in pursuing statehood; .1 will, bond. He did not succeed. § more oh page 7 8. go after an elective governor. I I do not thjnk it is a will o’ the FORELADIES CRACK DOWN AT LIBBY (more, on page 8) Traffic Safety Comm. Bounces Staff Demo Convention Speedup Pressure Returns as Over to Felix in Surprise Meeting Canning Season Approaches • In a surprise move, the C-C was not unopposed. Small, Brief, ’ Traffic Safety Commission As the canning season ap- lady said.-that she had told the Wednesday gave away virtually its TIE ON TABLING MOTION proaches .foreladies. at Libby are foreladies not to force the workers. staff to the custody of Traffic En­ Commissioners Joe Nobriga and Businesslike going back to the same speed up Another complaint of the work- > gineer ' Lawrence Felix because Harry Lyum asked why a special It was one year when the Demo­ and pressure .tactics that led to ers is that when the fruit gets Chairman Herbert Moniz said meeting should be called and why cratic . convention finished on a Walk out of the preparation de­ stuck as it comes out of the glna- neither he nor the commission is the change should be made, and schedule. partment there in February,' the ca machine the forelady tells the in a position to supervise the ac­ he moved to table the motion. There was little pomp and cir­ RECORD has been informed. first trimmer to clear the jam. ■ tivities. The vote on his tabling motion cumstance, no Hawaiian music This is work that was formerly was 8-8 with Felix abstaining. and there were very few delegates They are telling workers hot to done by the divider woman, whose Undecided was the fate of the Chairman Moniz then killed the at the-30th Democratic Territorial talk? “Don’t turn around. Don't job was eliiriin'ated o'ver union fleet safety contest which includes tabling motion by his own vote convention — fewer than at any shake your body, Hold your knife protest a year and a half ago. At 52 fleets of vehicles on Oahu and which broke the tie. Democratic convention in the past just at this angle.” that time the union accused .man­ which Closes for the present year The motion to shift the five decade/No more than 250 dele­ Women complain that ■ their' agement of trying to speed up the on June 30. This contest is spon­ employes Into Felix's division gates were counted at the con-: hands tire from the new position." women by eliminating one job sored by the commission, through passed with some votes to spare. vention at any one time, and most Foreladies also te.ll them that and requiring the remaining work­ its staff, and trophies are awarded The move affects positions of . of the time there were consider­ they must pick up the pine from ers to perform the same amount for the best safety records at a director of traffic safety educa­ ably fewer than that. the conveyor by sticking their of work. dinner originally scheduled early tion, an artist, a statistician, and It was a businesslike convention thumb in. the hole, not using the Plant Manager Carl Struve, at in August. two girls who do stenographic and an economical one. Speakers rest of the hand. If they don’t do that, time told the women that The move came -at a special work. At present the top position, were- brief and Chairman Daniel , as they are told they will be dis­ they were not expected to do the meeting of the commission called that of director of traffic safety Inouye kept things moving. Dele­ ciplined, the foreladies haVe threat­ divider’s work. In case of jams, for Wednesday morning by Moniz education, is held by James A. W. gate Jack Burns timed his keynote ened. they should not touch the fruit, who proposed the shift of five em­ Duncan whose resignation goes contribution carefully to the 30 When ILWU leader Margaret but should call the mechanic, ployes to Felix’s command, but it 8 ipore on page 7 8 8. more on page 7 8 Damaso protested, the head fore- Struve said. — PAGE 2 HONOLULU RECORD MAY 22, 1958HISTORICAL ECHO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IHM HSPA Was Anti­ INSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE WORLD EVENTS Russian Sugar GOVERNMENT WORKERS who charter in Honolulu. The voters voted for social security are now will have a choice of approving fWWWWWWWWWWWVWWVtMWVWWWWWWWUWI Workers in 19^2 getting letters advising them that the charter drafted by the charter they may reimburse their retire­ commission; voting for 29 alter­ By SPECIAL WRITER ment system. accounts for the nates prepared by the board of “The wholesale condemnation of money taken out to cover social supervisors; and . voting against Compromise or Choos in France the Russians by the HSPA looks security. any charter. Washington is maintaining a pregnant silence on today’s crisis much like politics!” This is causing a lot of confu­ One of the 29 proposals of the This charge was made by F. L. sion. in France because the Department of State knows that as France board of supervisors covers Waldron, a member of the ter­ Maybe it’s because the form "Equal pay for equal work” for goes, so will go NATO, the strategic keystone in Europe of the U.S. ritorial board of immigration, in looks like the W-2 tax statement.
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