Issued Tuesday Thursday Saturday The Courier-gazette is Entered a. Second Cluz Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, December 23, 1937 Volume 92..................Number 1 53. The Courier-Gazette “The Black Cat” Editor READY AND ALL SET TO GO WM. O. FULLER Associate Editor PRANK A. WINSLOW The Community Building Membership Campaign SubBcriptlonn *3 00 per year payable In advance; single copies three centa. Next In Order—“Jim” Flanagan Director Advertising rates baaed upon circula­ tion and very reaaonable NBW8PAPEH HISTORY Tha Rockland Oaaette waa eatabllahed Community Building will be opened ■ building citizenship, co-operative ef­ In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was estab­ fort and matetial for future athletic lished and conaolldated with the Gazette next Monday as a going concern with ; By The Roving Reporter In 1882 The Free Preaa waa established teams. In 1855 and In 1891 changed Ita name to (James Flanagan, widely known golf the Tribune These papers consolidated The first membership in the asso- merry Christmas [ pro and sports enthusiast, member March <7. 1897 [ ciation was paid this morning by that The action of the Bangor News in j of what Is probably Rockland's best enterprising young chip of the old raising the price of all subscriptions ••• *•* ••* *•* *•* ' ••• ••• *•* *•* *•* ••• (loved family, as director of activities, block, Raymond Chisholm aged 12. and increasing the price per copy LIVE BAIT j Mr. Flanagan will be in general O blessed Lord Jesus, give us *•* A keen interest in the use of the fa- from three cents to five is typical of REG. PRICE AT charge of all branches of activity at ♦ thankful hearts today for Thee. *•* , cilitles of the building, especially the what is going on through out the the Building scheduling all regular ac- our choicest gift, our dearest -■ BICKMORE’S [ gym. is being manifested by the boys country, and shows how governmental •— quest.—Donald B. Aldrich. ♦ 33 TRAVERSE ST. TEL. 369-R [ tivities such as bowling, basketball of Junior and Senior High and this restrictions are adding to the woes of *•* I 153*154 practices, gym classes, etc. together ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• *•• *•* *•* *•* ••• I i can be arranged by joining the asso­ the public. The Courier-Gazette ---------------- i with specially arranged events such ciation next Monday through Jim And here is a typical winter scene with lights ablaze in every window. To be sure would be amply justified in followiig (as games, meetings, fairs, etc. He i Flanagan at the building or through the example of other newspapers, but will be responsible for the operation that chimney is a bit narrow for the passage of a well fed Santa Claus any member of the executive board. will resort to that only as a last ditch [of the building at all times, repre­ The older group seem keenly inter­ policy. senting the executive board, and del- ! ested principally in bowling and can egating authority to coaches, teach- | secure the low membership rate by The telegraph companies also feel CHRISTMAS BALL ers and show directors on approval of on another one act play. The Guild j joining the association. The alleys the handicap of increased mainten­ the board. is to present an evening of one act will be private, open only to asso­ ance and tax charges and they too SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25 The four new bowling alleys are in- i plays soon in the Tower Room of THEIR LIBERTY WAS BRIEF ciation members, their invited guests have applied for permission to in­ stalled and ready for use by Dec. 29 the Community Building to which ' and those who constitute member­ crease the rates. And so the endless with all new equipment. The gym 1 the general public will be admitted ! Community Building, Rockland, Me. ships in the league teams to be chain continues to revolve, with a is ready for limited use with new ‘ tor a small fee. Four one act plays I formed. Three Convicts Captured In Augusta—“If We considerable percentage of the people MUSIC BY equipment being offered by individu­ are being prepared for this per-1 The operating plan of the building working on "projects," others at re­ als and organizations. The excellent formance. YOUNG’S 12-PIECE RADIO BAND is simple. Under the charter of • • » • Had Guns,” Said One duced wages, and some with no wages stage is entirely equipped and several Community Building Inc. the execu­ A dozen settees were donated to the at all There's something wrong FEATURING hundred chairs are on hand for au­ tive board is charged with operation Building yesterday by the Universa- somewhere. ditorium use. The kitchen is yet to Three convicts who escaped Mon­ with assistance from the “outside,” of the plant with full authority. Di­ list Church. Sincere thanks. ANN MAE MARLEY be equipped and the pool and billiard as did two other prisoners, still at rector of activities Flanagan, repre­ day from the State Prison farm The Brook cat is by no means a tables will not be installed until after targe, who escaped two weeks ago. Tap Dancer From Major Bowes' Unit No. 1 senting the board, will have actual The bowling alley approaches are were captured yesterday by State black cat, but is highly esteemed ln Community Fair in February, as the The offlcers who made the capture, charge of the building at all times receiving a final coat of paint and Police at Augusta and returned to the the neighborhood. When Carl Work ADMISSION 45 CENTS big room under the lobby is used for Patrolmen Ronald Faulkingham and A REAL HOLIDAY TREAT and under all conditions. Custodian will be ready for use by Dec. 29. completed his duties here with the beano. The beautiful tower room is • • • • prison. Roger Baker, said their attention was 152-154 Southard will thus be relieved of the A &P he willed the feline to the good fully equipped including a fine old The total receipts of the Christmas The trio, William Peel. 29. Salis-! attracted to the automobile in which necessity of handling the public, con- people of The Brook, exacting from Steinway grand piano and a re­ concert were $155.26. Total expendi­ bury. Mass., James Kelley. 20, Chi-1 the prisoners were traveling when it i fining his efforts to care of the plant. them a solemn promise that no ill broadcasting electrola ideal for tures. all at local stores. $57 38 Net cago. Ill., and Joseph R Provencher,1 nearly crashed into the police night 1 Rental of the several rooms or the au- should be betide the large and good- dances and music appreciation. The to the building operation account 26. were captured as police searched! patrol car. "The prisoners had only ! ditorium will be in the hands of the j natured animal. And so it comes (Chamber of Commerce **.11 occupy $97 87. McLain School was high on automobiles in the quest for them, parking lights on their car at the same committee, John M Richard­ that she finds a cordial welcome in ticket sales with 186 and Tyler sec­ The automobile they drove was be- time they nearly hit us," Faulking- (the West room in January and the son. Mayor Thurston and Allan Mc­ several stores, showing considerably ond with 120. lieved by police to have been stolen j ham said. East room is available for reading Alary. For convenience, rentals may partiality for Gonia's wall paper store. (and social purposes, club gatherings, in East Warren. 1 The offlcers gave chase, overtaking also be arranged, subject to commit­ Mrs. Derry sees to it that the cat is etc., equipped with piano, tables, Peel was serving a three to five the trio. The prisoners at first gave tee approval through Mr. Flanagan always tidied up for company, and Rockland Lions ( year sentence for breaking, entering fictitious names, the officers said, (chairs, fireplace, etc. The highly im­ at The Building after Dec. 27. , Ed, who was not previously a cat's and larceny and was committed from ( but after failing to produce operators' portant sound system for the aldi- man, does the foraging. Think of the Needy At Christ I Aroostook County in 1933. [ licenses or registrations, they ad- [ torium will be instaled shortly after The returns to THe Building opera­ mas Meeting — “Pard” Kelley. committeed from Kennebec mitted they were the escaped inmates. Christmas as the Lions Club, donors tions account from the Christmas ( County in 1933, was serving a five to [ police said. Two Rockland men who were un­ of the system have concluded agree­ concert, given by the city schools, will Kenyon’s Address 10 year sentence for robbery. Prison "Well, you've got us all right," one aware of cach other's existence until ments with the installing firm. be about $100 for which the executive ! An association will be formed of Warden John H. Welch said he was j of them told the offlcers, "but if a comparatively few years ago, dis­ SUGGESTlOnS board is profoundly grateful. "My Christmas wish is that we will covered then that they were not only [those interested In the building and so conduct ourselves that God will to have been paroled this week. ( we had guns, it would have been a • • • • of the same nationality but were wishing to utilize its services, mem­ be the major thought. Inspiration and Provencher, who had no home ad­ | different story—things wouldn't have To the Christmas shop­ “You boys are doing a grand job on born within three miles of each berships being; 12 years to High dress in prison records, was commit­ turned out this way.” this building and I d like to donate poWer of our lives ” other.
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