Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1964 Daily Egyptian 1964 10-30-1964 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 30, 1964 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1964 Volume 46, Issue 29 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 30, 1964." (Oct 1964). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1964 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1964 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DAILY EGYPTIA1![q~~,:::" v '1 i':;)Pagel0 SOU THE R NIL LIN 0 I SUN I V E R SIT YSO(i.;~~,~! .,',. Volullle 46 Corbondale, III. FridllY. OctoN,30, 1964 Cheryl Schnitzmeyer Is Crowned Queen .. .. Eighth Blonde in 37 Years IBoy Friend' Reigns at SIU Homecoming Today Opens Cheryl Schnitzmeyer, a Miss Tumbleson, resident The Southern Players' first pretty petite blonde from Rock fellow of the serond floor of play of the season, Sandy Wil­ Falls, 111., was crowned South­ Smith Hall, Thompson POint, son's "The Boy Friend," ern"s 1964 Homecoming queen is a senior majoring in home opens at 8 p.m. today at the Thursday night at ceremonies economics education. Her Southern Playhouse. in Shryock Auditorium. home town is Kewanee, Ill. The play, which will be pre­ Miss Schnitzmeyer, a senior She is a member of Sigma sented today, Saturday and majoring in English, was Sigma Sigma, social sorority. Sunday and again Nov. 3-7, sponsored by Woody Hall, Miss Wood is a junior ma­ is a musical spoof of the where she is a resident fellow. joring in business education "Roaring Twenties:' Members of her court in­ from Carbondale, where she clude Diane C. Bl.'lkemore, lives at home at 514 N. Mul­ Jim Bob Stephenson, as­ Juniustine M. Gee, Karen D. berry. She is a member of sociate professor of theater Tumbleson and Linda K. Wood. Alpha Gamma Delta, social and director of the play, said, Attendants are Linda Thorn­ sorority, and has worked as "This is unlike any other mus­ berg and Carol Grigg. a New Student Weelt leader, ical play that has ever been The identity of .he new queen on the Homecoming Steering written. 'The Boy Frienel' is was revealed in ceremonies Committee and at the Spring a pure delight from beginning drawn from the traditions of Festival queen's coronation. to end displaying a piffling ancient Egypt, with King Miss Thornburg, who lives plot and a specious score." Menes, sovereign of SIU in Steagall Hall, Thompson The action takes place in Homecomings. placing the POint, is majoring in foreign a Mediterranean setting at crown on Miss Schnitzmeyer"s languages. Her home town is Madame DuBonnet's Finishing short, blonde hair. She is the DuQUOin. Miss Crigg is ma­ School for Girls. The cast eighth blonde to be crowned joring in fashion merchandiS­ will be headed by Marilyn in 37 years. ing and lives at 107 Small Whitlow as the poor little Miss Schnitzmeyer was se­ Group Housing. Her home is in rich girl, Polly Browne. lected queen during campus Centralia, [11. Both attendants Gil Lazier portrays the elections Oct. 21, but her are sophomores. young and charming, Tony, and identity was kept secret un­ The queen and her court the four zany school-mates, til the moment of the coro­ will ride in the Homecoming Masie, Dulcie, Fay and Nan­ nation. parade Saturday morning and After graduation the new will appear at the football cy will be l~hara~[erized by Ju­ lie Engmann, Pam Worley, Pat queen plans to teach high game that afternoon. Sokolowski and Marv King. Enough for 13,000 school English. This evening house deco­ The 5-foot, 2-inch blonde is rations will be judged l'iladame DuBonnet 'will be not a new face in campus played by Joanna Hogan and Food and Drink Aplenty queendom. During her past Vote by Council Robert Burton will have the three years here she has been :Jar[ of the rich and handsomt:' selected sweetheart of Alpha 'l.merican, Bobby Van Husen. Ready for Saturday Game Kappa Psi, professional busi­ Allows Vacancies Other visitors to the school Food and drink for 13,000 Club, Men's Tennis Club ana ness fraternity, and was the The SIU Student Council, Nill be characterized by Tom has been planned for Satur­ the Circle K Club from Uni­ first runner-up in the Miss by a narrow three-fourths ma­ Neher, Rudy Barello and Rob­ day's Homecoming football versity High School. Thompson Point contest last jority at its Thursday night :Tt Badame. Polly's father game. At 7;30 Saturday morning, year. meeting, voted to amend its -:ilI be played by Jo~n Far- George DaViS, supervisor of 40 boys will begin prepara­ Other honors given her in­ constitution. -ell with Frank Kreft and stadiuIT; activities, has