/ ■X-' \ h - FRIDA'^^ARCH 16, 19H A?cnK9 Daily Net P n m Run PAGE TWENTY r*r tlM WMk BaM . ^aucifPBter Sngtttng Ifgralii March le, la st \ 11,938 Meniher H the Audit tTuTf*^ ' ■areau ef ClienlaUen f Manche$tBr~^A City of Charm ■L- \ ‘ / :------- ------------- ------------ VOL. LXXV, NO. M2 Continuing Our (TWELVE PAGES) -MANCHESTER, CX)NN„ SATURDAY, MA^^H 17. 1956,^ (CMaained AdtYrtlataf ea Pa|e it) ^ < \ A , PRICE HVE CENTS GF NEW SPRik: AND SUMMER ^ DRESSES I\ \ m as erer Soviet Riots SIX STYLES TO ■A - CHOOSE FROM evelopments Disturjb Quakes Erase Two Lebanon talfata, % aJeavM, coat atyla. ^ e \ ( aaA navy. Sisw 13 to 30. )Reds Visiting London \ ' _______ . Towns; 127 Die geallojM embroidery on rayon (iinyWeave). Of Fierce/Blizzard Coat atyie, navy, lu^fafr, coral or Xurquotia L^don, March 17 (/P)—-The Kremlin’s top Lieutenants in Belr^H, Lebanon, March 17 i ^ — Blaas 1 6 H > 34%. / London, showed signs of being shaken today by reports leak­ Elarthquakea wiped out two vU- M»Rcheater residents an^thers thrt^ghout the state were lagea and look a total of 127 Uvea Printed cotton, linen /acket. Aqua ing out of Moscow that Nikita Khrushchev denounced Stalin In Lebanon la^t night. digging themselves out t^ »y from the iVorst blizzard which r ^ and fuchaia. 8 7 to 16. as a blundering murderer. The denunciation by the First Sec- The figures X^ere unofficial, but has struck this part of me country in several yeaVs. ^retary of the Communist they-Were the first Issued as troops The fiered atorm Mdw itself out over 6mnecticut today, Tiaaue faille top, duco taff Navy was reported to have caused riots ^ , only. Stsea 13 to 30. and police' toiled ^through wreck­ leaving six dead aM transporlhtton crippled. In Tbilisi iTiflU), in SUlin’s home 1 Olt O 900W WOIl’l age today in aearciruf victinu. A Wolcott man died when a car skidded into the back of BivarglaM cotton print, -neck. Green, roae/ state of Georgia, protesting the _ . ___ Three tremors shook\Lebanon at and btua. Slsea 13 to 30. discrediting of the one-time dic­ Deter Th is 10,000 five minute intervala. They ware a anowplow. Five^Connecticut residents died of heart attaeki tator. deacribed as the worst -in Lebanese brought on by dVerexertion. Rayon crape aUp-in I^erle. Trim collar and Georgl Malenkov, for years Sta­ memory. About 25 towns and vil Two M aiic^ter men were critically injured when their euffa Navy only. StMa l 6 % to 34%. lin'! secretary and known as his New 'York, March 17 (iPi-T- lages felt the blows. FINE BLOMSES ' “eyes snd ears," showed up two Falr weather or foul; the car sthick a/Ous on Silver Lane in East Hartford. wkarera of the gr-e. march up. Reports from the province! And local/pollen mportnd two<)> hqufs late for an appointment on sccldnnta ypbterday, ons of which . / / Fresher, prettier, easier to care^or. Pair his tour of British power stations. fifth Avenue at noon .jday In 30 perished in the vtllai New York’s giant St. Patrick's Shiheem and many othe: brought ^noiv injury to Roger Reg. $6>d8 and 16.98 ValuM. ona with your Easter suit and you’ll be ^ The lack of punctuality is un,usual Hnnet, Ut, of ai Drive F.,, - prettiest gal parading. All cl^bed in a Soviet official. Day parade. have been buried undery< Ship Agrottlid Street department crews The capital of Beirut apparent­ Woi^m In the town Highway I, needs little or no ironing. Wash, Malenkov, a deposed premier, is worked during the night to ly suffer^ little dan>4ge. DoMstmant halted their efforU wear. White and pink. Si2es 34 to here in his new role as Soviet 'clear the parade route of The worst c a n ^ from South tli/p .x a . yastqrdey and-a crew-re- Off Bay State; minister of power etattons. One re­ s'nhw and aluafa plied up in Lebanon and th^^ Bekka valley. Dtd plowiiiig work thie morn- port published here said Malenkov yesterday’s storm. There panic/ stricken people Ipg ahortly after 4 ajm. was personally mentioned, in the Parade chairman John J. rushed from Uieir tottering houaes ea Traeka in Jam 30 Men Saved denunciation by -Khrushchev. Sheahfen said,,last night the . into the fiel^au'd onto beaches. Traffic Waa'-haltad for more than —^ovtet~Axnbustd6r~^WbvMiltk Irish would march whatever The govfniment controlled radio a half hMr,_ and eo eaatbound 1 5 . 