Agenda Ordinary Council Meeting 19 April 2021 The meeting commences at 6.30pm. If members of the public are not interested in any business recommended to be considered in Closed Session or there is no such business, Council will ordinarily commence consideration of all other business at 7pm. Ordinary Council 19 April 2021 Notice of Meeting Dear Councillors Notice is given of the Ordinary Council Meeting, to be held in the Council Chambers on Monday 19 April 2021 commencing at 7pm. The business to be transacted at the meeting is included in this business paper. Yours faithfully Craig Wrightson General Manager Council Meeting Information The Council meeting is chaired by the Mayor, Councillor Pam Palmer. Councillors are entitled to one vote on a matter. If votes are equal, the Chairperson has a second or casting vote. When a majority of Councillors vote in favour of a Motion it becomes a decision of the Council. Minutes of Council and Committee meetings are published on Council’s website www.lanecove.nsw.gov.au by 5pm on the Thursday following the meeting. Meetings are conducted in accordance with Council's Code of Meeting Practice. The order of business is listed in the Agenda’s Table of Contents. The order of the Agenda will be followed unless Council resolves to change the order at the meeting. For example, where members of the public may be interested in a specific Agenda item. Please note that the Public Gallery will be open to a maximum of 30 people in accordance with current NSW Government directives and in the interests of public health. The Public Forum will hear registered speakers from the Public Gallery as well as online using the web platform Zoom. Please note all Public Forum participants must be registered to speak using the online form, no later than midnight on the day prior to the meeting (i.e. Sunday 18 April 2021). Online speakers will receive a Zoom meeting link by email on the day of the meeting. A time limit of three minutes applies to all speakers in the Public Forum. Members of the public can also submit a written address via email to [email protected]. Written addresses will be circulated to Councillors, shall be a maximum of 500 words and be received by Council no later than midnight, on the day prior to the meeting. If you have any queiries regarding the the information given above; require assistance to participate in the meeting due to a disability; or wish to obtain information in relation to Council, please contact Council’s Executive Manager – Corporate Services on (02) 9911 3550. Please note meetings held in the Council Chambers are recorded on tape for the purposes of verifying the accuracy of minutes and the tapes are not disclosed to any third party under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, except as allowed under section 18(1) or section 19(1) of the PPIP Act, or where Council is compelled to do so by court order, warrant or subpoena or by any other legislation. Agenda Page 2 Ordinary Council 19 April 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST APOLOGIES OPENING OF MEETING WITH PRAYER ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO COUNTRY NOTICE OF WEBCASTING OF MEETING MATTERS RECOMMENDED BY THE GENERAL MANAGER TO BE CONSIDERED IN CLOSED COMMITTEE PUBLIC FORUM Members of the public may address the Council Meeting on any issue for 3 minutes. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 1. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING - 15 MARCH 2021 MAYORAL MINUTES 2. MAYORAL MINUTE - ST LEONARDS OVER RAIL PLAZA........................................ 5 ORDERS OF THE DAY NOTICES OF MOTION 3. NOTICE OF MOTION - TOY LIBRARY ........................................................................ 7 4. NOTICE OF MOTION - PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION OF OPTIONS TO REDUCE LIGHT 'SPILL' ON URBAN BUSHLAND IN LANE COVE ........................... 9 OFFICER REPORTS FOR DETERMINATION 5. SUBMISSION OF A DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR THE LANE COVE INDOOR SPORT AND RECREATION FACILITY ...................................................... 12 6. STATE GOVERNMENT'S PROPOSED CHANGES TO CLAUSE 4.6 VARIATIONS . 16 7. ST LEONARDS SOUTH DRAFT SECTION 7.11 PLAN – POST-CONSULTATION REPORT .................................................................................................................... 22 8. 2021/2022 DRAFT BUDGET, FEES AND CHARGES AND DELIVERY PROGRAM AND OPERATIONAL PLAN ...................................................................................... 30 9. SUSTAINABILITY SMALL GRANTS - ROUND 21 .................................................... 35 10. COMMUNITY GRANTS TO COMMUNITY GROUPS 2021-2022 ............................... 37 11. REMOTE ATTENDANCE BY COUNCILLORS AT COUNCIL MEETINGS ................ 