or­ tions on the stadium itself. clude memberships in Pi The amendment, concerning yvonne Westbrook as Lord and dered more than 2,000 hot dogs Nearly half the crew will go Lambda Theta, Cap and the two senatorial seats left _ ady Brockhurst. and buns, 300 cases of soft to Carbondale Community Tassel, Pyramid Club and Al­ vacant because of ties in last The comical role of the drinks and 1,000 bags of Eigh School where they will pha Lambda Delta. She held week's election, needed af­ French maid, Hortense, will peanuts. break down 13 sets of bleach­ several offices in student gov­ firmative votes from 16 of the )e enacted by Barbara Tai­ ers which will be used at thE" ernment at Thompson Point 20 senators present. "[f it's a cold day, we'll north and south ends of the while she was a resident there. The result of the first vote ;:eff. with Chris JO:les need an inexhaustible supply md Donna Bartell completing field. Miss Blakemore is a senior was exactly 16 to 4, passing of coffee,"says Davis, who In the meantime, 16 boys majoring in English from the amendment. -he cast list as Pepe and plans to use 50 gallons with _olita. will sweep out the west side Clarendon Hills, Ill. She lives The amendment states that more on reserve if needed. seating section and clean the at Saluki Arms and is a mem­ two empty seats would be left Gil Lazier will be the mu­ About 10,000 paper and restrooms. The McAndrew bt!r of Angel Flight and Cap vacant unless persons from lical director for "The Boy plastic cups will be used and Stadium classrooms will be and Tassel. the two representative areas :;'riend," With Macy Dorf as a supply of candy, Cigars, cill­ readied for the teams to use Miss Gee, a junior major­ file for the offices. he assistanr to director and arettes and chewing gum will during halftime • ing in sociology, comes to It was announced that two .tax Golightly as consultant. be drawn from the stadium's Six crew members will Southern from Brooklyn, N.Y. persons already have sought Stephenson said that the box warehouse. mark the field, set up goal Her campus home is at 506 N. to petition for the seats. .ffice will open Oct. 23 and Some 50 to 80 students will line flags, arrange line mar­ Marion. She is a member of The Council will therefore {ill accept reservations from be manning the four refresh­ kers and bring out the canvas a choir, Delta Sigma Theta, assign the election commis­ o to 11 a.m. and from 3 ment stands from the SIU Key covering for the jump pits social sorority and Thelia sioner to schedule a special o 4 p.m. weekdays only. Club, Women's Gymnastics and track. Sorosis Club. election soon. :rowd of 9,000 to flood Arena for Stage Show Tonight The largest crowd ever to ing capacity 0,684) of Shryock of its symbol as the leader of witness a Homecoming stage Auditorium. Only one perfor­ progressive jazz. show at SIU is expected to mance will be given this year. The combo. consisting of assemble tonight in the new Despite the anticipated Brubeck at the piano, an alto SIU Arena. crowd, tickets will be on sale sax, drums and a bass fiddle, The talents of the inimitable at the door. represents the most success­ Dave Brubeck and comic mas­ Brubeck's combo will pre­ ful group in the jazz recording termind Allan Sherman will be sent a co nee" in the tradition field. brought together in a show Comic-singer Sherman will beginning at 8:30 p.m. entertain the audience with his A crowd of more than 9,000 I Show Time I satirical and comical rendi­ --almost three times the pre­ The time of tonight's Home­ tions of well-known folk tunes, vious high--is expected to at­ coming stage show is listed ballads and patriotic hymns, tend the show, according to a incorrectly on the tiCkets, Peter Palmer and his spokesman at the Student according to Elizabeth I. orchestra will also be on the Activities Office. Mullins, coordinator of stu­ program. In addition to In past years, two shows dent activities. The show will backing up Sherman, the were held in order to com­ begin at 8:30 p.m., instead orchestra will play for the DAVE BRUBECK pensate for the limited seat- of 8 p.m. Homecoming dance Saturday. ALLAN SHERMAN Pa~2 DAt LY EGYPTIAN Oc_"" 30, 1964 WSIU-TV Produces 3 Specia Is on Election; Issues, Predictions, Ballot System Discussed \'{SIU-TV will presentthree will be concemed primarily uniqueness lies in the fact tbat progra~s concerning Tues­ with the uniqueness and com­ an election of tbis type bas day's general elections begin­ plexityof the Ulino:s at-Jarge never been held in any state ning at 7 p.m.
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