9 8 at almost the last, minute post­ the weather. He aak) he ex­ station Miroughout the night and traitor trucKi ware Jammwi on the nllaaard-l ashed aeaS. began poned a lonf-scheduled-conference pected mor,e - that 100,000 during, today, htis been broadcast­ Wilbur Croaa Highway at Suneet calming today after imperiling six with the Japanese envoy, Shuichl Ridge. Eeet Hertford, due to a r *2 0 ^ , A t ^ u r S marcher's. ing ^t^eals for _ calm and giving akiddinsr accident thi. rnmniinn > ^*‘***^® coaat. Jdatsumoto, In another of their pe­ Ireland's visiting prime min­ l a ^ t inforihatidn on -the damage. skidding accident this morning. Jterdest hlt'^ waa tho ItaUan riodic meetings on a’ proposed ister, John A. Qostello, is to It/proclaUned three days mourn- Four etata policemen worked to freighter Btrusev; which w'ent Soviet-JapanVsa peace treaty. Ang for.-the vtctliha. untangle a vehloular snarl caused xgipund lie a ragtiig hltoaard off Malik aaid' he was busy escort­ (Continued on Pare Three) Just before t a.m., whan a Jeep Bcituate, Mass:, last night. Aftar ing Malenkov. The latter gave no (Oontlnued qa Page. Three) with attached sitdw plow, going 10 anxious hours, the^C^Mlat Guard explanation ^ r his lateness. east up tha ridge, akidded. A large got all SO crewmien aahore over a ueual smiling self, Malenkov/re- fttUowing traitor truck of the Roy Reading Translations plled: / . / rope line. A ■ ”1 have not hqA/ time study, P S ^ Od., Dea Moinei, Imva, .Wind up to .70 mites an hour/Sad / Lights .biased in Malenkov's the report in detair’’ - / / Mallet, Cabinet swung to avoid the sliding-Jeep. driven Ui*.7,0()Q^n veaael tooMUi- room in the Soviet' embassy' until The. ttnUpi’ Jacknifrd and the Mg in 60 yarda of tWahoroHMAt day- way past midnight -last night A He Added: -vektoio^awuitff ooffq^totntY'WrsoiHF,' Soviet official said Malenkov, was _ “When I have time to study it 1 ttlXtlRTl will, perhaps /have^mething ' to Meet in Sid t^ coming to a atop ht thai-middle men came ah«r th* tempest auh-- buay .reading translations of Brlt- say." ■ ,/• • ' ■ . " atrip facing west. The.Jiep went •idedt ■' A 'Ish p r e s s dispatches saying Asked if he was sti(l friendly acroaa the fn.iddto atrip and lialted • AH reported they were In jn ^ The. Di^skin Suede Clutch Khrushchev'' had deqounced Stalin With KhrushcMv, the Communist PacifAlgeria In the enow On the outside of the condition after the harrewUig; ex- in a secret session of the recent party boe^, Malenkov replied teat- westbound lane. perlent!* aboard the battered 441- Communist party congress in Mos­ Two private ckn e a ^ together foot vessel. Ours Alone At This Low Price! cow. ^ \ . By JOSEPH E. DYNAN aa they slowed to m aps the tangle "Yesj of course/ «m stlU friend- Paris, March' 17 UFi—Premier Guy The Coast Guard, stymied (hir­ \ A newsman asked MalenMv to MoUet called his cabinet into spe­ ing ths night in attsm pu to retell Mmmeht on the reporta to^y. Hia (COntiao^ on Page Three) cial session today to launch No one was reporfOg hurt. the Imperiled crew,, rescued the When' this car was pulled awky from tha bus. ths auto'a hoo4 jAftMiemt stuck groteaquely, The large nuqtber \al tmttar men In a two-hour breechea buoy i2 9 .9 8 Franca'a big new drive to pacify the hue front Uke an arrow/ tha I tha car arc ln critical condl- trucks In tha halted trkfMe had. wvnJt-tfUffl. All «rla;\ .... Uon. with poMbla elmll rr«fYiuye./«fl7W*d.«n operation as ths vieious^atnrM Bloody cLaahea emtinued in the out-3;80 jutt. an. SUvaC Lana la... moat the Atgkt at auhidded.'' . Beautiful from any standp^t . take its Ipxury v East Hartford, Just ovAr tna Manoheater RMrv (Hi ointa near Hartford aa JUlhW»waya In a breeches buoy operation, t seething Nbrtli Africidt-teriitory. ecame' drifted with anow. They j. fabric, its smart siniplified styling, its low, low price The cabinet was elected to line is fired from one point to (Uir . they all conspire to make th i^ h e best pfi^Easter .^ lai Claira^lfee Broke issue in quick order its <irst de­ had Juet “hit Ihs highway" ai other, After the line is mad* fast, , buy of the season! Murry Lincoln ni^ions this cardi­ crees under Mollet's emergency as the accident occurred. men are transferred in a seat by a TCWers bill for smashing the Mos­ , Bus Crash The Hence boy wm injured yea- pulley t y ^ arrangement. gan clutch in softest doeskin suede hand-stitched l \ ’52 Pledge to^ Farmers lem nationalist fel>elIlon. The de­ Deaths 28 terday at 7:66 pun. when, police \ First men''rescued was chief «d- front and cuffs; self flower trim. In'Be.ige, ice blue, crees cotild bring martial law to eey, lia alighted from a panel fiber Mtrcellwo Oastano of Pa­ coral gold, pink or navy. Sizes 8 to 18.
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