41 Agenda Page 3 Ordinary Council 19 April 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICER REPORTS FOR INFORMATION 12. CELEBRATING YOUTH WEEK ................................................................................. 44 13. COUNCIL SNAPSHOT MARCH 2021 ........................................................................ 45 Agenda Page 4 Ordinary Council Meeting 19 April 2021 MAYORAL MINUTE - ST LEONARDS OVER RAIL PLAZA Subject: Mayoral Minute - St Leonards Over Rail Plaza Record No: SU7134 - 19622/21 Division: Lane Cove Council Author(s): Councillor Pam Palmer The 2006 St Leonards Strategy established a public domain vision for the St Leonards Commercial Core precinct that would create an identifiable ‘sense of place’. Since then Council has been working on the development of a new community focal point for St Leonards, a new open space and bus interchange to be constructed over the rail corridor. Council entered into a series of Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs) to fund the project, engaged engineers and designers, rezoned the land to permit its use as open space, and executed a terms sheet with TfNSW (Transport for NSW) with respect to the proposal. In recent months, in an effort to advance the project in line with other developments in the area, the General Manager and I sort the support of our local State and Federal politicians, The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP, Ms Felicity Wilson MP and Mr Trent Zimmerman MP. Further discussions were also held at staff level with TfNSW and DPIE (Department of Planning and Environment), seeking support to deliver the project without further delays. I am pleased to report that The Hon. Andrew Constance MP, Minister for Transport and Roads, has advised that a review has been undertaken and the agency responsible for delivery of the project was delegated to Sydney Trains (previously TfNSW). Our staff have noticed subsequently that significant resources have now been committed by Sydney Trains and DPIE to the project with significant progress being achieved, including a clear approval pathway being established for the structure and a Project Delivery Agreement being produced for Council’s consideration. There are now fortnightly meetings with all parties involved. While Council has never established a definitive timeframe, ideally the project should be completed to coincide with completion of the adjacent “88 Christie Street”, JQZ development, due in late 2022. JQZ, under the VPA for the site, has completed construction of the slab for Stage 1 of the plaza works or approximately 30% of the total 4750 sqm of open space proposed. This slab also provides access to the new St Leonards Library within the development and Pacific Highway underpass to St Leonards Station. Council nominated this project for funding under the NSW Government’s Public Spaces Legacy Program. DPIE have been actively assisting given the significance of the project in terms of the outcomes sought under that program and a requirement that projects be completed by the end of 2022. In this regard, Council staff believe with the current momentum that such a timeframe can be achieved. In conclusion, Council’s vision for a new community focal point at St Leonards, being a new open space and bus interchange, is finally on track to be delivered. Consistent with this new momentum, I note Council’s 2021/22 Budget includes funding to commence construction (likely to be over two financial years) should the approval processes be completed to allow procurement to commence, which would be a significant milestone in this project. I have already passed on my thanks to The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP, Ms Felicity Wilson MP and Mr Trent Zimmerman MP for their support. Given the recent progress achieved, it is appropriate to also thank The Hon. Andrew Constance, MP. Agenda Page 5 Ordinary Council Meeting 19 April 2021 MAYORAL MINUTE - ST LEONARDS OVER RAIL PLAZA RECOMMENDATION That:- 1. The Mayoral Minute be received and noted; and 2. Council write and thank The Hon. Andrew Constance, MP, Minister for Transport and Roads for his ongoing support for this project. Councillor Pam Palmer Mayor ATTACHMENTS: There are no supporting documents for this report. Agenda Page 6 Ordinary Council Meeting 19 April 2021 NOTICE OF MOTION - TOY LIBRARY Subject: Notice of Motion - Toy Library Record No: SU1705 - 20009/21 Division: Lane Cove Council Author(s): Councillor Andrew Zbik Executive Summary This motion seeks to gather accurate information for Council to understand what commitment in time, resources and funds may be required to consider establishing a toy library in Lane Cove. Background The proposed vision for a Toy Library would be to provide up to 6 days a week access to a library of toys that cater for residents in a centralised and easily accessible location. A Toy Library would enable families to rotate toys and save space from storing toys at home. Discussion
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