H I I I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Drew University with a grant from the American Theological Library Association http://archive.org/details/together17unse Chief Justice Warren tells of New Hope for Old India Eight Pages of Color Spring Sings of Faith •V* fc/?.%-/ >e M i<&**i<<y*t>tlt Ma^ci^L^L^e fo^i M eJJuo-<LlAJ. 4* GLSfUsLLe^L ^^ tf&F & // •$) \* "flSI ^ *vtf*& ^$£>****5srt8& wk <*> Together Established in 1826 us CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE The Midmonth Magazine for Methodist Families "Is thy heart right, as my heart is with thine? . Dost thou love and serve God? It is enough. I give thee the right hand of fellowship." John Wesley (1703-1791 ) THE GREAT COMMISSION APRIL, 1957 Vol. 1, No. 7 Howard Chandler Christy's great painting The Mother's Hymn (Favorite Poem) 2 of Jesus giving the Great Commission to his disciples The Face of Christ Corl Sandburg 9 is owned by Dr. Elmer T. Clark, secretary New Hope for Old India Chief Justice Earl Warren os told to James C. Derieux 10 of the World Methodist Council, Lake Junaluska, N. C. Unusual Methodists 14 It shows the risen Christ at Ascension as The Easter Gift Herbert A. Francis 16 he proclaimed: "Go Into All The World." Let's Change Our Pace! . Charles W. Ferguson 19 How I Think of Immortality . Edwin Markham 21 They Adopted the 'UN' (Pictorial) 24 I Was There Chester A. McPheeters 28 TOGETHER is an official organ of The Methodist Church, Two Methodists Look at Social Drinking (Powwow) 30 issued monthly by The Methodist Publishing House, 740 Morie Miller 31 N. Rush Street, Chicago 11, 111. Opinions expressed do not Dr. Lester Keyser 32 necessarily reflect concurrence of The Methodist Church. Each One is 'Special' Marjorie N. Pressey 33 Entered as second-class mailing matter at Post Office in Spring Sings of Faith (Pictorial) 35 Chicago, 111., under Act of March 3, 1879; additional entry at Nashville, Tenn. Accepted for mailing at special rate in These Women Get Things Done! Murray Teigh Bloom 43 Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 5, 1918. Teens Together Richmond Barbour 46 And Love Let Him In Paul McAfee 50 My Bible and Bad Times .... Martin Niemoller os told to John L. Shernll 53 Manuscripts and Correspondence for publication: Write to Looks at New Books Barnabas 55 Editorial Offices, 740 N. Rush Street, Chicago 11, 111. Magic Carpet of Friendship . Robert W. Luebke 61 Authors should send postage. Light Unto My Path (Four Meditations) 63 Subscription: $3 per year. Write to Business Depart- News of the World Parish 7, 65 ment, 740 N. Rush St., Chicago 11, 111. OTHER FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS Advertising: For rates write to Together Magazine Repre- sentatives, 454 Wrigley Building, Chicago 11, Illinois. Letters 3 Browsing in Fiction . 59 A Prayer 78 Best Sellers . 60 Spiritual Efficiency . 47 Dr. Rail Answers . 64 Small Fry 48 Methodist Almanack . 66 Editor: Leland D. Case Executive Editor: Paul Friggens at . Looks Movies 34 Let's Get Acquainted . 74 Managing Editor: Charles W. Keysor Art Editor: Floyd A. Johnson Associate Editors: H. B. Teeter, Bruce L. Williams, Fred R. Zepp Editorial Assistants: Else Bjorn- T athr stad, Beverly Cederberg, Judy M. Johnson, Owen Meredith Contributing Editors: Newman S. Cryer, Jr., T. Otto Nail, H. F. Rail, Roy L. Smith Business Manager: War- As any boy learns at Easter, ren P. Clark Advertising Manager: John H. Fisher a babychick is bright-eyed, Publisher: Lovick Pierce Associate Publisher: J. Edgar fluffy, soft, warm, and full Washabaugh. • (Copyright 1957 by Lovick Pierce.) of peeps. He is also full of pecks, most eager to try out that tiny bill. So—watch those freckles, my boy! The fcL photo is by Vivienne Lapham. • ., Favorite Poem Submitted by Mrs. Carl M. Boyd, Indianapolis, Ind. the Mothers Hymn German-Jewish refugee Fred Fredden Goldberg painted this compelling scene of modern mother love from sketch he made in China. Painting was shown at Madonna Festival, sponsored annually by Los Angeles' Methodist Wilshire Church. Lord who ordainest for mankind Such thanks the blessed Mary gave Benignant toils and tender cares, When from her lap the Lloly Child, We thank thee for the ties that bind Sent from on high to seek and save The mother to the child she bears. The lost of earth, looked up and smiled. We thank thee for the hopes that rise All-Gracious! grant to those who bear Within her heart, as, day by day, A mother's charge, the strength and light The dawning soul, from those young eyes, To guide the feet that own their care Looks with a clearer, steadier ray. In ways of Love and Truth and Right. And grateful for the blessing given -William Cullen Biyant, 1794-1878 With that dear infant on her knee, She trains the eye to look to heaven, The voice to lisp a prayer to Thee. Together /April 1957 — etters Share the Phone! ent or guardian, whether it be Christ- mas, Easter, or just everyday life. Then Mrs. L. P. Winsor the parent will receive truth from the Troy, N.Y. child. I read the advice of .Dr. Barbour in Teens Together [February To- gether, page 45] where it was sug- 'Superficial . Irrelevant' gc ted that to solve the problem of William S. Hatcher teen-agers using the family telephone Vanderbilt University they find work and have their own Nashville, Tenn. private phone installed. It seems to me that children might As a college senior and pre-ministerial learn to share in a home. Also, student, I would like to express my ex- in this day and age when we are being treme disappointment in the new Meth- asked to sacrifice for our churches, odist magazine, Together. If I were it utter waste of not identified with the institution seems an money Send for "Bright Horizons" today. Learn when one telephone has been and still which publishes it, I would not even how you can make your future secure, how is ample to provide the services for take the trouble to give you a criticism you can increase your spiritual satisfac- which the telephone was intended of it. tion and live more abundantly by means of business—and not foolishness. As for Together is superficial and wholly me, I certainly am not proud of an irrelevant to anything approaching the The ANNUITY PLAN official magazine that sends such advice real meaning of the Christian faith. It into the homes of the church that it strongly resembles the publications of An investment that saves you worry, principal is represents. fraternal and business organizations. trouble and expense. Your The magazine pictures Methodism as a safe, your income guaranteed at a high passive fraternity of "just plain folks" rate. As long as you live your income never varies, no ups and downs, no re- Re: Man at the Middle huddling in "togetherness" to gain com- investment worries. Finally your money fort, security, and success, rather than Dorothy McDonald Copeland goes for God's work here and abroad, the creative and redemptive fellowship spreading the Gospel, winning souls. Director of Christian Education of suffering love which is the only First Methodist Church thing capable of renewing and trans- YOUR TWO-FOLD BENEFIT Independence, Mo. forming a world on the brink of dis- A DOUBLE BLESSING Of the 571 district superintendents aster . help yourself while helping others, It is not togetherness we need. It is You in The Methodist Church in the U.S., "i mi can lease a legacy not onl\ to cany satisfying fellowship, capable selected favorite for excel- deep and you my your on Missionary enterprise but also to pro- of facing the depths which life has to lent picture article, Methodism's Man vide an income for life for one or more in affirming this can the offer. Only Meth ones. Remember receive a high at Middle | February Together, loved you odism claim to live in the spirit of its legal con- page 22]. Twenty years ago when I rate o\' return under a binding founder, Wesley. you You all was an Epworth Leaguer in his church, John tract as long as live. save fees legal or otherwise. You enjo) tax the inspiration of Dr. McKean's life advantages and avoid trouble over a \\ ill and his interest in our youth group from and loss or dissipation o( your estate. helped me decide to enter Christian Report Mong Kong service. New beautiful booklet " Bright Horizons" R \i imi A. Ward, Bishop Maurice McKean has always been the Hong Kong in two Colon gives you full particulars. Send copj today. "man at the middle," uniting the hearts for your have it. is a of his people with the mind of God. You done TOGETHER That's the way it looks to us Thank you for producing such a won- success. Mail for FREE Book Now derful magazine. OUt here. The December issue has jusl d us. Congratulations on the new Divition of World Millions ond Divition of publication. Notional Mi»»ion» ofthe Board of Million* of Agrees With Linklctter THE METHODIST CHURCH, 150 Fifth Ave., New York 11. N. Y. T4-27-7 Attention: Rev. H. Burnharn KlrkUnd Austin B. Hall She Doesn't Enj'oj Dangling D Mi Kirkland Pleatt lead mi Plan and Smhhville, W.Va. i Horiioni" detcribina toa Annuit) ii\ advantai Mi{^. VlRGINl \ M. km PI LA Since reading Art Linkletter's article, Bristol, Tenn. The Darkest Day of My Life | February Name I wish appreciation Together, page 48], I can understand to express my why Art Linklctter has been my favor- of your i\n IKnt magazine.
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